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GB/T 8005.1-2019 PDF English

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GB/T 8005.1-2019English620 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Aluminium and aluminium alloy terms and definitions -- Part 1: Product and method of processing and treatment Valid
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GB/T 8005.1-2019: PDF in English (GBT 8005.1-2019)

GB/T 8005.1-2019 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.150.10 H 60 Replacing GB/T 8005.1-2008 Aluminum and aluminum alloy terms and definitions - Part 1: Product and method of processing and treatment ISSUED ON: JUNE 04, 2019 IMPLEMENTED ON: MAY 01, 2020 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation. Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 10 2 Products ... 10 2.1 Aluminum, alloys, alloying elements, impurities ... 10 2.2 Molten aluminum, aluminum ingots, ingots ... 14 2.3 Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products ... 16 2.4 Cast aluminum and aluminum alloy products ... 26 2.5 Composite materials ... 27 2.6 Aluminum powder, aluminum powder metallurgy products, aluminum grit, aluminum paste, foamed aluminum ... 27 3 Processes ... 29 3.1 Electrolysis process ... 29 3.2 Smelting and casting process ... 29 3.3 Processing technology ... 32 3.4 Thermal/heat treatment process ... 39 3.5 Other processes ... 45 Appendix A (Informative) Product examples ... 47 Index ... 51 Aluminum and aluminum alloy terms and definitions - Part 1: Product and method of processing and treatment 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 8005 defines the terms and definitions involved in aluminum and aluminum alloy products and processing techniques. This Part applies to aluminum and aluminum alloy products and processing techniques. 2 Products 2.1 Aluminum, alloys, alloying elements, impurities 2.1.1 Unalloyed aluminum Metals, which have an aluminum mass fraction of not less than 99.00% (1XXX series in wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy designations). 2.1.2 Refined aluminum The unalloyed aluminum, which has a mass fraction of aluminum not less than 99.90%. 2.1.3 High purity aluminum The unalloyed aluminum, which has a mass fraction of aluminum not less than 99.999%. 2.1.4 Alloy A metallic substance, which is composed of matrix metal elements (the element with the largest mass fraction), alloying elements, impurities. 2.1.5 Aluminum alloy An alloy, which takes aluminum as its matrix, AND the aluminum mass fraction of which is less than 99.00%. 2.1.6 Alloying element Metallic or non-metallic elements, which are added to the base aluminum, in order to make aluminum and aluminum alloys have certain characteristics. 2.1.7 Impurity Metal or non-metal elements that exist in aluminum and aluminum alloys BUT are not intentionally added or retained. 2.1.8 Aluminum master alloy Low melting point alloys, which use aluminum as the base, by adding one or several alloying elements, to solve the problems that the element is easy to burn, has a high melting point and is not easy to melt in, has a high density and is easy to segregate, OR to improve the properties of the alloy, through melting and other methods. They are mostly in the shape of waffle ingots, blocks, cakes or wires. Note: Aluminum master alloys can be divided into alloying type, grain refinement type, modified type, purification type, etc., according to their uses. 2.1.9 Additive for aluminum alloy A substance, which is added into the aluminum melt, to adjust the composition of the aluminum alloy or the as-cast structure. It usually has metallic properties, as formed by mixing and pressing alloying element powder with aluminum powder and/or flux. Most of them are in the shape of cakes. It can be used to replace aluminum master alloy, in aluminum alloy smelting. 2.1.10 Wrought aluminum alloy Wrought aluminum alloy Aluminum alloys, which are mainly produced through plastic deformation, by hot or cold working. Wrought aluminum copper alloy series Wrought aluminum alloy, which uses copper as the main alloying element (that is, wrought aluminum alloy with the designation of 2××× series). Wrought aluminum manganese alloy series Wrought aluminum alloy, which uses manganese as the main alloying element (that is, wrought aluminum alloy with the designation of 3××× series). Wrought aluminum silicon alloy series Wrought aluminum alloy, which uses silicon as the main alloying element (that is, wrought aluminum alloy with the designation of 4××× series). Wrought aluminum magnesium alloy series Wrought aluminum alloy, which uses magnesium as the main alloying element (that is, wrought aluminum alloy with the designation of 5××× series). Wrought aluminum magnesium-silicon alloy series Wrought aluminum alloy, which uses magnesium and silicon as the main alloying elements, takes Mg2Si phase as the main strengthening phase (that is, wrought aluminum alloy with the designation of 6××× series). Wrought aluminum zinc alloy series Wrought aluminum alloy, which uses zinc as the main alloying element (that is, wrought aluminum alloy with the designation of 7××× series). Wrought aluminum alloy other series Wrought aluminum alloy, which neither belong to unalloyed aluminum, nor belong to the 2××× series ~ the 7××× series (that is, the wrought aluminum alloy of the designation of 8××× series). 2.1.11 Casting aluminum alloy Casting aluminum alloy Aluminum alloys for casting products, which are mainly produced through casting or die-casting. Casting aluminum copper alloy series Casting aluminum alloys, which use copper as the main alloying element (that is, casting aluminum alloys with the designation of 2×××.× series). Casting aluminum silicon-copper-magnesium alloy series Casting aluminum alloys, which use silicon, copper and/or magnesium as the main alloying elements (that is, casting aluminum alloys with the designation of 3×××.× series). Casting aluminum silicon alloy series Casting aluminum alloys, which use silicon as the main alloying element (that is, casting aluminum alloys with the designation of 4×××.× series). Casting aluminum magnesium alloy series Casting aluminum alloys, which use magnesium as the main alloying element (that is, casting aluminum alloys with the designation 5×××.× series). Casting aluminum zinc alloy series Casting aluminum alloys, which use zinc as the main alloying element (that is, casting aluminum alloys with the designation of 7×××.× series). Casting aluminum titanium alloy series Casting aluminum alloys, which use titanium as the main alloying element (that is, casting aluminum alloys with the designation of 8×××.× series). Casting aluminum alloy other series Casting aluminum alloys, which use other elements as the main alloying elements (that is, casting aluminum alloys with the designation of 9×××.× series). 2.1.12 Heat-treatable alloy An alloy, whose strength can be significantly increased, by proper heat treatment. 2.1.13 Non-heat-treatable alloy An alloy, whose strength cannot be significantly increased, by heat treatment. 2.2 Molten aluminum, aluminum ingots, ingots 2.2.1 Molten aluminum Molten aluminum and aluminum alloys for casting. 2.2.2 Primary aluminum ingot Aluminum ingots, which are produced by alumina-cryolite molten salt electrolysis. 2.2.3 Recycled aluminum ingot Aluminum ingots, which are obtained by melting and casting from recycled aluminum scrap. 2.2.4 Ingot Ingots, which have cast structure AND are used for remelting casting, machining or deformation processing. 2.2.5 Ingot for casting Remelting ingots, which are used to produce aluminum alloy castings. 2.2.6 Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy ingots Rolling ingot Ingots for rolling production. Extrusion ingot Ingots for extrusion production. Forging ingot Ingots for forging production. 2.2.7 Composite ingot An ingot, which is cast by two or more metals at the same time with a metallurgical bonding interface (a bond with certain thickness of transition layer, as formed by the mutual atomic diffusion between two metallic interfaces) and high bonding strength. 2.2.8 Round ingot/billet An ingot, which has a circular cross-section. 2.2.9 Hollow round ingot An ingot, which has a circular cross-section. 2.2.10 Rectangular ingot An ingot, which has an approximately rectangular cross-section. 2.2.11 Head (of an ingot) The end of the ingot at the end of casting. 2.2.12 Butt (of an ingot) The end of the ingot at the beginning of casting. 2.2.13 Spray forming ingot An ingot, which is formed by using high-pressure inert gas to atomize and break the aluminum alloy liquid flow into fine droplets, make them fly at high speed along the axis of the nozzle and cool them, deposit them on a receiver, which has a certain shape and specific movement, before these droplets are completely solidified. 2.3 Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products 2.3.1 Sheet and plate Sheet and plate Rolled products, which have rectangular cross-section, uniform thickness greater than 0.20 mm. Note 1: Sheet and plate include thin plate and thick plate, usually the edges are sheared or sawed and delivered in a straight shape. Note 2: Corrugated products, patterned products (with grooves, ribs, squares, bean-shaped or prism-shaped patterns on the surface, etc.), products with surface coatings, products with trimmed edges, products with surface perforations, which are processed from sheets and plates that meet the above definition, are all called sheets and plates. Note 3: Products with uniformly changing cross-sections, as processed from sheets and plates that meet the above definition, are also called sheets and plates, that is, variable- section sheets and plates. Sheet Sheet and plate, which has a thickness not greater than 6 mm. Plate Sheet and plate, which have a thickness greater than 6 mm, as well as sheared or sawed edges. Parent sheet/plate The entire sheet and plate, before being cut to fixed length. Hot rolled sheet/plate The sheet/plate, whose final thickness is obtained by hot rolling. Cold rolled sheet/plate The sheet/plate, whose final thickness is obtained by cold rolling. Roll-casting plate The sheet/plate, which is made by on hot line roll-casting. Alclad sheet/plate A sheet/plate, which is made by rolling an aluminum alloy base rolling ingot, as covered with unalloyed aluminum or other aluminum alloy sheets at one or both sides. Brazing sheet Low melting point aluminum alloy sheets for brazing. Corrugated sheet A sheet, which has a corrugated surface (see Figure A.1). Convexo-concave sheet A sheet, which has uniformly distributed convex and concave surfaces (see Figure A.2). Patterned sheet A sheet, which has a shallow pattern plate surface, as formed by using a roller engraved with a shallow pattern (or figure) to imprint the plate surface (see Figure A.3). Raised sheet/plate Sheet or plate, which has a convex pattern surface, as formed by using a lower roller engraved with a deeper pattern to emboss one side of the plate (see Figure A.4). 2.3.2 Strip/coiled sheet Strip/coiled sheet Rolled products, which have rectangular cross-section, uniform thickness greater than 0.20 mm. Usually delivered in rolls after longitudinal cutting. Note: Corrugated products, patterned products (with grooves, ribs, squares, bean-shaped or prism-shaped patterns on the surface, etc.), products with surface coatings, products with trimmed edges, products with surface perforations, as processed from strips/coiled sheets that meet the above definition, are all called strip/coiled sheet. Parent strip A whole large roll, before being divide or cut into smaller rolls. Hot rolled strip The strip/coiled sheet, whose final thickness is obtained by hot rolling. Cold rolled strip The strip/coiled sheet, whose final thickness is obtained by cold rolling. Brazing strip Low melting point aluminum alloy strip for brazing. Roll-casting strip The strip/coiled sheet, which is made by roll-casting. Concatenation casting-rolled strip The strip/coiled sheet, which is produced by continuous casting and rolling. 2.3.3 Foil Foil Rolled products, which have a rectangular cross-section, uniform thickness not greater than 0.20 mm, are delivered in rolls. None zero foil Foil, which has a thickness of 0.10 mm ~ 0.20 mm. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.