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Hydraulic fluid power -- Spin-on filters method for verifying -- The rated fatigue life and the rated static burst pressure of the pressure-containing envelope
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GB/T 42155-2023: PDF in English (GBT 42155-2023) GB/T 42155-2023
ICS 23.100.60
CCS J 20
GB/T 42155-2023 / ISO 12829:2016
Hydraulic fluid power - Spin-on filters method for verifying
- The rated fatigue life and the rated static burst pressure of
the pressure-containing envelope
(ISO 12829:2016, Hydraulic spin-on filters with finite lives - Method for verifying the
rated fatigue life and the rated static burst pressure of the pressure-containing
envelope, IDT)
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation.
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 4
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Test samples ... 7
5 Cyclic fatigue test to verify rated fatigue life under rated fatigue pressure ... 7
6 Explosion test to verify rated static burst pressure ... 11
7 Data expression ... 12
8 Analogy method to check rated fatigue life, rated fatigue pressure, rated static burst
pressure ... 13
9 Consistency between the tested spin-on filter and the production part ... 14
10 Annotation instructions (when citing this document) ... 14
Appendix A (Informative) Results of joint verification tests to verify the procedures
specified in this document ... 15
References ... 17
Hydraulic fluid power - Spin-on filters method for verifying
- The rated fatigue life and the rated static burst pressure of
the pressure-containing envelope
WARNING: This document may involve hazardous materials, operations,
equipment. It is not necessary to list all the safety instructions, which are involved
in the use of this document. When operating in accordance with this document,
the operator is responsible for establishing appropriate safety precautions and
health protection measures in advance and ensuring compliance with relevant
1 Scope
This document describes the inspection methods for the rated fatigue life and rated
static burst pressure of spin-on filter's pressure-containing envelope, which uses
disposable filter elements and has limited life.
Due to the short service life of the spin-on filter housing, the rated fatigue life of 100000
cycles is sufficient for typical industrial applications.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this
document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference
documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for
undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to
this document.
ISO 5598 Fluid power systems and components - Vocabulary
Note: GB/T 17446-2012 Fluid power systems and components - Vocabulary (ISO
5598:2008, IDT)
ISO/TR 19972-1 Hydraulic fluid power - Methods to assess the reliability of
hydraulic components - Part 1: General procedures and calculation method
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions as defined in ISO 5598 apply to this document.
When more than six spin-on filters fail in the test, the test data of all failed spin-on
filters shall be evaluated.
5.5.3 According to the provisions of ISO/TR 19972-1, use Weibull analysis method, to
calculate the B10 life Nf at 95% confidence level.
5.6 Inspection
If the calculated rated fatigue life (Nf) exceeds the recommended rated fatigue life
(100000 cycles, unless otherwise specified), the spin-on filter's rated fatigue life and
rated fatigue pressure pass the inspection.
6 Explosion test to verify rated static burst pressure
6.1 Test equipment
6.1.1 Hydraulic test bench, which provides stable and controllable hydrostatic
6.1.2 Test liquid, which is any suitable non-corrosive liquid.
6.1.3 Pressure measuring instrument, which is installed directly or as close as
possible to the spin-on filter joint or base; it shall not be installed in the pipeline
supplying the test fluid to the spin-on filter under test. Through setting and maintenance,
the measurement accuracy is controlled within ±2%.
6.1.4 Thermostat, the temperature measurement accuracy of which can be controlled
within ±3 °C, through setting and maintenance.
6.2 Test conditions
6.2.1 Select the rated static burst pressure to be verified.
6.2.2 Ensure that the temperature of the test fluid in the test equipment is 30 °C ± 10 °C.
6.3 Test procedure
6.3.1 Tighten threaded connections to the manufacturer’s recommended torque values.
Record the installation torque value on the test report.
Warning: Torque, gasket lubrication and other factors have an important impact
on the structural test of spin-on filters.
6.3.2 Discharge the air in the test pipeline and the spin-on filter under test.
6.3.3 Ensure that the temperature of the test fluid meets the requirements of 6.2.2.
Record the temperature value.
6.3.4 Slowly pressurize the spin-on filter under test. When the pressure reaches 0.5
times the rated static burst pressure, which is selected in 6.2.1, maintain the pressure
for 60 seconds.
6.3.5 Continue to pressurize at intervals of 5% or 100 kPa of the rated static burst
pressure value, which is selected in 6.2.1. Maintain the pressure for 60 seconds, after
each pressurization.
6.3.6 Continue to increase the pressure, until the failure defined in 6.4 occurs. Record
the pressure at the time of failure.
6.3.7 Use at least the test data of six tested spin-on filters in the test group. When there
are more than six spin-on filter test failures, the test data for all failures shall be
6.4 Failure criteria
If any of the following circumstances occurs, it will be deemed as a failure:
a) Structural failure;
b) It is confirmed through magnetic particle or fluorescent penetration technology
that cracks are caused by static pressure;
c) Leakage from seals or sealing surfaces;
d) Permanent deformation that affects the normal function of the pressure-containing
6.5 Calculation of rated static burst pressure
6.5.1 Select the test data of at least six tested spin-on filters (see 6.3.7) in the test group.
6.5.2 In accordance with the provisions of ISO/TR 19972-1, use Weibull analysis
method, to calculate the rated static burst pressure pBr, at 95% confidence level.
6.6 Inspection
If the calculated lower limit pressure exceeds the recommended rated static burst
pressure, the rated static burst pressure passes the inspection.
7 Data expression
7.1 The test report, which is issued in accordance with this document, shall at least
include the following contents:
a) Rated fatigue life Nf, rated fatigue pressure pfr, the number of cycles during the
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.