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GB/T 9988-1988 PDF English

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GB/T 9988-1988: PDF in English (GBT 9988-1988)

GB/T 9988-1988 (renamed from GB 9988-1988) GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Test method for alkali resistance of porcelain enamels APPROVED ON. JANUARY 27, 1989 IMPLEMENTED ON. JULY 1, 1989 Issued by. Ministry of Light Industry of People's Republic of China Table of Contents 1 Main content and scope .. 3  2 Test principle overview .. 3  3 Reagents . 3  4 Equipment, instruments and devices . 3  5 Specimen .. 5  6 Test steps .. 6  7 Calculation . 7  8 Data processing . 8  9 Test report . 9  Annex A (Reference) Schematics of main components of enamel alkali resistance test equipment . 10  Additional Information... 13  Test method for alkali resistance of porcelain enamels 1 Main content and scope This Standard specifies the test method for the alkali resistance of the enamel product's surface layer. This Standard is applicable to the alkali resistance of the daily use and the quality of the ceramic layer of sanitary enamel products. If sodium hydroxide solution is used as the test medium, this Standard is also applicable to the quantitative measurement of the alkali resistance of porcelain surfaces of enamel glass products. 2 Test principle overview The method measures the alkali resistance of the enamel material after the porcelain surface of the enamel specimen is subjected to alkaline solution erosion at a certain temperature and the quality loss. 3 Reagents a. NaOH (chemically pure); b. Pyrophosphate sodium (chemically pure); c. Three phosphoric acid (chemically pure); d. Pure distilled water. 4 Equipment, instruments and devices 4.1 Test equipment 4.1.1 Test equipment composition a. Stainless steel test slot and slot cover; b. Immersion-style stainless steel heater; c. Electric stainless-steel mixer; d. Thermometer; 4.3 Other devices 4.3.1 Balance. the weighing range is 200 g; the resolution is 0.1 mg; 4.3.2 Oven. the maximum regulation temperature is not less than 110°C; 4.3.3 Electric furnace; 4.3.4 Dryer. 5 Specimen 5.1 Specimen type 5.1.1 A porcelain enamel model with a sintered porcelain shaft on a metal blank. 5.1.2 An enamel plate cut directly from the flat part of the enamel product. 5.2 Technical requirements for specimen 5.2.1 The specimen size is 89mm × 89mm. The specimen mass shall not exceed 200 g. 5.2.2 The enamel model made from simmering shall be made of the raw materials and in simmering process of the corresponding enamel products. Enamel plates made by cutting must be worn off the edges of the cut. 5.2.3 The surface of the ceramic layer of the specimen shall be sufficiently smooth. It shall be able to ensure sufficient sealing during installation in the specimen box. 5.2.4 The surface of the ceramic layer of the specimen shall be free of scale explosions, pinholes, and other defects. 5.2.5 One test must be performed on six specimens of the same raw materials and the same firing process. 5.3 Specimen preprocessing 5.3.1 Specimens shall be thoroughly washed before the test. Rinse with tap water and then wipe it with a soft sponge soaked in a solution of 1% phosphoric acid. After wiping, rinse clean with tap water and distilled water. 5.3.2 Drain the washed specimen and put it in an oven at a temperature of about 110°C for 15 minutes. 5.3.3 Transfer the dried specimen into the desiccator and cool it for more than an oven of about 110°C for 15 min. 6.5 Corrosion test 6.5.1 Insert the pre-heated three specimen boxes into the rectangular opening of the specimen box installed on the slot lid. Soak the surface of the ceramic layer of the specimen in a lye at a temperature of t0 ± 0.2°C. At the same time, switch on the stirrer lye so that the lye is brought into contact with the surface of the porcelain layer of the specimen sufficiently evenly in the test tank. 6.5.2 Test temperature When using sodium carbonate solution as the test medium, the temperature is 80 ± 0.2°C. When using pyrophosphate solution as test medium, the temperature is 96±0.2°C. 6.5.3 The specimen is soaked for 6 h in a lye that meets the temperature conditions specified in 6.5.2. 6.5.4 When corrosion test completes, immediately remove the specimen and rinse with distilled water and put it in an oven with a temperature of about 110°C for 5 min. When removing the specimen, be careful that the surface of the porcelain surface of the specimen must not collide with the specimen box and the ceramic layer is peeled off. 6.5.5 Weigh the specimens that have been subjected to the corrosion test, wash and dry to constant weight. The weighing reading is to the nearest of 0.1 mg. 6.5.6 Measure the length of two mutually perpendicular diameters of the contact surface of the test porcelain layer with the lye using a length gauge with an accuracy of 0.25 mm. The length reading is to the nearest of 0.25 mm. Take the average of the two diameters as the diameter of the contact surface. 7 Calculation Calculate the mass loss of each specimen according to the following equation. where, Mn - specimen mass loss, mg/cm2; ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.