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GB/T 18287-2013 PDF English

Search result: GB/T 18287-2013_English: PDF (GB/T18287-2013)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inName of Chinese StandardStatus
GB/T 18287-2013English150 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. General specification of lithium-ion cells and batteries for mobile phone Valid
GB/T 18287-2000English105 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Cellular phone with a lithium-ion battery specification Obsolete
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GB/T 18287-2013: PDF in English (GBT 18287-2013)

GB/T 18287-2013 GB ICS 29.220.01 K 82 National Standard of the People’s Republic of China Replacing GB/T 18287-2000 General specification of lithium-ion cells and batteries for mobile phone ISSUED ON. JULY 19, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 Issued by. State Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 4  1  Scope ... 6  2  Normative references ... 6  3  Terms and definitions ... 7  4  Requirements ... 8  4.1  Appearance and Dimensions ... 8  4.1.1  Cell ... 8  4.1.2  Battery ... 9  4.2  Electrical performance ... 9  4.2.1  0.2 ItA discharge ... 9  4.2.2  Rated discharge ... 9  4.2.3  High temperature discharge ... 9  4.2.4  Low temperature discharge ... 9  4.2.5  Charge retention capability and recovery capacity ... 10  4.2.6  Storage Performance ... 10  4.2.7  Cycle life ... 10  4.2.8  Internal resistance ... 10  4.3  Environmental adaptability ... 10  4.3.1  ESD (Electro static discharge) ... 10  4.3.2  Steady damp‐heat ... 10  4.3.3  Vibration ... 10  4.3.4  Free fall ... 11  4.3.5  Low‐pressure ... 11  4.3.6  Molded shell stress under high temperature ... 11  4.4  Safety protection performance ... 11  4.4.1  Overcharge protection ... 11  4.4.2  Overdischarge protection ... 11  4.4.3  Short‐circuit protection ... 12  4.5  Safety performance ... 12  4.5.1  Weight impact ... 12  4.5.2  Thermal abuse ... 12  4.5.3  Overcharge ... 12  4.5.4  Forced discharge ... 12  4.5.5  Short circuit ... 12  4.5.6  Mechanical shock ... 12  4.5.7  Temperature Cycling ... 13  5  Test Methods ... 13  5.1  Test conditions... 13  5.2  Measuring instruments and equipment requirements ... 13  5.3  Test Methods ... 13  5.3.1  Appearance and Dimensions ... 13  5.3.2  Electrical performance ... 14  5.3.3  Environmental adaptability ... 17  5.3.4  Safety protection performance ... 18  5.3.5  Safety performance ... 19  6  Quality assessment procedures ... 21  6.1  Inspection classification ... 21  6.2  Type inspection ... 21  6.2.1  Inspection time ... 21  6.2.2  Sampling plan ... 22  6.2.3  Inspection procedures ... 23  6.2.4  Decision rules ... 23  6.3  Acceptance inspection ... 23  6.3.1  Provisions on acceptance inspection ... 23  6.3.2  Disposal of acceptance inspection ... 24  6.4  Routine inspection ... 24  6.4.1  Provisions on routine inspection ... 24  6.4.2  Disposal of routine inspection ... 25  7  Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ... 26  7.1  Marking ... 26  7.2  Packaging ... 26  7.3  Transportation ... 27  7.4  Storage ... 27  Annex A ... 28  Foreword This Standard is drafted according to the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard replaces GB/T 18287-2000 General Specification of Lithium-ion Battery for Cellular Phone and has the following major changes in comparison with GB/T 18287-2000. — It has a structural improvement, which makes a clear distinction between lithium-ion cells and batteries; — In terms of definitions, definitions of reference test current (3.5), recovery capacity (3.6), leakage (3.9), venting (3.10), rupture (3.11), fire (3.12) and explosion (3.13) are added; — Modifications are made to low temperature discharge (4.2.4 and; 4.4 and 5.3.4 “low temperature performance” of GB/T 18287-2000), free fall (4.3.4 and; 4.7.4 and of GB/T 18287-2000), cycle life (4.2.7 and; 4.6 and 5.3.6 of GB/T 18287-2000), over-charge protection (4.4.1 and; 4.8.1 and of GB/T 18287-2000), weight impact (4.5.1 and; 4.9.1 and of GB/T 18287-2000), thermal abuse (4.5.2 and; 4.9.2 and “heat impact” of GB/T 18287-2000), overcharge (4.5.3 and; 4.9.3 and 5.3.9,3 of GB/T 18287-2000), short circuit (4.5.5 and; 4.9.4 and of GB/T 18287-2000) and other inspection items; — Impact (4.7.3 and of GB/T 18287-2000) is deleted; — ESD (Electro-stati... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.