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GB/T 17469-2024 PDF English

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GB/T 17469-2024English275 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Characteristics evaluation of brake linings for automobile - Small sample bench test method Valid
GB/T 17469-2012English145 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Characteristics evaluation of brake linings for automobile -- Small sample bench test method Valid
GB/T 17469-1998English559 Add to Cart 3 days Road vehicles--Brake linings--Evaluation of friction material characteristics--Small sample bench test procedure Obsolete
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GB/T 17469-2024: PDF in English (GBT 17469-2024)

GB/T 17469-2024 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040.40 CCS Q 69 GB/T 17469-2024 Replacing GB/T 17469-2012 Characteristics evaluation of brake linings for automobile - Small sample bench test method ISSUED ON: SEPTEMBER 29, 2024 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 01, 2025 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 5 4 Test equipment ... 5 5 Test preparation ... 8 6 Test procedure ... 10 7 Result processing ... 11 8 Friction coefficient classification and friction coefficient level marking ... 12 9 Test report ... 13 Annex A (informative) Test data record table and data curve graph... 14 Annex B (informative) Product test result report format ... 16 Characteristics evaluation of brake linings for automobile - Small sample bench test method 1 Scope This document specifies the test equipment, test preparation, test procedure, result processing, friction coefficient classification and friction coefficient grade marking, and test report for the small sample bench test method for friction performance evaluation of brake linings for automobile. This document applies to automotive disc brake linings and automotive drum brake linings (hereinafter referred to as “linings”). This document does not apply to parking brake linings. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 5620 Road vehicles - Vocabulary and definition for braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers 3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 5620 apply. 4 Test equipment 4.1 Test machine The schematic diagram of small sample bench test machine for friction materials is shown in Figure 1. The test machine shall have the following functions: a) measure the temperature of the brake drum; b) heat the brake drum; c) control the heating rate of the brake drum; 5.1.1 Randomly select 5 linings from each batch of products. Prepare a test piece from each lining. 5.1.2 The test piece shall be cut from the middle part of the lining, and the distance from the sampling position to the periphery of the lining shall be roughly equal. 5.1.3 The length and width of the test piece is (25.4 ± 0.2) mm × (25.4 ± 0.2) mm; the test friction surface is arc-shaped, and the radius of the arc shall match the brake drum; the back is flat, and the thickest thickness (or the test piece plus the silencer) is (6.0 ± 0.5) mm. When the thickness of the test piece is insufficient, it is supplemented by bonding. The test friction surface of the test piece shall be the friction surface of the lining. 5.1.4 For test pieces that have been ground, at least 0.3 mm shall be ground off from the friction surface, but not more than 0.5 mm. For unground test pieces (taken directly from the mold), 1.0 mm ~ 1.2 mm shall be ground off from the friction surface so that the resin impregnation layer on the lining surface can be completely removed. 5.1.5 The test friction surface of the prepared test pieces shall not be touched by hand, and foreign impurities shall be avoided. 5.2 Processing of brake drum surface 5.2.1 When using a new or re-ground brake drum, before the first test, remove all wear marks with 320 sandpaper or emery cloth, then polish with 320 sandpaper, and remove dust on the brake drum with clean dry air or soft cloth. Finally, use the reference test piece to run continuously at a speed of 417 r/min, a load of 440 N, and a temperature below 93 ℃ until the friction coefficient stabilizes. 5.2.2 Before each test, the surface of the brake drum shall be polished with 320 sandpaper or emery cloth, and then polished with 320 sandpaper. Remove dust on the brake drum with clean dry air or soft cloth. 5.3 Running-in of test pieces Under the conditions of brake drum speed of 312 r/min, load of 440 N, and maximum temperature of 93℃, the test piece is run-in for not less than 20 min. If the contact area of the test piece is still less than 95 % after running-in for 20 min, the test piece is abandoned and re-prepared. 5.4 Measurement of initial thickness and mass Take out a run-in test piece, take three points (outside, center, inside) on the center line parallel to the axis of the test piece and the brake drum to measure the thickness (to the nearest 0.1 mm) and record it. At the same time, weigh the mass of the test piece (to the nearest 1 mg) and record it. Then install the test piece on the test machine and run it continuously for 5 min under the conditions of load 222 N and speed 208 r/min. The brake drum is stationary, and the load is unloaded. At this time, the initial spacing between the test piece and the brake drum shall be 0.3 mm ~ 0.4 mm; if it does not meet the requirements, the loading apparatus needs to be adjusted. 5.5 Measurement of initial wear When the brake drum is stationary, the temperature is 88 ℃ ~ 99 ℃, and the load is 667 N, measure the height of the top of the test piece fixture (to the nearest 0.1 mm) and record it. 6 Test procedure 6.1 First baseline At a brake drum speed of 417r/min, load (load 667 N) the test piece for 10 s and unload for 20 s, for a total of 20 times. The test starts from the brake drum temperature of 82 ℃ ~ 93 ℃, and the cooling air is used to maintain the brake drum temperature at 82 ℃ ~ 104 ℃ during each loading. The cooling air is turned off for the 20th loading. 6.2 First decay Turn off the heating and air cooling, and let the brake drum rotate at 417 r/min to cool naturally. When the brake drum temperature drops to 82 ℃, load the test piece and turn on the heater at the same time. Continuously drag-wear at a speed of 417 r/min and a loading force of 667 N. When the temperature reaches 288 ℃ or the drag-wear time reaches 10 min, whichever of the two conditions is met first, the test is completed. Starting from 93 ℃, record the friction force and friction coefficient every 28 ℃, and record the time, friction force and friction coefficient to reach 288 ℃. 6.3 First recovery After the first decay (6.2) is completed, turn off the heater and turn on the cooling air. At a test speed of 417 r/min, during the process of brake drum temperature dropping from 288 ℃ to 93 ℃, load (load 667 N) the test piece for 10 s at 260 ℃, 204 ℃, 149 ℃ and 93 ℃, and record the friction force and friction coefficient at each loading. 6.4 Second wear measurement Perform wear measurement according to 5.5. 6.5 Wear test At a brake drum speed of 417 r/min, load (load 667 N) the test piece for 20 s and unloaded for 10 s, for a total of 100 times. The test starts from the brake drum temperature of 193 ℃ ~ 204 ℃, and the brake drum temperature shall be kept between 193 ℃ ~ 216 ℃, which can be achieved by using a heater or air cooling. 6.6 Third wear measurement After the wear test (6.5) is completed, when it cools to 88 ℃ ~ 99 ℃, perform wear measurement again according to 5.5. 6.7 Second decay After the third wear measurement (6.6) is completed, turn off the heater and cooling air immediately, and let the brake drum rotate at 417 r/min to cool naturally. When the brake drum temperature drops to 82 ℃, turn on the heater, and continue to drag-wear at a speed of 417 r/min and a load of 667 N. When the temperature reaches 343 ℃, the test is completed. If the temperature cannot reach 343 ℃, the drag-wear time can reach 10 min, and the result at the end of 10 min shall prevail. Starting from 93 ℃, record the friction force and friction coefficient every 28 ℃, and record the time, friction force and friction coefficient to reach 343 ℃. 6.8 Second recovery After the second decay (6.7) is completed, turn off the heater and turn on the cooling air. At a test speed of 417 r/min, during the process of brake drum temperature dropping from 343 ℃ to 93 ℃, load (load 667 N) the test piece for 10 s at 316 ℃, 260 ℃, 204 ℃, 149 ℃ and 93 ℃, and record the friction force and friction coefficient at each loading. 6.9 Second baseline Repeat the steps in 6.1. 6.10 Final wear measurement Perform wear measurement according to 5.5. 6.11 Final thickness and mass measurement Take out the test piece after the test and measure the thickness and weigh the mass according to 5.4. 7 Result processing 7.1 Data collection and processing In the intermittent loading test, the friction coefficient is taken as the value at the end of loading. The measurement data retains three significant digits. 7.2 Test record Test data and curve graphs shall be recorded for each test piece. The test data record table and curve graph are shown in Annex A. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.