GB/T 18488.1-2001 (GB/T 18488-2024 Newer Version) PDF English
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Drive motor system for electric vehicles
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[Replaced by GB/T 18488-2024] Drive motor system for electric vehicles -- Part 1: Specification
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GB/T 18488.1-2006 | English | 170 |
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The electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles -- Part 1: General specification
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GB/T 18488.1-2001 | English | 470 |
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General specification of the electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles
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GB/T 18488.1-2001: PDF in English (GBT 18488.1-2001) GB/T 18488.1-2001
ICS 43.120
T 47
Neq IEC 60785:1984
IEC 60786:1984
General Specification of the Electrical Machines and
Controllers for Electric Vehicles
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Definitions ... 5
4 Working System and Quota ... 5
5 Technical Conditions ... 6
6 Routine Inspection ... 10
7 Type Inspection ... 11
Appendix A (suggestive) Matching Relations between a Single Electrical Machine and
Output Capacity of the Controllers ... 13
Appendix B (suggestive) Urban Working Conditions and Suburban Working
Conditions ... 14
General Specification of the Electrical Machines and
Controllers for Electric Vehicles
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the general technical conditions of the electrical machines and
controllers for electric vehicles.
This Standard is applicable to the drive electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles
(EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV).
2 Normative References
The clauses contained in the following standards constitute the clauses of this Standard through
the reference in this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated are all valid. All
standards are subject to revision, and parties adopting this Standard shall explore the possibility
of adopting the latest editions of the following standards.
GB 755-2000 Rotating Electrical Machines - Rating and Performance
GB/T 2423.17-1993 Basic Environmental Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic
Products - Test Ka: Salt Mist
GB/T 4772.1-1999 Dimensions and Output Series for Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 1:
Frame Numbers 56 to 400 and Flange Numbers 55 to 1080
GB/T 4942.1-1985 Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures for Rotating
GB/T 4942.2-1993 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures for Low-voltage Apparatus
GB 10068.2-2000 Mechanical Vibration of Certain Machines with Shaft Heights 56 mm and
Higher - Measurement, Evaluation and Limits of Vibration
GB 10069.3-1999 Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by Rotating Electrical Machines
and the Noise Limits - Part 3: Noise Limits
GB/T 12665-1990 Requirements of Damp-heat Testing of Electrical Machine for Service in
General Environmental Condition
GB/T 12668-1990 General Specification for Speed Control Assembly with Semiconductor
Adjustable Frequency for A.C. Motor
GB 14023-2000 Vehicles, Motorboats and Spark-ignited Engine-driven Devices - Radio
Disturbance Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement
GB 14711-1993 General Requirements for Safety of Small and Medium Size Rotating
Electrical Machines
GB/T 17619-1998 Limits and Methods of Testing for Immunity of Electrical / Electronic Sub-
assemblies in Vehicles to Electromagnetic Radiation
GB/T 18488.2-2001 Test Procedures of the Electrical Machines and Controllers for Electric
GB/T 2900.25-1994 Electrotechnical Terminology - Rotating Electrical Machines
GB/T 2900.26-1995 Electrotechnical Terminology - Electrical Machine for Automatic Control
GB/T 2900.33-1993 Electrotechnical Terminology - Power Electronics
3 Definitions
In addition to the definitions in GB/T 2900.25, GB/T 2900.26 and GB/T 2900.33, the following
definitions are added to this Standard.
3.1 Controllers of the Electrical Machine
Controllers of the electrical machine refer to the device that controls the energy transmission
between the main traction power supply and the electrical machine, and is composed of
externally controlled signal interface circuit, electrical machine control circuit and drive circuit.
3.2 Overall Efficiency of the Electrical Machine and Controllers
Overall efficiency of the electrical machine and controllers refers to the ratio of the output
power of the shaft of the electrical machine to the input power of the controllers.
4 Working System and Quota
4.1 Working System
4.1.1 Continuous working system
The electrical machine and the controllers are operating to the state of thermal stability under a
constant load.
4.1.2 Periodic working system with short-time overload
When the electrical machine and the controllers are operating under the rated load, it is allowed
When the ambient temperature is 20C ~ + 40 C, the electrical machine and the controllers
can continuously operate for a long time.
5.2 Humidity
The electrical machine and the controllers can normally operate when the relative humidity
does not exceed 100%. The electrical machine and the controllers shall be able to safely operate
when the surface temperature is lower than the dew point, that is, when condensation occurs on
the surface of the electrical machine and the controllers.
5.3 Salt Spray
As a product of automotive electrical equipment, it shall have certain resistance to salt spray,
and shall be able to satisfy the relevant stipulations in GB/T 2423.17.
5.4 Fixed-frequency Vibration and Sweep-frequency Vibration
In accordance with the installation position of the electrical machine and the controllers, the
electrical machine and the controllers shall be subject to the fixed-frequency vibration test in
three directions of up and down, left and right, and front and rear, and the sweep-frequency
vibration test in the up and down direction. If the sweep-frequency vibration test is required in
other directions, it shall be specified in the specific product standards.
5.5 Mechanical Strength of Controller Enclosure
The enclosure of the controllers shall be able to bear 100 kg of gravity on an area of 30 cm
30 cm without obvious plastic deformation.
5.6 Waterproof and Dustproof
When exposed to rain or washed by high-pressure water, the structure, installation and
ventilation mode of the electrical machine and the controllers shall ensure that the electrical
machine and the controllers will not be damaged. The electrical machine shall comply with the
protection requirements of Degree IP 55 in GB/T 4942.1; the controllers shall comply with the
protection requirements of Degree IPX5 in GB/T 4942.2.
5.7 Temperature Rise Limit
The electrical machine shall adopt Class F or Class H insulation. Adopt the operating conditions
of 4.1.2 or 4.1.3, and the environmental conditions specified in this Standard; the electrical
machine shall comply with the temperature rise limit specified in 7.10 of GB 755-2000; the
temperature rise of each part of the controllers shall comply with the requirements of 4.3.15 in
GB/T 12668-1990.
5.8 Stator Winding Cold-state DC Resistance of Electrical Machine
Its resistance value is specified in the specified product.
5.9 Turn-to-turn Insulation of Electrical Machine Winding
It shall reach the requirements of 9.2.1 in GB 14711-1993.
5.10 Insulation Resistance of Stator Winding of Electrical Machine to Enclosure
The insulation resistance of stator winding of the electrical machine to the enclosure in the cold
state shall be greater than 20 M.
5.11 Voltage Resistance
The insulation of the electrical machine shall have sufficient dielectric strength and shall be
able to withstand the voltage resistance test specified in 9.1 and 9.2 of GB/T 14711-1993,
without manifesting any phenomenon of breakdown or flashover. The dielectric strength
between the live circuits of the controllers and the ground (enclosure) and the circuits without
electrical connection with each other shall be able to withstand the test voltage specified in
4.3.14 of GB/T 12668-1990, and the duration is 1 min.
5.12 Voltage Fluctuations
The electrical machine and the controllers must be able to safely withstand the maximum
current when the power supply voltage is 120% of the rated voltage value. In addition, when
the power supply voltage drops to 75% of the rated voltage, the electrical machine shall be able
to operate at the maximum current (continuous operation is not required).
5.13 Peak Power
In accordance with the specified duration of the product, the maximum output power of the
electrical machine shall reach the peak power value of the product.
5.14 Locked-rotor Torque and Locked-rotor Current
In order to ensure that the electric vehicle has a sufficiently large starting torque when starting,
the electrical machine is required to reach the specified locked-rotor torque value of the product.
Its locked-rotor current shall not be greater than the maximum current value provided by the
5.15 No-load Speed of Electrical Machine
At the rated voltage, the electrical machine operates without load, and its maximum speed value
shall satisfy the requirements of the product’s maximum no-load speed.
5.16 Noise
Under normal working conditions, the noise emitted by the electrical machine and the
controllers in operation shall comply with the requirements for noise limit in GB 10069.3.
5.17 Vibration
relative humidity is 95%.
5.25 Contact Current
The electrical machine and the controllers shall have good insulation performance. In normal
operation, its hot-state contact current shall not exceed 5 mA.
5.26 Torque - Speed Characteristics and Efficiency of Electrical Machine
The electrical machine and the controllers shall reach the torque - speed characteristics required
by the specific product and the efficiency proposed by the specific product.
5.27 Electromagnetic Compatibility
5.27.1 Electromagnetic radiation
The electromagnetic radiation generated by the electrical machine and the controllers in
operation shall not exceed the allowable value of radiated interference specified in Chapter 4
of GB 14023-2000.
5.27.2 Electromagnetic radiation immunity
In accordance with the measurement method specified in Chapter 4 and the immunity level
specified in Table 1 of GB/T 17619-1998, carry out the test. The electrical machine and the
controllers shall be able to normally operate under normal service conditions.
5.28 Durability
Under the operating conditions of rated load and rated speed, ensure that the trouble-free
operating time of the electrical machine and its controllers is 3,000 h when they are put into use
for the first time.
6 Routine Inspection
Each electrical machine and controller must be routinely inspected for the following items.
6.1 No-load speed electrical machine
6.2 Stator winding cold-state DC resistance of electrical machine
6.3 Turn-to-turn insulation of electrical machine winding
6.4 Mechanical strength of controller enclosure
6.5 Insulation resistance of stator winding to enclosure
6.6 Voltage resistance
6.7 Locked-rotor torque and locked-rotor current
6.8 Noise
6.9 Voltage fluctuations
6.10 Overload capacity of controllers
6.11 Protection functions of controllers
6.12 Safe grounding inspection
7 Type Inspection
In cases such as product type identification, production transfer, factory transfer, resumption of
production after shutdown, and major changes in structure, materials or processes, or contract
regulations, type inspection shall be carried out. The number of product samples for random
inspection is 2 sets. If there is any disqualified item, the number of samples for re-inspection of
this item shall be doubled. If it is still disqualified in the re-inspection, then, the product shall
be determined as disqualified. The inspection items are as follows.
7.1 Environmental Test
7.1.1 Temperature, humidity and thermal insulation resistance.
7.1.2 Fixed-frequency vibration and sweep-frequency vibration.
7.1.3 Salt spray.
7.2 Temperature Rise
7.2.1 Operate in accordance with the periodic working system with short-time overload in 4.1.2.
7.2.2 Operate in accordance with the requirements of ISO urban working conditions and
suburban working conditions in 4.1.3.
7.3 Waterproof and Dustproof
7.4 Torque - speed characteristics and efficiency of electrical machine
7.5 Feeding
7.6 Maximum operating speed
7.7 Overspeed
7.8 Vibration
7.9 Contact current
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.