GB/T 19390-2023 PDF English
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GB/T 19390-2023 | English | 350 |
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Dipped polyester cord fabric for tyres
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GB/T 19390-2014 | English | 340 |
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GB/T 19390-2023: PDF in English (GBT 19390-2023) GB/T 19390-2023
ICS 59.100.99
CCS G 41
Replacing GB/T 19390-2014
Dipped polyester cord fabric for tyres
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Product classification and specifications ... 6
5 Technical requirements ... 7
6 Test conditions, regulations on product batching and specimen preparation methods
... 11
7 Test methods for physical and chemical properties ... 12
8 Inspection methods for tissue specifications and appearance quality ... 25
9 Inspection rules ... 25
10 Packaging, marking, quality guarantee, transportation and storage ... 26
Annex A (informative) Tensile performance test method -- CRT tensile testing machine
method ... 29
Annex B (informative) Schematic diagram of pneumatic grips for tensile testing
machine ... 31
Dipped polyester cord fabric for tyres
1 Scope
This document specifies product classification and specifications, technical
requirements, test conditions, regulations on product batching and specimen
preparation methods, physical and chemical properties test methods, tissue
specifications and appearance quality inspection methods, inspection rules as well as
packaging, marking, quality guarantee, transportation and storage FOR dipped
polyester cord fabric for tyres.
This document is applicable to the identification and acceptance of the quality of dipped
polyester cord fabric for tyres.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2942-2009, Rubber, vulcanized - Determination of static adhesion to textile
cord - H-pull test
GB/T 3291 (all parts), Textiles - Terms of textile material properties and test
GB/T 4666-2009, Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length
GB/T 4668-1995, Textiles - Woven fabrics - Determination of number of threads per
unit length
GB/T 6529-2008, Textiles - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
GB/T 8170, Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and
judgement of limiting values
GB/T 14343-2008, Testing method for linear density of man-made filament yarns
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 3291 (all
parts) as well as the followings apply.
3.1 H-test adhesive strength
The force required to pull the cord from the H-shaped rubber-cord test piece in the
direction perpendicular to the rubber block per unit length.
3.2 dip pick-up
The dipping component of the dipped cord is separated from the white cord by chemical
method and dried to a constant weight. The ratio of the constant mass of the
impregnated substance to the constant mass of the blank cord shall be the dip pick-up.
3.3 elongation at specified load
The strain of the cord under a given load.
3.4 hot air thermal shrinkage
The ratio of the length reduction of the cord due to the action of hot and dry air at a
certain temperature to the original length.
3.5 warp density within specified width from each edge
The number of warp threads within a certain length from both sides of the cord fabric
to the cloth edge.
3.6 net weight
The mass of dipped cord fabric obtained by subtracting the mass of all packaging
materials from the mass of the cord fabric roll when leaving the dipping machine.
3.7 dimensional stability index
The sum of elongation at specified load and hot air thermal shrinkage.
3.8 linear density of the dipped cord
The absolute dry mass of a certain length of dipped cord.
4 Product classification and specifications
4.1 According to physical and chemical properties, dipped polyester cord fabrics are
divided into high-modulus low-shrinkage (HMLS), high-strength high-modulus low-
shrinkage (HTHMLS) and high-dimensionally-stable high-modulus low-shrinkage
4.2 According to the warp linear density and the number of strands, the dipped polyester
cord fabric is divided into 1100dtex/2, 1440dtex/2, 1670dtex/2, 2200dtex/2, 2500dtex/2,
3340dtex/2, a total of 6 specifications.
dipped, they shall be divided into separate batches according to the same production
process or each continuous dip.
6.2.2 For each batch of dipped polyester cord fabric, a test cloth with a length of about
1 m shall be taken from a certain roll of dipped polyester cord fabric as a laboratory
sample. Extract the appropriate number of cords. Immediately test the off-machine
moisture regain. Cut the remaining test cloth in half along the center line. Quickly pack
it into a black plastic bag. Send it to the laboratory for testing after conditioning. The
other half is vacuum-packed and sent to the buyer with the product for testing. If the
supplier and the buyer agree, batching and sampling can be carried out according to the
methods agreed by both parties.
6.2.3 From 20 cm away from the edge of the test cloth, uniformly extract cords with a
length of 500 mm ~ 600 mm from 6 positions equidistant from each other. Remove the
weft. After mixing, it is used as the specimen of this batch of dipped polyester cord
fabric. Take out a sufficient number of specimens for testing items such as adhesive
strength, diameter and dip pick-up. The remaining specimens are hung or placed on the
specimen rack to adjust the humidity. After balancing, they are used for testing items
such as tensile properties, twist, linear density of the dipped cord and hot air thermal
shrinkage. Specimens shall be randomly selected, but cords with serious defects shall
be removed.
6.2.4 In the event of disputes between the supplier and the buyer over the test results,
the test results jointly accepted by randomly selected specimens shall prevail.
7 Test methods for physical and chemical properties
7.1 Tensile property test
7.1.1 Principle
Under the specified conditions, clamp the cord specimen between the two clamps of
the CRE electronic tensile testing machine. Stretch the specimen to fracture at the
specified tensile speed. Determine the breaking strength, constant load elongation and
breaking elongation of the specimen directly from the strength-elongation curve or data
display. Calculate and obtain the elongation at specified load, elongation at break,
coefficient of variation of breaking strength and coefficient of variation of elongation
at break of the specimen. For tensile testing machines equipped with data processing
and printing devices, the test values of various tensile properties can be automatically
printed out after the test is completed by setting the test program.
7.1.2 Test instruments
This document recommends using CRE tensile testing machine. See Annex A when
using a CRT tensile testing machine. In case of any dispute over the tensile test results,
the test results of the CRE tensile testing machine shall prevail.
CRE electronic tensile testing machine shall meet the following technical requirements:
- It is equipped with drawing device or data processing and printing device.
- The error of the tension display value is no more than ±0.5% of the full scale load.
- The error of the elongation display value is not more than ±1% of the elongation
record value.
- There are different tensile strength ranges, so that the breaking strength of the
specimen is in the range of 20%~90% of a certain range.
- It is equipped with pneumatic clamps that can compensate the pressure of the
specimen. The jaws of pneumatic grips shall be flat, unlined steel. The pressure
of the jaws shall ensure that the specimen does not slip in the jaws, nor can it
damage the specimen and cause it to break at the jaws. See Annex B for a
schematic diagram of the pneumatic gripper.
7.1.3 Number of specimens
It shall be ensured that the number of effective specimens is 20.
7.1.4 Test conditions
Distance between the jaws of the upper and lower fixtures: (250±1) mm.
Tensile speed: (300±5) mm/min.
7.1.5 Operating procedures Correct the clamp gauge and tensile speed of the tensile testing machine so that
they respectively reach the test conditions specified in 7.1.4. Adjust the tensile force and elongation display device of the tensile testing
machine. When the tensile testing machine is in a non-working stable state, the
displayed values of tensile force and elongation are all zero. For a tensile testing machine equipped with a recorder, adjust the position of the
recording pen so that the recording pen is facing the baseline of the recording paper
when the tensile machine is in a non-working stable state. Select the appropriate tensile force range according to the specimen
specification. Set the content of the data required to be printed. Remove one specimen from the specimen rack in 6.2.3. One end is fixed in a
movable clamp. Put the other end into the fixed clamp. Clamp the specimen firmly after
applying pretension to the specimen according to the provisions in Table 7. Start the fixture, recorder or data processor for testing. The recorder plots the
7.4 Hot air thermal shrinkage test
7.4.1 Test method of hot air thermal shrinker Principle
Place the cord specimen that has been conditioned and balanced in dry hot air at a
specified temperature for a certain period of time under a specified tension. While the
specimen is still under heat and tension, the hot air thermal shrinkage of the specimen
can be read directly from the scale or display of the instrument. For the thermal
shrinkers equipped with data collection, processing and printing devices, test conditions
can be set at the beginning of the test. At the end of the test, the instrument can
automatically print out the thermal shrinkage of the specimen. Test instruments
The heat shrinker consists of a specimen heating chamber with a heating capacity up to
250°C, a temperature control accuracy of ±0.5°C, and a length of not less than 250 mm,
a specimen fixture, and an automatic test, calculation, and result output display or
printing device. The test and display accuracy of hot air thermal shrinkage of the
specimen shall reach 0.1%. The instrument shall have an automatic timing function or
be equipped with a timer. Number of specimens
It shall be ensured that the number of effective specimens is 5. Test conditions
Temperature: (177±2)℃. Heat treatment time: 2 min. Operating procedures
Set the test conditions first. After that, use a specimen fixture to clamp firmly one end
of the specimen that has been conditioned and balanced. After the other end passes
through the guide pulley, fasten the counterweight weight, so as to apply the pretension
specified in Table 7 to the specimen and prevent the specimen from untwisting. Push
the specimen frame into the heating chamber. Simultaneously start the test program.
After the test is finished, the test results are automatically printed out. If the instrument
is not equipped with automatic timing and printing device, the specimen frame shall be
pushed into the heating chamber. Simultaneously start the timer. When the specified
test time is reached, read and record the test result from the test result display.
Repeat the above operation for each specimen. Calculation
Read the arithmetic mean value of the hot air thermal shrinkage of 5 specimens by
reading from the average value key. Use it to represent the hot air thermal shrinkage of
each batch of cords. If the instrument does not have the function of automatically
calculating the arithmetic mean value of a set of data, calculate the arithmetic mean of
the hot air thermal shrinkage of 5 specimens. The value of the calculation result shall
be rounded to one digit after the decimal point according to GB/T 8170. Precautions
Operators shall not touch the heating chamber with their hands and shall not leave the
instrument that has clamped the specimen.
7.4.2 Hot oven test method Principle
Place the specimen that has been conditioned and balanced in hot air at a specified
temperature for a specified time under a certain tension. Test the gauge length change
of the specimen before and after the test. Calculate the heat shrinkage of the specimen. Test instruments
Constant temperature oven: the heating capacity reaches 200°C, and the temperature
control accuracy is ±1°C. The net height in the oven shall be able to put the ruler and
frame. Fix one end of the cord specimen whose gauge length is not less than 250 mm
on the frame. The other end of the specimen hangs a weight for applying pretension.
Rulers and frames. Number of specimens
It shall be ensured that the number of effective specimens is 5. Test conditions
Temperature: (177±2)℃. Heat treatment time: 2 min. Operating procedures
Put 5 specimens on the scale frame. The upper end of the specimen is fixed at the zero
scale position of the scale. Apply the pretension specified in Table 7 to each specimen.
Make a mark at the lower end of each specimen. Make the gauge length of the specimen
not less than 250 mm. Record the initial length of each specimen. Put the ruler frame
into the oven. Carry out the test under the specified test conditions. At the end of the
test, read the length of each specimen after the test in the hot state and record it. Calculation
Use formula (5) to calculate the hot air thermal shrinkage of each specimen. Calculate
the arithmetic mean to express the hot air thermal shrinkage of each batch of cords. The
- A device for applying pretension to a specimen.
7.5.3 Number of specimens
It shall be ensured that the number of effective specimens is 10.
7.5.4 Operating procedures Adjust the position of the movable fixture of the twist testing machine so that
the distance between the two fixtures is (250±1) mm or (500±2) mm. Clamp one end of a specimen that has been conditioned and balanced into a
movable fixture. Apply pretension to the specimen according to the provisions in Table
7. Put the other end of the specimen through the fixed fixture. Pull the specimen so that
the twist extension and twist shrinkage dials make the pointer point to zero. Set the untwisting direction, untwisting machine speed and other conditional
parameters on the controller of the testing machine. Set the display value of the
untwisting number display to zero. Start the testing machine and start untwisting. After
the retwisting is exhausted, stop the testing machine and record the number of retwisting
twists. Convert to 1 m twist numbers. Cut off one or two strands of the initial twisted yarn from the above-mentioned
specimens that have been fully untwisted, so that only one initial twisted yarn remains.
According to the linear density of the initial twisted yarn, adjust the pretension
according to Table 7. Pull the initial twisted yarn so that the pointer of the twist
extension and twist shrinkage dial is facing the zero position. Reset untwisting direction.
Set the display value of the untwisting number display to zero. Start the testing machine
and start to untwist. After the initial twist is exhausted, stop the testing machine and
record the number of initial twists. Convert to 1 m twist numbers. Repeat the above operation for each specimen.
7.5.5 Calculation
Take the arithmetic mean of the initial twist and retwist numbers of 10 specimens to
represent the initial and retwist twists of each batch of cord fabrics. The unit is T/m.
Values are rounded to integers according to GB/T 8170.
7.6 Fineness test
7.6.1 Diameter test Test instruments
Thickness gauge. Its technical indicators:
a) Measuring range: 0~10 mm. The minimum division value is 0.01 mm.
b) Upper platen: the diameter is (9.5±0.1) mm; the pressure on cord is (167±3) cN;
the drop height is 6.5 mm. Number of specimens
Method A: ensure that the number of effective specimens is 10.
Method B: for 4 cord specimens with weft yarns, the effective number of specimens
shall be 10. Operating procedures Method A
Calibrate the thickness gauge so that the pointer points to zero. Raise the upper plate.
Place a single cord specimen flat on the gage chassis. The pressure plate drops slowly
from a height of about 6.5 mm from the chassis. After the pressure plate touches the
specimen and the pointer stops, read and record the value, accurate to 0.01 mm. Each
specimen shall be tested once at two positions rotated to a difference of 90° along the
axial direction of the cord at the same test site. Method B
Cut 10 warp threads with weft along the cord warp direction. The length is about 5 cm.
Remove 3 warps on each side. Prepare 10 specimens of 4 cords with weft yarns.
Calibrate the thickness gauge so that the pointer points to zero. Raise the upper plate.
Place the specimen on the thickness gauge chassis. The pressure plate drops slowly
from a height of about 6.5 mm from the chassis. The test site shall be on the warp
between two weft yarns. After the pressure plate touches the specimen and the pointer
stops, read and record the value, accurate to 0.01 mm. Each of the 4 cord specimens
with weft yarns shall be tested for thickness as described above. Calculation
The diameter of each batch of cord is represented by the arithmetic mean of the test
results, in mm. The resulting value shall be rounded to two digits after the decimal point
according to GB/T 8170.
7.6.2 Test of linear density of the dipped cord Test instruments
Balance: the minimum graduation value is 1 mg.
Meter ruler. Number of specimens
Five sets. Each set is with a total length of at least 5 m. The specimen shall be in a loose state in the oven. Avoid direct exposure to heat
sources. Each specimen shall be heated evenly.
8 Inspection methods for tissue specifications and appearance
8.1 Inspection method for tissue specifications
8.1.1 Inspection method for cloth roll length
It is carried out in the way of metering on-line in the dipping production line
(manufacturer) or calendering production line (user). The unit is m. The value of the
inspection result shall be rounded to an integer according to GB/T 8170.
8.1.2 Inspection method for cord fabric width
According to the provisions of GB/T 4666-2009. The unit is cm. The value of the
inspection result shall be rounded to an integer according to GB/T 8170.
8.1.3 Inspection methods for warp density, warp density within specified width
from each edge, weft density
According to the provisions of Operation Method A in GB/T 4668-1995. Take e/10 cm
as unit. The value of the inspection result shall be rounded to an integer according to
GB/T 8170.
8.1.4 Inspection method for weft thread density
According to the provisions on the single piece method in GB/T 14343-2008. The unit
is dtex. The value of the inspection result shall be rounded to an integer according to
GB/T 8170.
8.2 Inspection method for appearance quality
The manufacturer adopts online visual inspection method on the dipping production
line. Make records according to the items required in Table 6. The user uses the online
visual inspection method on the calendering production line for re-inspection.
9 Inspection rules
9.1 The physical and chemical properties indicators are sampling inspections. The
sampling methods shall be carried out according to the regulations in 6.2.1 and 6.2.2.
Inspect according to the test methods specified in Chapter 7. If there is one item failure,
the product shall be rejected.
9.2 Appearance indicators are all inspections. The inspection items in Table 6 are all
assessment items. Carry out inspection according to the inspection method specified in
8.2. If there is one item failure, the product shall be rejected.
9.3 The buyer can inspect the product provided by the manufacturer according to the
provisions of this Standard within 12 months after the product is dipped. If the
inspection is not carried out within the time limit, it is deemed that the buyer has
approved the inspection results indicated in the quality guarantee issued by the seller.
9.4 If any party between the supplier and the buyer raises an objection to the inspection
results of the other party, it may submit to an arbitration institution agreed by both
parties or a third party to double the sampling for re-inspection. That is, randomly select
two rolls of cord fabric from the batch of cord fabric with objection for re-inspection.
The re-inspection results shall be the final results.
10 Packaging, marking, quality guarantee, transportation and
10.1 Packaging
10.1.1 The dipped polyester cord fabric is packed in rolls. It shall be ensured that the
product quality is not damaged and is suitable for storage and transportation.
10.1.2 Dipped polyester cord fabrics are packaged in sealed rolls. Rolls of dipped
polyester cord fabric are put on clean, dry polyethylene film-coated wooden shaft or
paper steel shaft. Rolls of dipped polyester cord fabric are wrapped with kraft paper
from inside to outside. Put paper flanges and black polyethylene film with desiccant on
both ends of the wooden shaft or paper steel shaft. Then fold the black polyethylene
film at both ends of the wooden shaft or paper steel shaft to the ends of the cloth roll.
Seal the interface firmly with adhesive tape. The whole roll of polyester impregnated
cord fabric is tightly packed with polyethylene film by a laminating packaging machine.
Finally, wrap the polypropylene woven cloth on the outermost wrap of the cloth roll.
Tighten it at both ends of the wooden shaft or paper steel shaft and bind it firmly. It can
also be packed according to the special requirements of the buyer.
10.2 Marking
10.2.1 Each roll of dipped polyester cord fabric shall be labeled with a product label on
both ends of the roll. The label shall state the following:
a) Product name, product standard number and trademark;
b) Manufacturer name, detailed address and product origin;
c) Product tissue specifications, inspection marks and commercial settlement quality;
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.