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GB/T 10095.2-2023 PDF English

Search result: GB/T 10095.2-2023 English: PDF (GB/T10095.2-2023)
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GB/T 10095.2-2023English320 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Cylindrical gears - ISO system of flank tolerance classification - Part 2: Definitions and allowable values of double flank radial composite deviations Valid
GB/T 10095.2-2008English145 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Cylindrical gears -- System of accuracy -- Part 2: Definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to radial composite deviations and runout information Obsolete
GB/T 10095.2-2001English639 Add to Cart 3 days Cylindrical gears-system of accuracy -- Part 2: Definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to radial composite deviations and runout information Obsolete
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GB/T 10095.2-2023: PDF in English (GBT 10095.2-2023)

GB/T 10095.2-2023 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 21.200 CCS J 17 GB/T 10095.2-2023 / ISO 1328-2.2020 Replacing GB/T 10095.2-2008 Cylindrical Gears – ISO System of Flank Tolerance Classification – Part 2.Definitions and Allowable Values of Double Flank Radial Composite Deviations (ISO 1328-2.2020, IDT) 允许值 ISSUED ON. AUGUST 6, 2023 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 1, 2024 Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword... 3 Introduction... 5 1 Scope... 6 2 Normative References... 6 3 Terms, Definitions and Symbols... 7 3.1 Terms and definitions... 7 3.2 Symbols... 9 4 Application of the ISO Double Flank Radial Composite Tolerance Classification System... 9 4.1 General... 9 4.2 Gear tooth tolerance class... 10 4.3 Specification of datum surfaces... 11 4.4 Application of the ISO flank classification standard... 11 4.5 Acceptance criteria... 12 4.6 Correlation of double flank radial composite and element deviations... 12 4.7 Designation of the double flank radial composite tolerance class or tolerances... 12 5 Tolerance Values... 12 5.1 General... 12 5.2 Use of formulae... 13 5.3 Tooth-to-tooth radial composite tolerance, fidT... 13 5.4 Total radial composite tolerance, FidT... 13 Annex A (Informative) Graph of Tolerance Values for Class R34, R44, and R50 for Spur Gears with Module = 1.0 mm... 15 Annex B (Informative) Double Flank Radial Composite Deviation over Segments of k Teeth... 17 Annex C (Informative) Reasons for Changing Double Flank Composite Tolerances 19 Annex D (Informative) Conversion from Another Double Flank Composite Tolerance Specification... 21 Annex E (Informative) Calculation Examples... 23 Bibliography... 32 Foreword This Document was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for Standardization – Part 1.Rules for the Structure and Drafting of Standardizing Documents. This Document is Part 2 of GB/T 10095 Cylindrical Gears – ISO System of Flank Tolerance Classification. GB/T 10095 consists of the following parts. --- Part 1.Definitions and Allowable Values of Deviations Relevant to Corresponding Flanks of Gear Teeth; --- Part 2.Definitions and Allowable Values of Double Flank Radial Composite Deviations. This Document replaced GB/T 10095.2-2008 Cylindrical Gears - System of Accuracy - Part 2. Definitions and Allowable Values of Deviations Relevant to Radial Composite Deviations and Runout Information. Compared with GB/T 10095.2-2008, the major technical changes are as follows, besides the structural adjustments and editorial modifications. a) Change the scope of application, which contains a sector gear (see Clause 1 of this Edition; Clause 1 of the 2008 Edition); b) Change the terms, definitions, and symbols (see Clause 3 of this Edition; Clause 4 and Clause 5 of the 2008 Edition); c) Change the system of flank tolerance classification (see Clause 4 of this Edition; Clause 6 of the 2008 Edition); d) Change the calculation formula of the radial comprehensive tolerance (see Clause 5 of this Edition; Clause 7 of the 2008 Edition); e) Delete the radial runout (see Annex B of the 2008 Edition). This Document equivalently adopted ISO 1328-2.2020 Cylindrical Gears – ISO System of Flank Tolerance Classification – Part 2.Definitions and Allowable Values of Double Flank Radial Composite Deviations. Please note some contents of this Document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this Document shall not assume the responsibility to identify these patents. This Document was proposed by and under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Gear of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 52). Drafting organizations of this Document. Zhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd.; Beijing University of Technology; Zhejiang Shuanghuan Driveline Co., Ltd.; Ningbo ZhongDa Leader Intelligent Transmission Co., Ltd.; Xi’an Fast Auto Drive Co., Ltd.; Nanjing High Speed & Accurate Gear Co., Ltd.; Jiangsu Guomao Reducer Co., Ltd.; Cylindrical Gears – ISO System of Flank Tolerance Classification – Part 2.Definitions and Allowable Values of Double Flank Radial Composite Deviations 1 Scope This Document establishes a gear tooth classification system relevant to double flank radial composite deviations of individual cylindrical involute gears and sector gears. It specifies the appropriate definitions of gear tooth deviations, the structure of the gear tooth flank classification system, and the allowable values of the gear tooth deviations. It provides formulae to calculate tolerances for individual product gears when mated in double flank contact with a master gear. Tolerance tables are not included. This Document is applicable to gears with three or more teeth that have reference diameters of up to 600 mm. This Document does not provide guidance on gear design nor does it recommend tolerances. 2 Normative References The provisions in following documents become the essential provisions of this Document through reference in this Document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this Document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this Document. ISO 701 International gear notation – Symbols for geometrical data NOTE. GB/T 2821-2003 Gear - Symbols for geometrical data (ISO 701.1998, IDT) ISO 1122-1 Vocabulary of gear terms – Part 1.Definitions related to geometry NOTE. GB/T 3374.1-2010 Vocabulary of gear terms - Part 1.Definitions related to geometry (ISO 1122-1.1998, IDT) ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.