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QB/T 4552-2020 PDF English

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QB/T 4552-2020: PDF in English (QBT 4552-2020)

QB/T 4552-2020 QB LIGHT INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 61.060 Classification No.: Y 78 Replacing QB/T 4552-2013 Slippers 拖鞋 ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 09, 2020 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 01, 2021 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 6  4 Product classification ... 6  5 Requirements ... 7  6 After-sales quality judgment ... 9  7 Test method ... 9  8 Inspection items and qualification judgment ... 12  9 Inspection rules, signs, packaging, transportation, storage ... 13  Appendix A (Normative) List of harmful aromatic amine dyes ... 14  Appendix B (Informative) Judgement of after-sale quality ... 15  Slippers 1 Scope This standard specifies the terms and definitions, product classification, requirements, after-sale quality judgment, test methods, inspection items and judgments, inspection rules, signs, packaging, transportation, storage of slippers. This standard applies to slippers for daily wear. This standard does not apply to disposable slippers. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this standard. GB/T 251-2008 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Grey scale for assessing staining GB/T 2703 Footwear - Vocabulary GB/T 2912.1-2009 Textiles - Determination of formaldehyde - Part 1: Free and hydrolyzed formaldehyde (water extraction method) GB/T 3903.2-2017 Footwear - General test methods - Abrasion resistance GB/T 3903.3-2011 Footwear - General test methods - Peeling strength GB/T 3903.5-2011 Footwear - General test methods - Appearance quality GB/T 3903.6-2017 Footwear - Test methods for whole shoe - Slip performance GB/T 17592-2011 Textiles - Determination of the banned azo colorants GB/T 19941.1-2019 Leather and fur - Determination of formaldehyde content - Part 1: High performance liquid chromatography method GB/T 19942-2019 Leather and fur-Chemical tests-Determination of banned azo colorants - Leather-faced (including the first layer and split leather) slippers; - Fur-faced slippers; - Synthetic (artificial) leather slippers; - Fabric slippers; - Slippers with other materials or mixed materials. 4.2 It is divided into the following 3 categories, according to the wearing object: - Infant's slippers; - Children's slippers; - Adult's slippers. 5 Requirements 5.1 General requirements 5.1.1 The safety indicators of infant's slippers and children's slippers shall meet the requirements of GB 30585. 5.1.2 The marking shall meet the requirements of QB/T 2673. 5.1.3 There shall be no defects, which affect wearing. 5.2 Sensory quality The sensory quality shall meet the requirements of 5.2 in GB/T 36975-2018. 5.3 Physical and mechanical properties (except for infant's slippers) 5.3.1 Peeling strength of upper sole The peeling strength of the upper sole is measured for the closed-toed slippers, which adopt the adhesive process. The peeling strength of the upper sole is not measured for the rest slippers. The peeling strength of the upper sole shall not be less than 25 N/cm. 5.3.2 Pull-out force of band For slippers, which are not suitable for testing the peeling strength of the upper sole (such as shoes which have a thickness of more than 25 mm in the test part of the sole), they shall be subject to the test of pull-out force of the upper band. For slippers, which are made through sewing, gluing or riveting (including flip-flops), they shall be tested for the pull-out force of the upper band. If the width of the upper band is greater than 25 mm AND it is not suitable for cutting samples, the pull-out force of band may be exempted from test. The pull-out force of the upper band may be exempted from test, for one-time forming slippers. The pull-out force of the upper band of slippers, which are made through the process of cold bonding, sewing, glue-sealing, shall not be less than 80 N. The pull-out force of the upper band of slippers, which are made through the assembly process such as rivets, shall not be less than 50 N. If the material is torn AND the band is not pulled out at the bonding part of the upper sole, the pull-out strength of the upper band shall not be less than 30 N/cm. 5.3.3 Wear resistance of outsole Outsoles of natural leather, artificial leather, synthetic leather, fabric materials (such as stitched cloth sole, etc.) do not require abrasion resistance. The length of the wear mark shall not be greater than 15.0 mm. There shall be no wear through the outsole. 5.3.4 Anti-slip performance of outsole Bathroom slippers AND slippers with a nominal anti-slip function shall be tested for the anti-slip performance of the outsole. The wet dynamic friction coefficient shall not be less than 0.40. 5.3.5 Color fastness to rubbing of lining and insock For slippers, whose lining and insock are made of textiles, leather, fur, artificial leather, synthetic leather, they shall be tested for the color fastness to rubbing of the lining and insock. The wet rubbing staining grade of suede leather shall not be less than level 2. The wet rubbing staining level of leather, textiles, fur, artificial wool, other materials shall not be less than level 3. 5.4 Odor The odor level shall not be greater than level 3. may stop the test. The test result is recorded as greater than 100 N/cm. 7.3 Pull-out force of band Under the standard ambient temperature (23 ± 2) °C, which is specified in GB/T 22049-2019, carry out the inspection according to GB/T 38011-2019. For slippers, which have a band width of greater than 25 mm AND are suitable for sampling, the sample shall be taken from the middle part of the band. When there are multiple bands, take at least 2 narrower bends for inspection; take the lowest value as the final result. 7.4 Wear resistance of outsole Carry out the test according to GB/T 3903.2-2017. When testing the surface of the microporous material outsole, the surface is not polished. If the sample does not meet the test requirements (such as the vibration of the grinding wheel during the test), it may be exempted from the test. If the flat part of the solid material outsole does not meet the test area requirements, it shall be polished before the test. 7.5 Anti-slip performance of outsole Carry out test according to GB/T 3903.6-2017. Choose ceramic tiles as the interface; choose grade-3 water as the medium; choose the horizontal mode as the test mode. Take the wet dynamic friction coefficient of the specimen, as the result. Take the arithmetic average of the left and right feet of the same pair of shoes, as the final result. 7.6 Color fastness to rubbing of lining and insock 7.6.1 Take the same material of the lining and the insock as the specimen. If there is no lining, the contact surface between the upper surface and the foot is used as a specimen for inspection. If the specimen area does not meet the sampling requirements, it may take sample from the same batch of materials, for inspection. 7.6.2 In accordance with the method A of QB/T 2882-2007, wet wipe 50 times for inspection. The gray scale shall meet the requirements in GB/T 251-2008. 7.7 Peculiar smell 7.7.1 Test equipment When the shoe size is 200 and below, the diameter of the test dryer is 240 mm. When the shoe size is larger than 200, the diameter of the test dryer is 300 mm. 7.7.2 Test environment Appendix B (Informative) Judgement of after-sale quality B.1 After-sales service period It may be determined by the enterprise, according to the product grade. It shall be clearly stated in the after-sales service provisions. B.2 Judgement of after-sales quality In the case of normal wear within the after-sales service period, the following problems can be judged as quality problems: a) It does not meet the quality requirements in the product standard; b) The upper surface is cracked; the upper foot is broken and cracked; it is severely frosted, discolored; the front upper's surface is obviously loose; the coating layer falls off; the upper surface, which is in contact with ground, is worn; c) Line breaks and glue opens; d) Head deforms; e) The heel is deformed, cracked, broken or falls off; the heel surface falls off; f) The lining and insock are obviously decolorized and stain the socks; the lining and insock are worn out; g) The outsole or insole is cracked, broken or uneven, which affects the wearing; h) The foxing band has glue opening or breaks; i) Protruding nail tips (heads) inside the shoes, unevenness inside the shoes, which affects the wearing; j) The upper surface's decorations fall off. B.3 Inspection method B.3.1 Sensory inspection: The inspection shall be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 3903.5-2011. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.