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Automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion -- Part 3: Weighing axle loads
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GB/T 21296.3-2020: PDF in English (GBT 21296.3-2020) GB/T 21296.3-2020
ICS 17.100
N 13
Automatic Instruments for Weighing Road Vehicles in
Motion - Part 3: Weighing Axle Loads
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Product Model ... 7
5 Metrological Requirements ... 7
5.1 Accuracy Level ... 7
5.2 Relations between Accuracy Levels ... 7
5.3 Maximum Tolerances for In-motion Test ... 8
5.4 Scale Interval (d) ... 10
5.5 Minimum Capacity (Min) ... 10
5.6 Consistency between Indicating Devices and Printing Devices ... 11
5.7 Influence Quantities ... 11
5.8 Unit of Measurement ... 11
5.9 Operating Speed ... 11
6 Product Structural Requirements ... 11
6.1 Product Composition ... 11
6.2 Applicability Requirements ... 11
6.3 Requirements for Load Receptor ... 12
6.4 Requirements for Foundation Pit ... 21
6.5 Requirements for Electrical Cabinets ... 23
6.6 Grounding Requirements ... 23
7 Product Technical Requirements ... 23
7.1 General Requirements ... 23
7.2 Width of Load Receptor ... 23
7.3 Axle Identifier ... 23
7.4 Vehicle Identifier ... 24
7.5 Load Cell ... 24
7.6 Electronic Weighing Meter ... 24
8 Installation and Maintenance Requirements ... 24
8.1 General Requirements ... 24
8.2 Installation of Auxiliary Facilities ... 24
8.3 Equipment and Pavement Inspection ... 25
9 Test Methods ... 25
9.1 General Rules ... 25
9.2 Preparation before Test ... 25
9.3 In-motion Weighing Test ... 26
10 Inspection Rules ... 26
10.1 Type Inspection ... 26
10.2 Exit-factory Inspection ... 26
10.3 In-use Inspection ... 27
11 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage ... 28
Automatic Instruments for Weighing Road Vehicles in
Motion - Part 3: Weighing Axle Loads
1 Scope
This Part of GB/T 21296 specifies the terms and definitions, product model, metrological
requirements, product structural requirements, product technical requirements, installation and
maintenance requirements, test methods, inspection rules, as well as product marking,
packaging, transportation and storage of automatic instruments for weighing axle loads of road
vehicles in motion (hereinafter referred to as axle load weigher WIM).
This Part applies to automatic weighing instruments that adopt single or multiple load-bearing
devices that are installed in the controlled weighing area and flush with the road surface to
simultaneously or separately support the entire axle or axle-group being measured, so as to
measure the wheel load (if applicable), axle load and axle-group load (if applicable) of road
vehicles in motion to further obtain the curb weight. In accordance with different wheel-bearing
modes, the automatic weighing instruments can be divided into three types: wheel loads, single-
axle and axle-group. The load receptor of the axle load weigher WIMs can be a single load
receptor, or multiple load receptors. The axle load weigher WIMs used for other occasions may
take this as a reference in the implementation.
This Part does not apply to weighing instruments or measuring systems, in which, the load
receptor or measuring device does not have relative movement with the vehicle in the horizontal
direction during measurement, such as: static wheel load gauges and load measurement devices
embedded in vehicle components, etc.
This Part does not apply to weighing instruments or measuring systems, in which, the load
receptor is simply placed on the road surface, and cannot guarantee that all tyres of the vehicle
under test and the upper surface of the load receptor are approximately on the same plane during
This Part does not apply to weighing instruments that merely measure the wheel load on one
side, and then, obtain the axle load, axle-group load and curb weight by multiplying.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this document. In terms of
references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this
document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the
modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 7551 Cells
GB/T 7724 Electronic Weighing Meter
GB/T 14250 Terminology of Weighing Instruments
GB/T 21296.1-2020 Automatic Instruments for Weighing Road Vehicles in Motion - Part 1:
General Technical Specification
GB/T 26389 Method of Classified Type of Weighing Instrument Products
GB/T 28699 Steel Structure Protection General Requirements of Coatings
QB/T 1588.1 Light Industry Machinery - General Specification for Welding Parts
QB/T 1588.2 Light Industry Machinery - General Specification for Cutting
QB/T 1588.4 Light Industry Machinery - General Specification for Products Painting
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 14250 and GB/T 21296.1-2020 are applicable to this
document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions of GB/T 21296.1-2020 are repeatedly
listed here.
3.1 Axle Load Weigher
Axle load weigher refers to a weighing instrument that can measure the axle load (which can
be directly measured, or can be obtained by accumulating the separately measured wheel loads)
and the axle-group load in one weighing.
NOTE 1: axle load weigher may adopt a single load receptor or multiple load receptors.
NOTE 2: axle load weigher that can measure the axle-group load in one weighing is also called
axle-group load weigher.
[GB/T 21296.1-2020, Definition 3.7.2]
3.2 Axle Load Weigher WIM
Axle load weigher WIM refers to a WIM weighing instrument which adopts the axle load
weigher and its combination, which are embedded in the pavement, and with the upper surface
of the load receptor on the same plane as the pavement, to measure the axle load and axle-group
load (if applicable) of the vehicle, so as to obtain the gross vehicle mass.
[GB/T 21296.1-2020, Definition 3.7.3] Position limiting system
For the low-speed axle load weigher WIM, an appropriate position limiting system shall be
designed and adjusted to allow the load receptor to have a certain movement clearance, without
colliding the surrounding roadbed or other surrounding objects that are not expected by the
design. The position limiting system shall have the function of preventing loosening and
retreating, and shall be convenient for repair, maintenance and adjustment. The various
components of the position limiting system shall receive the anti-corrosion treatment. Embedment fastening
For the medium-speed and high-speed axle load weigher WIMs, the load receptors shall be
embedded in the pavement and fastened together with the pavement, so as to prevent the load
receptors from loosening or jumping out of the pavement, which may affect the weighing or
cause potential safety hazards. Limit of control instrument
Weighing instruments with no clearance between the load receptor and the pavement must not
be used as control instruments.
6.3.5 Anti-skid requirements for the surface of load receptor
In accordance with different environmental conditions of service and product types, appropriate
anti-skid measures (such as: using anti-skid pattern steel plate, welding anti-skid patterns on
the steel plate, welding anti-skid studs on the steel plate, spraying anti-skid paint on the steel
plate, and using steel-mixed structure weighing platform, etc.) shall be taken on the surface of
the load receptor of the axle load weigher WIM, so as to prevent the slippage of wheels, which
may affect product application or cause safety accidents.
6.3.6 Requirements for processing and surface coating Requirements for weldments
The various weldments on the load receptor of the axle load weigher WIM shall be firmly and
reliably welded. The welding seams shall be uniform, smooth, and free of cracks and welding
slag; there shall be no welding defects, and shall comply with the requirements of QB/T 1588.1. Requirements for castings
The surface of the castings on the load receptor of the axle load weigher WIM shall be smooth,
and free of defects, such as: shrinkage porosity, cold insulation, pores and slag inclusions, etc. Requirements for machining
The relevant mechanically cut work pieces of the axle load weigher WIM shall comply with
the requirements of QB/T 1588.2. Requirements for forgings
The forgings on the load receptor of the axle load weigher WIM shall be free of defects, such
as: cracks, interlayers and slag inclusions, etc. Requirements for plating pieces
The surface of the relevant plating pieces of the axle load weigher WIM shall have uniform
colors, and shall not manifest defects, such as: spots and rust, etc. Deformation treatment
During the production of the load receptor and its components of the axle load weigher WIM,
measures shall be taken to prevent warpage or deformation, and if necessary, appropriate modes
shall be taken to carry out aging treatment and correct the deformation caused by stress release.
Before installation, the flatness of the upper surface of the load receptor of the axle load weigher
WIM shall be inspected, and if necessary, remedial measures shall be taken. The flatness error
of any point on the upper surface of the load receptor must not be lower than the corresponding
requirements of the pavement (the inspection may be conducted in accordance with the road
surface flatness and detection method provided in 8.2.3 of GB/T 21296.1-2020).
During transportation, necessary protective measures shall also be taken to prevent deformation
of large-sized components of the axle load weigher WIM. Anti-corrosion requirements Basic requirements
The various steel structure components on the load receptor of the axle load weigher WIM shall
receive the anti-corrosion treatment. The anti-corrosion treatment shall not be lower than the
general requirements of atmospheric corrosion environment specified in GB/T 28699. Quality of surface painting
The surface paint layer of the various components of the axle load weigher WIM shall be flat,
uniform in color, smooth and firm; the paint layer shall not have defects, such as: brush lines,
sagging, wrinkling, bubbles, peeling and falling off, etc. After painting, the surface shall be
complete and free of paint leakage, and shall comply with the requirements of QB/T 1588.4. Warning signs
For the equipment parts that affect the driving safety of the vehicle, paints or signs with warning
colors shall be used.
6.4 Requirements for Foundation Pit
6.4.1 Requirements for the installation of sensors in the foundation pit
WIM can safely, reliably and enduringly operate.
When the pavement near the foundation pit exceeds the road conditions allowed by the
equipment, appropriate slope adjustment shall be performed to ensure that the installation
requirements of the axle load weigher WIM are satisfied.
6.5 Requirements for Electrical Cabinets
6.5.1 Requirements for ventilation
The design of the electrical cabinets shall ensure smooth ventilation, and provide effective
protective measures for the dissipation of humid air, as well as the heat dissipation of electrical
heating components and the sun, etc.
6.5.2 Waterproof requirements
The design of the electrical cabinets shall ensure to be waterproof, and provide effective
protective measures for rainwater, driving splash water and snow melting water, etc.
6.6 Grounding Requirements
The axle load weigher WIM and its accessory parts shall be provided with appropriate
grounding devices, so as to ensure that the load receptor, electrical cabinet, sensor enclosure
and electrical equipment enclosure are firmly grounded, with the ground resistance 4 .
7 Product Technical Requirements
7.1 General Requirements
In addition to the stipulations of Chapter 6 in GB/T 21296.1-2020, the axle load weigher WIM
shall also comply with the requirements of 7.2 ~ 7.6.
7.2 Width of Load Receptor
The load receptor shall have a sufficient width in the vertical direction of the driving direction,
so as to satisfy the width requirements of the vehicle’s driving lane.
7.3 Axle Identifier
If necessary, an appropriate axle identifier shall be equipped to identify whether there is a tyre
running over, as well as single and double tyre information (or tyre width) and coupling
information, etc. The type of the axle identifier can be strain sensing type, digital charging type,
switch type and laser type, etc. The design of the axle identifier installed on the lane and with
physical contact with the tyres shall satisfy the requirement of half the width of the specified
driving lane. The typical value of ordinary lanes is 1.5 m; the typical value of ultra-wide lanes
is 2.0 m.
NOTE: the axle identifiers installed on the lane and with physical contact with the tyres can be
installed on the load receptor to form an integrated structure, or they can be separately
installed in front of or behind the driving direction of the load receptor.
7.4 Vehicle Identifier
When the axle load weigher WIM enters the continuous automatic operating mode, if necessary,
vehicle identifiers may be equipped, such as: infrared light screen, coil detector and laser
vehicle divider, etc. The device shall be able to detect whether the vehicle enters or leaves the
controlled weighing area.
In accordance with the operating conditions, the axle load weigher WIM may adopt the load
receptor, in combination with the relevant software, to automatically identify the vehicle and
simulate the functions of the above-mentioned vehicle identifier.
7.5 Load Cell
The load cell of the axle load weigher WIM shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 7551.
In accordance with different areas and environment conditions of service, load cells with
humidity classification marked as SH, CH or unsigned shall be selected.
7.6 Electronic Weighing Meter
The electronic weighing meter of the axle load weigher WIM shall comply with the
requirements of GB/T 7724.
8 Installation and Maintenance Requirements
8.1 General Requirements
The installation and maintenance of the axle load weigher WIM shall rigorously comply with
the installation guidelines and maintenance guidelines provided by the equipment manufacturer.
The user shall maintain the controlled weighing area clean, regularly inspect the equipment
operation and road conditions, and if necessary, repair and adjust them.
8.2 Installation of Auxiliary Facilities
8.2.1 Installation of deceleration ridges
When the user installs the deceleration ridges for the low-speed axle load weigher WIM, the
deceleration ridges shall be installed in front of the load receptor and at a distance of over 18 m
away from the front edge of the load receptor. The prerequisites for the installation of the
deceleration ridges shall be determined in accordance with the traffic conditions and the road
conditions of the equipment installation site.
The installation of the deceleration ridges for the medium-speed axle load weigher WIM and
the high-speed axle load weigher WIM is prohibited.
8.2.2 Installation of speed limit warning signs
For the low-speed axle load weigher WIM, the user shall install and maintain the speed limit
warning signs at an appropriate location, with the speed limit 5 km/h.
For the medium-speed axle load weigher WIM, the user shall install and maintain the speed
limit warning signs at an appropriate location, with the speed limit 30 km/h.
For the high-speed axle load weigher WIM, the user shall install and maintain the speed limit
warning signs at an appropriate location, with the speed limit 90 km/h.
8.2.3 Installation of other auxiliary facilities
The installation of other auxiliary facilities that are conducive to vehicle passing shall be carried
out by the user in accordance with the demands, such as: weighing lanes, weighing detection
kilometer signs and constant-speed driving, etc.
8.3 Equipment and Pavement Inspection
8.3.1 Inspection of water drainage devices
For equipment with a water drainage device on the load receptor, the user shall inspect, dredge
and clean the water drainage device inside the foundation pit of the load receptor in accordance
with the relevant regulations on equipment maintenance and management, so as to prevent the
drainage pipes from being blocked by debris and silt, and ensure smooth water drainage.
8.3.2 Rodent bite inspection
The user shall inspect the various underground cables in accordance with the relevant
regulations on equipment maintenance and management, so as to ensure that the cable inlet and
outlet ports are tightly blocked to prevent rodent bite.
8.3.3 Pavement inspection
The user shall inspect the pavement 30 days after the completion of equipment installation and
every six months thereafter. When it exceeds the stipulations of Chapter 8 in GB/T 21296.1-
2020, the pavement shall be repaired in time.
9 Test Methods
9.1 General Rules
The test shall be carried out on the site where the axle load weigher WIM is used.
9.2 Preparation before Test
9.2.1 Requirements for test environment
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.