GB/T 43407.4-2023 PDF English
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Road vehicles -- Ergonomic requirements for the driver’s compartment in low-floor line-service buses -- Part 4: Compartment environment
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GB/T 43407.4-2023: PDF in English (GBT 43407.4-2023) GB/T 43407.4-2023
ICS 43.080.20
CCS T 42
Road Vehicles - Ergonomic Requirements for the Driver’s
Compartment in Low-floor Line-service Buses - Part 4:
Compartment Environment
(ISO 16121-4:2011, Road Vehicles - Ergonomic Requirements for the Driver’s
Workplace in Line-service Buses - Part 4: Cabin Environment, MOD)
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 5
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative References ... 6
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Environment of Driver’s Compartment ... 7
5 Noise in the Driver’s Compartment ... 8
Appendix A (informative) Recommended Performance of Air Purification Device ... 10
Bibliography ... 11
This document was drafted in accordance with the rules provided in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives
for Standardization - Part 1: Rules for the Structure and Drafting of Standardizing Documents.
This document is Part 4 of GB/T 43407 Road Vehicles - Ergonomic Requirements for the
Driver’s Compartment in Low-floor Line-service Buses. GB/T 43407 has issued the following
---Part 1: General Description and Basic Requirements;
---Part 2: Visibility;
---Part 3: Information Devices and Controls;
---Part 4: Compartment Environment.
This document modifies and adopts ISO 16121-4:2011 Road Vehicles - Ergonomic
Requirements for the Driver’s Workplace in Line-service Buses - Part 4: Cabin Environment.
In comparison with ISO 16121-4:2011, the technical differences and the reasons for these
differences are as follows:
---The term “low-floor” and its definition are deleted (see 3.1 of ISO 16121-4:2011), so as
to avoid duplication of definitions;
---The term “efficiency or penetration” and its definition are deleted (see 3.3 of ISO 16121-
4:2011), so as to adapt to the requirements of Chinese standards;
---The term “time zero” and its definition are deleted (see 3.4 of ISO 16121-4:2011),
because it is not quoted in this document;
---The requirements for the heating system are modified, specific requirements for the
operating performance of the heating system are added (see Table 1), and the normative
reference of GB/T 12782 is added (see 4.2.1), so as to adapt to the technical conditions
of China and enhance the operability;
---The requirements for the cooling system are modified, specific requirements for the
operating performance of the cooling system are added (see Table 2), and the normative
reference of JT/T 216 is added (see 4.2.2), so as to adapt to the technical conditions of
China and enhance the operability;
---The normative reference of GB 11555 is used to replace SAE J381 (see 4.4.1), so as to
adapt to the technical conditions of China and enhance the operability;
---The normative reference of GB/T 24552 is added (see 4.4.1), so as to add the
requirements for the defrosting and demisting performance of electric buses;
Road Vehicles - Ergonomic Requirements for the Driver’s
Compartment in Low-floor Line-service Buses - Part 4:
Compartment Environment
1 Scope
This document specifies the minimum requirements for the environment of the driver’s
compartment of low-floor line-service buses.
This document is applicable to the design of the driver’s compartment of Category-M3 low-
floor line-service buses with a width greater than 2.30 m.
2 Normative References
The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document
through the normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only
versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a
specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB 11555 Motor Vehicles-windshield Demisting and Defrosting Systems - Performance
Requirements and Test Methods
GB/T 12782 Requirement and Test Method of Heating Performance for Motor Vehicle
GB/T 24552 Electric Vehicles - Windshield Demisters and Defrosters System - Performance
Requirements and Test Methods
GB/T 25982 Permissible Levels and Test Methods of Bus Internal Noise
GB/T 43407.2-2023 Road Vehicles - Ergonomic Requirements for the Driver’s Compartment
in Low-floor Line-service Buses - Part 2: Visibility (ISO 16121-2:2011, MOD)
JT/T 216 Bus Air Conditioning System Specifications
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 test air flow rate
The average volume of air passing through the filter per unit time.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.