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GB/T 3880.2-2024 PDF English

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GB/T 3880.2-2024English620 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering - Part 2: Mechanical properties Valid
GB/T 3880.2-2012English85 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering -- Part 2: Mechanical properties Obsolete
GB/T 3880.2-2006EnglishRFQ ASK 6 days Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering -- Part 2: Mechanical properties Obsolete
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GB/T 3880.2-2024: PDF in English (GBT 3880.2-2024)

GB/T 3880.2-2024 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.150.10 CCS H 61 Replacing GB/T 3880.2-2012 Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering - Part 2: Mechanical properties ISSUED ON: APRIL 25, 2024 IMPLEMENTED ON: NOVEMBER 01, 2024 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; National Standardization Administration. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 Introduction ... 8 1 Scope ... 9 2 Normative references ... 9 3 Terms and definitions ... 9 4 Mechanical properties ... 9 Foreword This document was drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents". This document is Part 2 of GB/T 3880 "Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering". GB/T 3880 has published the following parts: - Part 1: Technical conditions of delivery; - Part 2: Mechanical properties; - Part 3: Tolerances on forms and dimensions. This document replaces GB/T 3880.2-2012 "Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering - Part 2: Technical conditions of delivery". Compared with GB/T 3880.2-2012, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows: - In the 1××× series, DELETE the mechanical property indicators of designations 1A97, 1A93, 1A85; DELETE the mechanical property indicators of states O, H12, H22, H14, H24, H16, H26, H18, H112 from 1080A as well as the mechanical property indicators of states H111 and H112 from 1070A; DELETE the mechanical property indicators of state H19 from 1050A, the states O, H12, H22, H24, H16, H26, H18, H112 from 1145, the states O, H12, H22, H24, H26 from 1235; DELETE the mechanical property indicators of state H28 from 1100 and states O, H111, H12, H19 from 1200 (see Chapter 2 of the 2012 edition); ADD the mechanical property indicators of state H112 in 1A99, the state H19 to 1070, 1060, 1235, 1100, the states H111 and H19 to 1050; ADD the mechanical property indicators of states O and H112 to 1350, the states O, H112, H18 to 1035, the state O to 1A30 (see Chapter 4); CHANGE the mechanical property requirements of state H112 of 1A90 and 1070, the state H26 of 1070, the states O, H12/H22, H14/H24, H18 of 1070 and 1070A; CHANGE the mechanical property requirements of the states O, H112, H12, H22, H14, H24, H16, H26 of 1060; CHANGE the mechanical property requirements of the states O and H16 of 1050, the states H112, H12, H22, H14, H24, H26, H18 of 1050 and 1050A; CHANGE the mechanical property requirements of the state H14 of 1145, the states H16 and H18 of 1235; CHANGE the mechanical property requirements of the states O, H112, H22, H14, H24, H16/H26, H18 of 1100, the states H112, H22, H14, H16 of 1200 (see Chapter 4; Chapter 2 of the 2012 edition); - In the 2××× series, DELETE the mechanical property indicators of the states O, T4, T6 from aluminum clad 2014A, the state O from 2017 and aluminum clad 2017, the state T3 from aluminum clad 2017, the states O and T4 from aluminum clad 2017A; DELETE the mechanical property indicators of the T81 state of aluminum clad 2219; DELETE the O and T3 states of 2A11, the T1 state of 2A14, the T3 state of 2E12 and aluminum clad 2E12 (see Chapter 2 of the 2012 edition); ADD the mechanical property indicators of T651 state to 2014, the O state to 2014, aluminum clad 2014, 2017A, 2219; ADD the mechanical property indicators of T451 state to 2017, 2017A, the states T1, T351, T6, T651, T851, T89A51 to 2219; ADD the mechanical property indicators of states O, T1, T351, T851 to 2024, the state O to aluminum clad 2024; ADD the mechanical property indicators of state T351 to 2A12, the states T4 and T651 to 2A14 (see Chapter 4); CHANGE the mechanical property requirements for state O of 2014, aluminum clad 2014, 2017A, 2219, aluminum clad 2219 and 2024, aluminum clad 2024 and 2A14, the state T3 of 2014, 2017, 2024, 2A12; CHANGE mechanical property requirements for the T4 state in 2014, 2014A, 2017, aluminum clad 2017, 2017A, 2A11, 2A12, aluminum clad 2A12, the T6 state of 2014, 2014A, 2A14; CHANGE the T81 state of 2219, the T87 state of 2219 and aluminum clad 2219, the T1 state of 2A11 and aluminum clad 2A12 (see Chapter 4; Chapter 2 of the 2012 edition); - In the 3××× series, DELETE the mechanical property indicators of the H28 state from 3003, the H112 state from 3004, the O, H111, H112, H12/H22, H14/H24, H16/H26, H18/H28, H19 states from 3103; DELETE the mechanical property indicator of the H12/H22, H28, H29/H39 states from 3104, the H18 and H19 states from 3005, the H111 and H19 states from 3105 (see Chapter 2 of the 2012 edition); ADD the mechanical property indicator of the H19 state to 3102, the H44 and H46 states to 3003 and 3004; ADD the mechanical property indicator of the H42, H44, H46, H29 states to 3105, the H24, H26, H28 states to 3105A,the H22 and H19 states to 3A21 (see Chapter 4); CHANGE the mechanical property requirements of the H18 state of 3102, the O, H111, H112, H12, H22, H14, H24, H16, H26, H18 states of 3003, the O, H111, H26/H36 states of 3004; CHANGE the mechanical property requirements of O, H111, H32, H14, H24/H34, H16, H26/H36, H19 states of 3104, the H22, H14, H16 states of 3005, the H14, H16, H26 states of 3105; CHANGE the mechanical property requirements of O, H112, H24, H18 states of 3A21 (see Chapter 4; Chapter 2 of the 2012 edition); - In the 4××× series, DELETE the mechanical property indicators of the states O, H12, H14 from 4006, the state H111 from 4007, the states O, H111, H12, H14, H16, H18 from 4015 (Chapter 2 of the 2012 edition); CHANGE the mechanical property requirements for state H12 of 4007 (see Chapter 4; Chapter 2 of the 2012 edition); - In the 5××× series, DELETE mechanical property indicator of state H112 from 5005 and 5005A, the H24/H34 and H26/H36 state from 5040, the H12, H16, H36, H18, H28/H38, H112 states from 5049; DELETE the mechanical property indicators of the states O, H111, H22, H24, H26, H28 from 5449, the states O, H111, H12, H16, H36, H18, H28/H38, H112 from 5050, the states H12, H14, H24/H34, H16, H36, H18, H28/H38 from 5251; DELETE the mechanical property Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering - Part 2: Mechanical properties 1 Scope This document specifies the wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering. This document is applicable to hot-rolled or cold-rolled plates and strips of Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering (hereinafter referred to as "plates and strips"). 2 Normative references This document has no normative references. 3 Terms and definitions This document has no terms and definitions that need to be defined. 4 Mechanical properties The room temperature tensile mechanical properties of plates and strips shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. The bending test shall be carried out according to the bending radius specified in Table 1; the surface of the specimen shall not crack. For plate and strip products whose mechanical properties are not listed in the Table, the mechanical properties shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer; meanwhile it shall be indicated in the order (or contract). ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.