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GM/T 0003.4-2012 PDF in English

GM/T 0003.4-2012 (GM/T0003.4-2012, GMT 0003.4-2012, GMT0003.4-2012)
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GM/T 0003.4-2012English145 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Public key cryptographic algorithm SM2 based on elliptic curves - Part 4: Public key encryption algorithm Valid
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GM/T 0003.4-2012: PDF in English (GMT 0003.4-2012)

GM/T 0003.4-2012 GM CRYPTOGRAPHY INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 35.040 L 80 File No.. 36829-2012 Public key cryptographic algorithm SM2 based on elliptic curves - Part 4. Public key encryption algorithm ISSUED ON. MARCH 21, 2012 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 21, 2012 Issued by. State Cryptography Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  Introduction .. 4  1 Scope .. 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Symbols.. 6  5 Algorithm parameters and auxiliary functions .. 7  5.1 General .. 7  5.2 Elliptic curve system parameters ... 7  5.3 User key-pair ... 7  5.4 Auxiliary functions ... 7  5.4.1 General .. 7  5.4.2 Cryptographic hash function ... 8  5.4.3 Key derivation function ... 8  5.4.4 Random number generator ... 8  6 Encryption algorithm and flow .. 9  6.1 Encryption algorithm .. 9  6.2 Encryption algorithm flow... 9  7 Decryption algorithm and flow ... 10  7.1 Decryption algorithm ... 10  7.2 Decryption algorithm flow ... 11  Annex A (Informative) Examples of message encryption and decryption ... 13  A.1 General requirements... 13  A.2 Message encryption and decryption of an elliptic curve on ࡲ࢖ .. 13  A.3 Message encryption and decryption of an elliptic curve on ࡲ૛࢓ .. 17  Foreword GM/T 0003-2012 Public key cryptographic algorithm SM2 based on elliptic curves is divided into 5 parts. — Part 1. General; — Part 2. Digital signature algorithm; — Part 3. Key exchange protocol; — Part 4. Public key encryption algorithm; — Part 5. Parameter definition. This is Part 4 of GM/T 0003-2012. This Part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing authority shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Annex A of this Part is an informative annex. This Part was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of State Cryptography Administration. Drafting organizations of this Part. Beijing Huada Information Safety Technology Co., Ltd, PLA Information Engineering University, Data Assurance and Communication Security Research Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Main drafters of this Part. Chen Jianhua, Zhu Yuefei, Ye Dingfeng, Hu Lei, Pei Dingyi, Peng Guohua, Zhang Yajuan, Zhang Zhenfeng. Public key cryptographic algorithm SM2 based on elliptic curves - Part 4. Public key encryption algorithm 1 Scope This Part of GM/T 0003 specifies the public key encryption algorithm for the public key cryptographic algorithm SM2 based on elliptic curves, and gives an example of message encryption and decryption as well as the corresponding flow. This Part is applicable to the message encryption and decryption in commercial cryptographic application. The message sender may use the receiver’s public key to encrypt the message; the receiver decrypts the message using the corresponding private key. Meanwhile, this Part also provides standard positioning and standardized reference of products and technologies for manufacturers of security products to enhance the reliability and interoperability of the security products. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document. For undated references, only the latest editions (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GM/T 0003.1-2012 Public key cryptographic algorithm SM2 based on elliptic curves - Part 1. General 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document. 3.1 Secret key A key that is shared by both sender and receiver but not known by the third party in the cryptographic system. 3.2 Message ܲ ൅ ܲ ൅⋯൅ ܲᇣᇧᇧᇧᇧᇤᇧᇧᇧᇧᇥ , where k is a positive integer. ሾݔ, ݕሿ. A set of integers greater than or equal to x and less than or equal to y. ڿݔۀ. Ceiling function, the minimal integer greater than or equal to x. For instance, ڿ7ۀ ൌ 7, ڿ8.3ۀ ൌ 9. ہݔۂ. Floor function, the maximal integer less than or equal to x. For instance, ہ7ۂ ൌ 7, ہ8.3ۂ ൌ 8. ⋕ ܧ൫ܨ௤൯. Number of points on ܧ൫ܨ௤൯, called the order of the elliptic curve ܧ൫ܨ௤൯. 5 Algorithm parameters and auxiliary functions 5.1 General The public key encryption algorithm requires the sender to use the receiver’s public key to encrypt the message into ciphertext. The receiver uses his own private key to decrypt the received ciphertext, thus reverting to the original message. 5.2 Elliptic curve system parameters The elliptic curve system parameters include the size q (in case of q = 2m, it also includes the identity and reduced polynomial of the element notation) of the finite field ܨ௤; two elements ܽ, ܾ ∈ ܨ௤ of the equation that defines the elliptic curve ܧ൫ܨ௤൯ ; base point ܩ ൌ ሺݔீ, ݕீሻ ሺܩ ് ܱሻ on ܧ൫ܨ௤൯ , where ݔீ and ݕீ are two elements in ܨ௤; order n of G and other options (such as cofactor h of n, etc.). The elliptic curve system parameters and the verification thereof shall meet the requirements of Chapter 5 in GM/T 0003.1-2012. 5.3 User key-pair User B’s key-pair includes the private key ݀஻ and public key ஻ܲ ൌ ሾ݀஻ሿܩ. The generation algorithm of the user key-pair and the verification algorithm of the public key shall meet the requirements of Chapter 6 in GM/T 0003.1-2012. 5.4 Auxiliary functions 5.4.1 General The public key encryption algorithm based on elliptic curves specified in this B1. TAKE out the bit string C1 from C; CONVERT the data type of C1 to the point on an elliptic curve, in accordance with the methods given in 4.2.4 and 4.2.10 of GM/T 0003.1-2012; VERIFY whether C1 meets the elliptic curve equation; if not, REPORT an error and EXIT; B2. CALCULATE the point ܵ ൌ ሾ݄ሿܥଵ on an elliptic curve; if S is a point at infinity, REPORT an error and EXIT; B3. CALCULATE ሾ݀஻ሿܥଵ ൌ ሺݔଶ, ݕଶሻ ;CONVERT the data type of the coordinates x2 and y2 to a bit string, in accordance with the methods given in 4.2.6 and 4.2.5 of GM/T 0003.1-2012; B4. CALCULATE ݐ ൌ ܭܦܨሺݔଶ ∥ ݕଶ, ݈݇݁݊ሻ; if t is a full-0 bit string, REPORT an error and EXIT; B5. TAKE out the bit string C2 from C; CALCULATE ܯᇱ ൌ ܥଶ⨁ݐ; B6. CALCULATE ݑ ൌ ܪܽݏ݄ሺݔଶ ∥ ܯᇱ ∥ ݕଶሻ; TAKE out the bit string C3 from C; if ݑ ് ܥଷ, REPORT an error and EXIT; B7. OUTPUT the plaintext ܯᇱ. NOTE. SEE Annex A for an example of the decryption process. 7.2 Decryption algorithm flow The decryption algorithm flow is illustrated in Figure 2. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.