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GB/T 18488.1-2015 (GB/T 18488-2024 Newer Version) PDF English

Search result: GB/T 18488.1-2015 (GB/T 18488-2024 Newer Version)
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GB/T 18488-2024English625 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Drive motor system for electric vehicles Valid
GB/T 18488.1-2015English95 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. [Replaced by GB/T 18488-2024] Drive motor system for electric vehicles -- Part 1: Specification Obsolete
GB/T 18488.1-2006English170 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. The electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles -- Part 1: General specification Obsolete
GB/T 18488.1-2001English470 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. General specification of the electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles Obsolete
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GB/T 18488.1-2015: PDF in English (GBT 18488.1-2015)

GB/T 18488.1-2015 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040 T 35 Replacing GB/T 18488.1-2006 Drive motor system for electric vehicles - Part 1. Specification ISSUED ON. FEBRUARY 04, 2015 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 01, 2015 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 7  2 Normative references ... 7  3 Terms and definitions ... 8  4 Working system, voltage class and type designation ... 10  5 Requirements ... 10  6 Inspection rules ... 20  7 Signs and labels ... 21  Annex A ... 23  Annex B ... 26  Bibliography ... 29  Foreword GB/T 18488 Drive Motor System for Electric Vehicles is divided into two parts. — Part 1. General specification; — Part 2. Test methods. This Part is part 1 of GB/T 18488. This Part is drafted in accordance with the rules provided by GB/T 1.1-2009. This Part replaces GB/T 18488.1-2006 The Electrical Machines and Controllers for Electric Vehicles - Part 1. General Specification. Compared with GB/T 18488.1-2006, in addition to the editing modifications, the main technical changes in this Part are as follows. — Add “terms and definitions”; — Revise the provision “working system”; the previous S1-S9 working systems are change into “formulated by manufacturer and user by reference to GB 755”; — Modify the provision “voltage class”; add six classes - “60 V, 72 V, 80 V, 650 V, 700 V, 750 V” based on the previous voltage classes, and specify the “144 V, 288 V, 312 V, 336 V, 384 V, 600 V” as preferred grades; — Add the provision “type designation for drive motor and drive motor controller”; — Modify the provision “mechanical strength of drive motor controller enclosure”; “gravity generated by adding 100 kg mass on an area of 30 cmX30 cm” is changed into “not lower than 10 kPa pressure”; — Modify the provision “sealing performance for cooling circuit of liquid cooling system”; the pressure limit that reflects sealing state is changed from “(40±5) kPa” to be “not lower than 200 kPa”; — Modify the provision “insulation resistance of drive motor stator winding for enclosure”; specify that “when insulation resistance calculated by formula (1) is lower than 0.38 MΩ, then it shall be examined according to 0.38 MΩ”; “rated voltage” in previous formula is changed into “maximum working voltage”; — Add the provision “insulation resistance of drive motor stator winding for temperature sensor”; — Modify the provision “drive motor controller insulation resistance”; modify the previous provision “hot-state insulation resistance is not lower than 1 MΩ” to be “cold-state and hot-state insulation resistance are both not lower than 1 MΩ”; — Modify the provision “inter-turn impact withstand-voltage of drive motor winding”, specify the specific provisions for drive motor armature winding, drive motor exciting winding, and brushed DC motor armature winding respectively; — Add the provision - power frequency withstand-voltage of motor winding for temperature sensor; — Modify the provisions “power frequency withstand-voltage of drive motor winding for enclosure” and “power frequency withstand-voltage of drive motor controller”; the wording of “nominal voltage” is changed to “maximum working voltage”; — Modify the provision “temperature rise”; change the quoted standard from “GB 755- 2000” to “GB 755-2008”, meanwhile, delete the provision - controller temperature rise; — Modify “voltage fluctuation”; change “voltage fluctuation” to “voltage range”; and modify the provision working voltage range; “drive motor system under rated supply voltage of 125% is decreased to 75% of rated voltage” is change to “voltage range of drive motor system shall meet provisions of product technical documents”; — Add the provisions “continuous torque”, “continuous power”, “peak-value torque”, “peak-value power”, “peak-value efficiency of drive motor system”, “high-efficient working area of drive motor system”, “speed control accuracy”, “torque control accuracy”, “respond time of speed”, “respond time of torque”, “drive motor controller continuous current”, “drive motor controller short-time current”, and “controller maximum current”; — Modify “regenerated energy feedback characteristics”; “regenerated energy feedback characteristics” is changed to “feeding characteristics”; — Add the provision “drive motor controller support capacitor discharge duration”; — Add the provision “low temperature storage”; — Modify the provision “low temperature operation”; low temperature limit is changed from “-20°C” to “-40°C”; “4 h of normal operation under low temperature” is changed to “retest insulation resistance in box after test”; — Add the provision “high temperature storage”; — Modify the provision “high temperature operation”; high temperature limit is changed from “+ 40°C” to “+55°C”; and specify that “in case of special requirements, the temperature limits specified in Table 3 shall be followed, additional tests shall be made according to the test requirements determined by manufacturer and user through consultation”; — Modify the provision “damp heat”; “shall be able to withstand for 48 h steady-state damp-heat test under 40°C with relative humidity of 95%” is changed to “shall be able to withstand for 48 h steady-state damp-heat test under (40±2)°C with relative Drive motor system for electric vehicles Part 1. General specification 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 18488 specifies the working system, voltage class, type designation, requirements, inspection rules, signs and labels, etc. of drive motor system for electric vehicles. This Part is applicable to drive motor system for electric vehicles, drive motors, and drive motor controllers. Vehicle motors and their controllers that only possess power generation function may refer to this Part for implementation. 2 Normative references Following documents are indispensable for application of this document. For the dated documents so quoted, only dated versions apply to this document. For the undated documents so quoted, the latest versions (including all modification sheets) apply to this document. GB 755-2008 Rotating electrical machines - Rating and performance GB1971 Rotating electrical machines - Terminal markings and direction of rotation GB/T 2423.17 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2. Test method - Test Ka. Salt mist GB 2894 Safety signs and guideline for the use GB/T 2900.25 Electrotechnical terminology - Rotating electrical machines GB/T 2900.33 Electrotechnical terminology - Power electronics GB 4208 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code) GB/T 4942.1 Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code) - Classification GB/T 19596 Terminology of electric vehicles GB/T 28046.3-2011 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment - Part 3. Mechanical loads 5.2.2 Shape and installation dimension The shape and installation dimension of drive motor and drive motor controller shall conform to the requirements determined by manufacturer and user through consultation. 5.2.3 Mass It shall not exceed the value determined by manufacturer and user through consultation. 5.2.4 Mechanical strength for enclosure of drive motor controller Enclosure of drive motor controller shall be able to withstand pressure not less than 10 kPa and there is no obvious plastic deformation. 5.2.5 Sealing performance for cooling circuit of liquid cooling system The liquid cooling system of drive motor and drive motor controller shall be able to withstand pressure not less than 200 kPa and there is no leakage. 5.2.6 Cold-state DC resistance for stator winding of drive motor Cold-state DC resistance of drive motor stator winding shall meet provisions of product technical document. Note. product technical documents can be product specification, technical agreement or other instructions determined by manufacturer and user through consultation. 5.2.7 Insulation resistance Insulation resistance of drive motor stator winding for enclosure 5.2.7. Cold-state insulation resistance value of drive motor stator winding for enclosure shall be more than 20 MΩ. Hot-state insulation resistance value of drive motors stator winding shall not be less than the value calculated in formula (1). Where. R — hot-state insulation resistance of drive motor stator winding for enclosure, with unit of megohm (MΩ); Udmax — maximum voltage, with unit of volt (V); P — continuous power of drive motor, with unit of kilowatt (kw). Drive mo... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.