QB/T 4671-2014 PDF English
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Test method for synthetic leather/artificial leather. Resistance to hydrolysis
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QB/T 4671-2014: PDF in English (QBT 4671-2014) QB/T 4671-2014
ICS 59.080.40
Classification No.: Y47
Record No.: 46712-2014
Test Method for Synthetic Leather/Artificial Leather -
Resistance to Hydrolysis
ISSUED ON: JULY 09, 2014
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Test Principle... 4
4 Test Equipment and Materials ... 5
5 Preparation of Specimen ... 5
6 Test Procedures ... 6
7 Test Report ... 7
Test Method for Synthetic Leather/Artificial Leather -
Resistance to Hydrolysis
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the constant temperature and humidity hydrolysis resistance
method (Method-A), the normal temperature lye acceleration method (Method-B) and
the high temperature lye acceleration method (Method-C), which are the test methods
for determining the hydrolysis resistance of artificial leather and synthetic leather.
This Standard is applicable to the hydrolysis resistance test of polyurethane artificial
leather and polyurethane synthetic leather.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 629-1997 Chemical Reagent - Sodium Hydroxide
GB/T 2918-1998 Plastics - Standard Atmospheres for Conditioning and Testing
GB/T 6682-2008 Water for Analytical Laboratory Use - Specification and Test
GB/T 8949-2008 Polyurethane Dry-Processing Artificial Leather
QB/T 2714-2005 Leather - Physical and Mechanical Tests – Determination of
Flex Resistance
3 Test Principle
Under a certain temperature and humidity, or under a certain temperature and lye with
a certain concentration, after a specified time, evaluate the hydrolysis resistance of the
sample according to the changes in the sample surface state and changes in the
mechanical properties of the sample.
6 Test Procedures
Artificial leather/synthetic leather hydrolysis resistance test methods are divided into
constant temperature and humidity hydrolysis resistance method (Method-A), normal
temperature lye acceleration method (Method-B), and high temperature lye
acceleration method (Method-C), of which the normal temperature lye acceleration
method (Method-B) is the arbitration method.
6.1 Constant temperature and humidity hydrolysis resistance method (Method-
6.1.1 Set the temperature of the constant temperature and humidity tester to 70°C and
the relative humidity to 95%. After reaching the temperature and humidity, hang the
specimen in the tester. The specimens shall not touch each other and shall not touch
the wall and bottom of the chamber.
6.1.2 Take out the specimen after the heat-moisture treatment for integral multiple of
24h (2400h at maximum); in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2918-1998, stand
for 2h under the environmental conditions at a temperature of (23±2) °C and a relative
humidity of (50±10) %; and observe whether there is obvious lubrication on the surface.
NOTE: The time for the heat-moisture treatment shall be negotiated by the supplier and the
6.2 Normal temperature lye acceleration method (Method-B)
6.2.1 Place the analytically-pure NaOH reagent in a beaker; add distilled water to
prepare a 10% NaOH solution; stir evenly by a glass rod; and let it stand. After it is
completely dissolved and cooled to 23°C, move it into a high-temperature resisting
6.2.2 Under the conditions of temperature (23±2) °C and relative humidity (50±5) %;
immerse the specimen in the above 10% NaOH solution; stand it for an integer multiple
of 12h (1200h at maximum), then take out. Rinse with clean water; the specimen shall
not be damaged during the rinse process. The pH of the specimen extruded solution
after rinse shall be measured to be 6~8; and observe whether there is obvious
lubrication on the surface.
6.2.3 Dry the sample in an oven at (102±2) °C.
NOTE: The placement time shall be negotiated by the supplier and the purchaser.
6.3 High temperature lye acceleration method (Method-C)
6.3.1 Place the analytically-pure NaOH reagent in a beaker; add distilled water to
prepare a 10% NaOH solution; stir evenly by a glass rod; let it stand. After it is
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.