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GB/T 17395-2008 (GB/T 17395-2024 Newer Version) PDF English

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GB/T 17395-2024English800 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Dimensions, shapes, masses and tolerances of steel tubes Valid
GB/T 17395-2008English85 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Dimensions, shapes, masses and tolerances of seamless steel tubes Valid
GB/T 17395-1998EnglishRFQ ASK 6 days Dimensions, shapes, masses and tolerances of seamless steel tubes Obsolete
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GB/T 17395-2008: PDF in English (GBT 17395-2008)

GB/T 17395-2008 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.140.75 H 48 Replacing GB/T 17395-1998 Dimensions, Shapes, Masses and Tolerances of Seamless Steel Tubes ISSUE ON. MAY 13, 2008 IMPLEMENTED ON. NOVEMBER 1, 2008 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Outside diameter and wall thickness ... 4  3 Length ... 34  4 Shapes ... 35  5 Masses ... 36  Foreword This Standard corresponds to ISO 4200.1991 "Plain end steel tubes, welded and seamless - General tables of dimensions and masses per unit-length", ISO 5252.1991 "Steel tubes - Tolerance systems" and ISO 1127.1992 "Stainless steel tubes - Dimensions, tolerances and conventional masses per unit-length". This Standard is not equivalent to ISO 4200.1991, ISO 5252.1991 and ISO 1127.1992. This Standard replaces GB/T 17395-1998 "Dimensions shapes, masses and tolerances of seamless steel tubes". Compared with GB/T 17395-1998, the main changes of this Standard are as follows. — Common steel pipe outside diameters 232, 267(267.4), 302, 318.5, 368, 419, 473, 699, 711, 720, 762, 788.5, 813, 864, 914, 965, 1016 are added; — Upper limit of wall thickness of common steel tube is modified; — Unit-length theoretical weight in Table 1 and Table 2 is modified; — In Table 3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 are added to the wall thickness for outside diameter of steel pipe whose; — Overall length tolerances 0 15 mm level is added; — "ellipticity" is changed into "noncircularity"; “noncircularity" calculation formula is added; — Upper limit of usual length is changed from “12000mm" to “12500mm"; — Tolerances requirements between actual weight and theoretical weight are modified. This Standard was proposed by China Iron & Steel Association. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of China Steel Standardization Technical Committee Drafting organization of this Standard. Pangang steel Group, Chengtu steel Co., Ltd, and China Metallurgical Information Standardization Research Institute. Chief Drafting Staffs of this Standard. Yan Ru, Li Zhi, Huang Ying and Liqi. This Standard is first-time issued in May 1998. Dimensions, Shapes, Masses and Tolerances of Seamless Steel Tubes 1 Scope This Standard specifies seamless steel tube size, shape, masses and tolerances. This Standard is applicable to selection of size, shape, masses and tolerances in formulating all kinds of flat-end seamless steel tube. 2 Outside diameter and wall thickness 2.1 Classification Outside diameter and wall thickness of steel tube can be divided into three classes. outside diameter and wall thickness of common steel tube (refer to Table 1); outside diameter and wall thickness of precision tube (refer to Table 2), and outside diameter and wall thickness of stainless steel tube (refer to Table 3). 2.2 Outside diameter Outside diameter of steel tube can be divided into three series. series 1, series 2 and series 3. Series 1 is the common series, belonging to the recommended adopted series; series 2 is not the common series; series 3 is the special series. Outside diameter of common steel tube can be divided into series 1, series 2 and series; outside diameter of precision tube can be divided into series 2 and series 3; outside diameter of stainless steel tube can be divided into series 1, series 2 and series 3. 2.3 Permissible tolerance 2.3.1 Outside diameter and wall thickness tolerances selection For selection of permissible tolerance of outside diameter and wall thickness, steel tube application and technological equipment shall be taken into consideration. Tolerances of outside diameter and wall thickness adopted in product standard shall be superior to standardized tolerances. According to customer requirements and product, non-standardized or other tolerances can be adopted. 2.3.2 Outside diameter tolerances GB 4287-2012 Table 7 Non-standardized wall thickness tolerances Unit. millimeter Tolerance grade Non-standardized wall thickness tolerances NS1 +15.0%s -12.5%S NS2 +15.0%S -10.0%S NS3 +12.5%S -10.0%S NS4 +12.5%s -7.5%S Note. S is the nominal wall thickness of steel tube. Steel tube of special purpose and cold rolling (pull) Steel tube wall thickness tolerances may adopt absolute tolerance. 3 Length 3.1 Usual length Usual length of steel tube is 3 000mm ~ 12 500mm. 3.2 Fixed-length and multiple-length Fixed-length and multiple-length shall be within usual length; overall length tolerances can be divided into four grades (refer to Table 8). Each multiple-length will reserve the kerf surplus according to the requirements below. a) For outside diameter ≤159 mm. 5 mm~10mm; b) For outside diameter >159mm. 10mm~15mm. Table 8 Overall length tolerances Unit. millimeter Tolerance grade Overall length tolerances L1 +20 0 L2 +15 0 L3 +10 0 L4 +5 0 3.3 Steel tube length of special purposes For steel tubes of special purposes, such as stainless acid resistant ultra-steel thin wall GB 4287-2012 tuber, the length requirements for minor diameter steel tube can be stipulated otherwise. 4 Shapes 4.1 Degree of curvature Degree of curvature of steel tube can be divided into overall length degree of curvature and degree of curvature of each meter. 4.1.1 Degree of curvature of overall length Degree of curvature surveyed of the overall length of steel tube can be named as degree of curvature of overall length; degree of curvature of overall length can be divided into 5 classes (refer to Table 9). Table 9 Degree of curvature of overall length Unit. millimeter Grade of degree of curvature Degree of curvature of overall length, not greater than E1 0.2%L E2 0.15%L E3 0.1%L E4 0.08%L E5 0.06%L Note. L is length of single steel tube. 4.1.2 Degree of curvature of each meter Degree of curvature surveyed is referred as the degree of curvature of each meter; degree of curvature of each meter can be divided into 5 classes (refer to Table 10). Table 10 Degree of curvature of each meter Unit. millimeter Grade of degree of curvature Degree of curvature of each meter, not greater than F1 3.0 F2 2.0 F3 1.5 F4 1.0 F5 0.5 4.2 Noncircularity Noncircularity of steel tube can be divided into 4 grades (refer to Table 11). GB 4287-2012 Table 11 Noncircularity Grades of noncircularity Noncircularity, no greater than outside diameter tolerance NR1 80% NR2 70% NR3 60% NR4 50% a Noncircularity calculation formula is. %100)(2 minmax minmax  DD DD , Where. Dmax is the maximum value of cross section’s outside diameter., Dmin is the minimal value of cross section’s outside diameter.. 5 Masses 5.1 Delivery of steel tube can be carried out by referring to actual weight; theoretical weight can also be served as the standard. Actual weight delivery can be divided into single pipe masses or batch weight. 5.2 Refer to Formula (1) for the calculation of theoretical weight of the steel tube. 1000/)( SSDW   ... (1) Where. W — Theoretical weight of steel tube; the unit is kilogram/ meter (kg/m); 1416.3 ;  — Intensity of steel; unit is kilogram/ cubic decimeter (kg/dm3); D — nominal outside diameter of steel tube; unit. millimeter (mm); S — nominal wall thickness of steel tube; unit. millimeter (mm). 5.3 As for steel tube delivered according to theoretical weight, tolerances between actual weight and theoretical weight can be stipulated. Tolerances between single steel tube actual weight and theoretical weight can be divided into 5 classes (refer to Table 12). Tolerances between theoretical weight and actual weight of each batch not less than 10 t can be ±7.5 or ±5%. Table 12 Permissible tolerances of masses Tolerance grade Tolerances masses of single steel tube W1 ±10% W2 ±7.5% W3 +10% -5% W4 +10% GB 4287-2012 -3.5% W5 +6.5% -3.5% ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.