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JB/T 5089.2-2020 PDF English

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JB/T 5089.2-2020English110 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Internal comnustion engines - Paper-element oil filters - Part 2: Elements - Specification Valid
JB/T 5089.2-2010English279 Add to Cart 3 days Internal combustion engines. Paper-element oil filters. Part 2: Elements. Specifications Obsolete
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JB/T 5089.2-2020: PDF in English (JBT 5089.2-2020)

JB/T 5089.2-2020 JB MECHANICAL INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.020 J 95 Replacing JB/T 5089.2-2010 Internal combustion engines - Paper-element oil filters - Part 2: Elements - Specification ISSUED ON: AUGUST 31, 2020 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 01, 2021 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC Table of Contents Foreword ... 4 1 Scope ... 6 2 Normative references ... 6 3 Terms and definitions ... 7 4 Technical requirements ... 7 4.1 Filter paper performance ... 7 4.2 Initial bubbling pressure ... 7 4.3 Original resistance ... 7 4.4 Original filtration efficiency ... 7 4.5 Life span and cumulative efficiency ... 8 4.6 Dimensional tolerances ... 8 4.7 Geometric tolerances ... 8 4.8 Fold distance and fold number ... 9 4.9 High temperature resistance ... 9 4.10 Resistance to high pressure drop ... 9 4.11 Bypass valve performance ... 9 4.12 Appearance quality ... 9 5 Test methods ... 10 5.1 Filter performance and reliability ... 10 5.2 Filter paper performance ... 10 5.3 Dimensional tolerances ... 10 5.4 Geometric tolerances ... 10 5.5 Fold distance and fold number ... 10 5.6 Appearance quality ... 10 6 Inspection rules ... 10 6.1 General... 10 6.2 Inspection categories ... 11 6.3 Exit-factory inspection ... 11 6.4 Type inspection ... 11 6.5 Spot checks ... 11 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 11 7.1 Marking... 11 7.2 Packaging ... 12 7.3 Transportation ... 12 7.4 Storage ... 12 7.5 Others ... 12 Internal combustion engines - Paper-element oil filters - Part 2: Elements - Specification 1 Scope This Part of JB/T 5089 specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage of full-flow paper filter elements for internal combustion engines. This Part applies to full-flow paper filter oil filter elements (hereinafter referred to as filter elements), for small and medium-power internal combustion engines. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this standard. GB/T 1804-2000 General tolerances - Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications GB/T 1958 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerance - Verification prescription GB/T 2828.1 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection GB/T 28957.2-2012 Road vehicles - Test dust for filter evaluation - Part 2: Aluminum oxide test dust JB/T 5089.1 Internal combustion engines - Paper-element oil filters - Part 1: Assemblies - Specification JB/T 5089.3-2020 Internal combustion engines - Paper-element oil filters - Part 3: test method JB/T 12651.1 Internal combustion engines - Filter paper for filters - Part 1: Specification JB/T 12651.2 Internal combustion engines - Filter paper for filters - Part 2: Testing methods 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions, which are defined in JB/T 5089.3-2020, apply to this document. 4 Technical requirements 4.1 Filter paper performance The filter paper, which is used for the filter element, shall be engine oil filter paper, that meets the requirements of JB/T 12651.1; it shall be thermally cured, according to the performance requirements of the filter paper. 4.2 Initial bubbling pressure The initial bubbling pressure of the filter element shall not be less than 0.5 kPa. 4.3 Original resistance At rated volume flow, the original resistance of the filter element shall comply with the provisions of the product drawings and technical documents. The rated volumetric flow rate is calculated according to formula (1). Where: Q - Rated volume flow, in liter per minute (L/min); A - Flow rate coefficient, which takes 0.009, in liter per minute square centimeter [L(/min·cm2)]; F - The effective filtration area of the filter element, in square centimeters (cm2). 4.4 Original filtration efficiency The original filtration efficiency of the filter element shall not be less than 60%. The test impurities shall be ISO 12103-M2 test ash in GB/T 28957.2-2012. 4.8 Fold distance and fold number 4.8.1 The fold number of the filter element shall be as specified in the product drawing. The fold number allowance is: ±2 fold if the fold number is below 50; ±3 fold if the fold number is between 50 ~ 100; ±4 fold if the fold number is above 100. 4.8.2 The fold distance of the filter element shall be uniform. There shall be no more than 3 folds on the outer diameter of the filter element, which has a fold distance greater than 1.5 times the nominal fold distance and less than 1/2 of the nominal fold distance. 4.9 High temperature resistance After the filter element is soaked in 135 °C engine oil for 192 hours, the filter paper and end cover shall not be degummed; the filter paper shall not be damaged; it shall meet the requirements of 4.10. 4.10 Resistance to high pressure drop Under the pressure drop of 350 kPa, the support member of the filter element shall not be deformed; the filter element shall not have defects, such as cracks, perforations, degumming. 4.11 Bypass valve performance For filter elements with bypass valves, the performance of the bypass valve shall comply with the requirements of JB/T 5089.1. 4.12 Appearance quality 4.12.1 The filter element shall be firmly bonded and shall not have defects such as cracks, perforations, glue leakage, or degumming. The end-to-end connection of the filter paper shall be reliable and shall not be short-circuited. 4.12.2 All parts of the filter element, which are made of metal materials, shall be subject to rust prevention. 4.12.3 The sealing ring of the filter element shall be firmly bonded to the end cover AND shall not be loose. 4.12.4 The filter element shall be clean; there shall be no dirt or impurities on the inner and outer surfaces. 6.2 Inspection categories Inspections are divided into exit-factory inspection and type inspection. 6.3 Exit-factory inspection The exit-factory inspection items are overall dimensions and 4.8, 4.12. 6.4 Type inspection Type inspection items include all items in Chapter 4. If any of the following situations occur, type inspection shall be carried out: a) Type finalization and identification of new products; b) After normal production, when the product structure, materials, processes have undergone major changes, which may affect product performance; c) When regular performance inspections are required, according to the requirements of the product audit quality control plan,; d) When the national quality supervision agency proposes requirements for type inspection; e) When users have requirements. 6.5 Spot checks When users randomly inspect product quality, they shall conduct random inspections, in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2828.1. The inspection items, group-batch principles, sampling plans, judgment and re-inspection rules shall be implemented, in accordance with the technical documents, which are agreed between the manufacturer and the user. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage 7.1 Marking 7.1.1 Each product shall be marked with the manufacturer's name or trademark, product name and model. 7.1.2 The exit-factory inspection certificate shall indicate: a) Manufacturer’s name or trademark; b) Product name and model; c) Production date or exit-factory serial number. 7.1.3 The outer surface of the packaging box shall indicate: a) Name and address of the manufacturer; b) Product name and model; c) Quantity and total mass; d) Signs such as “Handle with care”, “Avoid pressure”, “Avoid moisture”; e) Overall dimensions (length × width × height), in millimeters (mm); f) Product implemented standard number; g) Date of exit-factory (year, month). 7.2 Packaging Products shall be packed into dry packaging boxes, which are lined with moisture-proof materials. Each product shall be accompanied by the manufacturer's exit-factory inspection certificate and simple usage and maintenance instructions. 7.3 Transportation Well-packaged products shall be able to ensure that they are not damaged during normal transportation. 7.4 Storage Products shall be stored in dry, ventilated warehouses. Under normal storage conditions, the manufacturer shall ensure that the product will not be rusted, mildewed, or degummed, within 12 months from the date of exit-factory. 7.5 Others If users have special requirements, marking, packaging, transportation, storage can also ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.