GB/T 34666.2-2017 PDF English
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Technical specification for compilation for water quality criteria data -- Part 2: Aquatic toxicity
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GB/T 34666.2-2017: PDF in English (GBT 34666.2-2017) GB/T 34666.2-2017
ICS 13.060.01
Z 00
Technical specification for compilation for water
quality criteria data - Part 2: Aquatic toxicity
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of PRC;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Data sources ... 5
5 Principles of data compilation ... 6
5.1 Completeness ... 6
5.2 Consistency ... 6
5.3 Standardization ... 6
6 Data compilation content ... 6
6.1 Basic requirements for data compilation ... 6
6.2 Contents of data compilation of chemical substance information ... 8
6.3 Content of data compilation of experimental biological information ... 9
6.4 Content of data compilation of experimental condition information ... 10
6.5 Content of data compilation of experimental result information ... 13
6.6 Contents of data compilation of experimental matrix information ... 17
6.7 Content of data compilation of data source information ... 19
7 Quality control of data compilation ... 19
7.1 General ... 19
7.2 Standardization of data filling format ... 19
7.3 Standardization of enumerated data items ... 20
7.4 Automation of data verification ... 20
7.5 Data inspection... 21
8 Data classification, grouping, preservation ... 23
Appendix A (Informative) Example of filling out aquatic toxicity data compilation
form ... 24
References ... 30
Technical specification for compilation for water
quality criteria data - Part 2: Aquatic toxicity
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 34666 specifies the data source, principles, content, quality
control, data classification, compilation, preservation of aquatic toxicity data
compilation, in water quality criteria studies.
This part applies to the compilation of water quality criteria data. The
compilation of environmental criteria data for other media may refer to this
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) is applicable to this standard.
GB/T 3102.11 Mathematical signs and symbols for use in the physical
sciences and technology
GB/T 15834 General rules for punctuation
GB/T 15835 General rules for writing numerals in publications
GB/T 19378 Nomenclature and codes for pesticide for formulations
GB/T 21605 Test method of acute inhalation toxicity for chemicals
GB/T 21800 Testing of chemicals Bioconcentration - Flow-through fish test
GB/T 21804 Chemicals - Test method of acute oral toxicity-fixed dosed
GB/T 21805 Chemicals - Alga growth inhibition test
GB/T 21808 Testing of chemicals - Fish prolonged toxicity: 14-day study test
GB/T 21813 Chemicals - Honeybees acute contact toxicity test
5 Principles of data compilation
5.1 Completeness
All the toxicity data of aquatic organisms in the data shall be collected
completely, without redundancy or omission. The required information marked
shall be filled in completely.
5.2 Consistency
The compiled data and corresponding description information are consistent
with the content of the original data. It meets the consistency of concept, format
value range.
5.3 Standardization
Carry out standardized data compilation and processing, in strict accordance
with the basic requirements and content of data compilation.
6 Data compilation content
6.1 Basic requirements for data compilation
The basic requirements for data compilation include:
a) Each aquatic toxicity data contains six aspects of information: chemical
substance information, experimental biological information, experimental
condition information, experimental result information, experimental
matrix information, data source information.
b) The main reference [6] collects the following data: the toxicity test data of
living organisms; the toxic effect test data of organisms at the individual
level (not a certain part of the organ, tissue or cell of the organism); the
toxicity test data that has adverse effects on organisms; the toxicity test
data that has beneficial effects on organisms (e.g., nutritional effects); the
toxicity test data that describes the concentration, dose, or dosage of
chemical poisons in the experimental environment; the toxicity test data
of sediment that describes the concentration of the toxicant in water
(overlying water or interstitial water); the toxicity test data that describes
the exposure time of the toxic substance that produces a biological effect;
6.2 Contents of data compilation of chemical substance
The data items of chemical substance information and their filling requirements
are as shown in Table 1. The required data items include: identification code,
chemical substance name, chemical reagent purity, purity value, CAS number.
Table 1 -- Data items of chemical substance information and their filling
Data item Filling requirements
Identification code *
Fill in the identification code of a piece of data. The specific requirements are
as follows:
a) It may, according to different chemical substance types, experimental
biological classifications, compilation time, data sources, set the
identification code of each piece of data;
b) Each piece of data corresponds to a unique identification code
name *
Chinese name
Fill in the Chinese and English names of the chemical substances,
respectively. The specific requirements are as follows:
a) If the experimental chemical substance is not directly added, BUT the
experimental chemical substance is changed by the neutralization reaction
or the addition of a salt, it shall carry out necessary processing, THEN, fill
in the information of the chemical substance actually exposed by the
experimental organism;
b) If the chemical substance does not have a CAS number, OR the chemical
substance has more than one CAS number, it shall check its molecular
formula to get the chemical name;
c) If the hydrate of a chemical substance is used in the data, fill in the hydrate
name of the chemical substance in this data item; fill the information of its
hydrate in the following data item
English name
CAS number * Fill in the CAS number of the chemical substance
Classification of chemical substances
Fill in the classification of the chemical substance, such as aluminum,
chromium, DDT and its metabolites, polybrominated diphenyl ethers
(PBDEs), etc. If a chemical substance belongs to multiple classifications, fill
in all the classification names in the data items of chemical substance
classification; separate them with commas
Chemical reagent purity *
Fill in the purity of the chemical reagent in the data. For example, analytical
pure, chromatographic pure, etc.
Purity value *
Fill in the purity value of the experimental chemical reagent OR the
percentage value of its active ingredient
Chemical substance dosage form
Fill in the chemical substance dosage form, such as oil, solution, particulate,
powder, etc.
Solvent Chinese name of solvent
d) The usage of punctuation marks, in the data item of remarks, shall meet
the requirements of GB/T 15834. Use a comma (,) to connect the
comment content of the same information; use a semicolon (;) to separate
the information which is listed item by item; use a colon (:) to connect the
remark information of the corresponding data item;
e) In the data item to fill the data value, fill in the average value, minimum
value, maximum value, which are given in the data. The format of the
expression method is: the average value (minimum value ~ maximum
value); meanwhile in the corresponding remarks data item, it may
supplement the confidence interval, confidence limit and range of the data
value in the data. When the average value of the data does not fall within
the range of the maximum and minimum values, OR within the confidence
limit or the confidence interval described in the data, in the data item to fill
the data value, it stills fills in the “average value (minimum value ~
maximum value)”; meanwhile in the remark data item, fill in "the
confidence interval (or the confidence limit) is 'XX ~ XX' " or "the range is
'XX ~ XX' ";
f) When filling in the endpoint data item, it shall pay attention to the endpoints
LTxx, BMDxx, BMRSxx, ECxx, EDxx, ERxx, ETxx, ICxx, IDxx, LCxx, LDxx, LRxx,
LTxx, with numerical values. Use the following form to represent the single
digit: 0X (e.g., LC01, LC05);
g) For the use of index, refer to the expression method of GB/T1.1, such as
3.02 × 10-8;
f) The method of expressing the numerical range shall comply with the
provisions of GB/T 3102.11, using the symbol "~" instead of "-".
7.3 Standardization of enumerated data items
Except for some data item of remarks and numerical values, other data items
can refer to the encoding table of ECOTOX
(, to set the
enumeration value of the corresponding data item, through the software. If the
enumeration value of some data item is missing, during the data compilation
process, the enumeration value of the corresponding data item can be added,
after verification by relevant personnel.
7.4 Automation of data verification
When the data compiler fills in relevant data items, computer programs are used
to control the field width, data type, simple threshold check (see Table 7), AND
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.