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GB/T 37741-2019: PDF in English (GBT 37741-2019)

GB/T 37741-2019 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 35.240.01 L 70 Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Cloud Service Delivery Requirements ISSUED ON: AUGUST 30, 2019 IMPLEMENTED ON: MARCH 1, 2020 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative References ... 4  3 Terms and Definitions ... 4  4 Abbreviations ... 5  5 Delivery Mode ... 5  6 Delivery Content ... 5  7 Delivery Process ... 6  8 Delivery Quality ... 12  9 Delivery Management ... 12  Bibliography ... 15  Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Cloud Service Delivery Requirements 1 Scope This Standard stipulates the modes, content, process, quality and management requirements for cloud service delivery. This Standard is applicable to: a) CSP’s evaluation and improvement of its own delivery capabilities; b) CSC and third-party institution’s evaluation and certification of CSP’s delivery capabilities. 2 Normative References The following documents are indispensable to the application of this document. In terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document. GB/T 32400-2015 Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Overview and Vocabulary GB/T 36326-2018 Information Technology - Cloud Computing - General Operational Requirements of Cloud Service GB/T 37738-2019 Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Cloud Service Quality Evaluation Indicator 3 Terms and Definitions What is defined in GB/T 32400-2015, and the following terms and definitions are applicable to this document. 3.1 Cloud Service Delivery Cloud service delivery refers to a series of process, in which, CSP provides basic services included in cloud computing and the supporting service tools to CSC. NOTE: it includes: migration of operations to cloud, service provision, customer service b) Provide stable, secure and elastic cloud service. c) Provide a complete cloud service catalog, which includes, but is not limited to: functions, specifications and prices, etc. d) Provide explicit CSLA definition of the content of cloud service. e) Provide self-service function, through which, CSC may independently carry out service purchase, activation, alteration and termination operations. f) Provide account management functions, through which, CSC may independently conduct business activities, such as: recharge, balance inquiry, consumption audit, invoice request and application for contract, etc. g) Provide complete cloud service assistance documentation. h) Provide the process of immigration and emigration, including process specification, technical support and data elimination, etc. i) Provide CSC service channel; provide consulting, technical support and complaint handling services, such as: call center and online system, etc. j) In accordance with its actual condition, CSP may also provide various professional services, which include, but are not limited to: 1) Consulting and design service; 2) Migration and deployment service; 3) Operation maintenance and management service; 4) Optimization and promotion service. k) Provide value-added service and differentiated service, such as: the provision of monthly product usage report, and suggestions on optimal allocation of resources. 7 Delivery Process 7.1 Migration of Operations to Cloud 7.1.1 Information collection Collect existing information of operation system; combine the results of previous demand analysis, provide sufficient basis to the design of delivery scheme. CSP shall: a) Clarify the content of information collection; satisfy the design requirements of delivery scheme; a) Review service resources; ensure that the capacity design requirements of CSC scheme are satisfied; b) In accordance with the scheme, allocate resources and configurate connections; verify necessary connectivity and basic functions; c) Assist CSC in the deployment of operation system; provide technical support. In terms of the migration of traditional operation system to the cloud, this process shall also include the following activities: a) Before the migration to the cloud, test and verify the functions and performance of the traditional operation system; b) In accordance with the migration scheme, conduct the migration of applications and data; c) In case of migration failure, in accordance with the rollback scheme, recover to the status of not affecting the operation. 7.1.4 Effect verification After deployment on the cloud is completed, CSP shall: a) Examine service readiness; ensure that cloud service purchased by CSC and the status of cloud service can satisfy the planning and contract requirements; b) Confirm the system architecture on the cloud; ensure thorough compliance with the design requirements of the deployment scheme, including network topology and connectivity, etc. Under the circumstance of hybrid cloud, it shall also be confirmed whether it meets the hybrid cloud connection scheme; c) Verify operation status; timely troubleshoot and deal with problems found during the verification process; make sure the operation is in a normal status; d) Complete deployment verification report; confirm operation status. 7.2 Service Provision 7.2.1 Service provision In the duration of contract, CSP shall: a) Provide automated management capabilities of the entire life cycle of cloud service, such as: application, allocation, operation, alteration and cancellation, etc.; b) In accordance with the dynamic changes of CSC operation scale, provide timely, flexible and elastic service capabilities; 7.2.4 Operation maintenance management Operation maintenance management is the basic condition of understanding the operation of cloud service and ensuring continuous service delivery. CSP shall: a) Possess an impeccable operation maintenance monitoring system, so as to monitor the operation of cloud service; b) Achieve standardization of the definition and management of cloud service process; c) Possess automated operation maintenance tools; d) Provide CSC with operation maintenance monitoring tools and management portals, so as to satisfy the demands for operation maintenance; e) Record the status of cloud service and generate reports; possess self- monitoring and traceability of the service process; f) Possess account and authority management function; g) Provide log audit function. 7.3 Customer Service 7.3.1 Request acceptance CSP shall: a) Provide at least one channel for centralized acceptance of customer service requests; each acceptance channel shall be under an appropriate acceptance process; b) In accordance with the urgency and the extent of impact, divide the level of service requests; c) Equip corresponding teams to accept CSC consultation or problem handling requests. 7.3.2 Service response CSP shall: a) In accordance with the level of requests, construct corresponding response criteria; b) Formulate perfect customer service process and specifications; c) Establish a tracking and feedback mechanism, so as to offer timely feedback CSP shall: a) When CSC requests emigration of operation, provide necessary support and assistance; b) Confirm with CSC about the completion of operation data emigration. 7.4.3 Data destruction CSP shall: a) Provide the function of CSC’s self-data-destruction; b) Before and after the destruction of CSC’s operation data, prevent its data from unauthorized access; c) In accordance with the agreement in the contract, conduct operation data destruction. 8 Delivery Quality Cloud service delivery quality is related to the basic rights and interests of CSC. CSP shall: a) Provide explicit quality indicators and assessment methods; b) Relevant indicators and assessment criteria shall comply with the requirements in GB/T 37738-2019. 9 Delivery Management 9.1 Overview Delivery management refers to management activities carried out by CSP based on the delivery mode, delivery content, delivery process and delivery quality of cloud service, to ensure continuous delivery of cloud service with acceptable quality to CSC. It includes four stages, namely, planning, execution, inspection and improvement. 9.2 Planning CSP bases on its own cloud service capabilities, combine CSC demands, conduct planning of cloud service delivery, form a delivery scheme and carry out the scheme. CSP shall: a) Based on service catalog, provide CSC with accurate and complete cloud service information; ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.