GB/T 3222.1-2022 PDF English
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Standard ID | Contents [version] | USD | STEP2 | [PDF] delivered in | Name of Chinese Standard | Status |
GB/T 3222.1-2022 | English | 605 |
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Acoustics - Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise - Part 1: Basic quantities and assessment procedures
| Valid |
GB/T 3222.1-2006 | English | RFQ |
5 days
Acoustics -- Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise -- Part 1: Basic quantities and assessment procedures
| Obsolete |
GB/T 3222-1994 | English | 279 |
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Acoustics--Measurement method of environmental noise
| Obsolete |
GB 3222-1982 | English | 439 |
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Measurement method of community noise
| Obsolete |
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PDF Preview: GB/T 3222.1-2022
GB/T 3222.1-2022: PDF in English (GBT 3222.1-2022) GB/T 3222.1-2022
ICS 17.140
CCS A 59
GB/T 3222.1-2022 / ISO 1996-1:2016
Replacing GB/T 3222.1-2006
Acoustics - Description, Measurement and Assessment of
Environmental Noise - Part 1: Basic Quantities and
Assessment Procedures
(ISO 1996-1:2016, IDT)
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
Introduction ... 6
1 Scope ... 7
2 Normative References ... 8
3 Terms and Definitions ... 8
3.1 Expression of Levels ... 8
3.2 Time Intervals ... 10
3.3 Ratings ... 11
3.4 Sound Designations ... 11
3.5 Impulsive Sound Sources ... 13
3.6 Day, Evening, Night Sound Levels ... 14
4 Symbols ... 16
5 Descriptors for Environmental Noise(s) ... 16
5.1 Single Events ... 16
5.2 Repetitive Single Events ... 17
5.3 Continuous Sound ... 17
6 Noise Annoyance ... 17
6.1 Descriptors for Community Noise ... 17
6.2 Frequency Weightings ... 18
6.3 Adjusted Levels ... 18
6.4 Rating Levels ... 19
6.5 Composite Whole-day Rating Levels ... 20
7 Noise Limit Requirements ... 21
7.1 General ... 21
7.2 Specifications ... 21
8 Reporting Assessments of Environmental Noise(s) and Estimation of Long-term
Community Annoyance Response ... 22
8.1 Estimation of Long-term Annoyance Response of Communities ... 22
8.2 Test Report ... 23
Appendix A (informative) Adjustments for Sound Source Rating Levels ... 25
Appendix B (informative) High-energy Impulse Sounds ... 30
Appendix C (informative) Sounds with Strong Low-frequency Content ... 33
Appendix D (informative) Relationships to Estimate the Percentage of a Population
Highly Annoyed and the 95% Prediction Interval as a Function of Adjusted Day-
evening-night and Day-night Sound Levels ... 35
Appendix E (informative) Estimated Prevalence of a Population Highly Annoyed as a
Function of Adjusted Day-evening-night or Day-night Sound Levels Using the
Community Tolerance Level Formulation ... 37
Appendix F (informative) Estimated Prevalence of a Population Highly Annoyed as a
Function of Adjusted Day-evening-night or Day-night Sound Level Using a Regression
Formulation ... 46
Appendix G (informative) Annoyance Caused by Exposure to Sound in Multi-source
Environments ... 51
Appendix H (informative) Theory-based Approach to Predict the Growth of Annoyance
... 53
Bibliography ... 57
This document was drafted in accordance with the rules provided in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives
for Standardization - Part 1: Rules for the Structure and Drafting of Standardizing Documents.
This document is Part 1 of GB/T 3222 Acoustics - Description, Measurement and Assessment
of Environmental Noise. GB/T 3222 has issued the following parts:
---Part 1: Basic Quantities and Assessment Procedures;
---Part 2: Determination of Sound Pressure Levels.
This document serves as a replacement of GB/T 3222.1-2006 Acoustics - Description,
Measurement and Assessment of Environmental Noise - Part 1: Basic Quantities and
Assessment Procedures. In comparison with GB/T 3222.1-2006, the main technical changes are
as follows:
---The community tolerance level Lct is added (see 3.6.6);
---The contents of “adjusted levels” and “composite whole-day rating levels” are modified
(see 6.3 and 6.5; 6.3 and 6.5 of Version 2006);
---The relevant contents of the estimation of long-term annoyance response of
communities are modified [see 8.1 and 8.2.1 i); 8.1 and 8.2.1 i) of Version 2006].
This document equivalently adopts ISO 1996-1:2016 Acoustics - Description, Measurement
and Assessment of Environmental Noise - Part 1: Basic Quantities and Assessment Procedures.
Please be noted that certain content of this document may involve patents. The institution
issuing this document does not undertake the responsibility of identifying these patents.
This document was proposed by Chinese Academy of Sciences.
This document shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee 17 on Acoustics
of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 17).
The drafting organizations of this document: Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences; Shenzhen Zhongya Mechanic & Electric Industry Co., Ltd.; Hangzhou AHAI
Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.; Tongji University; Zhejiang University of Science and
Technology; Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport; Nanjing University; Anhui
Weiwei Shock and Noise Reduction Technology Research Institute; Beijing Municipal Institute
of Labor Protection; Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences; Northwestern
Polytechnical University; Changsha Aobang Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd.;
Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Zhejiang University; Harbin Engineering University.
The main drafters of this document: Cheng Mingkun, Lv Yadong, Li Xiaodong, Yang Jun,
Cheng Xiaobin, Yin Diao, Fang Qingchuan, Ma Dongxing, Yu Wuzhou, Xiong Wenbo, Li
Acoustics - Description, Measurement and Assessment of
Environmental Noise - Part 1: Basic Quantities and
Assessment Procedures
1 Scope
This document defines the basic quantities to be used for the description of noise in community
environments and describes basic assessment procedures. It also specifies methods to assess
environmental noise and gives guidance on predicting the potential annoyance response of a
community to long-term exposure from various types of environmental noises. The sound
sources can be separate or in various combinations. Application of the method to predict
annoyance response is limited to areas where people reside and to related long-term land uses.
Community response to noise can vary differently among sound sources that are observed to
have the same acoustic levels. This document describes adjustments for sounds that have
different characteristics. The term “rating level” is used to describe physical sound predictions
or measurements to which one or more adjustments have been added. On the basis of these
rating levels, the long-term community response can be estimated.
The sounds are assessed either singly or in combination, allowing for consideration, when
deemed necessary by responsible authorities, of the special characteristics of their
impulsiveness, tonality, and low-frequency content, and for the different characteristics of road-
traffic noise, other forms of transportation noise (such as aircraft noise), and industrial noise.
This document does not specify limits for environmental noise.
NOTE 1: In acoustics, several different physical measures describing sound can have their level
expressed in decibels (e.g. sound pressure, maximum sound pressure, and equivalent
continuous sound pressure). The levels corresponding to these physical measures
normally will differ for the same sound. This often leads to confusion. Therefore, it is
necessary to specify the underlying physical quantity (e.g. sound pressure level,
maximum sound pressure level, and equivalent continuous sound pressure level).
NOTE 2: In this document, quantities are expressed as levels in decibels. However, some countries
validly express the underlying physical quantity, such as maximum sound pressure, in
pascal or sound exposure in pascal-squared seconds.
NOTE 3: ISO 1996-2 deals with the determination of sound pressure levels.
Event duration shall be specified relative to some characteristic of the sound, such as the number
of times that some fixed level was exceeded.
EXAMPLE: The duration of a sound event can be defined as the total time that the sound pressure
level is within 10 dB of its maximum sound pressure level.
NOTE: While the sound exposure level combines sound level and duration, the concept of event
duration can be useful to differentiate events. For example, an aircraft pass-by can have a
duration of 10 s to 20 s, while the duration of a gunshot is less than 1 s.
5.2 Repetitive Single Events
Repetitive single-event environmental sounds are typically re-occurrences of single-event
sounds. For example, aircraft noise, railway noise, or road-traffic noise with a low traffic
volume, can be considered as the sum of the sound from multiple individual events. Also, the
sound from gunfire is the sum of the sound from multiple individual gunshot sounds. In this
document, the description of all repetitive single-event sound sources utilizes the sound
exposure levels of the single-event sounds and the corresponding number of events to determine
the rating equivalent continuous sound pressure levels.
5.3 Continuous Sound
Transformers, fans, and cooling towers are examples of continuous sound sources. The sound
pressure level of the sound from a continuous sound source can be constant, fluctuating, or
slowly varying over a time interval. Continuous sound is preferably described by the A-
weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level over a specified time interval. For
fluctuating and intermittent sounds, the A-weighted maximum sound pressure level with a
specified time weighting can also be used.
NOTE: Depending on the situation, road-traffic noise can be classified as a continuous source or
as the sum of many repetitive single-event sounds.
6 Noise Annoyance
6.1 Descriptors for Community Noise
This document provides guidance on the assessment of environmental noise from individual
sources or any combination of sources. Responsible authorities may decide what sources, if any,
are to be combined, and what adjustments, if any, are to be applied. If the sound has special
characteristics, then the rating equivalent continuous sound pressure level shall be the primary
measure used to describe the sound. Other measures such as the maximum sound pressure level,
the (adjusted) sound exposure level, or the peak sound pressure level also may be specified.
Research has shown that the frequency weighting A, alone, is not sufficient to assess sounds
characterized by tonality, impulsiveness, or strong low-frequency content. To estimate the long-
term annoyance response of a community to sounds with some of these special characteristics,
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.