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GB/T 3623-2022 PDF English

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GB/T 3623-2022English170 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Titanium and titanium alloy wire Valid
GB/T 3623-2007English359 Add to Cart 3 days Titanium and titanium alloy wire Obsolete
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GB/T 3623-2022: PDF in English (GBT 3623-2022)

GB/T 3623-2022 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.150.50 CCS H 64 Replacing GB/T 3623-2007 Titanium and titanium alloy wire ISSUED ON. JULY 11, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON. FEBRUARY 01, 2023 Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword... 3 1 Scope... 5 2 Normative references... 5 3 Terms and definitions... 6 4 Classification and marking... 6 5 Technical requirements... 7 6 Test methods... 10 7 Inspection rules... 10 8 Signs, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents... 12 9 Content of purchaser order... 13 Titanium and titanium alloy wire 1 Scope This document specifies the classification and marking, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, signs, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents and purchase orders of titanium and titanium alloy wires (hereinafter referred to as the wires). This document applies to round wires for the production of structural parts, electrode materials and welding materials. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 228.1, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1.Method of test at room temperature GB/T 3620.1, Designation and composition of titanium and titanium alloys GB/T 3620.2, Titanium and titanium alloys - Permissible variations of chemical composition for wrought product analysis GB/T 4698 (all parts), Methods for chemical analysis of titanium sponge, titanium and titanium alloys GB/T 5168, Microstructure and macrostructure examination for titanium and titanium alloys GB/T 6611, Terminology and metallographs for titanium and titanium alloys GB/T 8180, Wrought titanium and titanium alloy products packing, marking, transporting and storing GB/T 38982, Method of measuring shape and dimension for wrought titanium and titanium alloy products GB/T 39799-2021, Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances of titanium and titanium alloy bars and wires YS/T 1262, Method for chemical analysis of titanium sponge, titanium and titanium 6 Test methods 6.1 Chemical composition The chemical composition analysis of the product is carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 4698 (all parts) or YS/T 1262.Arbitration analysis is carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 4698 (all parts). 6.2 Dimensions and allowable deviations The measurement of the dimensions of the product and allowable deviations shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 38982. 6.3 Tensile properties The tensile properties test at room temperature of the product is carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 228.1.The original gauge length L0 of the specimen shall meet the following requirements. - When the diameter is less than 4.0mm, L0=50mm; - When the diameter is not less than 4.0mm, L0=4d0. 6.4 Macrostructure The macrostructure inspection of the product is carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 5168. 6.5 Appearance quality The appearance quality of the product is carried out by the method of visual inspection. 7 Inspection rules 7.1 Inspection and acceptance 7.1.1 The products shall be inspected by the supplier or a third party. 7.1.2 The purchaser may inspect the products received in accordance with the provisions of this document. When the inspection results do not conform to the provisions of this document or the purchase order, it shall be submitted to the supplier in writing and resolved through negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser. Objections belonging to dimensions as well as their allowable deviations and appearance quality shall be raised within one month from the date of receipt of the product. Objections belonging to chemical composition, tensile properties and macrostructure shall be raised within three months from the date of receipt of the 7.5.3 In the tensile property test, when the test result of one specimen fails, double specimens shall be taken from the batch of products for re-inspection. When there is still one specimen that fails to pass the re-inspection, the batch of products is determined as rejected. However, the supplier can inspect roll by roll (disc, piece). The qualified ones will be re-batched and delivered. 7.5.4 When the macrostructure inspection result fails, the batch of products is determined as rejected. 8 Signs, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents 8.1 Signs 8.1.1 Product signs Labels or signs shall be attached to the products that have passed the inspection. At least the following information shall be indicated. a) Manufacturer's name and trademark; b) Designation; c) Specification; d) State; e) Batch number; f) Reference to this document. 8.1.2 Packaging mark The packaging mark of the product shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 8180. 8.2 Packaging, transportation and storage The packaging, transportation and storage of the product shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 8180. 8.3 Accompanying documents Each batch of products shall have accompanying documents. In addition to supplier information, product information, reference to this document, date of manufacture or date of packaging, it shall also include. a) Quality certificate, including. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.