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NB/T 47013.3-2023 PDF English

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NB/T 47013.3-2023English2105 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 3: Ultrasonic testing Valid
NB/T 47013.3-2015English265 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Nondestructive testing of pressure equipments - Part 3: Ultrasonic testing [Including 2018XG1] Obsolete
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NB/T 47013.3-2023: PDF in English (NBT 47013.3-2023)

NB/T 47013.3-2023 NB ENERGY INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.040.20 CCS H 26 Replacing NB/T 47013.3-2015 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipments - Part 3: Ultrasonic testing ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 28, 2023 IMPLEMENTED ON: JUNE 28, 2024 Issued by: National Energy Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 6 1 Scope ... 8 2 Normative references ... 8 3 Terms and definitions ... 9 4 General requirements ... 11 5 Ultrasonic testing methods and quality rating of raw materials or parts for pressure equipment ... 21 6 Ultrasonic testing method and quality rating for welded joints of pressure equipment ... 51 7 Ultrasonic testing method for thickness of pressure equipment ... 76 8 Ultrasonic testing methods for pressure equipment in use ... 84 9 Ultrasonic testing records and reports ... 93 Appendix A (Normative) Electrical performance index requirements for ultrasonic detectors ... 95 Appendix B (Normative) Performance index requirements for ultrasonic detection probes ... 98 Appendix C (Normative) Performance requirements of dual chip straight probes .. 100 Appendix D (Normative) Testing method and acceptance criteria for plates for pressure equipment by ultrasonic oblique probe ... 102 Appendix E (Normative) Ultrasonic oblique probe testing method and quality rating of carbon steel and low alloy steel annular and cylindrical forgings for pressure equipment ... 105 Appendix F (Normative) Ultrasonic oblique probe testing method for austenitic stainless steel ring and cylindrical forgings for pressure equipment ... 111 Appendix G (Normative) Ultrasonic testing methods and quality rating of weld overlays for pressure equipment ... 114 Appendix H (Normative) Ultrasonic testing method and quality rating for butt joints of aluminum, aluminum alloy, titanium pressure equipment ... 119 Appendix I (Normative) Ultrasonic testing method and quality rating of austenitic stainless steel and nickel-based alloy welded joints of pressure equipment ... 122 Appendix J (Normative) Ultrasonic testing method for curved longitudinal butt joints of pressure equipment ... 142 Appendix K (Normative) Ultrasonic testing method for curved circumferential butt joints of pressure equipment ... 146 Appendix L (Normative) Ultrasonic testing method for fillet joints between tubes and cylinders (or heads) of pressure equipment ... 149 Appendix M (Normative) Ultrasonic testing method for T-shaped welded joints of pressure equipment ... 154 Appendix N (Normative) Specific requirements for ultrasonic testing of different types of welded joints ... 156 Appendix O (Normative) CSK-IIIA test block ... 167 Appendix P (Normative) Determination of transmission loss difference of acoustic energy ... 168 Appendix Q (Normative) Echo dynamic waveform mode ... 172 Appendix R (Normative) Defect height measurement method (I): Determination of defect height by end-point diffraction wave method ... 175 Appendix S (Normative) Defect height measurement method (II): Defect height determination by end maximum echo method ... 180 Appendix T (Normative) Defect height measurement method (III): -6 dB method for measuring defect height ... 183 Appendix U (Informative) Ultrasonic testing methods for pressure equipment using imaging technology ... 186 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipments - Part 3: Ultrasonic testing 1 Scope 1.1 This document specifies the method and quality rating requirements for ultrasonic testing of pressure equipment, using the A-type pulse reflection method. 1.2 This document is applicable to the ultrasonic testing of raw materials, parts, welded joints made of metal materials, during the production and use of pressure equipment. 1.3 The ultrasonic testing of metal support parts and structural parts (including welded joints) related to pressure equipment can be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of this document. 1.4 When ultrasonic imaging technology combining A-type display and other display methods is used for testing, it can also be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this document. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for referenced documents with dates, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for referenced documents without dates, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 699 Quality carbon structural steels GB/T 11259 Non-destructive testing - Practice for fabrication and control of steel reference blocks used in ultrasonic testing GB/T 12604.1 Non-destructive testing - Terminology - Ultrasonic testing GB/T 27664.1 Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic test equipment - Part 1: Instruments GB/T 27664.2 Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic test equipment - Part 2: Probes GB/T 29460 Safety evaluation for electrofusion joint of polyethylene tubes containing defects GB/T 30579 Damage modes identification for pressure equipments JB/T 8428 Non-destructive testing - General specification for ultrasonic blocks JB/T 9214 Non-destructive testing - Test methods for evaluating performance 4 General requirements 4.1 Testing personnel 4.1.1 The general requirements for ultrasonic testing personnel shall comply with the provisions of NB/T 47013.1. 4.1.2 In addition to understanding and mastering basic ultrasonic theory and necessary practical experience, ultrasonic testing personnel shall also have certain basic knowledge of metal materials, equipment manufacturing and installation, welding and heat treatment; be familiar with the material, manufacturing process and acoustic characteristics of the workpiece to be tested; be able to analyze, judge, deal with problems encountered during testing. 4.2 Testing equipment and instruments 4.2.1 Product quality certificate of ultrasonic testing instrument (hereinafter referred to as "instrument") and probe The instrument product quality certificate shall at least give the main performance parameters, such as preheating time, low voltage alarm voltage or low voltage automatic shutdown voltage, transmission pulse repetition frequency, effective output impedance, transmission pulse voltage, transmission pulse rise time, transmission pulse width (when square wave pulse is used as transmission pulse), receiving circuit band. The probe quality certificate shall give the main parameters, such as center frequency, bandwidth, electrical impedance or static capacitance, relative pulse echo sensitivity, oblique probe sound beam performance (including probe incident point or front edge, probe refraction angle β or K value, etc.). 4.2.2 Instrument, probe and combination performance Instrument A-type pulse reflection ultrasonic detector is used. Its operating frequency shall at least include the frequency range of 0.5 MHz ~ 10 MHz according to -3 dB measurement. The performance indicators of the instrument shall meet the requirements of Appendix A. It shall provide certification documents issued by a third-party laboratory accredited by ISO/IEC 17025, according to the specifications and models. Probe The diameter of the circular chip shall generally be less than or equal to 40 mm. The length of any side of the square chip shall generally not exceed 40 mm. The performance indicators of the probe shall meet the requirements of Appendix B. It shall provide certification documents issued by a third-party laboratory accredited by ISO/IEC 17025, according to the specifications and models. Combination performance of instrument and probe The combination performance of the instrument and probe includes horizontal linearity, vertical linearity, combined frequency, sensitivity margin, blind area (only for roughness of DZ-I test blocks and DB-P Z20-2 test blocks shall comply with the provisions of JB/T 9214. The manufacturing and dimensional accuracy of standard test blocks shall comply with the provisions of JB/T 8428. The test block manufacturer shall provide product quality certificates and ensure that, when each standard test block manufactured by it is compared with the same reflector (surface) on the national standard sample or similar standard test block with value transfer benchmark under the same test conditions, the maximum reflection amplitude difference shall be less than or equal to 2 dB. Comparison test block The comparison test block shall be a test block, which has similar acoustic properties to the test block or the material under test, containing a reference reflector with clear meaning, used to adjust the amplitude and (or) time base of the ultrasonic detector, to compare the detected discontinuous signal (i.e., defect signal) with the signal generated by the reference reflector. When a straight probe is used for detection, the raw materials used for the comparison test block shall not contain defects which are greater than or equal to the equivalent of a φ2 mm flat-bottom hole. The shape, size, quantity of the reference reflectors of the comparison test blocks used for ultrasonic testing of different workpieces under test shall comply with the provisions of the relevant chapters and appendixes of this document. The dimensional tolerance of the comparison test block shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this document, where there are clear requirements in this document; it shall be made in accordance with the provisions of JB/T 8428 where there are no clear requirements. The comparison test blocks are divided into general comparison test blocks and special comparison test blocks General comparison test blocks a) The geometric shape, size, reference reflector setting of the general comparison test blocks shall be in accordance with the drawings of each chapter of this document; its dimensional accuracy shall meet the requirements of JB/T 8428. b) The material for making the general comparison test blocks shall be 20# high- quality carbon structural steel, which is smelted in an electric furnace or open hearth; the chemical composition shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 699. After forging and forming, it shall be normalized to ensure that the material is uniform and there is no acoustic anisotropy. The grain size is 7 ~ 8. When using a straight probe for detection, there shall be no defects greater than or equal to the φ2 mm flat bottom hole equivalent. Special comparison test block a) The acoustic properties of the material of the special comparison test block and the workpiece under test (the sound velocity deviation rate between the two shall not exceed ±1%; the difference in the attenuation coefficient tested with a 5 MHz probe shall not exceed ±2 dB/m) and the manufacturing process are the same or similar. b) The geometric dimensions of the special comparison test block shall represent the characteristics of the workpiece under test to a certain extent; the thickness of the test block shall correspond to the thickness of the workpiece under test. If the testing involves the detection of butt joints of different workpiece thicknesses, the thickness of the test block shall be determined by the workpiece with larger thickness. c) If used for process verification as specified in 4.3.3, the type, size, location, orientation of defects that may exist in the workpiece under test shall also be considered and corresponding reference reflectors shall be set. General principles for the selection of comparison test blocks a) For raw materials, parts or welded joints made of carbon steel and low alloy steel, general comparison test blocks can be used; b) For raw materials, parts or welded joints made of medium alloy steel and high alloy steel, special comparison test blocks shall be used; c) For differences in test results caused by different test block types, the special comparison test blocks shall prevail. Simulation test blocks Simulation test blocks refer to test blocks with simulated defects, which are mainly used for verification of testing process. The material and acoustic properties of the simulation test block shall be the same or similar to those of the workpiece to be tested (the sound velocity deviation rate shall not be greater than 1%; the attenuation coefficient deviation tested with a 5 MHz probe shall not be greater than 2 dB/m). When a straight probe is used to test the raw materials used for the test block, there shall be no defects greater than or equal to the equivalent of a φ2 mm flat bottom hole. The geometry, thickness, surface condition of the simulated test block shall be the same or similar to those of the tested workpiece. For welded joints, the simulated defects shall be prepared by the same welding method as the tested workpiece or by using the real defects found in previous testing; for non-welded joints, the simulated defects shall have similar morphology and acoustic characteristics to the real defects. The type, position, size, quantity of simulated defects shall be set in consideration of the defect state that may exist in the tested workpiece. For welded joints, at least longitudinal and transverse defects, volumetric and area defects, surface and buried defects shall be included. The defect length shall generally not exceed the maximum allowable defect size of the same workpiece thickness specified by the corresponding pressure equipment qualified quality grade; it may be composed of one on signal display of ultrasonic testing equipment and instruments are normal. When using an oblique probe, the probe incident point (front edge) and probe refraction angle (K value) shall be measured before testing. Precautions during calibration, operation verification, inspection During calibration, operation verification, inspection, all controllers that affect the linearity of the instrument (such as suppression or filter switches, etc.) shall be placed in the "off" position or at the lowest level. 4.3 Testing process 4.3.1 Testing process documents Testing process documents consist of process specifications and operating instructions. Process specifications The process specifications shall comply with the provisions of NB/T 47013.1. The process specification shall be prepared by the testing organization in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, product standards, relevant technical documents and the provisions of this document. The testing organization shall also prepare the process specification based on its own characteristics, technical capabilities, resource conditions. When the relevant laws and regulations, product standards, relevant technical documents and the provisions of this document on which the process specification is based are changed, OR when the characteristics, technical capabilities, resource conditions of the testing organization on which it is based are changed, the testing organization shall re-prepare or revise the process specification. The process specification shall specify the scope of application or requirements of the relevant factors listed in Table 1 and relevant chapters and appendixes. When the changes of relevant factors exceed the prescribed scope or requirements (except for items 13 ~ 16 in Table 1), the testing organization shall revise the process specification. The operating instructions shall be verified before the first application. 4.3.2 Technical requirements for testing process Testing timing During the production and use of pressure equipment, the testing timing shall comply with the provisions of relevant laws, regulations, product standards, relevant technical documents. Testing technology class Ultrasonic testing of raw materials and parts for steel pressure equipment does not divide the technical class. The ultrasonic testing technology class of steel pressure equipment welded joints is divided into three classes: A, B, C. If the requirements of the testing technology class cannot be fully met due to structural reasons, the testing agency shall take effective technical measures and formulate special operation instructions; conduct process verification according to 4.3.3. General testing methods for different types of test objects For the testing of raw material tubes, transverse wave oblique incidence testing is generally adopted. For the testing of other raw materials and parts, longitudinal wave direct incidence testing is generally adopted; transverse wave or longitudinal wave oblique incidence testing is added when necessary. For pressure equipment welded joints, transverse wave oblique incidence testing is generally adopted. Longitudinal wave direct incidence testing shall be added when the testing technology class is C. Selection of testing surface (side) The selection of testing surface (side) shall comprehensively consider the structure, manufacturing process, possible location and orientation of defects, operability of test implementation of the workpiece to be tested. For weld joint testing, the selection of tested surface shall also consider the class of testing technology used. Selection of coupling agent and workpiece surface temperature requirements The coupling agent used in actual testing shall be the same as the coupling agent used in setting up and calibrating the testing system. When using conventional probes and coupling agents, the surface temperature of the workpiece to be tested shall be controlled between 0 °C and 50 °C. If the temperature exceeds 50 °C or is lower than 0 °C, special probes or coupling agents may be used. The difference between the setting and calibration of the testing system and the actual testing temperature shall be controlled within 15 °C. 4.3.3 Process verification In the following cases, a general comparison block or a special comparison block is generally used for process verification. a) Testing of raw materials or parts made of carbon steel and low alloy steel; b) Testing of welded joints made of carbon steel and low alloy steel (except as specified in In the following cases, a special comparison test block (in this case, the test block shall be made according to c)) or a simulated test block shall be used for process verification (where d) can only use a simulated test block for process verification). The test block shall cover the scope of such objects in the process specification, at least including the minimum and maximum values of the workpiece specifications; the corresponding test block shall be selected for process verification. a) Testing of raw materials or parent materials of parts made of medium alloy steel and high alloy steel; b) Testing of welded joints of ferritic medium alloy steel and ferritic high alloy steel; ultrasonic testing of welded joints of other fine-grained isotropic and low- attenuation metal materials for pressure equipment; c) Testing of welded joints of ferrite-austenite and austenite steel; testing of welded joints of dissimilar steels; testing of austenite welded joints; testing of nickel- based alloy welded joints; d) Welded joints that cannot fully meet the requirements of the testing technical class due to structural reasons; e) When the relevant chapters and appendixes of this document clearly stipulate; f) When the technical requirements of the contract or the relevant parties deem it necessary. When using a general comparison test block for process verification, the verification content shall include the sensitivity and sensitivity margin within the detection sound range, signal-to-noise ratio, etc., which shall meet the testing requirements. When using special comparison test blocks or simulation test blocks for process verification: a) The verification content shall include the sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, sound beam coverage, echo or display of reference reflectors or defects within the detection sound range, etc., which meet the testing requirements; b) It shall be able to detect all defects set in the test block; c) The measured defect size (indicated length, height, etc.) shall not be less than the actual size of the defect; c) Curved surface compensation: During testing and defect quantitation, for workpieces with curved surfaces, the coupling loss difference caused by the different curvature radii of the workpiece and the comparison test block shall be compensated. 4.5.5 Scanning sensitivity The setting of scanning sensitivity shall comply with the provisions of the relevant chapters and appendixes of this document. 4.5.6 Defect quantitation a) Defect quantitation shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the relevant chapters and appendixes of this document; b) When quantifying defects, the influence of the curvature of the testing surface, the depth of the defect, the width of the sound beam on the defect length shall be considered; appropriate corrections shall be made. 4.5.7 Review of instrument and probe system The system shall be reviewed in any of the following cases: a) The probe, coupling agent, instrument setting parameters have changed; b) The scanning range or scanning sensitivity is suspected to have changed; c) It has been working continuously for more than 4 hours; d) The work is completed. Review of scanning range If the offset of any point on the scanning line exceeds 10% of the reading at that point on the scanning line or 5% of the full scanning range (whichever is larger), the scanning range shall be readjusted and all the testing parts since the last review shall be re-tested. Review of reference sensitivity (review of benchmark sensitivity) During the review, if the reference sensitivity or the echo amplitude of reference reflector, at any depth on the distance-amplitude curve within the test range, drops by more than 2 dB compared with the calibration, all testing locations since the last review shall be re-tested; if the echo amplitude increases by more than or equal to 2 dB compared with the calibration, all recorded signals since the last review shall be re- evaluated. 5 Ultrasonic testing methods and quality rating of raw materials or parts for pressure equipment 5.1 Scope This chapter specifies the ultrasonic testing methods and quality rating of raw materials 5.3.5 Determination of reference sensitivity When testing plate with a thickness of 6 mm ~ 20 mm, use the stepped flat- bottom test block shown in Figure 1 for adjustment. At this time, adjust the first bottom echo of the test block with the same thickness as the workpiece to 50% of the full scale; then increase it by 10 dB; use this as the reference sensitivity after considering the relevant compensation. It can also use the intact part of the plate to be tested for adjustment. At this time, adjust the first bottom echo of the plate to 50% of the full scale; then increase it by 10 dB, as the reference sensitivity. When testing plate with a thickness greater than 20 mm, draw a distance- amplitude curve on the φ5 mm flat-bottom hole test block according to the probe and instrument used; use this as the reference sensitivity after considering the relevant compensation. If the surface coupling compensation caused by the difference in surface roughness with the comparison test block exceeds 6 dB, the testing surface shall be reprocessed. When using a single straight probe for testing, if the relationship between the bottom echo of the plate and the amplitude of the reflected wave of the flat bottom hole of φ5 mm at different depths can be determined, the first bottom echo of the intact part of the plate without defects can be used to adjust the reference sensitivity. The scanning sensitivity shall be at least 6 dB higher than the reference sensitivity. 5.3.6 Testing Coupling method The coupling method can be direct contact method or liquid immersion method. Scanning method For plates with quality acceptance levels of T I and I, 100% scanning shall be carried out (the scanning coverage shall comply with the provisions of 4.5.2). For plates with other quality acceptance level requirements: a) 100% scanning shall be carried out within the range of both sides of the plate edge or the predetermined line of the cut (the scanning coverage shall comply with the provisions of 4.5.2); the width of the area on each side of the plate edge or the predetermined line of the cut shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. b) For the middle area of the plate, it can be scanned using the probe along parallel lines perpendicular to the plate rolling direction at a spacing of no more than 50 mm, or it can be scanned using the probe along grid lines perpendicular and parallel to the plate rolling direction at a spacing of no more than 100 mm. The scanning diagram is shown in Figure 3. The 100% scanning can also be used (the scanning coverage shall comply with the provisions of 4.5.2). Where there are clear requirements in the contract, technical agreement or design technical conditions, the scanning form specified can also be used for testing. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.