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GB/T 2790-1995 PDF English

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GB/T 2790-1995English70 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Adhesives, 180-degree peel strength test method for a flexible-bonded-to-rigid test specimen assembly
GB 2790-1981English199 Add to Cart 2 days Adhesives--The method for determination of<180-degree peel strength (metal to metal) Obsolete
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GB/T 2790-1995: PDF in English (GBT 2790-1995)

GB/T 2790-1995 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Replacing GB 2790-81 Adhesives, 180 Peel Strength Test Method for a Flexible-bonded-to-rigid Test Specimen Assembly 挠性材料对刚性材料 APPROVED ON: DECEMBER 20, 1995 IMPLEMENTED ON: AUGUST 1, 1996 Issued by: The Quality and Technology Supervision Bureau of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents 1 Main Content and Scope of Application ... 3  2 Normative References ... 3  3 Principle ... 3  4 Devices ... 3  5 Test Specimens ... 4  6 Conditioning and Test Environment ... 6  7 Test Procedures ... 6  8 Processing of Test Result ... 7  9 Test Report ... 8  Additional information ... 9  Adhesives, 180 Peel Strength Test Method for a Flexible-bonded-to-rigid Test Specimen Assembly This Standard equivalently adopts ISO 8510-2:1990 Adhesives - Peel Test for a Flexible-bonded-to-rigid Test Specimen Assembly - Part 2: 180 Degree Peel. 1 Main Content and Scope of Application This Standard stipulates the devices, test specimen preparation, test procedures and result processing of 180 peel test of adhesive test specimens bonded by flexible materials and rigid materials. This Standard is applicable to the determination of adhesives’ resistance against 180 peeling under the stipulated conditions. The adhesive test specimens are constituted of two bonded materials (flexible materials and rigid materials). 2 Normative References GB 2918 Plastics - Standard Atmospheres for Conditioning and Testing 3 Principle Use two pieces of bonded materials and adhesives to prepare adhesive test specimens. Then, at a stipulated rate, peel off the adhesive test specimens from the opening adhesive. Thus, the two bonded pieces are gradually separated from each other along the direction of the length of the adhesive surface. The peel force that is imposed through the flexible bonded piece is basically parallel to the adhesive surface. 4 Devices 4.1 Tensile Test Device The device shall have an appropriate range of load; the chuck shall be able to separate and impose tensile force at a constant rate. This device shall be equipped with a measurement system and indicating/recording system of force. The error of indicated force value shall not exceed 2%. The response time of the whole device shall be sufficiently short, so that the accuracy of measurement is not affected. In other words, when the adhesive test specimens are destroyed, the imposed force can be measured. The breaking load of test specimens shall be between 10% ~ 80% of full load. 4.2 Chuck One of the chucks shall be able to firmly clamp the rigid bonded piece (see 5.1.1); and make the adhesive surface parallel to the imposed force. The other chuck (see Figure 1) shall be able to fixate the flexible bonded piece (see 5.1.2); this chuck is self- calibrated. Hence, the imposed force is parallel to the adhesive surface and connected with the sensor of the tensile test device (4.1). 5 Test Specimens 5.1 Bonded Materials The thickness of bonded materials should be able to endure the estimated tensile force. The dimensions of bonded materials shall be accurately measured and written into test report. NOTE: the thickness of bonded test specimens shall be determined by the supply-side and the demand-side of adhesives through agreement. The recommended thickness of bonded test specimens is: metal 1.5 mm; plastics 1.5 mm; timber 3 mm; vulcanized rubber 2 mm. The thickness and the type of flexible bonded test specimens have great influence on the test result and must be recorded. When the thickness of bonded test specimens is more than 1 mm, thickness measurement shall be accurate to 0.1 mm; when the thickness of bonded test specimens is less than 1 mm, thickness measurement shall be accurate to 0.001 mm. 5.1.1 Rigid bonded test specimens The width of rigid bonded test specimens shall be: 25.0 mm ± 0.5 mm, unless it is otherwise stipulated1; the length shall be: above 200 mm, long strips. 5.1.2 Flexible bonded test specimens Flexible bonded test specimens shall be able to bend 180 without manifesting any severe and irrevocable deformation. Unless it is otherwise stipulated, the length of flexible bonded test specimens shall be not less than 350 mm. The width is: a) In terms of materials whose edges are not worn, the width shall be identical to the width of rigid bonded test specimens; b) In terms of materials whose edges are easily worn, for example, cotton canvas, the width shall respectively be 5 mm wider than the width of rigid bonded test specimens on both sides. 1 The international standard does not include “unless it is otherwise stipulated”. Figure 1 -- Sketch Map of 180 Peel Test of Adhesive Test Specimens Bonded by Flexible and Rigid Materials In accordance with the method recommended by adhesive manufacturer, bond the bonded test specimen; solidify the adhesives. If pressurization is needed in the preparation of test specimens, impose uniform pressure onto the whole adhesive surface; the recommended imposed pressure may reach 1 MPa. It would be better to prepare a timed pressure-withdrawal device. In order to obtain uniform pressure distribution on the whole adhesive surface, the press plate shall be parallel. If it is impossible, place an elastic gasket on the press plate. The thickness of the gasket shall be approximately 10 mm; the hardness (Shore A) shall be approximately 45 degree. Under this circumstance, it is recommended that the imposed pressure may reach 0.7 MPa. Another method of the preparation of test specimens is to bond two plates (with appropriate dimensions) into an expanded test piece, then, cut off test specimens from the expanded test piece. During the cutting, try to minimize the influence of cutting heat and mechanical force on the bonded joint. The outermost strip part (width: 12 mm) that is parallel to the long side of the test specimen on the expanded test piece must be eliminated. Determine the average thickness of test specimen’s adhesive layer. 5.3 Quantity of Test Specimens The quantity of each batch No. of test specimens shall be not less than 5. 6 Conditioning and Test Environment Test specimens shall be conditioned and tested under the standard environment stipulated in GB 2918. The time of conditioning of test specimens shall be not less than 2 h3. 7 Test Procedures Bend the unbonded side of flexible bonded test specimen by 180; firmly clamp the rigid bonded test specimen on a fixated chuck; firmly clamp the flexible bonded test specimen on the other chuck. Please make sure that test specimen between the chucks is accurately positioned, so as to guarantee that the imposed tensile force can be uniformly distributed on the width of the test specimen (see Figure 1). Initiate the machine, so that the upper chuck and the lower chuck can separate at a constant rate. The separation rate of the chucks shall be: 100 ± 10 mm/min. If other rates are to be 3 The international standard does not directly indicate the time of conditioning. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.