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GB/T 1499.3-2010 (GB/T 1499.3-2022 Newer Version) PDF English

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GB/T 1499.3-2022English170 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 3: Welded fabric Valid
GB/T 1499.3-2010English85 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Steel for the reinforcement of concrete -- Part 3: Welded fabric Obsolete
GB/T 1499.3-2002English439 Add to Cart 4 days Welded steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete Obsolete
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GB/T 1499.3-2010: PDF in English (GBT 1499.3-2010)

GB/T 1499.3-2010 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.140.60 H 44 Replacing GB/T 1499.3-2002 Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete - Part 3. Welded Fabric (ISO 6935-3.1992, NEQ) ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 23, 2010 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ); Standardization Administration (SAC) of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents 1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative References ... 5  3 Terms and Definitions ... 5  4 Classification and Marking ... 7  5 Ordering Information ... 8  6 Technical Requirements ... 8  7 Test Methods ... 10  8 Inspection Rules ... 13  9 Package, Marking and Inspection Certificate ... 15  Appendix A (Normative) Standardized Welded Fabric Type ... 16  Appendix B (Informative) Standard Welded Fabric Used for Bridge Surface and Buildings... 18  Appendix C (Informative) Sketch map of Recommended Special Fixture for Shear Test... 20  Foreword GB/T 1499 is divided into three parts. — Part 1. Hot Rolled Plain Bars; — Part 2. Hot Rolled Ribbed Bars; — Part 3. Welded Fabric. This Part is Part 3 of GB 1499; it is corresponding to international standard ISO 6935-3.1992 Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete - Part 3. Welded Fabric. The consistent degree with ISO 6935-3.1992 is not equivalent. This Part was drafted according to the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Part replaces GB/T 1499.3-2002 Welded Steel Fabric for the Reinforcement of Concrete. Compared with GB/T 1499.3-2002, the main changes in this Part are as follows. — Change the standard name; — Diagram of twin bars welded fabric was added in Figure 2; — Diameter range of bars used for welded fabric was changed to 5mm~18mm; — The permissible deviation of the actual weight and theoretical weight of welded fabric was changed to ±4.0%; — Where cold rolled ribbed steel wires and bars with nominal diameter larger than or equal to 6mm are used for welding fabric, requirements for the elongation rate at the maximum force and the yield limit of cold rolled ribbed steel wires and bars were added; — Sampling method of weight deviation was modified; — 7.2.1 inspection items were added; — Calculation formula of weight deviation was added; — Eigenvalue test was added; — The acceptance batch weight was modified; — Appendix A Type F Series of Standardized Welded Fabric was added; Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete - Part 3. Welded Fabric 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 1499 specifies the definition, classification and marks, ordering information, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packing marks and inspection certificate of welded steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete. This Part is applicable to welded fabric manufactured by cold rolled ribbed steel wires and bars or (and) hot-rolled ribbed bars in a method of resistance welding and may be referred by welded fabric welded by bars with smooth surface or of other types. 2 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated edition is applicable to this document. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document (including all the amendments) referred to applies. GB/T 228.1 Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing - Part 1. Method of Test at Room Temperature (GB/T 228.1-2010, ISO 6892-1.2009, MOD) GB/T 232 Metallic Materials - Bend Test (GB/T 232-1999, eqv ISO 7438.1985 (E)) GB 1499.2 Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete - Part 2. Hot Rolled Ribbed Bars GB 13788 Cold Rolled Ribbed Steel Wires and Bars GB/T 17505 Steel and Steel Products - General Technical Delivery Requirements YB/T 081 Rule for Rounding Off of Numerical Values and Judgment of Testing Values for Technical Standards of Metallurgy 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 Welded fabric 5 Ordering Information Order contract in accordance with this Part shall at least include the following content. a) Serial number of this Part; b) Product name; c) Product class and mark (attached with design drawing); d) Weight (or quantity); e) Special requirements. 6 Technical Requirements 6.1 Bars 6.1.1 CRB 550 cold rolled ribbed steel wires and bars specified by GB 13788 and hot-rolled ribbed bars specified by GB 1499.2 shall be adopted for welded fabric. Where hot-rolled ribbed bars are adopted, they shall be free from vertical ribs. 6.1.2 Bars with nominal diameter of 5mm~18mm shall be adopted for welded fabric. Bars with other nominal diameter may also be adopted upon the agreement of the supplier and the purchaser. 6.1.3 Where single bar used for both direction of welded fabric, the nominal diameter of the thinner bar shall not be 0.6 times less than the thicker one. Where twin bars are adopted for longitudinal bars, the nominal diameter of longitudinal bars shall not be 0.7 times less than or 1.25 times less than that of the transverse bars. Welded fabric with diameter ratio beyond said specification may be supplied upon the agreement of the supplier and the purchaser. 6.2 Manufacture 6.2.1 Welded fabric shall be manufactured by machine and the cross point of bars in two directions shall be welded by electric resistance welding. 6.2.2 The sealing off quantity of welding spot at welded fabric shall not be greater than 1% of the total cross points on the entire fabric and the sealing off point on any bar shall not be greater than half of the total cross point on this bar. Cross point on the outer most bar of welded fabric shall be free from sealing off. 6.3 Dimension and permissible deviation 6.3.1 The longitudinal bars spacing of welded fabric should be integral multiple of 50mm; the transverse bars spacing should be integral multiple of 25mm; the minimum spacing should be 100mm and the permissible deviation of spacing should be the larger value of ±10mm and ± 5% of specified spacing. 6.3.2 Overhang of bars should not be less than 25mm. 6.3.3 The permissible deviation of length and width of fabric should be the larger value of ±25mm and ±0.5% of the specified length. 6.4 Weight and permissible deviation 6.4.1 The welded fabric should be delivered according to actual weight or may be delivered according to theoretical weight. 6.4.2 Theoretical weight of welded fabric is calculated according to the nominal diameter and given size of bars and the steel density take 7.85 g/m3 for calculation. The permissible deviation of the actual weight and theoretical weight of welded fabric is ±4.0%. 6.5 Performance requirements 6.5.1 The mechanical and processing properties of welded fabric bars shall meet the requirements of corresponding designation of bars in corresponding standards respectively. For the cold rolled ribbed steel wires and bars with nominal diameter larger than or equal to 6mm and used for welded fabric, the total elongation rate (Agt) at the maximum force shall not be less than 2.5 and the yield limit Rm/Rp0.2 of bars shall not be less than 1.05. 6.5.2 The shearing resistance of welded fabric welding spot shall not be less than 0.3 times of the yield force specified by tension bar. 6.6 Surface quality 6.6.1 The surface of welded fabric shall be free from any defect that affecting use. Where the performance meet relevant requirements, floating rust on the bar surface and negligible injury caused by straightening shall not be regarded as reasons for rejection. 6.6.2 Partial vacancy caused by sampling is allowed for welded fabric. shearing resistance of three samples (accurate to 0.1kN). 7.2.5 Weight deviation Deviation of the actual weight and theoretical weight shall be calculated according to Formula (1). %100sample entire the on bar each of weightltheoretica × length Total sample) entire the on bar each of weightltheoretica×length (total - sample of weightactual Totaldeviation Weight  ... (1) 7.3 Rounding off of numerical values The rounding off of numerical values and judgment of inspection result shall meet the requirements of YB /T 081. 8 Inspection Rules 8.1 General requirements The delivery inspection and customer acceptance of welded fabric shall be carried out according to the requirements of 8.2. Where other plans are required for inspection and acceptance, the main content of sampling inspection plan shall be determined upon the negotiation of the supplier and the purchaser according to the requirements of GB/T 17505, such as batching rules, inspection items, sampling quantity and conformity assessment criteria which shall be noted in the contract. 8.2 Routine inspection ... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.