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GB/T 1844.2-2008 (GB/T 1844.2-2022 Newer Version) PDF English

Search result: GB/T 1844.2-2008 (GB/T 1844.2-2022 Newer Version)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inName of Chinese StandardStatus
GB/T 1844.2-2022English174 Add to Cart 3 days Plastics -- Symbols and abbreviated terms -- Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials Valid
GB/T 1844.2-2008English85 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Plastics -- Symbols and abbreviated terms -- Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials Obsolete
GB/T 1844.2-1995English239 Add to Cart 2 days Symbols of plastics and resins--Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials Obsolete
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GB/T 1844.2-2008: PDF in English (GBT 1844.2-2008)

GB/T 1844.2-2008 ICS 83.080.01 G 31 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GB/T 1844.2–2008 / ISO 1043.2.2000 Replacing GB/T 1844.2–1995 Plastic—Symbols and abbreviated— Part 2. Fillers and reinforcing materials (ISO 1043.2. 2000, IDT) ISSUED ON. AUGUST 04, 2008 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 01, 2009 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration Committee of the People’s Republic of China GB 29281-2012 Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Use of the symbols ... 5 3 Symbols ... 5 References and Original Chinese Documents ... 8 Foreword GB/T 1844 Plastic—Symbols and abbreviated consists of four parts as follows. — Part 1. Basic polymers and their special characteristics; — Part 2. Fillers and reinforcing materials; — Part 3. Plasticizers; — Part 4. Flame retardants. This is Part 2 of GB/T 1844 and is identical to ISO 1043.2. 2000 Plastics — Symbols and abbreviated terms — Part 2. Fillers and reinforcing materials. For ease of use, partial editorial changes have been made as follows. — Delete the FOREWORD in ISO 1043.2. 2000; — Change “This Part of ISO 1043” as “This Part of GB/T 1844”; — Change the expressions apply to International Standard as the expressions apply to National Standard. This Part will replace GB/T 1844.2-1995 Symbols of plastics and resins—Part 2. Fillers and reinforcing materials. Comparing with GB/T 1844.2-1995, main changes of this Part are as follows. — Change the Standard title from “Symbols of plastics and resins—Part 2. Fillers and reinforcing materials” to “Plastic-Symbols and abbreviated-Part 2. Fillers and reinforcing materials”; — Add the abbreviated code of aluminum trihydroxide; — Change the materials for abbreviated code N; — Change the shape for reinforcing materials code T. This Part is proposed by China Petroleum & Chemical Industry Association. This Standard is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee (SAC/TC 15) on Plastic of Standardization Administration of China The responsible drafting organization is National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of Synthetic Resin. The participate drafting organizations are Beijing Yanshan Petroleum Resin Institute, National Research & Analysis Center for Chemical Building Materials (Material Test Dept.), GB 29281-2012 Guangzhou Jinfa Technology Co., Ltd and National Center of Testing and Supervision for Quality of Plastics (Beijing). The chief drafting staffs of this standard include Zhao Ping, Wang Jiandong, Chen Hongyuan, Ling Wei, Gui Hua and Ning Kaijun. This standard replaces the following historical editions. — GB 1844.2-1980; GB/T 1844.2-1995. Plastic—Symbols and abbreviated— Part 2. Fillers and reinforcing materials 1 Scope This part of GB/T 1844 specifies uniform symbols for terms referring to fillers and reinforcing materials. It includes only those symbols that have come into established use. Its main objective is to prevent the occurrence of more than one symbol for given filler or reinforcing material, and to prevent a given symbol being interpreted in more than one way. 2 Use of the symbols 2.1 The symbols for fillers and reinforcing materials are specified in sub-clause 3.1 and the symbols for their form or structure are specified in sub-clause 3.2. 2.2 Only capital letters shall be used except for chemical symbols. 2.3 The type of filler or reinforcing material shall be represented by the first letter. And its physical form or structure shall be represented by the second letter. EXAMPLE. GF is the symbol for glass in the form of fiber (G. Glass, F. Fiber). 2.4 Mixtures of materials or forms may be shown in parentheses by combining the relevant symbols by the"+" sign. EXAMPLE. (GF+MD) is the symbol for a mixture of glass fiber (GF) and mineral powder (MD). 2.5 The further information required for metals shall be indicated by the chemical symbol in parentheses. EXAMPLE. MD(Al) is the symbol for aluminum powder. 3 Symbols 3.1 Fillers and reinforcing materials The symbols for fillers and reinforcing materials are specified in Table 1. 3.2 Form or structure The symbols for the form or structure of fillers and reinforcing materials are specified in Table 2. GB 29281-2012 References and Original Chinese Documents [1] GB/T 1844.2-2008 Plastics. Symbols and abbreviated terms. Part 2.Fillers and reinforcing materials. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.