GB/T 1.1-2020 PDF English
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GB/T 1.1-2020 | English | 655 |
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Directives for standardization -- Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents
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GB/T 1.1-2009 | English | 690 |
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Directives for standardization -- Part 1: The structure and drafting of standards
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GB/T 1.1-2000 | English | RFQ |
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Standardization Guide Part 1: The structure and preparation of standard rules
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GB/T 1.1-1993 | English | RFQ |
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Directives for the work of standardization. Unit 1: Drafting and presentation of standards. Part 1: General rules for drafting standards
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PDF Preview: GB/T 1.1-2020
PDF Preview: GB/T 1.1-2009
GB/T 1.1-2020: PDF in English (GBT 1.1-2020) GB/T 1.1-2020
ICS 01.120
CCS A 00
Replacing GB/T 1.1-2009
Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the
structure and drafting of standardizing documents
(ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2018, Principles and rules for the structure and
drafting of ISO and IEC documents, NEQ)
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 7
1 Scope ... 9
2 Normative references ... 9
3 Terms and definitions ... 10
4 Type of document ... 12
5 Goal, principle and requirement ... 14
6 Document name and structure ... 17
7 Drafting of divisions and subdivisions ... 22
8 Drafting of element ... 28
9 Expression of element ... 40
10 Layout formats ... 62
Annex A (informative) Example of level number ... 69
Annex B (normative) Marks of standardizing project ... 70
Annex C (normative) Type of clause verb or sentence used in the expression of
type of provision ... 78
Annex D (normative) Patent ... 81
Annex E (normative) Document format ... 83
Annex F (normative) Font size and font used in document ... 96
Bibliography ... 99
Index ... 101
Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the
structure and drafting of standardizing documents
1 Scope
This Document establishes the structure of standardizing document and the
general principles and requirements for their drafting. It also specifies the rules
for the drafting and expression of document names, levels, elements, and the
format of document layout.
This Document is applicable to the drafting of national, industry and local
standardization documents. The drafting of other standardizing documents can
refer to this Document.
NOTE: Without causing confusion, the "standardizing document" in this Document are
simply referred to as "documents".
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this Document. For dated references, only the edition referenced applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
GB/T 321, Preferred numbers - Series of preferred numbers
GB/T 3101, General principles concerning quantities, units and symbols
GB/T 3102 (all parts), Quantities and units
GB/T 7714, Information and documentation - Rules for bibliographic
references and citations to information resources
GB/T 14559, Symbols and units of variant quantities
GB/T 15834, Use of punctuation marks
GB/T 15835, General rules for writing numerals in publications
GB/T 20000.1, Guidelines for standardization - Part 1: Standardization and
related actives - General terms
general specification, general technical requirement.
3.2 Document structure
3.2.1 structure
position and arrangement order of levels, elements, appendices, figures and
tables in the document
3.2.2 main body
part from the scope of the document to the content in the printing area before
3.2.3 normative element
elements that describe the scope of the document, and which set out provision
3.2.4 informative element
element that gives additional information assisting in the understanding or use
of the document
3.2.5 required element
element the presence of which in a document is obligatory
3.2.6 optional element
element the presence of which in a document is dependent on the provisions
of the particular document
3.3 Document expression
3.3.1 provision
expression in the document that the application of the document requires
compliance, conformity, understanding or choice
3.3.2 requirement
provision (3.3.1) in the content of a document conveying criteria to be fulfilled if
compliance with the document is to be claimed and from which no deviation is
3.3.3 instruction
provision (3.3.1) that expresses action to be performed
• Product standard: specify the requirements that the product needs to
meet so as to ensure its suitability;
• Process standard: specify the requirements that the process needs to
meet so as to ensure its suitability;
• Service standard: specify the requirements that the service needs to
meet so as to ensure its suitability.
NOTE: According to specific standardizing objects, product standard is usually
further divided into raw material standard, part/component standard, finished product
standard and system standard and so on. The system standard refers to the
standard that specifies the requirements that the system needs to meet to ensure its
b) According to the functions of the standard content, the standard can be
divided into the following function types:
• Terminology standard: define the references and definitions of concepts
used in specific fields or disciplines;
• Symbol standard: define the representation of symbols used in specific
fields or disciplines and their meanings or names;
• Classification standard: regularly divide, arrange or establish a
classification system for products, processes or services based on similar
characteristics such as source, composition, performance or use;
• Test standard: fully describe the test activities and the way to draw
conclusions within a precision range suitable for the specified purpose and
in the given environment;
• Normative standard: specify requirements for products, processes or
services that need to be met and describe the verification method used to
determine whether the requirements have been met;
• Regulation standard: define clear code of practice for the process of the
activity and describe the traceability / validation method used to determine
whether the code of practice has been performed;
• Guidance standard: provide general, principled, and directional guidance
on a topic with appropriate background knowledge or give relevant
suggestions or information at the same time.
For example, for the test method, when it is applicable to a wide range of
products, it is compiled into test standard. When it is applicable to a certain type
of product, it is compiled into the test method part of the document that is
divided into several parts. When it is applicable to the test of specific
characteristics of a product, it is compiled into the “test method” element in
product standard.
5.2.3 It shall consider and establish before starting to draft documents:
- Reasons for the document to be divided into parts (see 5.2.1) and the
relationship between the parts after the document is divided into parts;
- Name and scope of each part expected in the parted document.
5.3 Selection principles of normative elements
5.3.1 Standardizing object principle
The principle of standardizing objects refers to the need to consider the relevant
content of standardizing objects or fields when drafting documents, so as to
confirm whether the object to be standardized is product / system, process or
service or content related to a certain field; whether it is complete standardizing
object, or an aspect of standardizing object, so as to ensure that the content of
normative elements is closely related to the object or domain of standardization.
The standardizing object determines the object category of the drafted standard
[see 4.2a)]. It directly affects the composition of the normative elements of the
document and the selection of its technical content.
5.3.2 Principle of document user
The principle of document user means that the document user needs to be
considered when drafting the document [see 5.2.1b)], so as to identify which
users the document is for, whether they focus on results or processes, to ensure
that the content of normative elements is required by specific users. Different
users of the document shall affect the determination of the document as a
normative standard, code of practice standard or test standard [see 4.2b)].
Furthermore, the composition of the normative elements of the document and
the selection of its content shall be different.
5.3.3 Purpose-oriented principle
The purpose-oriented principle refers to the need to consider the purpose of
document drafting when drafting documents [see 5.2.1c)] and is guided by the
purpose of confirmed drafting. It conducts functional analysis of standardizing
objects, identifies the content or characteristics of the document to be
standardized, so as to ensure that the content of the normative elements is
selected for the purpose of compilation. The purpose of the document drafting
- The drafting of documents shall comply with the provisions of basic
standards and general standards in the field. If applicable, international
documents shall be adopted whenever possible;
- When it is necessary to use the content of other locations in the document
itself or the content in other documents, it shall take the form of reference
(see 9.5.4) or prompt (see 9.5.5).
5.4.3 Principle of ease of use
The expression of the document content shall be convenient for direct
application and easy to be referenced or clipped by other documents.
5.5 General requirement
5.5.1 When drafting a document, the expected structure of the document (see
6.2) and the internal relationship shall be determined based on the selection of
normative elements.
5.5.2 In order to improve the applicability and application efficiency of the
document and ensure the timely release of the document, the draft documents
at all stages of the drafting work are based on the drafting rules in accordance
with the provisions of this Document:
- Different functional type standards [see 4.2b)] shall comply with the
provisions of the corresponding parts of GB/T 20001;
- Some specific contents in the document shall comply with the provisions of
the corresponding parts of GB/T 20002;
- Chinese documents that have a consistent correspondence with
international documents shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 20000.2.
5.5.3 The document shall not stipulate contract requirements such as claims,
guarantees, and expense settlement, nor shall it stipulate legal requirements
such as administrative measures, legal liabilities, and penalties.
6 Document name and structure
6.1 Document name
6.1.1 General
The document name is a clear and concise description of the topic title covered
by the document. Any document shall have a document name and shall be
placed on the title page and at the top of the first page of the main body.
Part 21: Vibration test (sinusoidal)
Part 22: Mating durability test
Part 31: Visual inspection and measurement
Part 32: Inspection and measurement of polarization dependence of single-mode fiber
7.1.2 Part number
Part number shall be placed after the sequence number in the document
number. Use Arabic numerals starting with 1 and separate the sequence
number with the bottom foot (for example, XXXXX.1, XXXXX.2).
7.1.3 Part name
The composition of the name of each part in the document divided into parts
shall comply with the provisions of 6.1. The name of the part shall include "Part
*:" (* is the part number using Arabic numerals), followed by supplementary
elements. The supplementary elements of each part name shall be different in
order to distinguish and identify the parts, while the lead element (if any) and
the main element shall be the same.
GB/T 14XX8.1 Low-voltage switchgear and control equipment Part 1: General
GB/T 14XX8.2 Low-voltage switchgear and control equipment Part 2: Circuit breaker
7.2 Clause
Clause is the basic unit of document divisions and subdivisions.
Clause shall be numbered using Arabic numerals starting with 1. The clause
number shall start from the scope clause and continue to the annex.
Each clause shall have a clause title and shall be placed after the number.
7.3 Subclause
7.3.1 Subclauses are numbered subdivision levels within the clause. The
subclause can be further subdivided. The subdivision level shall not be too
much, and it can be divided into the fifth level at most. Only when there is more
than one subclause in a level, the subclause can be set. For example, in Clause
10, if there is no 10.2, there is no need to set up 10.1.
7.3.2 Subclause numbers shall use Arabic numerals and be separated from
the clause number or the subclause number of the previous level by the bottom
8 Drafting of element
8.1 Title page
The element, title page, is used to give information indicating the document.
On the title page, the following required information shall be marked: the name
of the document, the level or category of the document (such as "National
Standard of the People's Republic of China" and "Guidelines for National
Standardization Technical Document of the People's Republic of China"), and
the document designation (such as "GB") , document number 1, International
Standard Classification (ICS) number, China Standard Document Classification
(CCS) number, release date, implementation date, issuer.
If the document replaces one or more documents, the number of the replaced
document shall be indicated on the title page. When there are many replaced
documents, the replaced document number shall not exceed one line. If the
document has a consistent correspondence with the international document,
the degree of consistency shall be marked on the title page.
NOTE: If the numbers of all replaced documents cannot be given in one line on the title
page, then in the foreword, they shall be given when the document replaces other
documents [see 8.3c)].
The title pages of national standards and industry standards shall also indicate
the English translation of the document name. The title page of industry
standard shall also indicate the record number.
At the conspicuous position of the title page of the document for solicitation and
submission, information on whether the solicitation documents involve patents
shall be given in accordance with D.1.
8.2 Table of contents
The element, table of contents, is used to present the structure of the document.
In order to easily refer to the contents of the document, it is usually necessary
to set the table of contents.
According to the specific situation of the formed document, a table of contents
shall be established in order for the following content:
a) Foreword,
1 The document number is composed of the document designation, sequence number and release year
number. The document designation consists of uppercase Latin letters and / or the symbol "/". The
sequence number consists of Arabic numerals. The release year number is composed of four Arabic
numerals, and the connection number in the form of a straight line is used between the sequence
number and the year number. For example: GB/T XXXXX-XXXX.
• Each part of the document that is divided into parts explains the part to
which it belongs and lists the titles of all published parts.
c) The relationship between the document and the replaced documents.
Need to explain the following two aspects:
• Give the numbers and names of all documents that are replaced or
• List the main technical changes compared to the previous version.
d) Description of the relationship between documents and international
documents. GB/T 20000.2 stipulates the relevant information stated in the
foreword of the Chinese documents that have a consistent
correspondence with international documents.
e) Explanation about patents. D.2 specifies the relevant content that needs
to be given in the foreword when the content of the document that has not
been identified involves a patent.
f) Document proposing information (can be omitted) and jurisdiction
information. For documents proposed by or under jurisdiction by the
national professional standardization technical committee, the domestic
designation shall be given after the name of the corresponding technical
committee. Use the appropriate form of expression below:
• “This document was proposed by the National Technical Committee on
XXXX of Standardization Administration (SAC/TC XXX).”
• “This document was proposed by XXXX.”
• “This document shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical
Committee on XXXX of Standardization Administration (SAC/TC XXX).”
• “This document shall be under the jurisdiction of XXXX.”
g) The drafting organizations and main drafters of the document use the
following expressions:
• “Drafting organizations of this document: …”
• “Main drafters of this document: …”
h) The release of previous versions of the document and the documents
replaced or cancelled.
8.4 Introduction
The element, introduction, is used to describe information related to the content
- “This document describes the method / path of ...”;
- “This document provides guidance / guidelines / suggestions for...”;
- “This document gives information / instructions for…”;
- “This document defines the terms / symbols / boundaries of…”.
The statement of the applicable boundary of the document shall use the
following appropriate form of expression:
- “This document applies to…”;
- “This document does not apply to…”.
8.6 Normative references
8.6.1 Definition and composition
The element, normative references, is used to list the documents as normative
references (see in the document. It consists of introduction words and
document list. This element shall be set as Clause 2of the document and shall
not be divided into subclauses.
8.6.2 Introduction words
The list of normative references documents shall be drawn from the following
introduction words:
“The following documents contain the provisions which, through reference in
this Document, become the provisions of this Document and are essential to
the application of this document. For the dated references, only the versions
with the dates indicated are applicable to this Document; for the undated
references, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are
applicable to this Document.”
NOTE: For undated references, if the latest version does not contain the referenced
content, then the last version containing the referenced content shall apply.
If there are no normative references, the following instructions shall be given
under the clause title:
“This Document has no normative references.”
8.6.3 Document list The document list shall list every document that is normatively
referenced in the document. No serial number is given before the listed
8.7 Terms and definitions
8.7.1 Definition and composition
The element, terms and definitions, is used to define the definitions necessary
to understand certain terms in the document, consisting of introduction words
and term entries. This element shall be set as Clause 3 of the document. In
order to indicate that the classification of concepts can be subdivided into
subclauses, each subclause shall be given a subclause title.
8.7.2 Introduction words
According to the terms and definitions listed and the specific circumstances of
other references, the term entries shall be drawn from the appropriate
introduction words below:
- “The following terms and definitions apply to this document.” (If only the
terms and definitions defined by the element apply)
- “The terms and definitions defined in…apply to this document.” (If only
terms and definitions defined in other documents apply)
- “The terms and definitions defined in…as well the followings apply to this
document.” (If other documents and the terms and definitions defined by
the element apply)
If there is no need to define the terms and definitions, the following instructions
shall be given under the clause title:
“There are no terms or definitions that need to be defined in this document.”
8.7.3 Term entry General
Term entries shall be classified and organized according to concept level. If it is
impossible or unnecessary to classify, it can be arranged in alphabetical order
of Chinese pinyin. The order of term entries is determined by the entry number
of the term. Item numbers shall be in the form of footnotes and Arabic numerals
after the clause or article number (see entry numbers in Clause 3).
NOTE: The entry numbers of terms are not subclause numbers.
Each term entry shall include four items: entry number, term, corresponding
English words, definition. Other content can be added as needed. According to
the specific content contained in the term entry shall be given in order:
a) entry number,
driving tour”.
NOTE: Terms expressing specific concepts are often composed of terms expressing
general concepts. Definition
Definition shall be able to replace its term in context. Definition shall take the
form of intension definition. Its preferred structure is: "definition = distinguishing
feature between the defined concept and other parallel concepts +
superordinate concept".
If the definition contains the term defined in the term entry of the document in
which it is located, the corresponding entry number can be given in parentheses
after the term (see the entry number given in the definition of the term entry in
3.1), so as to prompt to refer to corresponding term entry.
Definitions shall use declarative provisions. Neither should contain requirement
clauses, nor should they be written in the form of requirements. Additional
information shall be given in the form of examples or notes. Source
In special cases, if it is indeed necessary to transcribe a small number of term
entries in other documents, the source shall be accurately marked under the
transcribed term entry (see, see also the source in the term entry in 3.1).
When it is necessary to rewrite the definition in the transcribed term entry, it
shall be indicated at the source. The specific method is: in square brackets,
write "source: document number, entry number, with modifications" (see source
in 3.3.3).
8.8 Symbols and abbreviations
8.8.1 Definition and composition
The element, symbols and abbreviations, is used to give a description or
definition of the symbols and abbreviations used in the document that are
necessary to understand the document, consisting of introduction words and a
list of symbols and/or abbreviations with instructions. If it is necessary to set
symbols and abbreviations, it shall be set as Clause 4 of the document. If the
symbols need to be listed in a specific order in order to reflect the technical
guidelines, then the element can be subdivided into subclauses and each
subclause shall be given a title. According to the need of drafting, this element
can be incorporated into “terms and definitions” (see 8.7).
8.8.2 Introduction words
According to the specific conditions of the listed symbols and abbreviations, the
the keyword.
The index of the electronic text shall be automatically generated.
9 Expression of element
9.1 Provision
The type of provision is divided into: requirement, instruction, recommendations,
permission and statement. Provision can be included in the provision of
normative element, chart footnote, section between figure and figure title or
section in table.
The expression of provision type shall enable the document user, when
declaring that product / system, process or service conforms to the document,
clearly identify requirements or instructions to be fulfilled and distinguish these
requirements or instructions from other optional provisions (such as
recommendations, permits, or statements).
The expression of provision type shall comply with the provisions of Annex C
and use the type of willing verb or sentence mood specified in the left column
of each table in Annex C. The corresponding equivalent expression can only be
used if the verbs given in the left column cannot be used in special
circumstances due to language reasons.
9.2 Additional information
The expression of additional information includes: examples, notes, footnotes,
chart footnotes, and the list of documents and information resources in
"normative references" and "bibliography", the list of contents in "table of
contents" and index list in "index". In addition to the footnotes to the charts, they
shall be expressed as statements of facts. They shall not contain requirements
or instructed, nor recommended or permitted provisions.
NOTE: If the requirements, instructions, recommendations, or permitted provisions are
included in the examples to provide examples related to these expressions, then they are
not considered as non-conforming to the above stipulations. Usually, place these example
contents in a wireframe (see 9.10.4).
9.3 General content
The general content of a clause / subclause in the document shall be the first
one in this clause / subclause. Depending on the specific content, "general
requirement", "general principle" and "overview" can be used as the subclause
it shall meet the requirements of 4.1.2 without any adjustment during continuous work.
Example 2: The symbol or abbreviation shall be listed only if it is used multiple times in
the document and needs to indicate a symbol or abbreviation.
Example 3: According to the specific situation of the formed document, a list of contents
shall be established in order for the following content.
9.4.3 Full name, abbreviation and acronym The document shall only use the full name and abbreviation (or original
abbreviation) that the organization is using. If an abbreviation is required for a word or phrase in the document, the
first time the word or phrase is used in the text, the abbreviation shall be given
in parentheses after it, and the abbreviation shall be used in the future.
Example: ... public information graphic symbols (hereinafter referred to as "graphic
symbols"). If the list of acronyms is not given in the document (see 8.8), but it is
necessary to use an acronym composed of Latin, then when it is used for the
first time in the text, Chinese words or explanations corresponding to the
acronym shall be given. Place the acronym in parentheses after it, and the
acronym shall be used in the future.
The acronym composed of Latin letters should be used with caution. It can only
be used without causing confusion.
The acronym should consist of capital Latin letters. There is no bottom foot after
each letter (for example, DNA). Due to historical or technical reasons, the
contractual acronym can be written in different ways in individual cases.
9.4.4 Representation of numbers and values The value representing the physical quantity shall be the Arabic numeral
followed by the symbol of the legal unit of measurement (see 9.4.7). The usage of numbers shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 15835. T......
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.