GB/T 2423.6-1995 PDF English
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GB/T 2423.6-1995 | English | 135 |
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Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test Eb and guidance: Bump
| Obsolete |
GB 2423.6-1981 | English | 239 |
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Electric and electronic products--Basic environmental test regulations for electricians--Test Eb: The collision method
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PDF Preview: GB/T 2423.6-1995
GB/T 2423.6-1995: PDF in English (GBT 2423.6-1995) GB/T 2423.6-1995
GB/T 2423.6-1995 / IEC 68-2-29.1987
Replacing GB 2423.6-81, GB 2424.4-81
Environmental testing for electric and electronic
products - Part 2. Test methods
Test Eb and guidance. Bump
(IEC 68-2-29.1987, IDT)
Issued by. State Bureau of Technical Supervision.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
IEC Foreword ... 5
Introduction ... 7
1 Object ... 7
2 General description ... 7
3 Definitions ... 8
4 Description of test apparatus ... 9
5 Severities ... 11
6 Pre-conditioning ... 12
7 Initial measurements ... 12
8 Conditioning ... 12
9 Recovery ... 13
10 Final measurements ... 13
11 Information to be given in the relevant specification ... 13
Annex A (Standard) Guidance ... 15
Annex B (Informative) Comparisons between impact tests ... 21
This Standard identically uses IEC 68-2-29 Environmental testing procedures
Part 2. Tests - Test Eb and guidance. Bump (Second Edition of 1987) ,a
standard of National Electrotechnical Commission.
This shall allow this national standard to be aligned with the international
standard, so as to accommodate the needs of international trade, technology
and economic exchange.
This Standard replaces GB 2423.6-81 Basic environmental testing procedures
for electric and electronic products - Test Eb. Collision test method and GB
2424.4-81 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic
products - Guidance for impact tests.
GB 2423.6-81 and GB 2424.4-81 were drafted based on IEC 68-2-29 (First
Edition of 1968) Basic environmental testing procedures Part 2. Tests - Test Eb
and guidance. Bump. In addition to the differences in content and text
arrangement between these two, the main differences are as follows.
- added three grades. 50 m/s2, 16 ms; 50 m/s2, 11 ms; 100 m/s2, 11 ms in
severe rating;
- divided the text and annexes of IEC 68-2-29 into two standards. Methods
for impact test and Guidance for impact tests;
- added test requirements for test specimens of which structure and
performance are completely symmetrical.
This Standard is identical to the second edition of IEC 68-2-29 (1987) in
technical content, writing format and rules. The main differences between this
Standard and the previous edition are as follows.
- added Foreword;
- added Clause 3 Definitions;
- modified pulse waveform and tolerance of impact test;
- modified requirements for frequency characteristics of measurement
- deleted three grades. 50 m/s2, 16 ms; 50 m/s2, 11 ms; 100 m/s2, 11 ms
from severe rating; added two grades. 150 m/s2, 6 ms; 1000 m/s2, 2 ms;
modified the number of impact and test methods;
- divided one annex in the previous standard into two annexes, i.e., Annex
A and Annex B and made supplement and modifications in content.
This Standard was drafted based on GB/T 1.1-93 Directives for the work of
standardization. Unit 1. Drafting and presentation of standards. Part 1. General
rules for drafting standards. It keeps the foreword of the International standard
and added the “Foreword”.
The following four standards together with this Standard all belong to impact
test category. Relevant norms shall, according to product’s use and the actual
conditions of transport, select appropriate test method (See Annex B).
- GB/T 2423.5-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic
products Part 2.Test methods Test Ea and guidance. Shock
- GB/T 2423.7-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic
products - Part 2. Test methods Test Ec and guidance. Drop and topple
Primarily for equipment-type specimens
- GB/T 2423.8-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic
products Part 2. Test methods Test Ed. Free fall
- GB 2423.39-90 Environmental testing for electric and electronic
products - Part 2. Test methods - Test Ee. Bounce
Annex A of this Standard is a standard annex;
Annex B of this Standard is an informative annex.
This Standard was proposed by Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People
's Republic of China.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee
on Environmental Conditions And Environmental Testing of Electric and
Electronic Products of Standardization Administration of China.
The drafting organizations of this Standard. The 7th Standardization Room of
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.
Main drafters of this Standard. Huang Shufu, Sheng Zurao, Chen Henian, Jin
Baogen, Xu Liyi, Wang Shurong.
Environmental testing for electric and electronic
products - Part 2. Test methods
Test Eb and guidance. Bump
This test is applicable to components, equipment and other electrotechnical
products, hereinafter referred to as “specimens”, which, during transportation
or in use, may be subjected to repetitive shocks. The bump test may also be
used as a means of establishing the satisfactory design of a specimen in so far
as its structural integrity is concerned and as a means of quality control. It
consists basically of subjecting, on a bump tester, a specimen to repetitive
shocks of a standard pulse shape with specified peak acceleration and duration.
NOTE The term “bump tester” is used throughout this Standard but other means of
applying “bumps” are not excluded.
Specification writers will find in Clause 11 a list of details to be considered for
inclusion in specifications and in Annex A the necessary guidance.
1 Object
To provide a standard procedure for determining the ability of a specimen to
withstand specified severities of bump.
2 General description
This Standard is written in terms of a prescribed number of repetitive half-sine
pulses with given peak acceleration and duration.
The purpose of the test is to reveal the accumulated damage or degradation
caused by repetitive shocks, and to use the information, in conjunction with the
relevant specification, to decide whether a specimen is acceptable or not. It
may also be used, in some cases, to determine the structural integrity of
specimens or as a means of quality control (see Clause A3).
This test is primarily intended for unpackaged specimens and for items in their
transport case when the latter may be considered as part of the specimen itself.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.