GB/T 36088-2018 PDF English
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Information management requirements of cold chain logistics
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GB/T 36088-2018: PDF in English (GBT 36088-2018) GB/T 36088-2018
ICS 03.080.01
A 16
Information management requirements
of cold chain logistics
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Information management principle ... 5
5 Cold chain logistics information content ... 5
6 Cold chain logistics information management requirements ... 6
Information management requirements
of cold chain logistics
1 Scope
This Standard specifies cold chain logistics information management principle,
information content and information management requirements.
This Standard is applicable to recording and application of information in all
links of cold chain logistics.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 18354-2006, Logistics terms
GB/T 28577-2012, Classification and basic specification for cold chain
GB/T 28843-2012, Management requirement for traceability in food cold
chain logistics
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions specified in GB/T
18354-2006 and GB/T 28577-2012 apply. For easy use, some of the terms and
definitions in GB/T 28577-2012 are repeated below.
3.1 cold chain logistics
Based on the refrigeration process and refrigeration technology, the cold chain
items are always in the specified temperature environment from production,
distribution, sales to consumers to ensure the quality of cold chain items and
reduce the loss of cold chain items.
[GB/T 28577-2012, Definition 3.4]
4 Information management principle
4.1 Real-time
It shall be able to meet the real-time requirements, that is, real-time monitoring
of the temperature, humidity, position and other state information of cold chain
logistics items in production, processing, storage, transport, loading and
unloading, sales, etc.
4.2 Accuracy
Accurate monitoring of information on cold chain logistics items at all stages.
4.3 Reliability
The reliability of the information services provided by the equipment or systems
used in each link shall be ensured.
4.4 Integrity
The collected and processed information is not modified and destroyed by
illegal authorization during the process of input and transmission, ensuring data
4.5 Continuity
Ensure that information in all aspects of the supply chain is uninterrupted.
5 Cold chain logistics information content
5.1 Participant information
Name, address, contact information, etc. of the entrusting party and service
provider including the cold chain logistics service.
5.2 Item information
Including the item name, quantity, traceability mark, production batch number,
shelf life, environmental temperature and humidity requirements, etc.
5.3 Warehousing information
Including item information, location information, temperature and humidity
monitoring information, hygiene requirements, etc.
5.4 Receiving and sending information
6.1 General requirements
6.1.1 Pre-cooling in time during production, warehousing, transport and
circulation. Keep the environment within the temperature and humidity range
specified by the item. Timely, accurately and completely record key information
in each logistics link to ensure traceability of environmental information in the
cold chain logistics process.
6.1.2 The environmental requirements, allowable deviation ranges,
measurement methods, measurement results and storage requirements of the
items in different logistics links shall be clarified.
6.1.3 It shall be equipped with continuous temperature and humidity recorder
and regularly check and calibrate. Set up an environmental anomaly alarm
system, equipped with uninterruptible power supply or emergency power supply
system. Keep records of regular inspection and calibration.
6.1.4 The entrusting party of the cold chain logistics operation shall check the
cold chain conditions of the entrusted party. When signing a contract, the
environmental requirements for the storage, transport and distribution of the
items shall be clarified.
6.1.5 Environmental emergency response plans shall be developed and
environmental anomalies shall be recorded.
6.1.6 The continuity and integrity of information records shall be maintained
throughout the cold chain logistics. It is advisable to use automated means for
data acquisition and processing. Each reprint in the process is considered as a
different operation link. Complete information on each job link should be
6.2 Information management requirements for key links of cold chain
6.2.1 Transport link information management requirements The ambient temperature and humidity, item quality inspection
information, transport package information, quantity information, item status
information, operator information, etc. before and after shipment of the item
shall be recorded. During the transport process, the ambient temperature, vehicle
positioning, vehicle condition, information abnormality and treatment method of
the item shall be continuously recorded throughout the process.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.