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NB/T 47019.6-2011 (NB/T 47019.6-2021 Newer Version) PDF English

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NB/T 47019.6-2021English209 Add to Cart 3 days (Ordering specifications for boiler and heat exchanger tubes-Part 6: Austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steel) Valid
NB/T 47019.6-2011English90 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Purchase technical specification for boiler and heater exchanger tubes/pipes. Part 6: Ferrite/austenite duplex steel Obsolete
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NB/T 47019.6-2011: PDF in English (NBT 47019.6-2011)

NB/T 47019.6-2011 ICS 27.060.30 J 75 NB INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Purchase technical specification for boiler & heater exchanger tubes/pipes – Part 6. Ferrite/austenite duplex steel ISSUED ON. JULY 01, 2011 IMPLEMENTED ON. OCTOBER 01, 2011 Issued by. National Energy Administration Table of contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 General requirements ... 6  4 Dimensions and shapes ... 6  5 Technical requirements ... 7  6 Test methods ... 9  7 Inspection rules ... 10  8 Packaging, marking and quality certificates ... 11  Foreword This standard NB/T 47019-2011 “Purchase technical specification for boiler & heater exchanger tubes/pipes” was compiled with reference to the European standard EN, United States standard ASME, Japan standard JIS, and so on, combining with China's national standards and industry standards, AND the purchase agreement of boiler and heat exchanger manufacturers. This standard covers the purchase technical specifications for the steel tubes and non-ferrous metal tubes which are normally used in boiler, heat exchangers and other pressure equipment. It is mainly divided into the following eight parts. - Part 1. General requirements; - Part 2. Non-alloy and alloy steel with room temperature properties; - Part 3. Non-alloy and alloy steel with specified elevated temperature properties; - Part 4. Low alloy steel for low-temperature services. - Part 5. Stainless steel; - Part 6. Ferrite/austenitic duplex steel; - Part 7. Copper and copper alloy tube; - Part 8. Titanium and titanium alloy. This part is the sixth part of NB/T 47019-2011. This part mainly makes reference to SA-789 Seamless and welded ferrite/austenite stainless steel tube for general use, GB/T 21883 Austenitic – Ferritic (duplex) stainless steel seamless tubes and pipes, AND other enterprise’s purchase standard. This part totally lists 4 designations, which mainly considers the utilization demands of duplex steel in China in the future. As compared with the domestic and international standards, the main differences are as follows. - SPECIFY stricter P, S element limit; - SPECIFY the inspection of ultrasonic wave test blind area; - SPECIFY the requirements for the inspection items as agreed between both parties; Purchase technical specification for boiler & heater exchanger tubes/pipes - Part 6. Ferrite/austenite duplex steel 1 Scope This part specifies the designation, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking and quality certificate requirements for the ferrite/austenite duplex seamless steel tube used for heater exchanger. This part applies to the cold drawing (rolling) ferrite/austenite duplex seamless steel tube which is resistant to normal corrosion and stress corrosion. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 222 Permissible tolerances for chemical composition of steel products GB/T 223 (all parts) Methods for chemical analysis of iron steel and alloy GB/T 228 Metallic materials – Tensile testing at ambient temperature GB/T 230.1 Metallic materials – Rockwell hardness test – Part 1. Test method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K, N, T) GB/T 231.1 Metallic materials – Brinell hardness test – Part 1. Test method GB/T 241 Metal materials – Tube – Hydrostatic pressure test GB/T 242 Metal materials – Tube – Drift-expending test GB/T 246 Metal materials – Tube – Flattening test GB/T 2102 Acceptance packing marking and quality certification of steel pipe GB/T 2975 Steel and steel products – Location and preparation of test pieces for mechanical testing 5.6.2 After the water pressure test, BLOW dry the steel tube; if it cannot ensure drying, the chlorine ion content in water shall not exceed 25 mg/L. 5.6.3 Where the purchaser has no requirement, the manufacturer may use the eddy current test in lieu of the water pressure test. When the eddy current test is used to replace the water pressure test, the artificial defects of the contrasting sample tube and the acceptance level shall comply with the requirements of level A in GB/T 7735. 5.7 Corrosion test Through negotiation between both parties, the welded tube may be subjected to the corrosion test, AND the test methods and qualification indicators will be noted in the contract. 5.8 Metallographic test The steel tube shall be subjected to metallographic structure test, the metallographic structure is ferrite/austenite, AND it is not allowed for the existence of σ phase. The area content of ferrite in the metallographic structure shall be 40% ~ 60%. 5.9 Non-destructive test 5.9.1 The steel tube shall be subjected to the ultrasonic detection one by one, AND the longitudinal notch depth level of the contrasting sample tube shall comply with the provisions of L3 in GB/T 5777. 5.9.2 As for the non-destructive test blind test area, through negotiation between both parties, it is allowed to conduct penetration test. The penetration test shall follow the provisions of level I in JB/T 4730.5. 6 Test methods 6.1 The tube size and shape shall be measured one by one through the gauges which comply with the precision requirements. 6.2 The inner and outer surface quality of the tube shall be inspected visually one by one. 6.3 The sampling and test methods for the other inspection items shall comply with the requirements of Table 4. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.