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GB/T 36103.1-2018 PDF English

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GB/T 36103.1-2018: PDF in English (GBT 36103.1-2018)

GB/T 36103.1-2018 Ferrite cores--Dimensions--Part 1. General specification ICS 29.100.10 L19 National Standards of People's Republic of China Ferrite core dimensions - Part 1. General specifications (IEC 62317-1.2007, IDT) Published on.2018-03-15 2018-10-01 implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China China National Standardization Administration issued Content Foreword III 1 range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Conversion of current standards and systems and revision projects 2 4 size description 2 5 core parts and surface position and structure 3 5.1 mating surface 3 5.2 Center Column 3 5.3 outer wall or outer leg 3 5.4 bottom wall, inner bottom surface and outer bottom surface 3 5.5 lead port 3 5.6 lead slot 3 5.7 Fixture groove area 3 Appendix A (informative) Core size standard system and IEC new and old standards and names 5 Foreword GB/T 36103 "ferrite core size" is intended to be divided into the following parts. --- Part 1. General specifications; --- Part 2. pot core; --- Part 3. Unpaired can cores; --- Part 4. RM type core and its accessories; --- Part 5. EP type core and its accessories; --- Part 6. ETD type core; --- Part 7. EER type core; --- Part 8. E-type magnetic core; ---Part 9. Planar core; --- Part 10. PM type core and its accessories; --- Part 11. EC type core; ---Part 12. Uncoated toroidal core; --- Part 13. PQ type magnetic core for power supply; --- Part 14. EFD type core for power supply; This part is the first part of GB/T 36103. This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This part uses the translation method equivalent to IEC 62317-1.2007 "ferrite core size part 1. general specification" (English) Version). The documents of our country that have a consistent correspondence with the international documents referenced in this part are as follows. ---GB/T 9630-2012 The size of the can core and its accessories made of magnetic oxide (IEC 60133.2000, IDT) --- GB/T 36103.7-2018 Ferrite core size - Part 7. EER core (IEC 62317-7.2005, MOD) ---SJ/T 3171-2013 Dimensions of E-type core made of magnetic oxide (IEC 62317-8.2006, IDT) ---SJ/T 3172.4-2016 Dimensions of ferrite cores Part 4. RM cores and their accessories (IEC 62317-4. 2005, IDT) ---SJ/T 3172.6-2013 Dimensions of ferrite cores - Part 6. ETD cores (IEC 61185.2005, IDT) ---SJ/T 11208-1999 Magnetic oxide EP type cores for inductors and transformers and their accessories (IEC 61596. 1995, IDT) This section also made the following editorial changes. --- Table A.1 adds the national standards and industry standards of the "ferrite core size" series of standards, and updated Status of the IEC 62317 series of standards. Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document is not responsible for identifying these patents. This part was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Magnetic Components and Ferrite Materials Standardization (SAC/TC89). This section drafted by. China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, the ninth Institute. The main drafters of this section. Cui Ying, Gao Xiaoqin, Wu Hao. Ferrite core dimensions - Part 1. General specifications 1 Scope This part of GB/T 36103 specifies the standards and series of standards for ferrite core dimensions. This section covers ferrite cores that are widely used and shaped in the industry. These ferrite cores are either included in national standards, or Has a wide range of industrial applications. Where applicable, the current industry name in each standard will appear in the corresponding series of standards section. This section does not include a dedicated ferrite core for limited use, nor does it include a dedicated core that deviates from the standard core. Example. E24/25 (US) and E24.5 (Metric) are two similar cores, but they are included in this series of standards, respectively, because they meet national standards and are widely application. E-187 (US) and FEE19A (Japan) are two similar cores, but they are included in this series of standards, respectively, because they meet national standards and are widely application. EP5 has smaller size differences between different manufacturers, but only EP5 is given in this series because they are only small for a single basic product. Variety. Only one or two manufacturers produce ferrite cores that are generally considered a specialty product and are not suitable for use in this series. Standard core. Ferrite cores produced by three or more competitors are generally included as candidates in this series of standards. The IEC has issued an electrical standard for a series of ferrite cores, as well as a series of ferrite cores. a series of standards for ferrite The modification of the body core will also be reflected in other series of ferrite core standards. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only dated versions apply to this article. Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. Dimensionsofpot-coresmadeofmag- sized dimensions of IEC 60133 magnetic oxide cans and their accessories Neticoxidesandassociatedparts) IEC 60647 size of magnetic oxide core (EC type core) for power supply [Dimensionsformagneticoxidecoresin- Dentforuseinpowersupplies(EC-cores)] Ferrite core (ETD type core) size for IEC 61185 power supply [Ferritecores(ETD-cores)intendedforuse inpowersupplyapplications-Dimensions] PM type core made of IEC 61247 magnetic oxide and its accessory size (PM-coresmadeofmagneticoxides andassociatedparts-Dimensions) IEC 61596 magnetic oxide EP cores for inductors and transformers and their accessories (MagneticoxideEP-cores andassociatedpartsforuseininductorsandtransformers-Dimensions) IEC 62317-4 Ferrite Core Dimensions Part 4. RM Cores and Accessories (Ferritecores-Dimensions- Part 4. RM-coresandassociatedparts) IEC 62317-7 Ferrite Core Sizes Part 7. EER Cores (Ferritecores-Dimensions-Part 7. EER-cores) IEC 62317-8 Ferrite Core Dimensions Part 8. E-cores (Ferritecores-Dimensions-Part 8. E- Cores) IEC 62317-9 Ferrite Core Sizes Part 9. Planar Cores (Ferritecores-Dimensions-Part 9. Planarcores) Dimensionsofhalfpot-coresmadeoffer- IEC 62323 Inductive proximity switch ferrite half-cup core Riteforinductiveproximityswitches) IEC /T R61604 size of uncoated magnetic oxide toroidal cores (Dimensionsofuncoatedringcoresof Magneticoxides) 3 Conversion of current standards and systems and revision projects The standards contained in the GB/T 36103 (IEC 62317) standard include current standards, standards being developed, and future standard. The new standards for logging in to the IEC website are as follows. a) Project being revised. The number of the new project should be posted on the IEC website when the new working draft is published, and Mark on the surface; b) current standards. the version number should be updated at the time of the publication of each new revision of these standards; and in the foreword of subsequent editions Description c) Future new projects. The number of new projects should be selected in accordance with the standard of GB/T 36103 (IEC 62317). Table A.1 is the core size standard system and the IEC new and old standards and name reference tables. 4 size description The letters given in the main dimensions of the ferrite core shape are described in Tables 1 and 2. Magnetic core of all other minor dimensions The code is described by the classification symbol. Table 1 Ring core dimensioning Letter size description A ring core outer diameter B ring core inner diameter C ring core height Table 2 Letter code of ferrite core shape size Letter size meaning A total length or diameter of the bottom of the core B The length or height of the outer or outer leg of the core Core width or bottom width of the C wire window D core center column length or effective skeleton depth E window width or effective skeleton width F center column thickness or diameter G lead or lead slot width H center column aperture Table 2 (continued) Letter size meaning J RM type magnetic core side parallel width K center column deviation size Lead width in the S outer column T Lead depth in the outer column 5 core parts and surface position and structure (see Figure 1) 5.1 mating surface These surfaces are typically ground to reduce the residual air gap between the two core mating faces. Therefore, these surface defects are mainly lacking The trap should be carefully evaluated for its effect on the magnetic properties of the entire magnetic circuit. 5.2 Center column Since the center column carries all of the magnetic flux generated by the windings, it is the most important part of the core. Ferrite core center column shape The shape is usually circular (porous or non-porous) or rectangular. 5.3 outer wall or outer leg The main function of the outer wall (such as a pot core) or the outer leg (such as an E-core) is to guide the magnetic flux in the closed magnetic circuit. 5.4 bottom wall, inner bottom surface and outer bottom surface The bottom wall has the same magnetic function as the outer wall or the outer leg; the bottom wall may have a lead port and a lead groove (such as a RM type core), and its shape and The size is determined by the winding and insulation requirements. In addition to being suitable for clamping, when the mating surface is ground to achieve the required parallelism and flatness, the outer bottom surface (grinded or not ground) As a reference surface. 5.5 lead port The side area of the outer wall is in contact with the opening. 5.6 lead slot The lead slot is located on the inwardly facing inner bottom surface of the bottom wall and extends radially from the center post to the lead opening, concentric with the center of the lead opening. In the lead groove, the lead of the coil is taken out from the inside to the outside for termination. 5.7 Fixture groove area A recessed area on the bottom wall for fixing the clamp. Figure 1 Location of the main part of the core and the surface (taking the RM type core as an example) Table A.1 gives a comparison of existing projects (or standards) and proposed new projects (or standards). Appendix A (informative appendix) Core size standard system and IEC new and old standards and names The core size standard system and the new and old IEC standards and names are shown in Table A.1. Table A.1 Core size standard system and IEC new and old standards and names Ferrite core Size" standard Existing national standard or line standard of the original IEC standard of IEC 62317 standard Part 1. General specifications IEC 62317-1.2007 Ferrite core size Part 1. General Specifications Part 2. Pot core IEC 62317-2.2010 Ferrite core size Part 2. Can cores for communications, power supplies and filters IEC 60133Ed.4.2000 (pre-standard) GB/T 9630-2012 Part 3. Unpaired cans Magnetic core IEC 62317-3 Ferrite Core Size Part 3 Points. Unpaired can cores (amended) IEC 62323Ed.1.2005 (current standard) Part 4. RM type magnetic Heart and its accessories IEC 62317-4.2005 Ferrite core size Part 4. RM core and its accessories IEC 60431Ed.3.2005 (pre-standard) SJ/T 3172.4-2016 Part 5. EP type magnetic Heart and its accessories IEC 62317-5.2015 Ferrite Core Size Part 5. EP cores and their accessories for inductors and transformers IEC 61596Ed.1.1995 (pre-standard) SJ/T 11208-1999 Part 6. ETD type core IEC 62317-6.2015 Ferrite Core Size Part 6. ETD core for power supply IEC 61185Ed..2005 (pre-standard) SJ/T 3172.6-2013 Part 7. EER type core IEC 62317-7.2005 Ferrite core size Part 7. EER core GB/T 36103.7-2018 Part 8. E-core IEC 62317-8.2006 Ferrite core size Part 8. E-core IEC 61246 Ed.1.1. 2002 (pre-standard) SJ/T 3171-2013 Part 9. Planar core IEC 62317-9.2006 Ferrite core size Part 9. Planar core IEC 61860Ed.1.2005 (pre-standard) Part 10. PM type magnetic Heart and its accessories IEC 62317-10 Ferrite Core Size Part 10 Minute. PM type core (amended) IEC 61247Ed.1.1995 (current standard) GB/T 20873-2007 Part 11. EC type core IEC 62317-11.2015 Ferrite Core Size Part 11. EC type core for power supply IEC 60647Ed.1. 1979 (pre-standard) SJ/T 2743-2013 Part 12. Uncoated Covered toroidal core IEC 62317-12.2016 Ferrite core size Part 12. Toroidal core IEC /T R61604Ed.1. 1997 (pre-standard) GB/T 28868-2012 Part 13. Power supply PQ type core IEC 62317-13.2015 Ferrite Core Size Part 13. PQ cores for power supplies SJ/T 3172.13-2013 Part 14. Power supply EFD type core IEC 62317-14.2008 Ferrite core size Part 14. EFD type core for power supply GB/T 36103.14-2018 ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.