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GB/T 20042.4-2009 PDF English

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GB/T 20042.4-2009: PDF in English (GBT 20042.4-2009)

GB/T 20042.4-2009 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.070 K 82 Proton exchange membrane fuel cell – Part 4. Test method for electrocatalysts ISSUED ON. APRIL 21, 2009 IMPLEMENTED ON. NOVEMBER 01, 2009 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword . 3  1 Scope .. 4  2 Normative references . 4  3 Terms and definitions . 4  4 Platinum content test .. 5  5 Electrochemical active area (ECA) test .. 8  6 Specific surface area, pore volume, pore size distribution test .. 10  7 Morphology and particle size distribution test . 12  8 Crystal structure test . 13  9 Stack density test .. 14  10 Single cell polarization curve test . 15  Appendix A (Informative) Test preparation . 24  Proton exchange membrane fuel cell – Part 4. Test method for electrocatalysts 1 Scope This part of GB/T 20042 specifies the terminology and definition, platinum content test, electrochemical active area test, specific surface area, pore volume, pore size distribution test, morphology and particle size distribution test, crystal structure test, catalyst bulk density test, and single cell polarization curve test of the electrocatalyst test method for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. This part applies to various types of platinum-based (Pt-based) electrocatalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cell. 2 Normative references The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this part through reference in GB/T 20042. For the dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard; however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB/T 5816-1995 Catalyst and adsorbents - Determination of surface area GB/T 13566-1992 Determination of bulk density for fertilizers (ISO 3944.1980, EQV) GB/T 15072.7-2008 Test methods of precious metal alloys - Determination of chromium and iron contents for gold alloys - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry GB/T 20042.1 Proton exchange membrane fuel cell - Terminology 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 20042.1 and the following terms and definitions apply to this part. Electrochemical active area L - Pt loading capacity, in unit of %; W1 - The mass of the sample at endpoint temperature, in milligrams (mg); W0 - The original mass of the sample, in milligrams (mg). TAKE 3 samples as a group, CALCULKATE the average value as the test result. 4.2 Pt content test by ICP (inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy) method The test is performed in accordance with the method as specified in GB/T 15072.7-2008. 4.2.1 Scope of application This method is suitable for testing Pt content in Pt/C catalysts and Pt alloy catalysts. 4.2.2 Test instruments and equipment Ion-coupled emission spectrometry (ICP). The minimum detection limit is ≤ 1 µg/L. Analytical balance. The precision is 0.1 mg. Caliper. The measurement precision is 0.01 mm. 4.2.3 Sample preparation The sample mass is not less than 2 g. The sample is placed in a vacuum oven and dried at 80 °C for 12 h. 4.2.4 Reagents and materials Concentrated sulfuric acid (98%), guaranteed reagent. Concentrated hydrochloric acid (37%), guaranteed reagent. Concentrated nitric acid (68%), guaranteed reagent. Secondary distilled water, resistivity ≥ 18.2 MΩ • cm. 30% hydrogen peroxide, analytical grade. Corundum crucible with cover. 4.2.5 Test method C - Smooth Pt surface adsorption hydrogen peroxide adsorption constant, in 0.21 millicoulombs per square centimeter (0.21 mC/cm2); v - Scanning speed, in millivolts per second (mV/s); M - The mass of Pt on the electrode, in grams (g). TAKE 3 samples as a group, CALCULATE the average value as the test result. 6 Specific surface area, pore volume, pore size distribution test The test is performed in accordance with the method as specified in GB/T 5816- 1995. 6.1 Instruments and gases 6.1.1 Fully automatic physical adsorption instrument. 6.1.2 Analytical balance. the precision is 0.01 mg. 6.1.3 Test gas. The oil-free high-purity nitrogen gas and helium gas after drying, the purity is not less than 99.999%. 6.2 Test methods The static nitrogen adsorption capacity method is used to measure the volume of nitrogen adsorbed by the catalyst at different low pressures. At least four test points satisfying the BET linear relationship are measured, and the surface area is calculated using the BET two-parameter equation. 6.2.1 Sample pretreatment and degassing a) In accordance with the degassing requirements, PLUG the empty sample tube after degassing treatment to weigh it, accurate to 0.01 mg. At this point the mass is recorded as m1; b) TAKE the appropriate amount of sample and ADD it into the sample tube. SET the heating temperature (generally less than 200 °C) to heat the sample and EMPTY it. When the heating temperature reaches the set temperature and the system vacuum reaches 1.3 Pa, CONTINUE degassing for at least 4 hours. It is allowed for the sample to be degassed overnight; c) COOL the degassed sample tube to room temperature, ADD plug to weigh it, accurate to 0.01 mg. This mass is recorded as m2, and the difference to 0.1 mg. 9.3.2 USE a test funnel, POUR a certain amount of sample into the measuring cylinder within 20 s ~ 25 s. The sample volume must exceed the amount required to fill the measurement cylinder full. During the pour-in process, USE a rod to gently knock the measuring cylinder wall at the frequency of 2 ~ 3 times per second, to make the sample compact. If the sample flow is not smooth, it may use a glass rod with a diameter of about 4 mm to clean the funnel discharge port to make it unblocked. 9.3.3 CLOSE the funnel, then RAISE the measuring cylinder by 2 mm ~ 3 mm, LET it fall down to further compress the sample, REPEAT this operation for 20 times, READ out the sample volume (mL). 9.3.4 WEIGH the total mass of the measuring cylinder and the sample, RECORD it as M2, accurate to 0.1 mg. 9.4 Data processing CALCULATE the stack density of the sample in accordance with the formula (10). Where. ρ - The stack density of the sample, in grams per milliliter or grams per cubic centimeter (g/mL or g/cm3); M2 - The total mass of the measuring cylinder and the sample, in grams (g); M1 - The mass of the measuring cylinder, in grams (g); V - The volume of the sample, in milliliters or cubic centimeters (mL or cm3). TAKE 3 samples as a group, CALCULATE the average value as the test result. 10 Single cell polarization curve test 10.1 Sample preparation TAKE a certain amount of the catalyst, PLACE it in a vacuum oven at 80 °C to dry it for 12 hours, which is used as a sample to be tested. The sample mass shall meet the requirements of 3 valid tests. 10.2 Test instrument equipment and materials connecting the electronic load. Among them, the current meter adjustment precision is not less than 0.01 A; voltmeter range. ≥ 2V, adjustment time ≤ 100 ms. H2 mass flow controller (MFC). precision ≥ ± 1% FS; Air/O2 mass flow controller. precision ≥ ± 1% FS. Temperature control meter range. room temperature -200 °C, precision ≥ ± 1 °C. Pressure gauge. precision ≥ ± 1% FS. Figure 2 -- Schematic diagram of proton exchange membrane fuel cell test platform 10.2.4 Test gas and water H2. Compressed H2 with a purity≥ 99.999%, after bubbling humidification, it is subject to pipeline thermal insulation and enter the test cell, the pipeline temperature is not lower than the humidification temperature. O2. Compressed O2 with a purity ≥ 99.999%, after bubbling humidification, it is subject to pipeline thermal insulation and enter the test cell, the pipeline temperature is not lower than the humidification temperature. Deionized water for humidification. Conductivity < 0.25 μS/cm. 10.2.5 Gas diffusion layer The diffusion layer adopts the Sigracet GDL 30BC commercialized by SGL. 10.2.6 Proton conductor The proton conductors uniformly use the Nafion solution of DE512 model, which is commercially available from DuPont. 10.3 Test procedure 10.3.1 Catalytic layer preparation by screen-printing Based on the anode Pt loading 0.3 mg/cm2, the cathode Pt loading 0.5 mg/cm2, the Pt content in the catalyst, and screen-printing electrode area 50 cm2, CALCULATE the amount of catalyst which is used to prepare the catalyst layer, WEIGH it, accurate to 0.1 mg. After sufficiently wetting the catalyst with a small amount of deionized water, ADD the lower alcohol (ethanol, isopropanol, ethylene glycol, etc.) as a dispersant in accordance with the ratio of W catalyst . W dispersant = 1.15. DISPERSE the above mixture ultrasonically in an ultrasonic wave, while stirring it clockwise, to ensure that the liquid material is homogeneous along each direction, and free from lump, blocking, or particle. Based on the ratio of the amount of carbon powder in the catalyst to the amount of Nafion at L carbon . L NetNafion = 1.0.8, ADD the 5% Nafion solution two requirements shall be met. (1) CONTROL and RECORD the pressure at the cathode inlet, to ensure that water in the U-tube does not enter the cell. (2) The detection gas pressure must be stable. Otherwise, the stable pressure difference cannot be read. It cannot be judged whether the pressure difference i... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.