GB/T 18253-2018 PDF English
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Steel and steel products -- Types of inspection documents
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GB/T 18253-2000 | English | 70 |
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Steel and steel products. Types of inspection documents
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GB/T 18253-2018: PDF in English (GBT 18253-2018) GB/T 18253-2018
Steel and steel products--Types of Inspection documents
ICS 77.140.01
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replace GB/T 18253-2000
Types of inspection documents for steel and steel products
(ISO 10474.2013, Steelesteelproducts-inspectiondocuments, IDT)
Published on.2018-03-15
2018-12-01 implementation
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
China National Standardization Administration issued
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 18253-2000 "Types of inspection documents for steel and steel products".
Compared with GB/T 18253-2000, the main technical changes of this standard are as follows.
--- Added terms and definitions of "product specifications", "manufacturers" and "intermediaries" (see 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5);
--- Modified the number and content of the file type (see Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Table 1,.2000 Edition Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Table 1);
--- Removed the "Regulated Test Report 4.3" (see.2000 version 4.3 and Table 1);
--- Deleted the inspection certificates "5.1A" and "5.1C" (see.2000 edition 5.1 and Table 1);
--- Revised the approval method and formal requirements for inspection documents (see Chapter 7).
This standard uses the translation method equivalent to ISO 10474.2013 "Steel and Steel Products Inspection Documents".
The documents of our country that have a consistent correspondence with the international documents referenced in this standard are as follows.
---GB/T 17505-2016 General technical requirements for the delivery of steel and steel products (ISO 404.2013, MOD).
For ease of use, this standard makes the following editorial changes.
---Change the standard name;
--- Increase the informative appendix;
--- Remove the informative overview elements (views, prefaces and references) from international standards.
This standard was proposed by the China Iron and Steel Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Steel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC183).
This standard was drafted. Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute.
The main drafters of this standard. Yan Yan, Dai Qiang, Yan Yuming.
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are.
---GB/T 18253-2000.
Types of inspection documents for steel and steel products
1 Scope
This standard specifies the different types of inspection documents provided by the purchaser when the steel and steel products are delivered as required by the order.
This standard is used in conjunction with the general technical requirements for delivery.
---Steel and steel products, see ISO 404.2013;
---Steel castings, see ISO 4990.
Note. This standard can also be applied to other products.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only dated versions apply to this article.
Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
ISO 404.2013 General technical requirements for the delivery of steel and steel products (Steelandsteelproducts-Generaltechnicalde-
ISO 4990 Steel Castings General Technical Requirements (Steelcastings-Generaltechnicaldeliveryrequirements)
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Non-specific inspection
The manufacturer performs inspections according to a custom program to determine whether the products produced by the same production process meet the requirements of the order.
[Source ISO 404.2013]
Note. The products tested and tested are not necessarily the products actually supplied.
Specified inspection specificinspection
Before delivery, according to the technical requirements of the order, check on the delivered product or on the test unit consisting of some of the products.
Check to verify that they meet the requirements of the order.
[Source ISO 404.2013]
Product specification
The technical requirements related to the order, in full detail in written form, such as. reference standards or other specifications.
Manufacturer manufacturer
The organization that produces the product according to the requirements of the order and the performance specified in the relevant product specifications.
The product supply is obtained from the manufacturer and then supplied to the organization of the acquirer without or after processing. Processed products should not be changed
The performance specified in the single and product specifications.
Note. The middleman can be a steel service center or a wholesaler.
4 Inspection documents based on non-regulated inspections
4.1 Declaration of conformity with the order "2.1" (Declarationofcompliancewiththeorder "2.1")
The manufacturer declares that its product meets the order requirements, but does not provide documentation of any test results.
4.2 Test report "2.2" (Testreport "2.2")
The manufacturer declares that its product meets the requirements of the order and provides documentation of the test results in accordance with non-regulated inspections.
Note. If the test report “4.3” specified in GB/T 18253-2000 is specified in the product standard, “4.3” is still valid before the product standard revision.
5 Inspection documents based on specified inspections
5.1 Inspection Certificate 3.1 (Inspectioncertificate3.1)
The inspection certificate provided by the manufacturer stating that the product meets the requirements of the order and provides the test results according to the regulations.
The test unit and the test items performed are determined by product standards and/or orders.
If the manufacturer implements a traceability procedure and can provide the required inspection documents, the manufacturer is allowed to advance the semi-finished products.
The results obtained by the relevant regulations of the line are transferred to the inspection certificate 3.1.
The certificate of inspection 3.1 shall be issued by an inspection representative independent of the production department authorized by the manufacturer.
Note 1. Inspection certificate 3.1 replaces 5.1B in GB/T 18253-2000.
Note 2. If the current product standard specifies the inspection certificate 5.1B, the inspection certificate 3.1 may be used instead of 5.1B in GB/T 18253-2000.
5.2 Inspection Certificate 3.2 (Inspectioncertificate3.2)
The inspection certificate provided by the manufacturer stating that the product meets the requirements of the order and provides the test results according to the regulations.
The test unit and the test items performed are determined by product standards and/or orders.
If the manufacturer implements a traceability procedure and can provide the required inspection documents, the manufacturer is allowed to advance the semi-finished products.
The results obtained by the relevant regulations of the line are transferred to the inspection certificate 3.2.
The certificate of inspection 3.2 shall be issued jointly by the inspection representative authorized by the manufacturer and the inspection representative authorized by the buyer, or authorized by the manufacturer.
The inspection representative is issued jointly with the inspection representative appointed by a third party.
6 Inspection documents provided by the intermediary
When the product is provided by an intermediary, the original of the manufacturer's inspection documents in accordance with the provisions of this standard shall be provided to the acquirer without any modification.
Or a copy.
Copies of inspection documents (eg photocopying, scanning or similar techniques) are available when.
a) measures that are traceable;
b) The original of the inspection documents may be provided as needed.
If the intermediary changes the mark, size or quantity of the product in any way, in order to ensure traceability between the supplied product and the inspection document
Retrospective (see ISO 404.2013), an additional document should be provided that complies with these new conditions, including the corresponding product identification method. This kind
The situation also applies to all special requirements not included in the manufacturer's inspection documentation. Even if a new test is carried out, the middleman is not allowed
Change the grade of the steel.
Any organization that changes the metallurgical properties of a product during processing is considered a manufacturer of the product.
7 Approval of inspection documents
All inspection documents should be accompanied by the name and position of the person in charge of the document, but no signature is required. Attachment on copy (see Chapter 6)
The content should take effect in the same form.
The retention and transmission of documents should be in the form of electronic documents or paper text.
8 List of inspection documents
A list of the types of inspection documents included in this standard is given in Table 1.
The comparison between this standard and the type of foreign inspection documents is shown in Table NA.1.
Table 1 List of inspection documents
File type file name check type file content file issue
Declaration of compliance with the order
experiment report
Non-regulated inspection
Manufacturer's declaration meets order specifications
Fixed requirements, but no test
Manufacturer's declaration meets order specifications
Set requirements and provide non-regulation
Test result
Inspection certificate 3.1
Inspection certificate 3.2
Prescribed inspection
Manufacturer's declaration meets order specifications
Set requirements and provide prescribed inspections
Test result
Manufacturer-authorized independent of production
Departmental inspection representative
Manufacturer-authorized inspection representative and
An inspection representative authorized by the acquirer, or
Manufacturer-authorized inspection representative and
Third-party designated inspection representative
Appendix NA
(informative appendix)
Comparison table between this standard and foreign inspection documents
The comparison between this standard and the type of foreign inspection documents is shown in Table NA.1.
Table NA.1 Comparison table between this standard and foreign inspection documents
This standard GB/T 18253-2000 ISO 10474.2013 EN10204.2004
File Type File Name File Type File Name File Type File Name File Type File Name
In line with the order
Compliance with the contract
In line with the order
Class 2.1
In line with the order
2.2 Test report 4.2 Test report 2.2 Test report 2.2 test report
Certificate of inspection
Certificate of inspection
Certificate of inspection
Class 3.1
Certificate of inspection
Certificate of inspection
Inspection Report
Certificate of inspection
Class 3.2
Certificate of inspection
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.