GB/T 1.2-2020 PDF English
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Directives for standardization - Part 2: Drafting rules of standardizing documents based on ISO/IEC standardizing documents
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GB/T 1.2-2002 | English | 799 |
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Directives for standardization -- Part 2: Methodology for the content of normative technical elements in standards
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GB/T 1.2-1996 | English | RFQ |
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Directives for the work of standardization--Unit 1: Drafting and presentation of standards--Part 2: Rules for publishing standards
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GB 1.2-1988 | English | RFQ |
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Directives for the work of standardization--Rule for publishing standards
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GB/T 1.2-2020: PDF in English (GBT 1.2-2020) GB/T 1.2-2020
ICS 01.120
CCS A 00
Replacing GB/T 20000.2-2009, GB/T 20000.9-2014
Directives for standardization - Part 2: Drafting rules of
standardizing documents based on ISO/IEC standardizing
(ISO/IEC Guide 21:2005, Regional or national adoption of International Standards
and other International Deliverables, NEQ)
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 6
1 Scope ... 8
2 Normative references ... 8
3 Terms and definitions ... 8
4 Degree of consistency and double numbers ... 10
4.1 Classification for degree of consistency ... 10
4.2 Identifier for degree of consistency ... 13
4.3 Double numbers ... 13
5 Overall principles and requirements ... 13
5.1 Comply with relevant ISO/IEC rules and policy documents ... 13
5.2 Comply with the drafting rules of standardizing documents in China ... 14
5.3 Identical or modified adoption combining with national conditions ... 14
5.4 Draft as the corresponding type of national standardizing document ... 14
5.5 Draft as a one-to-one national standardizing document ... 14
5.6 Incorporate amendments and/or technical corrigenda ... 15
5.7 Comply with the translation rules for auxiliary verbs in terms ... 15
6 Drafting steps ... 15
7 Compilation of elements ... 16
7.1 Cover ... 16
7.2 Foreword ... 16
7.3 Introduction ... 18
7.5 Contents of normative elements ... 21
7.6 Bibliography ... 22
8 Writing of appendices ... 23
Annex A (normative) Translation of auxiliary verbs in clauses of ISO/IEC standardizing
documents ... 24
Annex B (informative) Examples for the description of the relationship between
national standardizing documents and ISO/IEC standardizing documents in the
Foreword ... 26
Annex C (informative) Examples for expressing technical deviations and their reasons
in different situations ... 29
Annex D (informative) Examples for a list of structure number comparisons and a list
of technical deviations and their reasons ... 31
Directives for standardization - Part 2: Drafting rules of
standardizing documents based on ISO/IEC standardizing
1 Scope
This document defines the degree of consistency between the national standardizing
documents and the corresponding ISO/IEC standardizing documents 1. It establishes
the general principles and requirements for drafting national standardizing documents
based on ISO/IEC standardizing documents. It specifies the drafting steps, relevant
elements and rules for the preparation of appendices.
The document is suitable for drafting national standardizing documents based on
ISO/IEC standardizing documents. When drafted on the basis of standardizing
documents published by other organizations, they are used by reference in accordance
with the copyright and adoption policies of the corresponding organizations.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 1.1, Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and
drafting of standardizing documents
GB/T 20000.1, Guide for standardization - Part 1: Standardization and related
activities - General vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 1.1 and
GB/T 20000.1 as well as the followings apply.
3.1 standardizing document
A document developed through standardization activities.
1 ISO/IEC standardizing documents include those published by ISO, by IEC and jointly issued by ISO and IEC.
NOTE: The standardizing documents in China include standards, standardizing guidance technical
documents and other document types. ISO/IEC standardizing documents include standards,
technical specification (3.1.1), publicly available specification (3.1.2), technical report (3.1.3), guide
(3.1.4), international workshop agreement (3.1.5) and other file types.
[Source: GB/T 20000.1-2014,5.2]
3.1.1 Technical Specification; TS
< issued by ISO and/or IEC> At this stage, because the technical content involved in the
standardization object is still in the development stage or the consensus required for the
formation of the standard has not been reached, the standardizing document adopted at
the committee stage and may form a standard in the future.
NOTE: The reasons for developing TS also include that the support required for approval as an
ISO/IEC standard cannot be immediately obtained or other reasons. Normally, a standardization
technical committee proposes a TS new work item proposal at the proposal stage. In practice, there
is also a proposal phase where new work item proposals that set standards are proposed. However,
due to the above reasons, the situation of publishing as a TS is decided at the committee stage.
3.1.2 Publicly Available Specification; PAS
< issued by ISO and/or IEC> To meet the urgent needs of the market, a standardizing
document that is agreed upon by experts in organizations or working groups other than
ISO or IEC, adopted at the drafting stage, and may form technical specifications or
standards in the future.
3.1.3 Technical Report; TR
< issued by ISO and/or IEC> A standardizing document that contains information
different from technical specifications or standards and is adopted at the committee
stage and will not form technical specifications or standards in the future.
NOTE: These materials may include, for example, data obtained in practice, working data or the
latest state-of-the-art data for a specific standardization object in the standard.
3.1.4 Guide
< issued by ISO and/or IEC> A standardizing document in ISO or IEC formulated by
organizations other than standardization technical committees or subcommittees to
provide rules, guidance or recommendations for international standardization activities.
NOTE: A guides is intended to address the concerns of users of all ISO/IEC standards.
3.1.5 International Workshop Agreement; IWA
< issued by ISO> To meet the urgent needs of the market, a standardizing document
formed through the seminar mechanism.
g) Use "this document" to replace the expression when ISO/IEC standardizing
documents refer to themselves;
h) Delete the cover, table of contents, preface and introduction of ISO/IEC
standardizing documents;
i) Changes to the list of documents in the element "Normative references";
j) Changes to the notes in the element "Terms and definitions";
k) Changes to the list of documents in the element "Bibliography".
4.1.3 Modified When the degree of consistency between the national standardizing document
and the corresponding ISO/IEC standardizing document is "modified", at least one of
the following situations exists:
- Change in structure, and these adjustments are clearly stated;
- Technical deviations, and these deviations and their reasons are clearly stated.
When the degree of consistency is "modified", editorial changes may be included. When the degree of consistency is "modified", technical deviations may include
the following situations.
a) National standardizing documents have fewer clauses than corresponding
ISO/IEC standardizing documents. It shall be noted that this situation also
includes that the national standardizing documents only contain some optional
clauses in the ISO/IEC standardizing documents.
b) National standardizing documents have more clauses than corresponding
ISO/IEC standardizing documents. For example, some aspects or categories are
added; stricter requirements are stipulated; and additional tests are added.
c) The national standardizing document changes some clauses of the corresponding
ISO/IEC standardizing document.
d) The national standardizing document adds a clause with the same status as the
corresponding ISO/IEC standardizing document clause, as another option for this
4.1.4 Not equivalent
When the degree of consistency between the national standardizing document and the
corresponding ISO/IEC standardizing document is "not equivalent", at least one of the
following situations exists:
-- Change in structure, and these adjustments are not clearly stated;
-- Technical deviations, and these deviations and their reasons are clearly stated;
-- Only the clauses of ISO/IEC standardizing documents that are less in number or
less important are retained.
4.2 Identifier for degree of consistency
The identifier for the degree of consistency is composed of "corresponding ISO/IEC
standardizing document number", "," and "code of the degree of consistency", for
example: ISO 9000:2015, IDT.
NOTE 1: In addition to being used in standardizing documents, the identifier for the degree of
consistency is also marked on standardizing document catalogues, annual reports, databases and
other related media.
NOTE 2: For the format of the identifier of the consistency degree used in the database, refer to the
relevant content of the ISONET manual.
4.3 Double numbers
4.3.1 When the degree of consistency is "identical", the number of national
standardizing documents shall use double numbers, that is, "national standardizing
document number/corresponding ISO/IEC standardizing document number", so that
readers can clearly know the information of "identical" before consulting the content.
Double numbers is only used on the front cover, header, back cover and copyright page
in national standardizing documents.
Example 1: GB/T 1040.1-2018/ISO 527-1:2012
Example 2: GB/Z 27907-2011/ISO/TS 10004:2010
Example 3: GB/Z 36471-2018/ISO/IEC TR 19766:2007
4.3.2 When the degree of consistency is "modified" or "not equivalent", the number of
national standardizing documents shall not use double numbers.
5 Overall principles and requirements
5.1 Comply with relevant ISO/IEC rules and policy documents
Under the premise of complying with ISO, IEC rules and policy documents on
copyright, copyright use rights, sales and patents of its publications, draft national
5.6 Incorporate amendments and/or technical corrigenda
When ISO/IEC standardizing documents are adopted, all amendments and/or technical
corrigenda of published ISO/IEC standardizing documents shall be included in national
standardizing documents.
After ISO/IEC standardizing documents are adopted, the amendments and/or technical
corrigenda of the newly released ISO/IEC standardizing document shall also be
incorporated into the national standardizing document as soon as possible.
5.7 Comply with the translation rules for auxiliary verbs in terms
When the auxiliary verbs in the clauses of ISO/IEC standardizing documents are
translated into active verbs in national standardizing documents, they shall comply with
the provisions of Annex A.
6 Drafting steps
Take the following steps to draft a national standardizing document that has a consistent
correspondence with the ISO/IEC standardizing document.
a) Translate ISO/IEC standardizing documents. Be faithful to the content of the
ISO/IEC standardizing document and form an accurate translation.
b) Research and evaluate technical content. Study the translation of a), including the
text, appendices, and all normative references involved. If the current laws and
regulations or mandatory standards in China have specific provisions, a judgment
will be made to delete the corresponding technical content. Assess the
applicability of technical content (including normative references) to China.
Judge whether changes are necessary and the extent of changes.
c) Change the corresponding content. Make necessary structural, technical content
or editorial changes based on the judgment made in b).
d) Determine the degree of consistency. Comparing the translation of a), list change
in structure and technical differences comparison in the form of a table as much
as possible. Explain the reasons for the technical differences. According to the
definition of the degree of consistency in 4.1.2, 4.1.3 or 4.1.4, determine the
degree of consistency between the national standardizing document and the
corresponding ISO/IEC standardizing document.
e) Write elements and appendices. Based on the degree of consistency determined,
prepare specific elements and appendices in accordance with the provisions of
Clauses 7 and 8.
standardizing documents. When stating the change in structure, it is advisable to give a comparison of the
structure numbers of national standardizing documents and ISO/IEC standardizing
documents in the form of items (see Example 2 in Annex B). When there are many
changes in structure, it is advisable to make those changes an informative appendix. At
the same time, indicate the appendix (see Example 3 of Annex B). When stating technical deviations and their reasons, it shall be guided by "add",
"change" or "delete" (see Annex C). It shall be given in the form of items (see Example
2 in Annex B). When there is a vertical single line mark in the margin of the text (see, it shall state "Compared with 'ISO/IEC ××××: ××××', this document has more
technical differences, and the outer margins of the terms involved are marked with a
vertical single line (|). For a list of these technical deviations and their reasons, see
Annex ×" (see Example 3 of Annex B).
7.2.4 Not equivalent
When the degree of consistency is "not equivalent", it is not necessary to explain the
changes in structure, technical deviations or editorial changes (see Example 4 in Annex
7.3 Introduction
The content of the introduction of the ISO/IEC standardizing document can be
incorporated into the introduction of the national standardizing document as needed.
The introduction of the ISO/IEC standardizing document shall not be retained.
7.4 Normative references
7.4.1 The list of documents in the element "Normative references" shall be rewritten.
7.4.2 When the degree of consistency is "identical" or "modified", the compilation of
the document list shall comply with the following regulations.
a) In the case of replacing the referenced ISO/IEC standardizing document with a
national standardizing document, if there is a consistent correspondence between
the two, the degree of consistency shall be marked in brackets after the name of
the national standardizing document (see Example 1):
• For the replacement between dated reference documents, if the consistency
correspondence is "modified" or "not equivalent", and there is no technical
deviation between the referenced content of the national standardizing
document and the referenced content of the ISO/IEC standardizing document, it
shall be stated in the note (see Example 2);
• For the replacement between undated reference documents, add the number of
the currently valid national standardizing document before the identity of the
degree of consistency (see Example 3);
• For the replacement of all parts of undated reference documents, list "ISO/IEC
standardizing document code, serial number" and "(all parts)" in square brackets
after the name of the national standardizing document. Indicate the degree of
consistency between each part of the currently valid national standardizing
document and each part of the ISO/IEC standardizing document in the
corresponding "NOTE" (see Example 4). When the involved standardizing
documents are divided into many parts, it is advisable to arrange an appendix to
list the degree of consistency between the parts. Indicate this appendix in a "
NOTE " (see Example 5).
Example 1: GB/T 36243-2018 Input/output protocols and electronic interfaces for water
meters -- Requirements (ISO 22158:2011, IDT)
Example 2:
GB/T 36525-2018 Tools for pressing -- Cam driver plates (ISO 23481:2013, MOD)
NOTE: There is no technical difference between the referenced content of GB/T 36525-
2018 and the referenced content of ISO 23481:2013.
Example 3: GB/T 23704 Two-dimensional bar code symbol print quality test (GB/T
23704-2017, ISO/IEC 15415:2011, MOD)
Example 4:
GB/T 27050 (all parts) Consistency assessment -- Suppliers declaration of consistency
[ISO 17050 (all parts)]
NOTE: GB/T 27050.1-2006 Consistency assessment -- Suppliers declaration of
consistency -- Part 1: General requirements (ISO 17050-1:2004, IDT);
GB/T 27050.2-2006 Consistency assessment -- Suppliers declaration of consistency --
Part 2: Supporting documentation (ISO 17050-2:2004, IDT).
Example 5:
GB/T 6988 (all parts) Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology [IEC 61082
(all parts)]
NOTE: See Annex × for the degree of consistency between each part of GB/T 6988 (all
parts) and IEC 61082 (all parts).
b) For the case of retaining the cited ISO/IEC standardizing documents, if there is a
national standardizing document with a consistent correspondence, the national
document, if there is a corresponding relationship between the two, the degree of
consistency may not be marked.
7.5 Contents of normative elements
7.5.1 Replacement of references International documents cited in ISO/IEC standardizing documents can be
replaced by applicable Chinese standardizing documents. Technical differences may
arise if an international document referred to in the clause is replaced. Editorial changes
may have occurred if international documents cited in additional information are
replaced. For ISO/IEC standardizing documents cited in ISO/IEC standardizing
documents, if they are cited in clauses, the following treatment does not produce
technical differences. If cited in additional information, the treatment of a) and b) below
may result in minimal editorial changes.
a) For dated ISO/IEC standardizing documents, replace them with national
standardizing documents with an "identical" degree of consistency.
b) For dated ISO/IEC standardizing documents, and that the specific content number
of the document is mentioned at the same time, replace with the national
standardizing document with the degree of consistency "modified" or "not
equivalent" which has no change from the referenced content in the ISO/IEC
standardizing document.
c) Retain the references to ISO/IEC standardizing documents. Replace the international documents cited in the ISO/IEC standardizing
documents in other cases. If the replacement is quoted in the clause, a technical
difference occurs. Editorial changes other than minimal editorial changes are made if
the replacements are cited in the additional information.
7.5.2 Indication of changes in technical content When the modification adopts ISO/IEC standardizing documents, if there are
many technical deviations, then it shall be marked with a vertical single line (|) in the
outer margin of the corresponding technical deviation clause (see example). The
specific marked location is:
a) If some clauses in paragraphs, clauses or appendices are added, changed or deleted,
it shall be indicated outside the relevant paragraphs or clauses;
b) If an appendix is deleted, delete the outer mark of the paragraph or article that
indicates the expression of the appendix in the main text;
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.