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GB/T 25036-2021 PDF English

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GB/T 25036-2021English110 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Children canvas rubber footwear Valid
GB 25036-2010English85 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Children canvas rubber footwear (shoes) Obsolete
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GB/T 25036-2021: PDF in English (GBT 25036-2021)

GB/T 25036-2021 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 61.060 CCS Y 78 Replacing GB 25036-2010 Children's canvas rubber footwear ISSUED ON: OCTOBER 11, 2021 IMPLEMENTED ON: MAY 1, 2022 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 6 4 Classification ... 6 5 Technical requirements ... 6 6 Test methods ... 8 7 Warning signs ... 9 8 Inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, and storage ... 10 Children's canvas rubber footwear 1 Scope This document specifies the classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, and storage of children's canvas rubber footwear. This document applies to footwear for toddlers and children made of soles made of rubber or other elastomers as the main material and complete uppers made of fabric and other synthetic or natural materials as the main material. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. For the dated referenced documents, only the versions with the indicated dates are applicable to this document; for the undated referenced documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T 528 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of tensile stress- strain properties GB/T 531.1 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of indentation hardness - Part 1: Durometer method (Shore hardness) GB/T 2941 Rubber - General procedures for preparing and conditioning test pieces for physical test methods GB/T 3293.1 Shoes sizes GB 6675.2-2014 Safety of toys - Part 2: Mechanical and physical properties GB/T 9867-2008 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical drum device GB 30585-2014 Safety technical specifications for children's footwear GB/T 33384-2016 Rubber footwear terminology HG/T 2198 Vulcanized rubber - The general requirements for the physical test method HG/T 2403 Test rule, marking, packaging, transport, storage of rubber shoes HG/T 2489 Cellular for shoes - Determination of hardness HG/T 3780-2005 Test method of static slip resistance for footwear HG/T 4805 Rubber shoes - Determination of adhesion between rubber parts and textile fabric QB/T 2882-2007 Footwear - Test methods for uppers, linings and insocks - Colour fastness to rubbing 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 33384-2016 and the following apply to this document. 3.1 children's canvas rubber footwear Canvas rubber shoes for children wearing, with a shoe size below 245. [Source: GB/T 33384-2016, 2.2.2] 3.2 toddler's canvas rubber footwear Canvas rubber shoes for toddlers aged 36 months and younger (usually shoe size is no larger than 170). 4 Classification 4.1 Products are divided into two categories according to their wearing objects: -- Category A: toddler’s canvas rubber footwear; -- Category B: children's canvas rubber footwear other than toddlers’ canvas rubber footwear. 4.2 Products are divided into solid soles and cellular soles according to outsole materials. 5 Technical requirements 5.1 Shoe size and model They shall be in accordance with GB/T 3293.1. opening circumference is ≥360 mm and sum of the depth and opening circumference is ≥584 mm, the average thickness is required to be ≥0.038 mm, and the thickness measured each time shall not be less than 0.032 mm. Or there shall be clearly defined holes in any area up to 30 mm×30 mm, and the total area of the holes shall account for at least 1%. NOTE: Not suitable for heat-shrinkable film used for wrapping shoes. 6 Test methods 6.1 Physical properties 6.1.1 Test conditions They shall comply with the regulations of GB/T 2941 and HG/T 2198. The storage time of the sample before testing shall not be less than 6 hours, and the pieces taken from finished products shall be cut along the direction of the outsole. 6.1.2 Tensile strength and elongation at break The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 528. The shape of the sample is specified with a type 1 dumbbell cutter. When the thickness of the sample does not meet the test method standard, the test is based on the actual thickness of the sample. 6.1.3 Abrasion resistance The test shall be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 9867-2008 (Method A), and the detection pressure is (10±0.2)N for the solid sole and (5±0.1)N for the cellular sole. The test parts are the force-bearing parts of the outsole, namely: the metatarsophalangeal flexion part of the forefoot and the heel part of the backfoot. Choose a flat surface for inspection. Surfaces with slight patterns but the pattern depth does not exceed 0.5 mm can be regarded as flat surfaces. For solid soles, if the depth of the outsole pattern is greater than 0.5 mm, appropriate methods shall be used to polish the pattern before sampling and testing, and this shall be noted in the result report. For cellular soles, they shall not be polished. If the depth of the outsole pattern is greater than 0.5 mm, the same batch of raw materials shall be taken for testing, and the results shall be noted in the report. 6.1.4 Hardness For solid soles, the test shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 531.1, and for cellular ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.