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Q/BQB 418-2023 PDF English

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Q/BQB 418-2023English415 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Cold-rolled advanced high strength steel sheet and strip  
Q/BQB 418-2021English205 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Cold-rolled advanced high strength steel sheet and strip
Q/BQB 418-2019English170 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Cold-rolled advanced high-strength steel plate and strip
Q/BQB 418-2018English130 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Cold-rolled advanced high-strength steel plate and strip Obsolete
Q/BQB 418-2014English320 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Cold-rolled advanced high-strength steel plate and strip Obsolete
Q/BQB 418-2009English249 Add to Cart 3 days Dual-phase High Strength Cold Rolled Steel Plate and Strip Obsolete
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Q/BQB 418-2023: PDF in English (QBQB 418-2023)

Q/BQB 418-2023 BQB ENTERPRISE STANDARD OF BAOSHAN IRON AND STEEL CO., LTD Replacing Q/BQB 418-2021 Cold-Rolled Advanced High Strength Steel Sheet and Strip ISSUED ON: APRIL 9, 2023 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 1, 2023 Issued by: Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative References ... 5 3 Terms and Definitions ... 6 4 Classification and Code ... 7 5 Information Required for Ordering ... 9 6 Dimension, Shape, Weight and Allowable Deviation ... 9 7 Technical Requirements ... 10 8 Inspection and Testing ... 14 9 Packaging, Marking and Inspection Documents ... 16 10 Rules for Rounding off of Values ... 16 11 Comparison of Designation Similarity ... 16 Appendix A (Informative) Comparison List of Similar Designations between this Document and Relevant Domestic/Foreign Standards ... 17 Foreword This Document was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for Standardization – Part 1: Rules for the Structure and Drafting of Standardizing Documents. This Document was formulated by reference of EN 10338:2015 and VDA 239-100:2016. This Document replaced Q/BQB 418-2021 Cold-Rolled Advanced High-Strength Steel Plate and Strip. Compared with Q/BQB 418-2021, the major technical changes of this Document are as follows: --- Revise the Normative References; deleted the quotation of JIS Z 2241; --- Add HC1000/1470DP designation and corresponding technical indicator requirements; --- Add B420/780DP designation and corresponding technical indicator requirements; delete B400/780DP designation; --- Modify the upper limit requirements for Si content of 590DP and 780DP series designations; --- Modify the requirements for Al composition specified in Table 4; --- Modify the provisions for tensile specimens in Tables 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; uniformly adopt the P17 specimen specified in GB/T 228.1; and supplement the description of using longitudinal tensile specimens; --- Adjust Table 8 to distinguish between tensile test and bending test; --- In 8.3 tensile test method, add the second-rate requirement; --- Change the description of "Description of Value-n detection method " in Clause 8.4; --- Revise Appendix C Comparison list of similar designations of relevant domestic and foreign standards; --- Editorial modification of the document. This Document was proposed by Manufacturing and Management Department of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. This Document shall be under the jurisdiction of Manufacturing and Management Department of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. This Document was drafted by Manufacturing and Management Department of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Cold-Rolled Advanced High Strength Steel Sheet and Strip 1 Scope This Document specifies the terms and definitions, classification and code, dimensions, shape, weight, technical requirements, inspection and testing, packaging, marking and inspection documents of cold-rolled advanced high-strength steel sheet and strip. This Document is applicable to cold-rolled advanced high-strength steel sheet and strip (hereinafter referred to as steel sheet and strip) with a thickness of 0.50mm ~ 2.5mm produced by Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. 2 Normative References The provisions in following documents become the essential provisions of this Document through reference in this Document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this Document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this Document. GB/T 222 Permissible tolerances for chemical composition of steel products GB/T 223 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy GB/T 228.1-2021 Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at room temperature GB/T 232 Metallic materials - Bend test GB/T 2523 Measuring method of surface roughness and peak count for cold-rolled metal sheet (strip) GB/T 2975 Steel and Steel Products - Location and Preparation of Test Pieces for Mechanical Testing GB/T 4336 Carbon and low-alloy steel - Determination of multi-element contents - Spark discharge atomic emission spectrometric method (routine method) GB/T 5028 Metallic materials-Sheet and strip - Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent (n-values) GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgement of limiting values GB/T 20066 Steel and Iron-Sampling and Preparation of Samples for the Determination of Chemical Composition GB/T 20123 Steel and iron - Determination of total carbon and sulfur content - Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (routine method) GB/T 20125 Low-alloy steel - Determination of multi-element contents - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method GB/T 20126 Unalloyed steel - Determination of low carbon content - Part 2: Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (with preheating) Q/BQB 400 Packaging, marking, inspection documents for cold rolled products Q/BQB 401 Dimension, shape, weight and tolerances for cold-rolled steel sheet and strip 3 Terms and Definitions For the purposes of this Document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 Dual phase steels (DP) The microstructure of the steel is ferrite and martensite; and the martensite structure is dispersed in the ferrite matrix in the form of islands. Dual-phase steel has a low yield strength ratio and high work hardening performance. At the same yield strength level, high-strength low-alloy steel has higher strength and is one of the preferred materials for structural parts. 3.2 Martensitic steels (MS) The microstructure of steel is almost entirely martensitic structure; and martensitic steel generally has higher tensile strength and higher yield strength ratio. 3.3 Transformation induced plasticity steels (TR) The microstructure of the steel is ferrite, bainite and retained austenite, of which the content of retained austenite is no less than 5%. During the forming process, the retained austenite can be transformed into martensite. Due to its high work hardening rate, this steel has a higher uniform elongation and higher tensile strength; and has a higher elongation than dual-phase steel at the same tensile strength level. 3.4 Complex phase steels (CP) The microstructure of the steel is martensite, bainite, ferrite and a small amount of retained austenite. Its matrix structure is mainly hard phase martensite and bainite, with a relatively high yield strength ratio, and a slightly lower uniform elongation than dual-phase steel (DP) and transformation induced plasticity steel (TRIP) with the same tensile strength level. The tensile strength is usually above 600MPa, and the bending performance is excellent. 3.5 Quenching and partitioning steel (QP) QP steel is a type of high-formability ultra-high-strength steel produced by quenching- partitioning process. The microstructure of the steel is a multi-phase composite composition of martensite + ferrite + retained austenite. By utilizing the ultra-high strength brought by martensite and the transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) effect of retained austenite, it can obtain better forming performance than traditional ultra-high-strength steel. QP steel has a medium yield strength ratio and high work hardening performance; and is suitable for body frame parts and safety parts with relatively complex shapes and high strength requirements. 3.6 Dual Phase High Ductility steels (DH) The microstructure of the steel is mainly composed of ferrite, martensite and a small amount of retained austenite and bainite. Compared with DP steel of the same strength level, it provides continuous work hardening ability through TRIP action, obtains better formability; and is suitable for forming parts with higher drawing requirements. 4 Classification and Code 4.1 The classification of steel plate and strip according to the use shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.