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GB/T 2092-1992 (GB/T 2092-2024 Newer Version) PDF English

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GB/T 2092-2024English279 Add to Cart 3 days Sebacic acid for industrial use Valid
GB/T 2092-1992English80 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Sebacic acid for industrial use  
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GB/T 2092-1992: PDF in English (GBT 2092-1992)

GB 2092-1992 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GB 2092-92 Replacing GB 2092-80 Sebacic Acid for Industrial Use 工业葵二酸 APPROVED ON. JANUARY 14, 1992 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 1, 1992 Approved by. State Bureau of Technical Supervision of the People’s Republic of China Table of Contents 1 Subject Content and Application Scope ... 3  2 Normative References ... 3  3 Technical Requirements ... 3  4 Test Methods ... 4  5 Inspection Rules ... 7  6 Packaging, Marking, Storage and Transportation ... 8  Additional Information... 9  Sebacic Acid for Industrial Use 1 Subject Content and Application Scope This Standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules as well as marking, packaging, transportation and storage of sebacic acid for industrial use. This Standard applies to sebacic acid produced by cracking of ricinoleic acid. This product is mainly used for the production of dioctyl sebacate and nylon 1 010. Molecular formula. C10H18O4 Relative molecular mass. 202.25 (in accordance with the International Relative Atomic Mass 1987) 2 Normative References GB 601 Chemical Reagents – Preparation of Standard Solutions for Titrimetric Analysis (Titrimetric Analysis) GB 603 Chemical Reagents – Preparation of Preparations and Products for Test Methods GB 2384 Dyes Intermediates – General Method for the Determination of Melting Range GB 3143 Colour Determination Method of Liquid Chemicals (Hazen Unit; Platinum-Cobalt Scale) GB 6284 Chemical Products for Industrial Use – General Method for Determination of Water Content – the Loss of Mass on Drying Method GB 6679 General Rules for Sampling Solid Chemical Products GB 7531 Determination of Ash for Organic Chemical Products 3 Technical Requirements 3.1 Appearance. white crystal or powder; the qualified product with a slight color is allowed. 3.2 The quality of sebacic acid for industrial use shall meet the requirements of the In the formula. X — the mass percentage content of sebacic acid, %; c — the actual concentration of sodium hydroxide standard titration solution, mol/L; V — the volume of sodium hydroxide standard titration solution for titration, Ml; 0.1011 — the mass of sebacic acid in g equivalent to 1.00 mL of sodium hydroxide standard titration solution [c(NaOH) = 1.000 mol/L]; and M — the mass of sample, g. 4.1.4 Tolerances The difference between the results of two samples determined in parallel shall not be more than 0.2%. Take the arithmetic mean of the results of the two determinations as the result of determination. 4.2 Determination of ash content Determine in accordance with GB 7531. Weight about 5 g of the sample (accurate to 0.01 g); and ignite it at the temperature 750 ± 25°C. 4.3 Determination of moisture content 4.4 Determination of alkali soluble chromaticity 4.4.1 Instrumentation It shall meet the specifications of GB 3143. 4.4.2 Reagents and solutions The reagents and solutions specified in GB 3143. Potassium hydroxide solution. 100 g/L. 4.4.3 Analysis procedure Weigh 3 g of the sample (accurate to 0.1 g); place into a 50 mL colorimetric tube; add potassium hydroxide solution ( to the mark; shake the colorimetric tube; after the sample is completely dissolved, compare the colour with a standard chromatic scale in a well-lighted place. 4.4.4 Tolerances reserved sample for three months. 5.5 In case that one items of the inspection results fails to meet the requirements of this Standard, a sample shall be taken from the package of a double amount for re- inspection. Even if only one of the results obtained does not meet the requirements of this Standard, the entire batch of products are non-conforming products. 5.6 When the seller and the buyer are in dispute with regard to the product quality, an arbitration organization can be selected by both parties through consultation who will conduct inspection in accordance with this Standard. 6 Packaging, Marking, Storage and Transportation 6.1 Sebacic acid shall be packaged in gunny bags or woven bags lined with plastic bags, net weight 25 kg per bag. 6.2 The packaging bags shall be provided with visible marking, indicating manufacturer name, product name, trade mark, type, manufacturing date, batch number, grade and net weight. 6.3 Each batch of product shall be accompanied by the certificate of conformity, indicating manufacturer name, product name, batch number, grade and net weight. 6.4 During storage and handling, do not mix with acids, alkalis or contact with oxidative, corrosive substances, in order to prevent the damage of packaging or the deterioration of product. 6.5 Sebacic acid shall be stored in a cool, well-ventilated warehouse or freight shed, which shall be guarded against fire or damp. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.