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On-board wireless communication terminal
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GB/T 43187-2023: PDF in English (GBT 43187-2023) GB/T 43187-2023
ICS 43.040
CCS T 36
On-board Wireless Communication Terminal
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Symbols and Abbreviations ... 6
5 Technical Requirements ... 7
6 Test Methods ... 18
7 Inspection Rules ... 29
Appendix A (informative) Durability Test ... 31
Appendix B (informative) Durability Test Calculation Model ... 33
On-board Wireless Communication Terminal
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements of on-board wireless communication
terminal (hereinafter referred to as the terminal), and describes the test methods and inspection
rules of the terminal.
This document is applicable to cellular mobile communication on-board wireless terminal.
Other types of terminals may take this as a reference.
2 Normative References
The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document
through the normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only
versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a
specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 1865-2009 Paints and Varnishes - Artificial Weathering and Exposure to Artificial
Radiation - Exposure to Filtered Xenon-arc Radiation
GB/T 2828.1 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes - Part 1: Sampling Schemes
Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-lot Inspection
GB/T 18655-2018 Vehicles, Boats and Internal Combustion Engines - Radio Disturbance
Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement for the Protection of On-board Receivers
GB/T 19951-2019 Road Vehicles - Disturbances Test Methods for Electrical / Electronic
Component from Electrostatic Discharge
GB/T 21437.2-2021 Road Vehicles - Test Method of Electrical Disturbances from Conduction
and Coupling - Part 2: Electrical Transient Conduction along Supply Lines Only
GB/T 21437.3-2021 Road Vehicles - Test Method of Electrical Disturbances from Conduction
and Coupling - Part 3: Electrical Transient Transmission by Capacitive and Inductive Coupling
via Lines other than Supply Lines
GB/T 28046.2-2019 Road Vehicles - Environmental Conditions and Testing for Electrical and
Electronic Equipment - Part 2: Electrical Loads
GB/T 28046.3-2011 Road Vehicles - Environmental Conditions and Testing for Electrical and
Electronic Equipment - Part 3: Mechanical Loads
GB/T 28046.4-2011 Road Vehicles - Environmental Conditions and Testing for Electrical and Starting characteristics
In accordance with, carry out the test. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the
requirements of 5.2. Reverse voltage
In accordance with, carry out the test. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the
requirements of 5.2. Load dump
In accordance with, carry out the test. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the
requirements of 5.2. Reference ground and supply offset
For multi-point grounding terminals, in accordance with, carry out the test. During and
after the test, the terminal shall satisfy the requirements of 5.2. Open circuit Single-line open circuit
In accordance with, carry out the test. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the
requirements of 5.2. Multi-line open circuit
In accordance with, carry out the test. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the
requirements of 5.2. Shor-circuit protection
In accordance with, carry out the test. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the
requirements of 5.2. Insulation resistance
In accordance with, carry out the test. The insulation resistance of the terminal shall be
greater than 10 M. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the requirements of 5.2.
5.3.2 Dustproof and waterproof performance Dustproof performance
In accordance with, carry out the test. The protection degree shall comply with the
stipulations of IP5KX in GB/T 30038-2013. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the
requirements of 5.2.
passenger compartment as a reference, and Tmax shall not be lower than 90 C. Low-temperature storage
In accordance with, carry out the test. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the
requirements of 5.2. Low-temperature operation
In accordance with, carry out the test. During and after the test, the terminal shall satisfy
the requirements of 5.2. High-temperature storage
In accordance with, carry out the test. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the
requirements of 5.2. High-temperature operation
In accordance with, carry out the test. During and after the test, the terminal shall satisfy
the requirements of 5.2. Through negotiation between the supply-side and the demand-side, the
lower limit of the maximum transmit power tolerance value during the test can be reduced by
2 dB. Temperature gradient
In accordance with, carry out the test. During and after the test, the terminal shall satisfy
the requirements of 5.2. Through negotiation between the supply-side and the demand-side, the
lower limit of the maximum transmit power tolerance value during the test can be reduced by
2 dB. Rapid temperature changes of specified conversion time
In accordance with, carry out the test. After the test, the terminal shall satisfy the
requirements of 5.2. Temperature cycle of specified change rate
In accordance with, carry out the test. During and after the test, the terminal shall satisfy
the requirements of 5.2. Through negotiation between the supply-side and the demand-side, the
lower limit of the maximum transmit power tolerance value during the test can be reduced by
2 dB. Damp and heat cycle
In accordance with, carry out the test. During and after the test, the terminal shall satisfy
the requirements of 5.2. Steady-state damp heat
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of in GB/T
28046.2-2019, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by
DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Superimposed AC voltage test
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of severity 1 in 4.4.2 in
GB/T 28046.2-2019, carry out the test. During the test, randomly select a frequency band
supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, continue the properties test, until the test is
completed. After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance
with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Slow drop and rise test of supply voltage
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of 4.5.2 in GB/T 28046.2-
2019, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in
accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Transient changes test of supply voltage Transient drop test of voltage
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of in GB/T 28046.2-
2019, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in
accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Reset performance test against voltage dips
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of in GB/T 28046.2-
2019, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in
accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Starting characteristics test
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of Class II in in
GB/T 28046.2-2019, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency band
supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Reverse voltage test
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of 4.7.2 in GB/T 28046.2-
2019, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in
accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Load dump test
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of in GB/T 28046.2-
2019, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in
accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Reference ground and supply offset test
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of 4.8.2 in GB/T 28046.2-
2019, carry out the test. During the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT,
in accordance with Table 12, continue the properties test, until the test is completed. After the
test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry
out the properties test. Open circuit test Single-line open circuit test
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of in GB/T 28046.2-
2019, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in
accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Multi-line open circuit test
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of in GB/T 28046.2-
2019, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in
accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Shor-circuit protection test
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of in GB/T
28046.2-2019, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by
DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Insulation resistance test
Set DUT to working mode 1.1. In accordance with the method of 4.12.2 in GB/T 28046.2-2019,
carry out the test. After the test, switch DUT to working mode 3.2, randomly select a frequency
band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test.
6.4.2 Dustproof and waterproof performance test Dustproof performance test
Set DUT to working mode 1.2. In accordance with the method of in GB/T 30038-2013,
carry out the test. After the test, switch DUT to working mode 3.2, randomly select a frequency
band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Waterproof performance test
Set DUT to working mode 1.2. In accordance with the method of 8.4.3 in GB/T 30038-2013,
carry out the test. After the test, switch DUT to working mode 3.2, randomly select a frequency High-temperature operation test
DUT operates at Tmax and in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of in
GB/T 28046.4-2011, carry out the test. Randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT,
in accordance with Table 12, continue the properties test, until the test is completed. After the
test, let it stand for 2 h to return to normal temperature, randomly select a frequency band
supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Temperature gradient test
Set DUT to working mode 1.2. Within the range Tmin ~ Tmax, in accordance with the method of
5.2.2 in GB/T 28046.4-2011, carry out the test. When each temperature stage reaches stability,
DUT respectively operates at USmin and USmax. Randomly select a frequency band supported by
DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. After the test, let it stand for 2
h to return to normal temperature, switch DUT to working mode 3.2, randomly select a
frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Rapid temperature changes test of specified conversion time
Set DUT to working mode 1.2. Within the range Tmin ~ Tmax, in accordance with the method of in GB/T 28046.4-2011, carry out the test. After the test, let it stand for 2 h to return to
normal temperature, switch DUT to working mode 3.2, randomly select a frequency band
supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Temperature cycle test of specified change rate
Set DUT to working mode 1.2. Within the range Tmin ~ Tmax, in accordance with the method of in GB/T 28046.4-2011, carry out the test. When each cycle stabilizes to Tmin and during
the 210 min ~ 410 min of the cycle, switch DUT to working mode 3.2. Randomly select a
frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test.
After the test, let it stand for 2 h to return to normal temperature, switch DUT to working mode
3.2, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry
out the properties test. Damp and heat cycle test
Set DUT to working mode 1.2. In accordance with the method of in GB/T 28046.4-
2011, carry out the test. When each cycle reaches the maximum temperature, switch DUT to
working mode 3.2. Randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with
Table 12, carry out the properties test. After the test, let it stand for 2 h to return to normal
temperature, switch DUT to working mode 3.2, randomly select a frequency band supported by
DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Steady-state damp heat test
Set DUT to working mode 2.1. In accordance with the method of 5.7.2 in GB/T 28046.4-2011,
carry out the test. In the last hour of the test, switch DUT to working mode 3.2. Randomly select
a frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, continue the properties test,
until the test is completed. After the test, let it stand for 2 h to return to normal temperature,
randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out
the properties test. Solar radiation test
Set DUT to working mode 1.1. In accordance with Method 2 and Cycle C in Table 3 in GB/T
1865-2009, carry out 600 h test.
6.4.5 Chemical load test
Set DUT to working mode 1.1. In accordance with the installation location code [B] in Table 1
in GB/T 28046.5-2013, select chemical reagents and exposure conditions, as well as the
humidification method in Table 2 and the procedures in 4.8, carry out the test. After the test,
switch DUT to working mode 3.2, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in
accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test.
6.4.6 Electromagnetic compatibility performance test Immunity test to electrical disturbance caused by electrostatic discharge Electronic module not powered
Set DUT to working mode 1.1. In accordance with the test voltage requirements of Category 1,
test severity level not lower than L3 in Table C.1 and Table C.2 in Appendix C of GB/T 19951-
2019, and the method specified in Chapter 9, carry out the test. After the test, switch DUT to
working mode 3.2, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with
Table 12, carry out the properties test. Electronic module powered
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the test voltage requirements of
Category 1, test severity level not lower than L3 in Table C.1, Table C.2 and Table C.3 in
Appendix C of GB/T 19951-2019, and the method specified in Chapter 8, carry out the test.
After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table
12, carry out the properties test. Immunity test to electrical disturbance caused by conduction and coupling Electrical transient conduction immunity along power lines
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the immunity test level specified in
Table 9, and the method of pulse 1, 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b in GB/T 21437.2-2021, carry out the test.
After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table
12, carry out the properties test. Electrical transient immunity through capacitive coupling in conductors other
than power lines
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with mode CCC in Table B.1 and Table B.2,
the requirements of Class III and the method of 4.5 in GB/T 21437.3-2021, carry out the test.
After the test, randomly select a frequency band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table
12, carry out the properties test. Immunity test to electromagnetic radiation
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the anti-interference test intensity of
anechoic chamber method and large current injection method in 4.7 in GB 34660-2017, and the
method of 5.7 in GB 34660-2017, carry out the test. After the test, randomly select a frequency
band supported by DUT, in accordance with Table 12, carry out the properties test. Radio disturbance characteristics test Conducted emissions
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of 6.3 and 6.4 in GB/T
18655-2018, carry out the test. Radiated emissions
DUT operates in working mode 3.2. In accordance with the method of 6.5 in GB/T 18655-2018,
carry out the test.
7 Inspection Rules
7.1 Sampling and Grouping of Type Test
For the type test, take samples from the terminals that have passed the exit-factory inspection
in accordance with the single sampling scheme specified in GB/T 2828.1. Firstly, carry out a
re-inspection in accordance with the items of the exit-factory inspection. After passing the re-
inspection, the number of samples shall be at least 1 PCS per group, and a total of 6 groups.
Each sample shall be numbered with a sample No. and group No.
The terminals shall be successively subject to the following tests in groups:
a) Group 1: function and performance test, electrical properties test, chemical load test;
b) Group 2: environmental weather resistance test (excluding solar radiation test);
c) Group 3: mechanical properties test;
d) Group 4: dustproof and waterproof test;
e) Group 5: electromagnetic compatibility test, solar radiation test;
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.