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GB/T 11064.4-2013 PDF English

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GB/T 11064.4-2013English85 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Methods for chemical analysis of lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride -- Part 4: Determination of potassium and sodium content -- Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method Valid
GB/T 11064.4-1989English199 Add to Cart 2 days Lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride--Determination of sodium and potassium contents--Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method Obsolete
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GB/T 11064.4-2013: PDF in English (GBT 11064.4-2013)

GB/T 11064.4-2013 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.120.99 H 64 Replacing GB/T 11064.4-1989, GB/T 11064.16-1989 Methods for chemical analysis of lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride - Part 4. Determination of potassium and sodium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method ISSUED ON. SEPTEMBER 06, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 01, 2014 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Method summary ... 5  3 Reagents... 5  4 Apparatus ... 6  5 Samples ... 6  6 Analysis steps ... 7  7 Calculation of analysis results ... 8  8 Precision ... 8  9 Test report ... 9  Foreword GB/T 11064.2-2013 “Methods for chemical analysis of lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride” is divided into 16 parts. - Part 1. Determination of lithium carbonate content - Acid-alkali titrimetric method; - Part 2. Determination of lithium hydroxide content - Acid-alkali titrimetric method; - Part 3. Determination of lithium chloride content - Potentiometric method; - Part 4. Determination of potassium and sodium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method; - Part 5. Determination of calcium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method; - Part 6. Determination of magnesium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method; - Part 7. Determination of iron content - 1,10-phenanthroline spectrophotometric method; - Part 8. Determination of silicon content - Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method; - Part 9. Determination of sulfate content - Barium sulfate nephelometry method; - Part 10. Determination of chloride content - Silver chloride nephelometry method; - Part 11. Determination of Acid-insolubles Content - Gravimetric method; - Part 12. Determination of carbonate content - Determination of lithium chloride content - Potentiometric method; - Part 13. Determination of aluminum content - Chromazurol S-cetylpyridine bromide spectrophotometric method; - Part 14. Determination of arsenic content - Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method; - Part 15. Determination of fluoride content - Ion selective method; - Part 16. Determination of calcium, magnesium, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, manganese, cadmium and aluminum content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. This Part is part 4 of GB/T 11064. This Part is drafted in accordance with rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. The Part replaces GB/T 11064.4-1989 "Methods for chemical analysis of lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride - Part 4. Determination of potassium and sodium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method" and GB/T 11064.16-1989 “Determination of calcium, magnesium, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, manganese, cadmium and aluminum content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry”. Compared with GB/T 11064.4-1989 and GB/T 11064.16-1989, the main changes of this Part are as follows. - REVISE the determination range to be “0.0010%~0.40%”; - CHANGE the weigh amount of sample; - REVISE “dissolve the sample with nitric acid” to be “dissolve with hydrochloric acid”; - DELETE the addition of cesium chloride; - REVISE “working curve method” to be “standard addition method”; - ADD the repeatability terms; - RE-EDIT the text format; ADD the test report. This Part shall be under the jurisdiction of National Standardization Technical Committee of Nonferrous Metals (SAC/TC 243). Drafting organizations of this Part. Xinjiang Wuxin Lithium Salt Development Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Research Institute Of Non ferrous Metals, and Haimen Ronghui General Lithium Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this Part. Ji Juanjuan, Zhao Lanfang, Deng Hongyun, Xu Dahuang, and Liu Qicheng. The historical versions replaced by this Part are as follows. - GB/T 11064.4-1989; - GB/T 11064.16-1989. Methods for chemical analysis of lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride - Part 4. Determination of potassium and sodium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 11064 specifies the determination method of lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate, and potassium and sodium in lithium chloride. This Part applies to the determination of lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate, and potassium and sodium in lithium chloride. The determination range. 0.0010%~0.40%. 2 Method summary The lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide samples are dissolved in hydrochloric acid; lithium chloride sample is dissolved in water; in the dilute hydrochloric acid medium, at wavelength 589.0nm and 766.5nm of atomic absorption spectrometer, use air - acetylene flame and standard addition method to determine it. 3 Reagents Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents used in this Part are guaranteed reagent, the water used is deionized water. 3.1 Hydrochloric acid (1+1). 3.2 Sodium standard stock solution. weigh 2.5420g of sodium chloride (reference reagent) which has been burned in advance at 500°C~600°C for 1.5h, and placed in dryer to cool to room temperature. Place it in a 250mL plastic cup; add 100mL of water to dissolve; add 20mL of hydrochloric acid (3.1); transfer to 1000mL flask; use water to dilute to scale; shake well. Store in plastic bottle. 1mL of this solution contains 1mg of sodium. 3.3 Sodium standard solution. Pipette 50.00mL of sodium standard stock solution (3.2) to a 500mL volumetric flask; use water to dilute to scale; mix well; store in the plastic interpolation to obtain. Table 3 %/Naw 0.0084 0.085 0.17 %/r 0.002 0.007 0.02 %/Kw 0.0063 0.046 0.11 %/r 0.002 0.005 0.02 8.2 Allowable difference The difference of analysis results among laboratories shall not be more than the allowable difference in Table 4. Table 4 Mass fraction of sodium (potassium)/% Allowable difference/% 0.0010~0.0050 0.0004 >0.0050~0.010 0.0020 >0.010~0.050 0.005 >0.050~0.10 0.010 >0.10~0.20 0.02 >0.20~0.40 0.04 9 Test report  The test report shall contain the following content. - Sample; - The number of this Part national standard; - Analysis result and its expression; - Difference with the basic analysis step; - Anomalies observed in the determination; - Determination date. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.