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GB/T 23119-2017 PDF English

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GB/T 23119-2017English145 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Household and similar electrical appliances -- Water for performance testing Valid
GB/T 23119-2008English519 Add to Cart 3 days Household and similar electrical appliances -- Performance -- Hard water for testing Obsolete
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GB/T 23119-2017: PDF in English (GBT 23119-2017)

GB/T 23119-2017 Household and similar electrical appliances - Water for performance testing ICS 97.180 Y69 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replace GB/T 23119-2008 Water for performance testing of household and similar electrical appliances (IEC 60734.2012, Householdelectricalappliances- Performance-Waterfortesting, IDT) Released on.2017-10-14 2018-05-01 implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China China National Standardization Administration issued Content Foreword III Introduction IV 1 range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 terms and definitions, symbol 1 4 Measurement and accuracy 2 5 standard water 3 6 Preparation of standard water 4 7 Storage of standard water 7 8 test 7 Appendix A (informative) Water hardness conversion table 8 Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard replaces GB/T 23119-2008 "hard water used in performance testing of household and similar electrical appliances", and GB/T 23119- The main technical changes in.2008 are as follows. ---Change of standard name, changed from "hard water used in performance test of household and similar electrical appliances" to "home and similar use electricity" Water performance testing." --- Chapter 1 increases the original 3 types of standard water to 4 categories, from soft to very hard, according to hardness, alkalinity and conductivity. --- Chapter 2 adds normative references to the determination of conductivity, alkalinity and pH. --- Chapter 3 increases the definition of alkalinity and conductivity, as well as the symbols, units and definitions of properties such as alkalinity, conductivity and hardness. --- Chapter 4 name changed to "measurement and accuracy", in particular to add additional requirements for hardness, alkalinity and conductivity. --- Chapter 5 name changed to "standard water", define four different types of water and make additional requirements. --- The overall structure of Chapter 6 has been adjusted, and the preparation method A is no longer retained; the preparation method C3 is added to consider the alkalinity and conductivity. It is an important part of this standard adjustment. --- Appendix A, the hardness of the test water is classified from the original 3 to 4. This standard uses the translation method equivalent to IEC 60734.2012 (Ed4.0) "Household Appliance Performance Test Water". The documents of our country that have a consistent correspondence with the international documents referenced in this standard are as follows. --- GB/T 7477-1987 Determination of the total amount of calcium and magnesium - EDTA titration (eqv ISO 6059.1984) ---GB/T 15451-2006 Determination of total alkali and phenolphthalein alkalinity of industrial circulating cooling water (ISO 9963-1.1994, MOD) ---GB/T 22592-2008 Water treatment agent pH determination method (ISO 10523.1994, NEQ) This standard has made the following editorial changes. --- Modified the standard name. This standard was proposed by the China Light Industry Association. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Technical Committee for Household Appliances (SAC/TC46). This standard was drafted. China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, Bo Xihua Electric (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., Foshan Shunde District, the United States washing appliances Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Qingdao Haier Washing Machine Co., Ltd., Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd., Matsushita Electric Appliance Research and Development (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. Division, National Household Appliance Quality Supervision and Inspection Center. The main drafters of this standard. Zhu Yan, Xiong Haoping, Shi Yuling, Yue Jingsong, Jia Chungeng, Li Shanshan, Guan Haiyan, Chen Jie. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are. ---GB/T 23119-2008. introduction This standard describes various preparation methods for standard water used in household appliances testing to avoid reproducibility of water quality to relevant test results. influences. This standard describes two methods, A and B, for the preparation of three different hardnesses of water. The experience of applying these methods shows that for some For some purposes, if the cost is very expensive, or if these are not suitable for producing large amounts of hard water, then these methods need not be strictly enforced; in addition to some given water The hardness does not meet the performance standards. In this case, the use of the given supplementary methods C1 and C2 allows the use of softened water. For tap water. Method A was used to prepare hard water that generally met the hardness requirements. Dissolve the hardening salt into the demineralized water by means of carbon dioxide bubbles Preparation is carried out. Method B is prepared in a similar manner, but other types of salts are used which should be soluble without the use of carbon dioxide. This side As a result of the preparation of the method, excess ions are generated compared to Method A. Both Method A and Method B can be used to obtain the required temporary hardness or permanent hardness. Hard water. Method C1 uses tap water having a hardness value higher than the required value. Method C2 uses hardened tap water, based on tap water. Ingredients, many other ions can be found, limiting the amount of certain ions that may affect the results of washing and dishwasher washing tests. No test For temporary requirements, permanent hardness is required. Water for performance testing of household and similar electrical appliances 1 Scope This standard specifies the performance test for household and similar electrical appliances (such as washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, steam irons, etc.) Preparation of 4 different hardness, conductivity and alkalinity water. This standard defines the performance and preparation of four different standard waters, as well as the required measurement requirements. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only dated versions apply to this article. Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. ISO 6059 - Determination of the total amount of calcium and magnesium - Water quality -Determination ofthesumof calciumandmagnesium-EDTAtitrimetricmethod) ISO 7888 Water quality-Determination of electrical conductivity Determination of alkalinity of water quality - Part 1 . Determination of total bases and phenolic alkalinity (Water quality - Determinationofalkalinity-Part 1.Determinationoftotalandcompositealkalinity) ISO 10523 Water Quality-Determination of pH 3 terms and definitions, symbols 3.1 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1.1 Water hardness Characterize the content of alkaline earth salts in water (bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, etc.). 3.1.2 Total hardness totalhardness The total amount of calcium and magnesium ions in water. 3.1.3 Temporary hardness temporaryhardness A part of the total hardness is equal to the content of bicarbonate. 3.1.4 Permanent hardness permanenthardness The hardness of the total hardness and the temporary hardness is poor. 3.1.5 Alkalinity Equivalent to the ability to neutralize an acid with an equal amount of carbonate or bicarbonate solution, ie equal to the stoichiometric sum of the alkaline species in the solution. 3.1.6 Conductivity conductivity The ability of a solution to conduct electrical current, ie the stoichiometric sum of ions ionized in solution. 3.2 symbol The following symbols apply to this document. Symbol unit definition A0 mmol/L initial alkalinity Areq mmol/L target alkalinity C0(Fe) mg/L initial iron content Cmax(Fe) mg/L maximum iron content C0(Cu) mg/L initial copper content Cmax(Cu) mg/L maximum copper content C0(Mn) mg/L initial manganese content Cmax(Mn) mg/L maximum manganese content C0(Cl-) mmol/L initial chloride ion content Cmax(Cl-) mmol/L maximum chloride ion content Cond0 μS/cm initial conductivity Condreq μS/cm target conductivity Dil - dilution factor Dilmin - the smallest dilution factor that enables the prepared standard water to meet the requirements Dilmin(h,A,cond) - enables the preparation of standard water to meet the requirements of total hardness, alkalinity and conductivity Small dilution factor Dilmin (Fe) - the minimum dilution factor that enables the prepared standard water to meet the maximum iron content requirements Dilmin (Cu) - the minimum dilution factor that enables the prepared standard water to meet the maximum copper content requirements Dilmin (Mn) - the minimum dilution factor that enables the prepared standard water to meet the maximum manganese content requirements Dilmin(Cl-) - the minimum dilution factor that enables the prepared standard water to meet the maximum chlorine content requirements kA - alkalinity constant kH - hardness constant H0 mmol/L initial total hardness Hreq mmol/L target total hardness AdditionA mL The amount of solution required to achieve the required alkalinity AdditionH mL The amount of solution required to achieve the required total hardness Additioncond mL The amount of solution required to achieve the required conductivity 4 Measurement and accuracy According to the requirements of this standard, the measurement shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. Table 1 Measurement regulations Parameter unit minimum precision additional requirements and precautions Total hardness mmol/L ±2% See ISO 6059 regulations Table 1 (continued) Parameter unit minimum precision additional requirements and precautions Alkalinity mmol/L ±5% The ion concentration of HCO3- was measured. If the pH of the end point of hydrochloric acid titration is 4.5, then dissolve The chemical coefficient of the liquid is 1. See the relevant provisions of ISO 9963-1 Conductivity μS/cm ±5% 20 ° C See the relevant provisions of ISO 7888 pH - ±0.05 should achieve the required accuracy in the temperature range of 15 ° C ~ 25 ° C Iron, copper, manganese or chlorine content - - These parameters are the maximum content requirements. The measurement accuracy should be sufficient to prove that it meets the requirements 5 standard water 5.1 Classification of water Table 2 lists the different types of water classified according to the total hardness level and their specific total hardness, alkalinity, conductivity and pH. Levels are specified. Table 2 Composition of soft, medium hard, hard and hard water Attribute unit Type of water Standard soft water standard hard water standard hard water standard hard water total hardness Mmmol/L (Ca2 /Mg2) 0.50±0.20 1.50±0.20 2.50±0.20 3.50±0.20 Alkalinity Mmmol/L (HCO3-) 0.67±0.20 2.00±0.20 3.35±0.20 4.70±0.20 Conductivity (20 ° C) μS/cm 150 ± 50 450 ± 100 750 ± 150 1050 ± 250 pH (20 ° C) - 8.0 ~ 8.5 7.5 ~ 7.9 7.3 ~ 7.7 - Other test methods or standards that refer to the type of water specified in this standard may need to meet all or part of the selected in Table 2. Attributes. Note. With the definition of four types of water, one or more standard waters close to local tap water can be selected. If you need any other hardness, you can pass Prepared by a similar method of interpolating water of a given size. 5.2 Additional requirements Other test methods or standards that refer to the type of water specified in this standard may be required to meet any or all of the requirements in Table 3. Table 3 Maximum content of heavy metal ions and chloride ions Attribute unit Type of water Standard soft water standard hard water standard hard water standard hard water Cmax(Fe) mg/L 0.1 Table 3 (continued) Attribute unit Type of water Standard soft water standard hard water standard hard water standard hard water Cmax(Cu) mg/L 0.05 Cmax(Mn) mg/L 0.05 Cmax(Cl-) mmol/L 4.5 Not applicable Note. If water is used for cleaning purposes, iron, copper and manganese will affect the bleaching performance. The dishwasher test is correlated with chloride ion content. Standard Hard water does not meet the chloride ion content requirements. 6 Preparation of standard water 6.1 Softening of tap water The softened tap water should have a specific impedance of 100,000 Ω·cm or more (its conductivity does not exceed 10 μS/cm). This kind Water quality can be obtained by using an anion-cation exchange resin column or a reverse osmosis device. If the ion exchange resin is new, the water prepared initially for the first or second time should not be used, which is not suitable for the preparation after regeneration in the normal process. 6.2 Standard Water Preparation Method B 6.2.1 Principles Salt is added to the demineralized water to achieve the specified properties. 6.2.2 Procedure Prepare the following solvents. Solvent 1 NaHCO3 67.2g/L (800mmol/L) Solvent 2 MgSO4·7H2O 38.0 g/L (154.2 mmol/L) Solvent 3 CaCl2·2H2O 65.6g/L (446.1mmol/L) The above three solvents were added to 0.7 L of demineralized water in the amounts specified in Table 4, and water was added to 1.0 L to prepare three different hardness standards. Quasi-hard water. If it is to be prepared in large quantities, it can be done by automatic preparation. Add HCl or NaOH before use to bring the pH to the range of Table 2. within. Table 4 Amount of solvent required to prepare 1 L of standard water Solvent Type of water Standard soft water standard hard water standard hard water standard hard water Solvent 1 (NaHCO3) 0.83mL 2.50mL 4.17mL 5.84mL Solvent 2 (MgSO4·7H2O) 0.83mL 2.50mL 4.17mL 5.84mL Solvent 3 (CaCl2·2H2O) 0.83mL 2.50mL 4.17mL 5.84mL 6.2.3 Method B Preparation of standard water components The temporary hardness of water consists of calcium bicarbonate [Ca(HCO3)2] and magnesium bicarbonate [Mg(HCO3)2]. The permanent hardness component is chlorinated Calcium (CaCl2), calcium sulfate (CaSO4), magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and magnesium sulfate (MgSO4). The composition of the standard water prepared by Method B is shown in Table 5. Table 5 Preparation of standard water ingredients using Method B Ion molar mass Type of water Standard soft water standard hard water standard hard water standard hard water Ion concentration/(mmol/L) Ca2 Mg2 HCO3- Cl- SO42- Na 40.0 24.3 61.0 35.5 96.0 23.0 0.37 0.13 0.67 0.75 0.13 0.67 1.11 0.39 2.00 2.23 0.39 2.00 1.85 0.65 3.35 3.75 0.65 3.35 2.59 0.91 4.68 5.23 0.91 4.68 Temporary hardness/(mmol/L) 0.33 1.00 1.67 2.34 6.3 Water preparation methods C1 and C2 6.3.1 Principles Methods C1 and C2 can be used to prepare standard water of a specific total hardness using tap water. These two methods do not adjust the alkalinity and conductivity. 6.3.2 Method C1 and C2 for the preparation of standard water components If the test method or standard referring to the type of water specified in this standard is also required to meet any or all of the requirements in Table 3 (heavy metals) Or the maximum content of chloride ions), the corresponding properties of tap water should be analyzed. If the iron, copper, manganese or chloride ion content exceeds the limits specified in 5.2, It can be diluted with demineralized water. There is no difference between temporary hardness and permanent hardness. The ratio of Ca2 to Mg2 should be 1.5~9. The hardness of the calcium and magnesium ions in the tap water is obtained. If the ratio of calcium to magnesium is outside the limits, then by dissolving one Some negligible ions are used to adjust, such as CaCl2·2H2O or MgSO4·7H2O. 6.3.3 Hardness adjustment method C1 When the total hardness of tap water is higher than the required hardness, use method C1 to adjust. Dilute with cation exchange resin or with demineralized water, The tap water softens and replaces calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions. If the pH is too low, some CO2 should be removed by foaming. 6.3.4 Hardness adjustment method C2 If the tap water is too soft, use this method. Mix tap water with calcium and magnesium salts to obtain the required hardness. 6.4 Water preparation method C3 6.4.1 Principles Method C3 can use tap water to prepare standard water of specific total hardness, alkalinity and conductivity. 6.4.2 Determination of initial properties of water The total hardness h0, alkalinity A0 and conductivity cond0 of the tap water were analyzed. If the test method or standard referring to the type of water specified in this standard is also required to meet any or all of the requirements in Table 3 (heavy metals) The maximum content of ions or chloride ions should be specifically analyzed for the corresponding properties of tap water. C0(Fe), c0(Cu), c0(Mn), c0(Cl-) 6.4.3 Dilution of softened water Determination of the dilution factor According to the measured initial total hardness h0, alkalinity A0 and conductivity cond0 and their target values, the minimum dilution factor can be calculated by the following formula Subdilmin (h, A, cond). Dilmin(h,A,cond)= Cond0-kAA0-kHh0 condreq-kAAreq-kHhreq Among them, the constants kA and kH are. kA=100μ S/cm Mmmol/L kH=224 μS/cm Mmmol/L As long as the value of the salt added calculated according to 6.4.4 is greater than or equal to 0 mL, the specific hardness, alkalinity and conductivity can be obtained. Other dilution factors are dilmin (h, A, cond). If the test method or standard referring to the type of water specified in this standard is also required to meet any or all of the requirements in Table 3 (heavy metals) Or the maximum content of chloride ions), the corresponding minimum dilution factors are. Dilmin(Fe)= C0(Fe) Cmax(Fe) Dilmin(Cu)= C0(Cu) Cmax(Cu) Dilmin(Mn)= C0(Mn) Cmax(Mn) Dilmin(Cl-)= C0(Cl-) Cmax(Cl-) The minimum dilution factor required for the population is the maximum of the minimum dilution factors obtained above. Dilmin=maxdilmin(h,A,cond);dilmin(Fe);dilmin(Cu);dilmin(Mn);dilmin(Cl-){ } According to the calculation results, two cases can be obtained. Dilmin>1 should dilute the softened water. At this time, the minimum dilution factor is the calculated dilmin value. Dilmin ≤ 1 No dilution required. The minimum dilution factor is equal to 1 The established minimum dilution factor, dilmin, represents the minimum dilution that enables the prepared water to meet all requirements. Based on the present Real reasons, such as testing with an integer dilution factor, may also choose any dilution factor greater than dilmin. In the following The calculation formulas in the preparation steps are based on the actual selected dilution factor. Dil≥dilmin Dilution The tap water is diluted with demineralized water to achieve the selected dilution factor dil. 6.4.4 Determination of the required amount of salt added Overview The alkalinity, total hardness and electrical conductivity are adjusted with a high concentration of salt solution. Add salt to adjust the corresponding parameters. Add water to dissolve the salt, indicating thin release. However, when the resulting dilution factor is very close to 1 (because it is a high concentration solution), it is negligible. Adjusting alkalinity To adjust the alkalinity, a solution of 800 mmol/L (67.2 g/L) of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) should be added to the demineralized water. The amount of solution added per liter of water is. additionA= Areq- A0 Dil 0.8mmol/mL Note. The calculated solution amount may also be 0 mL/L depending on the initial alkalinity, the target alkalinity, and the selected dilution factor. Adjusting the total hardness To adjust the total hardness, it should be added with a concentration of 446.1mmol/L (65.6g/L) of calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl2 · 2H2O) solution Soften the water. The amount of solution added per liter of water is. additionH= Hreq- H0 Dil 0.4461mmol/mL Note. The calculated solution amount may also be 0 mL/L based on the initial total hardness, the target total hardness, and the selected dilution factor. Adjusting the conductivity If the conductivity is to be adjusted, sodium chloride (NaCl) and 500mmol/L (71.02g/L) should be used at a concentration of 500mmol/L (29.22g/L). The sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) solution was added to the demineralized water. The amount of solution added per liter of water is. Additioncond= (condreq-kAAreq-kHhreq)- (cond0-kAA0-kHh0) Dil 120μS/cm (mL/L) Note. The calculated amount of solution may also be 0 mL/L based on initial conductivity, target conductivity, and selected dilution factor. Adjust pH The pH was adjusted to the range specified in Table 2 with hydrochloric acid (HCl) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH) before use. 7 Standard water storage 7.1 Overview A more reasonable storage method for standard water is to place it in a closed water tank that discharges air and protects against light to prevent CO2 loss and prevent contamination. Dyed and organic matter grows. If the tank is kept closed, the storage period is 1 month, but if the tank is open, the storage period is about 1 day. 7.2 Effect of heat on standard water When the standard hard water is heated from 20 ° C to 90 ° C, crystallization starts at about 85 ° C depending on the heating rate. If held at a lower temperature Continued heating, may also crystallize. At 60 ° C, crystallites will form, and below 40 ° C will form crystalline calcite. Note. The crystal stone is bulky, needle-like, and can quickly block small openings. Crystalline calcite is small in size but hard in texture. 8 inspection Check all parameters of the water before use. Appendix A (informative appendix) Water hardness conversion table A.1 Water hardness related units 1mmol/L=2.0 milligrams (grams) equivalent = 2mval/L 1mmol/L=100ppm CaCO3 10mmol of 1mmol/L = 100,000 1mmol/L=10 French degrees (°f) 1mmol/L=7.0 UK degrees (°e) 1mmol/L = 5.6 German degrees (°dH) 1mmol/L = 5.8 US grains/gallon (gpg) A.2 converted to different hardness Table A.1 is the conversion of French, British, German, American, and gallons to the hardness values used in this standard. Table A.1 Water hardness unit conversion table total hardness Mmmol/L France, the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, Garding/Gallon 0.50 5 3.5 2.8 2.9 1.50 15 10.5 8.4 8.8 2.50 25 17.5 14.0 14.6 3.50 35 24.5 19.6 20.5 ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.