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HG 2227-2004 PDF English

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HG 2227-2004English160 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Water treatment chemicals-aluminum sulfate Obsolete
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HG 2227-2004: PDF in English

HG 2227-2004 HG CHEMICAL INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 71.100.99 G 77 RECORD NO.. 15007-2005 Replacing HG 2227-1991 Water Treatment Chemicals - Aluminium Sulfate 水处理剂 硫酸铝 ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 14, 2004 IMPLEMENTED ON. JUNE 1, 2005 Issued by. National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Application Scope ... 4  2 Normative References ... 4  3 Product Classification ... 5  4 Technical Requirements ... 5  5 Test Methods ... 5  6 Inspection Rules ... 20  7 Marking, Labelling and Packaging ... 21  Foreword The specifications for products of category I in this Standard are compulsory; the specifications of products of category II and the other articles are voluntary. This Standard was drafted by adopting the Japanese Industrial Standard JIS K 1450.1996, Aluminium Sulfate for Water Works and revising HG 2227-1991, Water Treatment Chemicals - Aluminium Sulfate. This Standard is not equivalent to JIS K 1450.1996. The major technical differences between this Standard and JIS K 1450.1996, Aluminium Sulfate for Water Works include. -- this Standard classify aluminium sulfate products into two categories. potable water; industrial water and sewage water; -- the test method for heavy metals is changed. The major technical differences between this Standard and HG 2227-1991 include. -- the former grading and classification of solid products is canceled; -- aluminium sulfate products are classified into category I and category II; -- the indexes of Hg, Cr(VI) and Cd are added for products of category I. As from the implementation date of this Standard, it replaces HG 2227-1991. This Standard was proposed by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee 5 on Water Treatment Chemicals of National Technical Committee 63 of Standardization Administration of China. The drafting organizations of this Standard. Tianjin Institute of Chemical Research and Design, Henan Baiwan Chemicals Co., Ltd., Kunming Mingzhu Chemical Co., Ltd., Taicang Xinxing Light-industry Auxiliary Factory. The main drafters of this Standard. Zhu Chuanjun, Yang Minle, Shao Hongqian, Wu Shaofeng, Tao Futang, Li Lin, Bai Ying. This Standard shall be interpreted by Subcommittee 5 on Water Treatment Chemicals of National Technical Committee 63 of Standardization Administration of China. This Standard was issued in 1991 for the first time. Water Treatment Chemicals - Aluminium Sulfate 1 Application Scope This Standard specifies the technical requirements, classification, test methods, inspection rules and marking, labelling and packaging of water treatment chemicals - aluminium sulfate. This Standard applies to water treatment chemicals - aluminium sulfate (solid and solution) Molecular formula. Al2(SO4)3·xH2O Relative molecular mass [in terms of Al2(SO4)3]. 342.15 (based on 2 000 International Relative Atomic Masses) 2 Normative References The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this Standard, however, parties who enter into an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB/T 191-2000, Packaging - Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods GB/T 601-2002, Chemical Reagent - Preparations of Standard Volumetric Solutions GB/T 602-2002, Chemical Reagent - Preparations of Standard Solutions for Impurity (neq ISO 6353-1.1982) GB/T 603-2002, Chemical Reagent - Preparations of Reagent Solutions for Use in Test Methods (neq ISO 6353-1.1982) GB/T 610.1-1988, Chemical Reagent - General Method for the Determination of Arsenic GB/T 1250, Rules for Expression and Judgement of Limiting Values GB/T 6678-1986, General Principles for Sampling Chemical Products GB/T 6680, General Rules for Sampling Liquid Chemical Products GB/T 6682-1992, Water for Analytical Laboratory Use - Specification and Test Methods (neq ISO 3696.1987) Ammonium hydroxide solution. 1 + 3. Acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution. pH = 4.5. Ascorbic acid solution. 20 g/l/ Weigh 10.0 g of ascorbic acid to dissolve in about 200 mL of water; add 0.20 g of dihydrogen disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate and 8 mL of formic acid; use water to dilute to 500 mL; and mix up. Store in a brown bottle as standby with the period of 15 d. Phenanthroline solution. 2 g/l. Dissolve 0.5 g of phenanthroline hydrochloric acid (monohydrate) (C12H9CLN2·H2O) in water and dilute to 100 mL. Or dissolve 0.42 g of phenanthroline (monohydrate) (C12H8N2·H2O) in 100 mL of water containing 2 drops of hydrochloric acid. The solution is stored in the dark; and it can be stored stably for one week. Iron standard stock solution. 1 mL contains 0.1 mg of Fe. Iron standard solution. 1 mL contains 0.01 mg of Fe. Transfer 10 mL of iron standard stock solution into a 100 mL measuring flask; and dilute to the marked line. The solution shall be prepared immediately before use. 5.2.3 Apparatus and implements Commonly-used laboratory instruments. Spectrophotometer. carrying an absorption cell of an optical path 3 cm. 5.2.4 Plotting of calibration curve Take successively, 0 (blank), 2.00 mL, 4.00 mL, 6.00 mL, 8.00 mL and 10.00 mL of iron standard solution into six 100 mL measuring flasks; add water up to about 40 mL; add 0.50 mL of sulfuric acid solution to adjust the pH to close to 2; add 3.0 mL of ascorbic acid solution, 10.0 mL of acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution and 5.0 mL of phenanthroline solution. Use water to dilute to the marked line; and shake up. Store for 15 min at room temperature; measure its absorbance by means of spectrophotometry using the reagent blank to set zero at the wavelength of 510 nm. Plot the calibration curve making use of the absorbance measures as the ordinate and the corresponding iron content (mg) as the abscissa. 5.2.5 Analytical procedures Transfer an appropriate volume (e.g. 2 ml) of test solution A and the corresponding volume of blank test solution respectively into a 100 mL measuring flask; add water to standard. The standard. use a pipette to transfer 4 mL of arsenic standard solution; add water up to 20 mL; process at the same time and in the same way as test solution. 5.6 Determination of lead content 5.6.1 Method summary Use the electric heating atomic absorption spectrometry; and measure the absorbance at the wavelength of 283.3 nm. 5.6.2 Reagents and materials Water, of grade 3 as specified in GB/T 6682. Nitric acid solution. 1 + 1. Lead standard stock solution. 1 mL contains 0.1 mg of Pb. Weigh 0.100 g of lead (of mass fraction greater than 99.9%), accurate to the nearest 0.000 2 g; add 20 mL of nitric acid to dissolve; heat to get rid of nitric oxide; transfer into a 1 000 mL measuring flask after cooling; add water up to the marked line; and shake up. Lead standard solution. 1.00 mL contains 0.01 mg of Pb. Transfer 10.00 mL of lead standard stock solution into a 1 000 mL measuring flask; add 20 mL of nitric acid solution; add water up to the marked line; and shake up. 5.6.3 Apparatus General laboratory instruments. Electric heating atomic absorption spectrometer. Hollow cathode lamp for lead. 5.6.4 Analytical procedures Weigh about 10 g of liquid sample or 5 g of solid sample, accurate to 0.000 2 g. Put it into a 250 mL beaker; add 30 mL of water and 10 mL of nitric acid solution; cover the watch glass to boil for about 1 min; transfer into a 1 000 mL measuring flask after cooling to room temperature; dilute to the marked line; and shake up. This is test solution B for the determination of Pb and Cd. Transfer respectively 5.00 mL of test solution B to put into four 50 mL measuring flasks; add successively 0.00, 1.00 mL, 2.00 mL and 3.00 mL of lead standard solution; add water up to the marked line; and shake up. Use a micropipette to inject the prepared sample into the heating furnace; and measure its absorbance at Ammonium hydroxide solution. 1 + 3. Ammoniacal washing solution. take 1 mL of ammonium hydroxide; add water up to 100 mL; and add 5 mL of EDTA solution. Potassium permanganat... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.