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GB/T 39160-2020 PDF English

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GB/T 39160-2020: PDF in English (GBT 39160-2020)

GB/T 39160-2020 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.150.99 H 62 Cadmium zinc telluride target for thin-film solar cells ISSUED ON: NOVEMBER 19, 2020 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 01, 2021 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative references ... 4 3 Technical requirements ... 4 4 Test methods ... 6 5 Inspection rules ... 6 6 Marks, packaging, transportation, storage and quality certificate ... 7 7 Purchase order (or contract) ... 8 Cadmium zinc telluride target for thin-film solar cells 1 Scope This Standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules as well as marks, packaging, transportation, storage, quality certificates and purchase orders (or contracts) of cadmium zinc telluride target for thin-film solar cells (hereinafter referred to as the target). This Standard applies to cadmium zinc telluride targets used in thin-film solar cell materials. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 5163, Sintered metal materials, excluding hard metals - Permeable sintered metal materials - Determination of density, oil content, and open porosity GB/T 8170, Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and judgement of limiting values YS/T 838-2012, Cadmium telluride YS/T 1227.1, Rough chemical analysis methods - Part 1: Determination of tantalum content - Gravimetric method 3 Technical requirements 3.1 Product designation The designation of the target is: BCZT-1. 3.2 Chemical composition 3.2.1 The main component ratio of the target is Cd: Zn: Te = 26:15:59 (mass fraction). The deviation is ±0.5% (mass fraction). 3.2.2 The impurity composition of the target shall meet the requirements in Table 1. 4 Test methods 4.1 Chemical composition 4.1.1 The testing method of tellurium content in the target shall be carried out according to the provisions of YS/T 1227.1. The determination methods of cadmium content and zinc content shall be determined through negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser. 4.1.2 The impurity composition testing of the target is carried out according to Annex A of YS/T 838-2012. 4.2 Density The density determination of the target shall be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 5163. 4.3 Dimensions and allowable deviation The size of the target is measured with a measuring instrument of corresponding precision. 4.4 Surface roughness The surface roughness of the target is inspected with corresponding instruments. 4.5 Appearance quality The appearance quality of the target is inspected visually. 5 Inspection rules 5.1 Inspection and acceptance 5.1.1 The target shall be inspected by the quality and technical supervision department of the supplier. Ensure that the product quality complies with the provisions of this Standard or the purchase order (or contract). Fill in the quality certificate. 5.1.2 The purchaser shall inspect the received products according to the provisions of this Standard. If the inspection results are inconsistent with the provisions of this Standard or the purchase order (or contract), it shall be reported to the supplier within 30 days from the date of receipt of the product. It will be resolved through negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser. If arbitration is required, arbitration sampling shall be carried out jointly by both the supplier and the purchaser. 5.2 Batching The targets shall be submitted for inspection in batches. Each batch shall be composed of products produced by the same production process and the same batch of raw materials. 5.3 Inspection items 5.3.1 Each batch of targets shall be inspected for chemical composition and density. 5.3.2 Each block (piece) of target shall be inspected for its external dimensions, allowable deviation, surface roughness, and appearance quality. 5.4 Sampling and sample preparation Randomly select 10% samples from the products by block (piece), but not less than 1 piece. Use a wire cutter to cut 2 equidistant portions. One portion is grated and divided into 3 servings. It is not less than 100 g per serving, used for the testing of chemical composition. The other portion is used for density testing. Or the sampling method shall be agreed upon by the supplier and the purchaser. 5.5 Judgment of inspection results 5.5.1 The judgment of the inspection results shall be carried out according to the round- off value comparison method stipulated in GB/T 8170. 5.5.2 If the inspection results of the chemical composition and density of the targets do not conform to the provisions of this Standard, the batch shall be rejected. 5.5.3 If the appearance size, allowable deviation, and surface quality of the target are inconsistent with the provisions of this Standard, the block (piece) shall be rejected. 6 Marks, packaging, transportation, storage and quality certificate 6.1 Marks Each batch of products shall be accompanied by a label indicating: a) Name and address of the supplier; b) Product name, designation, batch number; c) Net weight and gross weight of the product; d) Date of manufacture. 6.2 Packaging ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.