GB/T 17587.3-2017 PDF English
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Ball screws -- Part 3: Acceptance conditions and acceptance tests
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Ball screws. Part 3: Acceptance conditions and acceptance tests
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GB/T 17587.3-2017: PDF in English (GBT 17587.3-2017) GB/T 17587.3-2017
ICS 25.040.20
J 51
Replacing GB/T 17587.3-1998
Ball screws –
Part 3. Acceptance conditions and acceptance tests
(ISO 3408-3.2006, MOD)
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 7
2 Normative references ... 7
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Acceptance conditions and permissible deviation ... 8
4.1 Classification ... 8
4.2 Geometric accuracy test ... 8
4.2.1 Tolerance ... 8
4.2.2 Assessment of measurement drawing ... 9
5 Acceptance test ... 11
5.1 Overview ... 11
5.2 Travel deviation and variation ... 14
5.3 Run-out and orientation tolerances ... 19
5.4 Performance test ... 29
Appendix A (Normative) Supplementary forms ... 31
GB/T 17587 “Ball screw” is divided into the following five parts.
- Part 1. Vocabulary and designation;
- Part 2. Nominal diameters and nominal leads - Metric series;
- Part 3. Acceptance conditions and acceptance tests;
- Part 4. Static axial rigidity;
- Part 5. Static and dynamic load ratings and operational life.
This part is part 3 of GB/T 17587.
This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part replaces GB/T 17587.3-1998 “Ball screws - Part 3. Acceptance
conditions and acceptance tests”. As compared with GB/T 17587.3-1998, the
main technical changes are as follows.
- In the “4.1 classification”, CHANGE the 7 standard tolerance grades into 8
standard tolerance grades, ADD the standard tolerance grade 0 in Table 1.
Thereafter any part related to the standard tolerance grade and test item
permissible deviation will be added with the standard tolerance grade 0 and
the corresponding permissible deviation;
- In “4.2.1 Tolerance”, ADD the calculation formula of the travel variation
tolerance vup within the useful travel of the grade 0 accuracy;
- CHANGE the “4.2.2 Travel deviation” of 1998 version into “5.1 Overview”;
ADD a new table in clause 5.1; CHANGE the Table 2 of the 1998 version
into Table 3;
- CHANGE the “4.2.3 Calculation of measurement drawings” of the 1998
version into “4.2.2 Assessment of measurement drawings”; ADD “
Overview”; CHANGE the original and into and;
- MODIFY the Figure 2 in clause 5.1. CHANGE the “permissible deviation =”
into “permissible deviation ≤”. ADD the figures and guide line 4 indicating
the travel measuring device which is lacked in the original Figure;
- MODIFY the clause 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3, respectively, of the 1998 version into
5.2, 5.3 and 5.4; DELETE the Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 in the 1998
version which are shared by many items into one table for each test item;
- CHANGE the “Mean travel deviation e” in the test item E1.1 and E1.2 of the
1998 version into the “Mean travel deviation esa and e0a” AND the “Mean
travel deviation e0a” in the test item E1.2;
- MODIFY the test formula of the permissible deviation in the test item E1.2;
- In the inspection descriptions of the test item E4, ADD that “the letter n in
the diagram represents the number of rotations of the ball screw as
corresponding to the ball nut”;
- CHANGE the test item E6, E7, and E8 of the 1998 version, respectively,
into E6.1, E7.1 and E8.1; ADD the test item E6.2, E7.2, and E8.2; in the
diagram of E8.1, ADD the indicator and the formula to assess the inspection
- DIVIDE the permissible deviation column of the test item E12 into two
conditions. lu ≤ 4000 mm and lu > 4000 mm; ADD the permissible deviation
lu > 4000 mm; DELETE the notes on lu > 3000 mm in the permissible
deviation column of the 1998 version; CHANGE the “Ball screw (both ends
without seals)” in the inspection descriptions of the 1998 version into “Ball
screw (both ends with/without seals)”;
- MODIFY the title and the “Tolerance on specified travel” in the Table A.1 of
Appendix A into “The tolerance value within the specified travel”;
- MODIFY the Table A.3 in Appendix A; DELETE the note below the original
This part, through the redrafting methods, modifies and adopts ISO 3408-
3.2006 “Ball Screws - Part 3. Acceptance conditions and acceptance test”.
As compared with ISO 3408-3.2006, the main technical differences and the
reasons of this part are as follows.
- In ISO 3408-3.2006, the ball screw standard tolerance grade does not have
grade 2 and grade 4. Considering that the grade 2 and grade 4 ball screw
is widely used in China, so in the Table 1 of the “4.1 Classification” in this
part, it retains the treatment method in GB/T 17587.1-1998, adds the
standard tolerance grade 2 and grade 4, after which once the standard
tolerance grade and test item permissible deviation, the grade 2 and grade
4 standard tolerance grade and the corresponding permissible deviation are
- In “4.2.1 Tolerance”, same as GB/T 17587.1-1998, ADD the calculation
formula of the travel variation vup within the grade 2 and grade 4 accuracy
useful travel;
- MAKE the following changes of the Figure 2 in clause 5.1. CHANGE the
“permissible deviation =” into “permissible deviation ≤”; ADD the figure
indicating the travel measuring device; INDICATE its guide line 4 again;
- In the test descriptions of the test item E4, ADD that “the letter n in the
diagram represents the number of rotations of the ball screw as
corresponding to the ball nut”;
- In the test item E5, same as GB/T 17587.1-1998, in note 1, ADD that “at
this time l1 is the ball screw shaft total length”;
- In the test items E6.1, E7.1 and E8.1, same as in E6, E7 and E8 in GB/T
17587.1-1998, ADD the note to the table that “it is agreed to allow the ball
screw shaft top to be measured at the center hole”;
- In Appendix A, taking into account the ball screw of nominal lead 4, 6, 8, 12,
16 ... is widely used, same as the Table A.2 in GB/T 17587.1-1998, ADD the
specifications of the nominal lead, CHANGE the “Lead” in the table into
“Nominal lead”, CHANGE “Ph” into “Ph0”;
- In Table A.3 of Appendix A, taking into account that the specification of
nominal lead is modified in Table A.2, the original Table A.3 is modified
This part makes the following editorial changes of ISO 3408-3.2006.
- In the “4.2.1 Tolerance” and the note to Table A.1 in Appendix A, for the
determination method of the tolerance on specified travel ep in the useful
travel, CHANGE it from the descriptions without differentiating the accuracy
grade into the descriptions based on grade 0 accuracy and based on other
accuracy grades;
- MOVE the note to the arrow below the esa and e0a of Figure 3b) in clause of ISO 3408-3.2006 to the center line between the l'2 and l2;
- MODIFY the symbol “v2πp” in the test item E4 of 5.2 in ISO 3408-3.2006 to
This part was proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This part shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Standardization
Technical Committee on Metal Cutting Machine (SAC/TC 22).
The drafting organizations of this part. Jiangsu Rui’an Special Machinery Group
Co., Ltd., Beijing Machine Tool Research Institute, China Machine Tool Quality
Supervision and Inspection Center, Nanjing Technology and Equipment
Ball screws –
Part 3. Acceptance conditions and acceptance tests
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 17587 specifies the technical acceptance conditions for ball
screws (SEE Figure 1), in particular, the respective permissible deviations for
the acceptance tests.
Note. The actual structure need not necessarily be consistent with the structure shown in Figure
The required test items shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and user.
This part applies to machine tool ball screw, the other can also make reference
to it.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB/T 1800.1-2009 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Limits and fits
- Part 1. Bases of tolerances deviations and fits (ISO 286-1.1988, MOD)
GB/T 17421.1-1998 Test code for machine tools - Part 1. Geometric
accuracy of machines operating under no-load or finishing conditions (eqv
GB/T 17587.1-2017 Ball screws - Part 1. Vocabulary and designation (ISO
3408-1.2006, MOD)
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 17587.1-2017 apply to this
ea - Actual mean travel deviation as relative to the specified travel or the
nominal travel;
γ - The angle of rotation of the ball nut as relative to the ball screw shaft
(specified travel or nominal travel, as appropriate);
γi - The angle of rotation of i-th measurement point (it can also be as relative
to the specified travel or nominal travel, as appropriate, of the i-th
measurement point);
ei - Travel deviation of the specified travel or nominal travel corresponding
to the i-th measurement point;
n - The number of measurement points. Graphic method [SEE Figure 3a) and Figure 3b)]
The method of determining the actual mean travel deviation based on the actual
travel deviation is as follows.
a) MAKE tangents (l1, l2, ...) passing through two or more upper peak points
on the actual travel deviation curve; MAKE tangents (l3, ...) passing
through the lower peak point;
b) DETERMINE each maximum deviation values (e1, e2, e3, ...) parallel to
the ...
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.