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GB/T 16507.1-2022 PDF English

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GB/T 16507.1-2022English320 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Water-tube boilers - Part 1: General requirements Valid
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GB/T 16507.1-2022: PDF in English (GBT 16507.1-2022)

GB/T 16507.1-2022 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.060.30 CCS J 98 Replacing GB/T 16507.1-2013 Water-tube boilers - Part 1: General requirements ISSUED ON: MARCH 09, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 01, 2022 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 Introduction ... 6 1 Scope ... 8 2 Normative references ... 8 3 Terms, definitions and symbols ... 11 4 Responsibility ... 13 5 Definition of boiler scope ... 14 6 Boiler parameters... 16 7 Basic requirements ... 16 8 Design ... 20 9 Manufacture, installation and performance test ... 23 10 Energy saving and environmental protection ... 24 Bibliography ... 26 Water-tube boilers - Part 1: General requirements 1 Scope 1.1 This document specifies the general technical requirements for scope definition, boiler parameters, construction specifications, energy saving and environmental protection of water-tube boilers. 1.2 This document applies to the following fixed water-tube boilers: a) Steam boilers with rated steam pressure greater than or equal to 0.1MPa; b) Hot water boilers with rated outlet pressure greater than or equal to 0.1MPa and rated thermal power greater than or equal to 0.1MW; c) Flue-type waste heat boilers with the main purpose of remaining (waste) heat utilization. 1.3 This document does not apply to water-tube boilers in the following ranges: a) Portable water-tube boilers; b) Cooling devices to meet the needs of equipment and process flow. 1.4 Refer to this document for fixed water-tube boilers with rated pressure less than 0.1MPa. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 753, Steam condition series for utility boilers GB/T 1921, Parameters for industrial steam boilers GB/T 2900.48, Electrotechnical terminology of boilers GB 3095, Ambient air quality standards GB 3096, Environmental quality standard for noise GB/T 3166, Parameters for hot water boilers GB/T 10180, Thermal performance test code for industrial boilers GB/T 10184, Performance test code for utility boiler GB/T 10863, Thermal test method for gas pass heat recovery boiler GB/T 10868, Steam converting valves for power station GB/T 10869, Control valves for power station GB/T 11943, Boiler drawings GB/T 12241, Safety valves - General requirements GB 12348, Emission standard for industrial enterprises noise at boundary GB 13223, Emission standard of air pollutants for thermal power plants GB 13271, Emission standard of air pollutants for boiler GB/T 16507.2, Water-tube boilers - Part 2: Materials GB/T 16507.3, Water-tube boilers - Part 3: Structure design GB/T 16507.4, Water-tube boilers - Part 4: Strength calculation of pressure parts GB/T 16507.5, Water-tube boilers - Part 5: Fabrication GB/T 16507.6, Water-tube boilers - Part 6: Inspection, testing and acceptance GB/T 16507.7, Water-tube boilers - Part 7: Safety appurtenances and instruments GB/T 16507.8, Water-tube boilers - Part 8: Installation and operation GB 18485, Standard for pollution control on the municipal solid waste incineration GB/T 22395, Specification for design of boiler steel structures GB 24500, Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades of industrial boilers GB/T 28056, General specification for gas pass heat recovery boiler GB/T 28057, Specification for oxygen converter heat recovery boiler GB/T 29052, Guide for techniques of water and energy saving in industrial steam boiler system GB/T 29462, Isolation valve for power station NOTE: The pressure element is the basic unit that constitutes the pressure part of the boiler. 3.1.5 pressure component A relatively independent component composed of several pressure elements in a boiler system. NOTE: Pressure components include drum, header, water wall, superheater, reheater and economizer. 3.1.6 non-pressure element An element that does not bear the pressure of the working fluid. NOTE: Non-compression elements include load-bearing and non-load-bearing elements. Non- pressure elements that carry loads include hangers and fasteners. 3.1.7 safety appurtenance A part or device that is used to protect boiler equipment and prevent boilers from operating beyond design conditions. 3.1.8 rated pressure The working fluid pressure at the outlet of the boiler that shall be guaranteed during long-term continuous operation within the specified water supply pressure and load range. That is, the rated working pressure or rated outlet pressure marked on the boiler nameplate. 3.1.9 working pressure Under normal design operating conditions, the highest pressure that the pressure element bears. 3.1.10 calculation pressure The pressure that is used to determine the calculated thickness of the pressure element at the calculation temperature. 3.1.11 rated temperature The working fluid temperature at the outlet of the boiler that shall be guaranteed for long-term continuous operation under the specified design conditions. That is, the rated steam temperature or rated outlet water temperature marked on the boiler nameplate. 3.1.12 calculation temperature Under normal working conditions, the metal temperature (arithmetic mean of inner and outer wall temperatures) of the set pressure element or non-pressure element under load. the following requirements: a) According to the principles of safety, reliability and energy saving, design according to the requirements and needs of the user. Ensure that the energy efficiency and environmental protection of the boiler meet the requirements of regulations and users during normal use; b) A quality system shall be established and run effectively. Be responsible for the quality of the designed and manufactured boiler products; c) The correctness and completeness of the design documents shall be guaranteed. Changes to design documents shall be traceable. 4.3 Installer The responsibilities of the installer are as follows: a) Boiler installation shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 16507.8 and the relevant technical requirements of the installation manual provided by the boiler manufacturer; b) The installer shall be responsible for the construction quality of its installation. 5 Definition of boiler scope 5.1 General requirements The scope of the boiler referred to in this document includes the boiler proper, pipelines within the scope of the boiler, safety accessories and instruments, and so on. Refer to the definition in 3.1.2 for the boiler proper. Pipelines, safety accessories and instruments within the scope of the boiler are defined in accordance with the provisions of 5.2~5.3. 5.2 Pipelines within boiler scope The pipelines within the boiler scope include: a) For power plant boilers, it includes the main water supply pipeline, main steam pipeline, reheat steam pipeline, and branch pipelines within the first valve (excluding valves), as shown in Figure 1; NOTE: The main water supply pipeline refers to the pipeline from the check valve at the outlet of the feedwater pump to the inlet header of the economizer. The main steam pipeline refers to the pipeline from the outlet header of the final superheater to the high-pressure main steam valve of the steam turbine (for boilers operating in the main pipe, to the first valve before the main pipe). Reheat steam cold section pipeline refers to the pipeline from the exhaust check valve of the steam turbine to the inlet header of the reheater. The hot section pipeline of reheat steam refers to the pipeline from the outlet header of the final reheater to 6 Boiler parameters 6.1 Boiler capacity The capacity of the boiler is expressed by rated evaporation (t/h) or maximum continuous evaporation (t/h) or rated thermal power (MW). 6.2 Rated parameters 6.2.1 The rated parameters of the boiler include rated evaporation (t/h) or rated thermal power (MW), rated pressure (gauge pressure) and rated temperature. 6.2.2 The rated parameters at the outlet of the boiler can be selected according to the following criteria: a) The rated parameters of fixed hot water boilers for industrial or domestic use are in accordance with GB/T 3166; b) The rated parameters of industrial stationary steam boilers are in accordance with GB/T 1921; c) The rated parameters of stationary steam boilers for power generation are in accordance with GB/T 753. 6.3 Pressure rating The boiler pressure rating is: a) Supercritical boiler: p≥22.1mPa; b) Subcritical boiler: 16.7MPa≤p< 22.1MPa; c) Ultra-high pressure boiler: 13.7MPa≤p< 16.7MPa; d) High pressure boiler: 9.8MPa≤p< 13.7MPa; e) Sub-high pressure boiler: 5.3MPa≤p< 9.8mPa; f) Medium pressure boiler: 3.8MPa≤p< 5.3MPa. g) Low-pressure boiler: p< 3.8MPa. 7 Basic requirements 7.1 Material allowable stress 7.1.1 Pressure element material The metal temperature is determined according to the working fluid temperature, ambient temperature or flue gas temperature of the part where the non-pressure element is located, combined with heat transfer conditions. 7.3 Load 7.3.1 When determining the dimensions (including wall thickness) of pressure elements, the loads caused by the following conditions shall be considered. a) The internal or external pressure it is subjected to, and the static pressure it is subjected to. b) When the additional stress generated by the following loads on the element causes the average stress increase to exceed 10% of the allowable stress, its influence shall be included: 1) Under the working conditions of operation and hydrostatic test, the self-weight of components (including those caused by component metal, internal storage medium, heat insulation and insulation layer, dust accumulation and slagging, fluidized bed material layer); 2) Loads borne by structural connections or loads caused by supports. c) The pressure elements are subjected to the following loads. Additional analysis and calculation shall be carried out using the methods specified in the corresponding standards according to the actual situation: 1) The forces and moment loads formed by the integrally arranged connecting piping system or its thermal expansion, as well as the forces and moments formed by the instantaneously changing temperature difference or the difference in thermal expansion coefficient; 2) The periodic loads caused by rapid and frequent changes in pressure and temperature during normal operation and during start-up or shutdown. 7.3.2 When necessary, the following loads shall also be taken into account: a) Gravity loads of ancillary equipment, pipes, escalators, platforms; b) Wind load, earthquake load, snow load; c) Forces connecting pipes and other components; d) Shock loads, including shock loads caused by sharp pressure fluctuations and reaction forces caused by fluid shocks; e) Forces during transport or hoisting. 7.4 Pressure 7.4.1 Working pressure The working pressure of the pressure element includes the rated pressure of the boiler, the flow resistance from the pressure element to the boiler outlet at the maximum flow rate and the static pressure of the water column from the pressure element to the boiler outlet. 7.4.2 Calculation pressure The calculation pressure of the pressure element is determined based on the working pressure of the pressure element. 7.5 Thickness The thickness of the pressure element is calculated according to the strength design. An additional amount of thickness is added. If necessary, it shall also comply with the rigidity of the element and the limitation of the manufacturing process on the minimum thickness and the limitation of the thermal stress on the maximum thickness. 8 Design 8.1 Boiler products The design and performance of boiler products shall meet the following requirements: a) Power plant boilers shall meet the requirements of GB/T 34348; b) Industrial boilers shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47034; c) Flue type waste heat boilers shall meet the requirements of GB/T 28056; d) Oxygen converter waste heat boilers shall meet the requirements of GB/T 28057; e) Cement kiln waste heat boilers shall meet the requirements of GB/T 30576; f) Gas-steam combined cycle waste heat boilers shall meet the requirements of GB/T 30577; g) Alkali recovery boilers shall meet the requirements of GB/T 36514; h) Small boilers and atmospheric hot water boilers shall meet the requirements of JB/T 7985; i) Waste incineration boilers shall meet the requirements of JB/T 10249; j) Biomass briquette fuel boilers shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47062. 8.2 Boiler system Boiler combustion devices are according to the following requirements: - Liquid and gas fuel burners shall meet the requirements of GB/T 36699; - The chain grate shall meet the requirements of JB/T 3271. The reciprocating grate shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47050; - Fluidized bed combustion equipment shall meet the requirements of JB/T 10356. 8.3.5 Air preheater Air preheater according to the following requirements: - The tubular air preheater shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47049; - The rotary air preheater shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47060. 8.3.6 Boiler steel structure The design and calculation of boiler steel structure shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T 22395. 8.3.7 Valves The safety valves of non-power station boilers shall meet the requirements of GB/T 12241. Valves for power plant boilers shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47044, and comply with the following requirements: - The temperature and pressure reducing valve of the power station shall meet the requirements of GB/T 10868; - The regulating valve of the power station shall meet the requirements of GB/T 10869; - The blocking valve of the power station shall meet the requirements of GB/T 29462; - The safety valve of the power station shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47063; - The temperature and pressure reduction device shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47033. 8.3.8 Supports and hangers Boiler supports and hangers meet the following requirements: - The constant force disc spring support and hanger shall meet the requirements of JB/T 10357; - The constant force spring support and hanger shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47038; - The variable spring support and hanger shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47039. 8.3.9 Other parts Other parts are according to the following requirements: - The boiler deaerator shall meet the requirements of JB/T 10325; - The square cast iron economizer shall meet the requirements of JB/T 2192; - The coal thrower for boilers shall meet the requirements of JB/T 10355; - The boiler manhole and hand hole devices shall meet the requirements of NB/T 47040; - The boiler soot blowers and temperature measuring probes shall meet the requirements of JB/T 8501; - The exhaust mufflers for thermal power plants shall meet the requirements of JB/T 9623. 9 Manufacture, installation and performance test 9.1 Manufacture 9.1.1 Boiler pressure parts are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 16507.5. 9.1.2 The inspection of boiler pressure parts shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 16507.6. 9.1.3 The boiler steel structure is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of NB/T 47043. 9.1.4 Boiler coating and packaging are in accordance with the requirements of NB/T 47055. 9.2 Installation and operation The installation and operation of the boiler shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 16507.8. 9.3 Performance test The thermal performance test of the boiler is carried out according to the following methods: 10.3 Boiler products 10.3.1 Boiler design and system configuration shall meet the requirements of 8.1. 10.3.2 In addition to meeting the requirements of this document, the boiler design shall also be optimized and reasonably configured. Make the system achieve the best energy- saving effect. Make the energy efficiency indicators of industrial boilers meet the requirements of GB 24500, NB/T 47034 and special product standards. Make the power plant boiler meet the provisions of GB/T 34348 or the requirements of the order contract. 10.3.3 The energy efficiency evaluation and energy utilization efficiency index and classification of industrial boiler systems shall comply with the provisions of NB/T 47035 and NB/T 47061 respectively. The water saving and consumption reduction of the water vapor system of industrial steam boilers shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 29052. 10.3.4 The original nitrogen oxide emission concentration of the boiler shall also meet the specified indicators of the boiler product standard. 10.3.5 The discharge of air pollutants during boiler operation shall meet the following requirements. Otherwise, corresponding dust removal equipment, desulfurization, and denitrification equipment shall be added. a) For steam boilers of which the output of a single unit is less than or equal to 65t/h, with coal, oil and gas as fuel AND hot water boilers of various capacities, air pollutants such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury and its compounds emitted by layer-fired boilers of various capacities and coal thrower furnaces, as well as the blackness of flue gas shall be less than or equal to the limit specified in GB 13271. b) For coal-fired power generation boilers with a single output greater than 65t/h, except for layer-fired furnaces and coal thrower furnaces, pulverized coal power boilers of various capacities, fuel oil, gas-fired power boilers of which the output of a single unit is greater than 65t/h, boilers for power generation with a single output greater than 65t/h using coal gangue, biomass, oil shale, petroleum coke and other fuels, the emission concentration of air pollutants shall meet the limit value specified in GB 13223. c) For boilers that use domestic waste as fuel, their emissions shall meet the requirements of GB 18485. Boilers burning other fuels shall meet the emission standards of corresponding products. 10.3.6 The impact of boiler noise on the surrounding environment shall meet the requirements of GB 12348 and GB 3096. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.