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GB/T 41103-2022: PDF in English (GBT 41103-2022)

GB/T 41103-2022 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 21.100.20 CCS J 11 GB/T 41103-2022 / ISO 12297-2:2018 Rolling bearings - Ceramic cylindrical rollers - Boundary dimensions, geometrical product specifications (GPS) and tolerance values (ISO 12297-2:2018, Rolling bearings - Cylindrical rollers - Part 2: Boundary dimensions, geometrical product specifications (GPS) and tolerance values for ceramic rollers, IDT) ISSUED ON: JULY 11, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: FEBRUARY 01, 2023 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 Introduction ... 4 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 5 4 Symbols ... 6 5 Dimensions ... 8 6 Tolerance ... 10 7 Materials ... 11 Annex A (informative) Roller diameter gauge value and grouping principle ... 12 Annex B (informative) Roller length tolerance, gauge and grouping principles ... 14 Annex C (informative) Examples of imperfection types and inspection methods ... 16 Bibliography ... 18 Foreword This document was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020 "Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents". This document identically adopts ISO 12297-2:2018 "Rolling bearings - Cylindrical rollers - Part 2: Boundary dimensions, geometrical product specifications (GPS) and tolerance values for ceramic rollers". The following minimal editorial changes have been made to this document: - the standard’s name is changed to "Rolling bearings - Ceramic cylindrical rollers - Boundary dimensions, geometrical product specifications (GPS) and tolerance values". Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing authority shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. This document was proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation. This document shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Rolling Bearings of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 98). The drafting organizations of this document: Luoyang Bearing Research Institute Co., Ltd., Changshu Great Wall Bearing Co., Ltd., Guochuang (Luoyang) Bearing Industry Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Lixing General Steel Ball Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this document: Zhang Bowen, Zhao Binhai, Wang Zhiliang, Ye Jun, Sha Xiaojian. Rolling bearings - Ceramic cylindrical rollers - Boundary dimensions, geometrical product specifications (GPS) and tolerance values 1 Scope This document specifies the dimensional and geometric properties, nominal dimensions and tolerance values of finished silicon nitride cylindrical rollers for rolling bearings. This document is applicable to the production, inspection and acceptance of ceramic cylindrical rollers for rolling bearings. Annexes A and B give the specifications and grouping principles of roller diameter and roller length respectively. Annex B also gives roller length tolerances. Annex C gives examples of roller imperfection types and inspection methods. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 4288, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture NOTE: GB/T 10610-2009, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture (ISO 4288:1996, IDT) ISO 26602, Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Silicon nitride materials for rolling bearing balls and rollers 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The terminology databases used in the standardization work maintained by ISO and IEC can be found at the following URLs: - ISO online browsing platform: https://www.iso.org/obp; Annex A (informative) Roller diameter gauge value and grouping principle A.1 Terminology explanation A.1.1 The term explanations given in A.1.2~A.1.6 help to better understand the terms used in this appendix. A.1.2 Roller diameter gauge: the difference between the average diameter of the roller diameter gauge batch (see A.1.3) and the nominal diameter of the roller. This quantity is one quantity in a defined series. NOTE 1: Each roller diameter gauge is an integral multiple of the roller diameter gauge value spacing (see A.1.4) determined according to the roller grade (see 3.1). NOTE 2: The combination of roller diameter gauge, roller grade and roller nominal diameter can be used as the most accurate roller size specification for users when ordering. A.1.3 Roller diameter gauge lot: A batch of rollers with the same roller grade (see 3.1) and nominal size and the average diameter of a single flat roller within the same roller diameter gauge (see A.1.2). A.1.4 Interval of roller diameter gauge, IGDw: the allowable mean diameter of roller diameter gauge lot (see A.1.5) after the average amount. NOTE: The roller diameter gauge and the gauge interval are determined through negotiation between the user and the supplier. A.1.5 Mean diameter of roller diameter gauge lot, DwmL: The average value of Dwmpx measured in the roller diameter gauge lot (see A.1.3). NOTE: See Table 1 for Dwmpx. A.1.6 Variation of roller diameter in a single plane, VDwsp: The difference between the largest and smallest single diameter of a roller in a single radial plane. NOTE: See GB/T 6930-2002, 05.05.04. A.2 Roller diameter gauge and grouping principle See Figure A.1 for the relationship between the roller diameter gauge lot with a roller diameter gauge of +1μm and their diameter gauges. Annex B (informative) Roller length tolerance, gauge and grouping principles B.1 Terminology explanation B.1.1 The term explanations given in B.1.2~B.1.6 help to better understand the terms used in this appendix. B.1.2 Roller length gauge: the difference between the average length of the roller length gauge lot (see B.1.3) and the nominal length of the roller. This quantity is one quantity in a defined series. NOTE: Each roller length gauge is an integer multiple of the roller length gauge interval determined according to a certain roller nominal length. B.1.3 Roller length gauge lot: a lot of rollers whose average roller length is within the same roller length gauge (see B.1.2). B.1.4 Interval of roller length gauge, IGLw: the divided value of the allowable mean length of roller length gauge lot (see B.1.5). B.1.5 Mean length of roller length gauge lot, LwmL: In a roller length gauge lot (see B.1.3), the arithmetic mean of the average length of the longest roller and the shortest roller. B.1.6 Variation of roller length gauge lot, VLwL: In a roller length gauge lot (see B.1.3), the difference between the average length of the roller with the largest average length and the roller with the smallest average length. B.2 Roller length tolerance, gauge and grouping principles For some cylindrical roller bearings, special application requirements may require that the cylindrical rollers fitted into the bearing be grouped according to specific length gauges shown in Table B.1 and Figure B.1. Annex C (informative) Examples of imperfection types and inspection methods C.1 General Silicon nitride bearing rollers may have imperfections listed in C.3.1. The inspection/inspection methods are listed in C.3.2. C.2 Terms and explanations C.2.1 The explanations of terms given in C.2.2 help to better understand the terms used in this appendix. C.2.2 Surface imperfection: units, irregularities or groups of units and irregularities on the actual surface caused unintentionally or accidentally during processing, storage or use (revised 2.4 of ISO 8785:1998, replacing the note of the original term). NOTE 1: The types of these elements or irregularities are distinct from those that make up the roughness profile. They are not considered during the measurement of the roughness profile. NOTE 2: This document does not specify limit values for surface imperfections. C.3 Imperfections C.3.1 Imperfection types The imperfection types are as follows: - Inclusion; - Stomata; - Pitting; - Scrapes; - Scratches; - Wear marks; - Cracks; - Chromatic aberration. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.