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GB/T 41295.2-2022: PDF in English (GBT 41295.2-2022)

GB/T 41295.2-2022 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 25.040 CCS N 10 Application guide of functional safety - Part 2: Design and realisation ISSUED ON: MARCH 09, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 01, 2022 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  Introduction ... 4  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions... 6  4 Abbreviations ... 7  5 General ... 7  6 Safety life cycle ... 8  7 System design ... 9  8 System architecture design ... 13  9 System detailed design and realisation ... 14  10 Software design and realisation ... 21  11 System integration ... 25  12 System operation and maintenance procedures ... 25  13 Validation of the system ... 27  14 Verification at each stage of the life cycle ... 27  15 Manufacturing ... 28  16 Functional safety system evaluation and assessment ... 29  References ... 32  Application guide of functional safety - Part 2: Design and realisation 1 Scope This document provides guidelines for the design and realisation of functional safety systems, including safety sensors, safety logic controllers, safety communication buses, and safety actuators. This document applies to the team for functional safety system research and development (e.g., manufacturer) to give normative guidance on the development of safety products that meet the appropriate safety integrity capabilities; it is used, as a reference, by system integrators, evaluation agencies and users for the selection and evaluation of appropriate functional safety systems. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T 19001-2016, Quality management systems - Requirements GB/T 20438.1-2017, Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 1: General requirements GB/T 20438.2-2017, Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 2: Requirements for electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems GB/T 20438.3-2017, Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 3: Software requirements GB/T 20438.4-2017, Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 4: Definitions and abbreviations GB/T 20438.6-2017, Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 6: Guidelines on the application of GB/T 20438.2 and GB/T 20438.3 GB/T 34040-2017, Industrial communication networks - Functional safety fieldbus profiles - General rules and profile definitions GB/T 41295.3, Application guide of functional safety - Part 3: Testing and verification IEC 61508-3-1, Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 3-1: Software requirements - Reuse of pre-existing software elements to implement all or part of a safety function 3 Terms and definitions Terms and definitions determined by GB/T 20438.4-2017, and the following ones are applicable to this document. 3.1 functional safety system A system that performs safety-related functions, has functional safety-related characteristics, and satisfies a specific Safety Integrity Level (SIL). Note: The system here is a broad concept, including different levels, such as safety components, safety equipment or safety control systems. In an actual industrial process, the functional safety system may be a transmitter, a relay, a safety programmable controller or a safety instrumented system. [Source: GB/T 41295.1-2022, 3.6] 3.2 team for functional safety system research and development The liability subject for the design and development of functional safety systems. Note: Including functional safety system hardware developers, software developers, verification testers, functional safety managers, etc. 3.3 functional safety system manufacture team The main body responsible for the production and manufacture of functional safety systems, which may include assemblers, testers, managers, and processing personnel in the manufacturing process of functional safety systems. requirements of relevant functional safety basic standards such as GB/T 20438.2-2017 and GB/T 20438.3-2017. In order to ensure that the expected SIL goals and requirements are actually achieved, this document gives relevant application guidelines. Note: In some fields, there are functional safety standards for specific fields; the functional safety standards in these fields inherit the overall architecture and core concepts of GB/T 20438.2-2017 and GB/T 20438.3-2017; therefore, when meeting the functional safety requirements in these fields, the relevant content of this document may be referred to. 5.2 Functional safety systems should also meet specific requirements for basic safety (such as electrical safety), environmental adaptability, and reliability/stability in their product standards, which are prerequisites for achieving the corresponding safety integrity. 5.3 The production and manufacturing process of the functional safety system needs to take into account the provisions in Chapter 15 or the functional safety standards in related fields. 6 Safety life cycle 6.1 General principles 6.1.1 The team for functional safety system research and development needs to establish a functional safety management system and define the safety life cycle stage in the early stage of safety R&D. 6.1.2 The establishment of the functional safety management system and safety life cycle needs to combine the requirements of functional safety standards and the existing experience of the R&D team. 6.2 Application considerations 6.2.1 The functional safety management system needs to consider the requirements in Chapter 6 of GB/T 20438.1-2017. The functional safety R&D department can refer to the company's existing quality/safety management system to establish a functional safety management system. Note: The construction and implementation of systems such as GB/T 19001-2016 or CMMI is a powerful guarantee for the realisation of functional safety management. 6.2.2 The functional safety management system needs to include the requirements for system or software changes, and needs to consider the requirements of 7.8 in GB/T 20438.2-2017 and 7.8 in GB/T 20438.3-2017. When a change occurs, the impact 8.1.4 For the architecture design, it is necessary to consider the applicable requirements of 7.4 in GB/T 20438.2-2017. 8.1.5 It is necessary to consider a validation of architecture designs. 8.1.6 It is necessary to consider the integration test plan based on the architecture design content. 8.2 Architecture design application considerations 8.2.1 The following aspects shall be considered in the architecture design to ensure functional safety: -- Ensure sufficient robustness of the system; -- Ensure proper independence between different modules and avoid complex coupling relationships and common cause failures; -- Ensure that non-safety-related modules do not negatively affect safety-related modules. 8.2.2 It is necessary to have a normative description of the static characteristics of the architecture design (for example, a block diagram of the architecture), and describe each module and the interfaces between modules that make up the system architecture. 8.2.3 The architecture design should avoid describing the realisation details inside each module, which shall be the content of the subsequent detailed design. 8.2.4 The multi-channel MooN voting structure can be considered to achieve high security or high availability design. The multi-channel voting can be realized at different levels, such as the device level, module level, board level, and even chip level. 8.2.5 It is necessary to clearly distinguish the difference between the MooN voting structure and the standby structure. Generally, the standby structure is used to improve availability rather than safety. 8.2.6 After completing the architecture design verification, it is necessary to develop an integration test plan, which includes a test strategy for all architecture features and interface features. 9 System detailed design and realisation 9.1 General principles 9.1.1 The basic requirements for the design and development of functional safety systems need to consider the requirements in 7.4, Appendix A and B.2 of GB/T 20438.2- 2017. 9.1.2 It is necessary to consider the preparation of relevant documents for hardware detailed design, and realize the hardware circuit based on the detailed design. 9.2 Application considerations 9.2.1 Requirements for random hardware failures The final random hardware failures of the functional safety system is less than or equal to the target specified in Chapter 7 (PFDavg or PFH value), and it is proved through reasonable modeling and calculation that the target can be achieved. The scope of random hardware failure estimation is for all safety-related parts of a functional safety system. It is necessary to consider the estimation of PFDavg or PFH in accordance with Appendix B of GB/T 20438.6-2017. If this method is adopted, ensure that the actual system to be analyzed meets all the specified assumptions. If other methods are used, there should be a rationality proof in line with mathematical logic. Note: Some literatures give very simplified formulas. Be more careful about the application of simplified formulas, because the simplified conditions may not match the current actual project requirements, which will lead to errors in the simplified formulas. Consideration should be given to the use of an appropriate component failure rate/failure model database as input to the calculation, which can be derived from: -- International standards or national standards, industry standards, such as ISO 13849-1; -- Commercial databases widely recognized in the field; -- On-site feedback data with a special collection system, which shall ensure a statistical confidence ≥ 70%. A single source failure rate/failure mode database should be used for calculations of the same system. Data from multiple sources should only be used if it can be demonstrated that the data were obtained under common conditions. Some calculation input parameters, such as inspection and test cycle (T1), mean time to restore (MTTR) and mean repair time (MRT), are not determined by the functional safety system R&D and design unit, therefore, it is necessary to preset a value to participate in the calculation based on the expected application of the product. The rationality of the value needs to be analyzed and demonstrated specifically. These preset values should be clearly stated in the subsequent product manual of the functional safety system. Care should be taken to distinguish between safe failures and no-effect failures; no-effect failures cannot be included in safe failures. Based on the conclusions of hardware failure analysis, the existing safety design needs to be reviewed to ensure that all critical failures are effectively controlled or avoided. It is necessary to carefully judge the validity of each diagnostic function. Invalid diagnosis cannot classify the corresponding failure as diagnosable. Invalid diagnosis includes but is not limited to: -- The diagnostic test interval is too long to meet the requirements of the process safety time; -- If a multi-channel design is used, pure inter-channel voting cannot be used as a diagnostic measure for device failure in a single channel; -- There is no proper fault response or alarm after a fault is diagnosed. 9.2.3 Determination of diagnostic coverage The coverage rate of each diagnostic function needs to be carefully judged, and it is generally judged according to the following considerations. -- For simple components, if the diagnostic test can diagnose one of its failure modes, the diagnostic coverage of this failure mode of the device is 100%, otherwise it is 0%. Examples of simple devices: resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes, optocoupler, etc. -- For complex devices, in principle, it is based on the requirements of A.1 ~ A.14 in GB/T 20438.2-2017. If there is a statement of higher diagnostic coverage or if a technique not specified in Appendix A of GB/T 20438.2-2017 is used, use the test method to prove the authenticity of the achieved diagnostic coverage. Examples of complex components: central processing unit (CPU), analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) chips, memory cells, etc. -- For the same device or module, two or more diagnostic methods can be used to diagnose the same failure mode, which can achieve higher diagnostic coverage than that specified in Appendix A of GB/T 20438.2-2017. But these different methods must be independent, and there is no possibility of common cause failure. 9.2.4 Diagnostic functions and diagnostic coverage (DC) For the self-diagnostic measures for the sufficiency of functional safety system design, the determination of whether the design is sufficient shall be considered as follows: -- The system follows the single failure principle; -- PFDavg/PFH meets the requirements of the target failure; -- SFF satisfies the requirements of architectural constraints. Note: Sufficient diagnostic functions can be more conducive to the realisation of the above requirements, but it does not rely solely on the diagnostic functions. For example, the failure rate and the length of the inspection test interval also have a significant impact on whether PFDavg/PFH meets the requirements. When these requirements cannot be met, it can be considered whether it shall be improved through improving the diagnostic ability. The diagnostic function is designed to meet the behavior requirements of the system after a fault is detected. It is necessary but not limited to perform diagnostics in the following two stages: -- During system initialization, the diagnostic focus is on all hardware, internal or external data paths, etc.; -- During the normal operation cycle, perform the diagnostic function, where the focus includes hardware, software, soft error, data path and so on. The interval time of all diagnostics, that is, the diagnostic test interval (TD), should be determined based on the operating cycle of the system and the time when all diagnostic functions are realized. The diagnostic test interval should be small enough to meet and in GB/T 20438.2-2017. In order to avoid frequent mis-operations, some diagnostic functions may adopt a mechanism of diagnosing and decision-making after multiple judgments. It needs to be considered that such multiple judgments and retries may lead to some kind of infinite loop or failure to achieve the specified diagnostic capabilities. 9.2.5 Architectural constraints The basic requirements of architectural constraints need to be considered to meet 7.4.4 in GB/T 20438.2-2017. The route 1 (1H) of 7.4.4 in GB/T 20438.2-2017 should be preferred, that is, the SIL target that the architectural constraints satisfy is given by the determination of hardware fault tolerance (HFT) and safe failure fraction (SFF). The determination of HFT requires careful analysis of the redundancy methods used. Some redundancy methods cannot guarantee the improvement of the hardware fault tolerance. When a critical dangerous failure is detected during system operation, it shall result in: -- Switch all fault-affected outputs to a defined safe state by built-in measures (such as hardware or embedded software) within the fault response time specified by the manufacturer; or -- Notify (alarm) the fault to the applied measure (e.g., application) within the fault response time specified by the manufacturer, so that the applied measure (e.g., application) can take appropriate action to maintain safety; -- If it has not entered a safe state after any of the above situations, it means that the system is already in degraded operation. If the system is not designed to automatically output a safe value if there is no maintenance within the specified time after the degraded operation, lead the process into a safe state; the function of automatically entering a safe state after the degrading cannot be manually turned off by the field operators; the specified time is included in the failure calculation as one of the influencing factors of the mean time to restore (MTTR). Note 1: The definition of critical dangerous faults is determined during the hazard and risk analysis; it generally refers to those dangerous faults that cannot perform safety functions and cannot be automatically recovered in a short time. Note 2: Which action is appropriate depends on the application, and the team for functional safety system research and development can design it in a configurable way. Faults need to be detected and notified (alarmed) to the application, unless either of the following conditions occurs: -- By design, this fault is unlikely to occur in the system; -- The failure is proven negligible by a written technical evaluation. 9.2.8 Safety data communication The system generally has two types of data communication, one is safety-related communication, and the other is non-safety-related communication. For safety-related communication, it is necessary to consider the requirements of 7.4.11 in GB/T 20438.2- 2017. Two methods, namely black channel and white channel, can be used to realize secure communication. For the industrial control field, the black channel should be adopted according to the requirements of GB/T 34040-2017. In addition to estimating the residual error rate, it is also necessary to consider proving the error detection capability of secure communication through testing. The specific testing method is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 41295.3. The internal communication path may not be implemented in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 34040-2017, but it also needs to have sufficient transmission error detection capabilities. Note: Typical internal communication paths include: data communication between internal chips (such as I2C, etc.), and interface communication between two boards in the same module. Security layer software implementing secure communication protocols needs to consider compliance with chapter 10. ASIC component safety design: If the system includes ASIC components (such as FPGA, CPLD, etc.), its development process needs to consider compliance with the requirements of Appendix F in GB/T 20438.2-2017. Realisation of hardware based on detailed hardware design needs to be considered. 10 Software design and realisation 10.1 General principles 10.1.1 Software design and realisation includes software safety requirement specification, software architecture design and software detailed design and realisation. 10.1.2 Safety-related software includes: embedded firmware of the system, operating system applied by the system, security database applied by the system, online support tools, etc. 10.1.3 The general principles of safety software design and realisation should comply with GB/T 20438.3-2017. 10.1.4 Implement software detailed design and realisation based on the completed software safety requirement specification and software architecture design. 10.1.5 Prepare the software validation plan according to the requirements of 7.3 in GB/T 20438.3-2017, 10.2 Application considerations 10.2.1 Software safety requirement specification -- T3: Produces output that can directly or indirectly affect the executable code of safety-related systems. Note 1: Examples of T1 include: text editors or support tools without requirements or design of automatic code generation capabilities; configuration control tools. Note 2: Examples of T2 include: test fixture generators; test coverage measurement tools; static analysis tools. Note 3: Examples of T3 include: optimizing compilers in which the relationship between source code programs and generated object code is not obvious; compilers that combine an executable runtime package into executable code. Note 4: This classification is based on 3.2.11 in GB/T 20438.4-2017. For offline support tools that have been evaluated for compliance in accordance with GB/T 20438.3-2017, the designer may consider applying the tools directly in accordance with the requirements of the tool manual. For offline support tools that have not been evaluated for compliance in accordance with GB/T 20438.3-2017, the designer needs to demonstrate the applicability and correctness of the tool and form a demonstration report. 10.2.4 Programming language Select a programming language that conforms to product characteristics and is suitable for software designers. For a specific programming language, it is necessary to consider appropriate coding rules to standardize and constrain the realisation of the code. The coding rules need to consider at least the standardized coding style and the coding forms that can and cannot be used. The content of the coding rules should come from: -- The company's existing coding experience of similar projects, company regulations, etc.; -- International and domestic general and recognized coding rules or standards, such as Mirsa C/C++, etc.; -- Special circumstances of the project to be implemented, such as the special circumstances of the compilation environment or test tools. 10.2.5 Software failure analysis Software failure analysis should be carried out for SIL1 and SIL2 software, and software failure analysis should be considered for SIL3 and SIL4 software. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.