GB/T 37910.1-2019 PDF English
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Non-destructive testing of welds -- Acceptance levels for radiographic testing -- Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys
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GB/T 37910.1-2019: PDF in English (GBT 37910.1-2019) GB/T 37910.1-2019
ICS 25.160.40
J 33
Non-destructive testing of welds - Acceptance levels
for radiographic testing - Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium
and their alloys
(ISO 10675-1:2016, MOD)
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Radiographic technique ... 6
4 General ... 6
5 Acceptance levels ... 6
Annex A (Informative) Guide to the limitations of radiographic testing ... 10
Annex B (Informative) Examples for determination of area percentage (%) of
imperfections ... 12
Annex C (Informative) Calculation of the sum of acceptance areas ... 15
GB/T 37910, Non-destructive testing of welds – Acceptance levels for radiographic
testing, comprises the following two parts:
-- Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys;
-- Part 2: Aluminium and its alloys;
This Part is the 1st part of GB/T 37910.
This Part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Part was redrafted by modifying and adopting ISO 10675-1:2016, Non-destructive
testing of welds – Acceptance levels for radiographic testing – Part 1: Steel, nickel,
titanium and their alloys.
The significant technical changes and their reasons with respect to ISO 10675-1:2016
are as follows:
-- with respect to normative references, some adjustments are made in this Part
resulting in some technical differences, in order to adapt to the technical conditions
in China. The adjustments are intensively reflected in “Normative references” of
Clause 2. This Part:
uses GB/T 3323.1 modifying and adopting the international standard to
replace ISO 17636-1 (see Clauses 1 and 3, and Annex A);
uses GB/T 3323.2 modifying and adopting the international standard to
replace ISO 17636-2 (see Clauses 1 and 3, and Annex A);
uses GB/T 32259 modifying and adopting the international standard to
replace ISO 17637 (see Clause 4);
uses GB/T 6417.1 identically adopting the international standard to replace
ISO 6520-1 (see Clause 5, and Tables 2, 3 and A.1);
in accordance with ISO 5817, adds the acceptance requirements that the
clustered localized porosity need to satisfy the gas pores for the spherical
gas pores for the convenience of use (see Table 2).
This Part was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical
Committee 55 on Welding of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 55).
The drafting organizations of this Part: Shanghai Research Institute of Materials, China
Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Special Pressure Equipment
Inspection and Research Institute, Shanghai Qinhe Welding Technique Development
Co., Ltd., Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd., Xiamen Special Equipment Inspection
Institute, Shanghai Astropulsion Co., Ltd., Tianjin Special Equipment Inspection
Non-destructive testing of welds – Acceptance levels
for radiographic testing – Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium
and their alloys
1 Scope
This Part of GB/T 37910 specifies acceptance levels for indications from imperfections
in butt welds of steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys detected by radiographic testing.
If agreed, the acceptance levels can be applied to other types of welds or materials.
The acceptance levels can be related to welding standards, application standards,
specifications or codes. This Part assumes that the radiographic testing has been
carried out in accordance with GB/T 3323.1 or GB/T 3323.2. When assessing whether
a weld meets the requirements specified for a weld quality level, the sizes of
imperfections permitted by standards are compared with the dimensions of indications
revealed by a radiograph made of the weld.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition dated applies to this document. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced documents (including all
amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 3323.1, Non-destructive testing of welds – Radiographic testing – Part 1: X-
and gamma-ray techniques with film (GB/T 3323.1-2019, ISO 17636-1:2013, MOD)
GB/T 3323.2, Non-destructive testing of welds – Radiographic testing – Part 2: X-
and gamma-ray techniques with digital detectors (GB/T 3323.2-2019, ISO 17636-
2:2013, MOD)
GB/T 6417.1, Welding and allied processes – Classification of geometric
imperfections in metallic materials – Part 1: Fusion welding (GB/T 6417.1-2005,
ISO 6520-1:1998, IDT)
GB/T 32259, Non-destructive testing of welds – Visual testing of fusion-welded
joints (GB/T 32259-2015, ISO 17637:2003, MOD)
— A sum of projected areas of indications related to each L × Wp , in % (see Annex
— b width of excess penetration of weld, in millimetres;
— d diameter of pore, in millimetres;
— dA diameter of pore envelope area, in millimeters;
— h width of indication, the width or height of surface imperfection, in millimetres;
— L any 100 mm testing length, in millimeters;
— l length of indication, in millimetres;
— s nominal butt weld thickness, in millimetres;
— t base material thickness, in millimetres;
— Wp width of the weld, in millimetres;
— Σl summary length of imperfections within L, in millimetres.
If the interval between any two adjacent imperfections is less than or equal to the main
dimension of the smaller imperfection, they shall be deemed to be one imperfection.
For the calculation of accumulative areas of imperfections see Annex C.
Indications shall not be divided into different Ls.
Annex A
Guide to the limitations of radiographic testing
A.1 General
The numbers between brackets conform to those used in GB/T 6417.1.
A.2 Volumetric imperfections in butt welds
Volumetric imperfections in butt welds:
— Porosities (2011), clustered porosities (2013), elongated cavities (2015) and gas
pores (2017 )
—Elongated cavities (2015) and wormholes (2016)
— Solid inclusions (300)
— Copper inclusions (3042)
The above imperfections listed in Table 2 will be readily detected using radiographic
technique A or B of GB/T 3323.1 or GB/T 3323.2 as shown in Table 1.
A.3 Cracks in butt welds
Cracks in butt welds:
— Crater cracks (104)
— Cracks (100)
The detectability of cracks by radiographic testing depends on the crack height, the
ramification (presence of branching parts), opening width, direction of the X-ray beam
to crack orientation and radiographic technique parameters.
Reliable detection of all cracks is therefore limited. The use of radiographic technique
B or better, as specified in GB/T 3323.1 or GB/T 3323.2, will provide better crack
detectability than radiographic technique A.
A.4 Planar imperfections in butt welds
Planar imperfections in butt welds:
— Lack of fusion (401)
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.