GB/T 18717.2-2002 PDF English
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Ergonomic design for the safety of machinery -- Part 2: Principles for determining the dimensions required for openings for access of parts of the body into machinery
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GB/T 18717.2-2002: PDF in English (GBT 18717.2-2002) GB/T 18717.2-2002
ICS 13.110
J 09
Ergonomic Design for the Safety of Machinery - Part 2.
Principles for Determining the Dimensions Required for
Openings for Access of Parts of the Body into
(ISO 15534-2. 2000, Ergonomic Design for the Safety of Machinery - Part 2.
Principles for Determining the Dimensions Required for Access Openings, NEQ)
ISSUED ON. MAY 17, 2002
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 General Requirements ... 6
4 Access Openings ... 7
Appendix A (Normative) Application of Anthropometric Data in Practice ... 14
Appendix B (Informative) Configuration of Access Openings ... 19
Appendix C (Informative) Symbols for Opening Dimensions and Anthropometric
Body Measurements ... 28
Bibliography ... 30
GB/T 18717 Ergonomic Design for the Safety of Machinery is divided into three parts.
---Part 1. Principles for Determining the Dimensions Required for Openings for
Whole-body Access into Machinery;
---Part 2. Principles for Determining the Dimensions Required for Openings for
Access of Parts of the Body into Machinery;
---Part 3. Anthropometric Data.
This Part is the second part of GB/T 18717; it is corresponding to ISO 15534-2. 2000
Ergonomic Design for the Safety of Machinery - Part 2. Principles for Determining the
Dimensions Required for Access Openings (English version). The degree of
consistency between this Part and Part 2 in ISO 15534-2. Ergonomic Design for the
Safety of Machinery is non-equivalent. Please see the main differences below.
---The Introduction part and the involved Bibliography [3] in the previous
international standard are deleted;
---Three reference standards in the previous international standard are modified
into corresponding national standards;
---In the previous international standard, 12 of the 25 opening dimensions (unit.
mm) of B2 ~ B16 are modified.
In Figure B.4 and Figure B.14 in this Part, “≤ 1,190” is “≤ 1,220” before
In Figure B.5 in this Part, “900” is “920” before modification;
In Figure B.6 in this Part, “1,190 ~ 1,560” is “1,230 ~ 1,680” before modification;
In Figure B.8 in this Part, “1,560 ~ 1,190” is “1,560 ~ 1,230” before modification;
In Figure B.11 in this Part, “900 ~ 1,240” is “920 ~ 1,240” before modification;
“1,190 ~ 1,560” is “1,230 ~ 1,560” before modification;
In Figure B.12 in this Part, “1,190” is “1,230” before modification;
In Figure B.13 in this Part, “1,190 ~ 1,560” is “1,230 ~ 1,560” before modification;
In Figure B.15 in this Part, “900 ~ 1,230” is “920 ~ 1,230” before modification;
In Figure B.16 in this Part, “≤ 1,480” is “≤ 1,520” before modification.
---On the premise of the same conditions for the measurement of human body
Ergonomic Design for the Safety of Machinery - Part 2.
Principles for Determining the Dimensions Required
for Openings for Access of Parts of the Body into
1 Scope
This Part specifies the minimum functional dimensions (opening dimensions, please
refer to Bibliography [2]) for 12 types of opening for access of parts of the body into
machinery (please refer to 3.1 in GB/T 15706.1-1995) and the configuration
requirements for 22 types of opening, as well as 26 formulas for the calculation of
opening dimensions, which combine anthropometric data (anthropometric
measurements) and additional space (allowances).
Please refer to Table 1 in GB/T 18717.3-2002 for anthropometric data. Please refer to
the stipulation in Appendix A for the numerical value of additional space.
Opening dimensions are based on the numerical value of the 95th percentile (please
refer to Bibliography [2]) of the expected user population, whereas reach distances are
based on the numerical value of the 5th percentile. Under each circumstance, the least
favorable body dimension of the expected user population shall be considered as the
basis. The same consideration also applies to the configuration of openings. Please
refer to Appendix B.
This Part is applicable to non-mobile machinery. In terms of mobile machinery, there
may be additional specific requirements.
Situations where people are to be prevented from reaching a hazard are elaborated in
GB 12265.1.
2 Normative References
Through the quotation in this Part of GB/T 18717, clauses in the following documents
become clauses in this Part. In terms of references with a specific date, all the
subsequent modification sheets (excluding corrected content) or revised versions are
not applicable to this Standard. However, all parties that reach an agreement in
accordance with this Standard are encouraged to explore the possibility of adopting
the latest versions of these documents. In terms of references without a specific date,
the latest versions are applicable to this Standard.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.