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GB/T 1.1-2009 (GB/T 1.1-2020 Newer Version) PDF English

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GB/T 1.1-2020English655 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Directives for standardization -- Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents Valid
GB/T 1.1-2009English690 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Directives for standardization -- Part 1: The structure and drafting of standards Obsolete
GB/T 1.1-2000EnglishRFQ ASK 11 days Standardization Guide Part 1: The structure and preparation of standard rules Obsolete
GB/T 1.1-1993EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days Directives for the work of standardization. Unit 1: Drafting and presentation of standards. Part 1: General rules for drafting standards Obsolete
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GB/T 1.1-2009: PDF in English (GBT 1.1-2009)

GB/T 1.1-2009 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 01.120 A 00 Replacing GB/T 1.1-2000, GB/T 1.2-2002 Directives for standardization - Part 1: Structure and drafting of standards (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2004, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standard, NEQ) ISSUED ON: JUNE 17, 2009 IMPLEMENTED ON: JANUARY 01, 2010 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 6  Introduction ... 9  1 Scope ... 10  2 Normative references ... 10  3 Terms and definitions ... 11  4 General ... 14  4.1 Objective ... 14  4.2 Unity ... 15  4.3 Coordination ... 15  4.4 Applicability ... 16  4.5 Consistency ... 16  4.6 Normative ... 16  5 Structure ... 17  5.1 Divided by content ... 17  5.2 Divided by levels ... 20  6 Drafting of elements ... 25  6.1 Preliminary informative elements ... 25  6.2 General normative elements ... 28  6.3 Technical normative elements ... 31  6.4 Supplementary informative elements ... 35  7 Expression of elements ... 36  7.1 General ... 36  7.2 Notes, examples and footnotes to provisions ... 37  7.3 Figures ... 38  7.4 Table ... 43  8 Other rules ... 46  8.1 Reference ... 46  8.2 Full names, abbreviations and acronyms ... 49  8.3 Trade name ... 50  8.4 Patent ... 50  8.5 Selection of numerical values ... 51  8.6 Representation of numbers and values ... 51  8.7 Quantity, unit and symbol ... 52  8.8 Mathematical formulas ... 52  8.9 Dimensions and tolerances ... 56  8.10 Important reminder ... 57  9 Layout format ... 58  9.1 General ... 58  9.2 Cover ... 58  9.3 Table of contents ... 59  9.4 Foreword and Introduction ... 59  9.5 Text ... 59  9.6 Appendix ... 60  9.7 References and indexes ... 61  9.8 Singular pages, even pages, back cover ... 61  9.9 Others ... 61  Appendix A (Informative) List of some basic standards ... 64  A.1 Overview ... 64  A.2 Standardization principles and methods ... 64  A.3 Standardization terminology ... 65  A.4 Principles and methods of terminology ... 65  A.5 Quantity, unit and symbol ... 65  A.6 Symbols, codes and abbreviations ... 66  A.7 Indexing of references ... 66  A.8 Technical drawing ... 66  A.9 Preparation of technical documents ... 67  A.10 Graphical symbols ... 67  A.11 Limits, fits, surface characteristics ... 68  A.12 Preferred numbers ... 69  A.13 Statistical methods ... 70  A.14 Environmental conditions and related tests ... 70  A.15 Safety ... 70  A.16 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ... 70  A.17 Compliance and quality ... 70  A.18 Environmental management ... 71  Appendix B (Informative) Example of level number ... 72  Appendix C (Normative) Patent ... 73  C.1 Collection of patent information ... 73  C.2 No patents have been identified ... 73  C.3 Patents have been identified ... 73  Appendix D (Normative) Drafting of standard name ... 75  D.1 Selection of elements in standard names ... 75  D.2 Avoid inadvertently limiting the scope ... 76  D.3 Wording ... 76  D.4 Drafting of English translation of test method standards ... 77  Appendix E (Normative) Marking of standardization items ... 78  E.1 Overview ... 78  E.2 Applicability ... 78  E.3 Marking system ... 79  E.4 Method of use of characters ... 80  E.5 Description segment ... 80  E.6 Identification segment ... 81  E.7 Examples ... 82  E.8 Adoption of marking of international standardization item ... 84  Appendix F (Normative) Auxiliary verbs used for expression of provisions ... 86  Appendix G (Informative) Quantity and unit ... 88  Appendix H (Informative) Example of arrangement of standard provisions ... 91  Appendix I (Normative) Standard format ... 95  Appendix J (Normative) Font size and font in the standard ... 108  References ... 110  Index ... 111  Directives for standardization - Part 1: Structure and drafting of standards 1 Scope This part of GB/T 1 specifies the standard structure, drafting expression rules, layout format; gives the relevant expression style. This part applies to the preparation of national standards, industry standards and local standards, as well as national standardization guidance technical documents. The preparation of other standards can refer to it for use. Note: Unless otherwise specified, the "standards" in the following chapters may refer to "national standards", "industry standards", "local standards", "national standardization guidance technical documents" as appropriate. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this standard. GB/T 321 Preferred numbers - Series of preferred numbers (ISO 3) GB 3100 The international system of units and its application (ISO 1000) GB 3101 General principles concerning quantities, units and symbols (ISO 31-0) GB 3102 (all parts) Quantities and units [ISO 31 (all parts)] GB/T 4728 (all parts) Graphical symbols for diagrams [IEC 60617 (all parts)] GB/T 5094 (all parts) Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference designations [IEC 6134 (all parts)] GB/T 5465.2 Graphical symbols for use on electrical equipment - Part 2: Graphical symbols (IEC 60417) GB/T 6988 (all parts) Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology [IEC 61082 (all parts)] GB/T 7714 Rules for content form and structure of bibliographic references (ISO 690) GB/T 13394 Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Symbols for quantities to be used for rotating electrical machines (IEC 27-4) GB/T 14559 Symbols and units of variable quantities (IEC 27-1) GB/T 14691 Technical drawings - Lettering (ISO 3098-1, ISO 3098-2) GB/T 15834 General rules for punctuation GB/T 15835 General rules for writing numerals in publications GB/T 16273 (all parts) Graphical symbols for use on equipment (ISO 7000) GB/T 16499 The preparation of safety publication and the use of basic safety publications and group safety publications (IEC Guide 104) GB/T 16679 Designations for signals and connections (IEC 1175) GB/T 17451 Technical drawings - General principles of presentation - Views GB/T 20000 (all parts) Guide for standardization GB/T 20001 (all parts) Rules for drafting standards GB/T 20002 (all parts) Drafting for special aspects in standards GB/T 20063 (all parts) Graphical symbols for diagrams [ISO 1417 (all parts)] ISO 7000 Graphical symbols for use on equipment - Index and synopsis IEC 60027 (all parts) Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology IEC Guide 106 Guide for specifying environmental conditions for equipment performance rating 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 20000.1 and the following apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB/T 20000.1 are repeatedly listed below. 3.1 Specification 3.5.1 Preliminary informative elements Elements that mark the standard, introduce the content, explain the background, the development situation, as well as the relationship between the standard and other standards or documents 3.5.2 Supplementary informative elements Elements that provide additional information that contribute to the understanding or use of the standard. 3.6 Required elements Elements that are indispensable in the standard. 3.7 Optional elements The elements whose existence in the standard depends on the specific requirements of the specific standard. 3.8 Provisions The expression of the content of normative documents, which generally takes the form of requirements, recommendations or statements. Note: These forms of provisions are distinguished by the wording they use. For example, the auxiliary verb "should" is “recommend” and the auxiliary verb "shall" is “require”. 3.8.1 Requirement Provisions that express the criteria that need to be met if the declaration conforms to the standard, which do not allow any deviation. Note: The auxiliary verbs specified in Table F.1 are used to express requirements. 3.8.2 4.2 Unity Within each standard or series of standards (or different parts of a standard), the standard style and terminology shall be consistent. The structure of each standard of the series of standards (or different parts of a standard) and the number of its chapters and articles shall be the same as possible. Similar provisions shall be expressed in similar wording; the same provisions shall be expressed in the same wording. Within each standard or series of standards (or different parts of a standard), the same term shall be used for the same concept. Synonyms shall be avoided for defined concepts. As far as possible, each term used shall have a unique meaning. 4.3 Coordination In order to achieve the overall coordination of all standards, the preparation of standards shall comply with the relevant provisions of the current basic standards, especially involving the following aspects: - Standardization principles and methods; - Standardized terminology; - Principles and methods of terminology; - Quantity, unit and its symbol; - Symbols, codes and abbreviations; - Indexing of references; - Technical drawings and sketches; - Preparation of technical documents; - Graphic symbols. For some technical fields, the preparation of standards shall also comply with the relevant provisions of the current basic standards related to the following: - Limits, fits and surface characteristics; - Dimensional tolerance and measurement uncertainty; - Priority number; 20001.2, GB/T 20001.4, GB/T 20001.52), GB/T 20000.7, respectively. 5 Structure 5.1 Divided by content 5.1.1 General Due to the large differences between standards, it is difficult to establish a generally accepted content-division rule. Generally, for a standard object, it shall be compiled into a standard and published as a whole. In special cases, it can be compiled into several separate standards or a standard can be divided into several separate parts under the same standard sequence number. After the standard is divided into parts, each part can be revised individually if necessary. 5.1.2 Partitioning When a standard is divided into several separate parts, there are usually special needs or specific reasons such as the following: - The length of the standard is too long; - The subsequent content is interrelated; - Some contents of the standard may be cited by regulations; - Some contents of the standard are intended for certification. When the different aspects of the standardized object may cause the attention of all relevant parties (for example: producers, certification bodies, legislatures, etc.), these different aspects shall be clearly distinguished; it is best to separate them into separate parts of a standard. For example, these different aspects may be: - Health and safety requirements; - Performance requirements; - Repair and service requirements; - Installation rules; - Quality assessment. 2 The planned GB/T 20001.5 “Rules for drafting standards - Part 5: Specification standards”. Articles can only be set when there are two or more articles in a level. For example, in Chapter 10, if there is no 10.2, then 10.1 shall not be set. Avoid sub-segmenting untitled articles. Articles at the first level should be titled and shall be placed after the number. Articles of the second level can be treated in the same way. In a chapter or article, the articles at the next level shall be unified with or without titles. For example, in the next level of Chapter 10, if there is a title for 10.1, then 10.2, 10.3, etc. shall also have titles. Key terms or phrases in the first sentence of an untitled article may be marked in bold, to indicate the topics involved. Such terms or phrases shall not be included in the table of contents. 5.2.5 Paragraph A paragraph is a subdivision of a chapter or article. The paragraph is not numbered. In order not to cause confusion when citing, it shall avoid setting paragraphs (called "suspended paragraphs") between chapter titles or article titles and the next level of articles. Examples: As shown on the left below, according to the affiliation, Chapter 5 includes not only the marked “suspended paragraph”, but also 5.1 and 5.2. In view of this situation, there may be confusion when referencing these suspended paragraphs. The right side below shows one of the ways to avoid confusion: number the suspended paragraphs on the left side and add the heading "5.1 General" (or other appropriate headings can also be given), meanwhile re-number 5.1 and 5.2 at the left side and change them to 5.2 and 5.3 in sequence. Other ways to avoid confusion are to move the suspended paragraphs elsewhere or delete it. d) Description of relationship with international documents and foreign documents. The standards formed on the basis of foreign documents may state the relationship with the corresponding documents in the foreword. For the standards, whose degree of consistency with international documents is equivalent, modified or non-equivalent, it shall state the relationship with the corresponding international documents in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T 20000.2. ………… 5.2.7 Appendix The appendix is divided into normative appendix (see 6.3.6) and informative appendix (see 6.4.1) according to its nature. Each appendix shall be clearly mentioned in the text or the relevant provisions of the foreword. The order of the appendixes shall be in the order in which they are mentioned in the article (from the foreword). (When the statement in the foreword has major technical changes compared to the previous version, the appendix mentioned shall not be used as the basis for the order of the appendix) . Each appendix shall be numbered. The appendix number is composed of "Appendix" followed by the capital Latin letters indicating the order. The letters start with "A", for example: "Appendix A", "Appendix B", "Appendix C", etc. When there is only one appendix, the number "Appendix A" shall still be given. Below the appendix number, it shall indicate the nature of the appendix, that is, "(normative appendix)" or "(informative appendix)", below which is the title of the appendix. The numbering of chapters, figures, tables and mathematical formulas in each appendix shall start from 1 again. The capital letters indicating the order in the appendix number shall be added before the numbering, followed by the footnotes. For example: the chapters in Appendix A are represented by "A.1", "A.2", "A.3", etc.; the figures are "Figure A.1", "Figure A.2", "Figure A.3", etc. 6 Drafting of elements 6.1 Preliminary informative elements 6.1.1 Cover The cover is an indispensable element, which shall give information on the marking standards, including: the name of the standard, the English translation, the level (the national standard is "National Standard of the People's Republic of China"), the sign, the number, the international standard classification number (ICS number), Chinese standard document classification number, filing a) Description of standard structure. For the series of standards or sub-parts of the standard, describe the expected structure of the standard in the first standard or part 1 of the standard; each part of the series of standards or sub-parts of the standard lists all the names of other standards or other parts that are published or planned to publish. b) The drafting rules on which the standards are based refer to GB/T 1.1. c) Description of all or part of other documents replaced by the standard. Give the number and name of the replaced standard (including amendments) or other documents; list the main technical changes compared to the previous version. d) Description of relationship with international documents and foreign documents. The standards formed on the basis of foreign documents may state the relationship with the corresponding documents in the foreword. The standard whose degree of consistency with international documents is equivalent, modified or non-equivalent shall state the relationship with the corresponding international documents in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T 20000.2. e) Description of patents. For standards which may involve patents, if it does not identify the patents, it shall follow the requirements of C.2 to describe the relevant content. f) The proposing information (may be omitted) or jurisdiction information of standard. If the standard is proposed or under the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Technical Committee, its domestic code shall be given after the name of the corresponding technical committee, together with a parentheses. Use the following applicable form of expression: ●“This standard was proposed by the National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC XXXX)." ●"This standard was proposed by XXXX." ●“This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC XXXX)." ●“This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of XXXXX.” g) The drafting organization and main drafters of standard, which use the following form of expression: ● "Drafting organizations of this standard: ..." ● "The main drafters of this standard: ..." become indispensable for the application of the standard after being cited by the standard provisions. In the list of documents, for documents cited with dates in the standard provisions, it shall give the version number or year number (when the standard is quoted, give the standard code, sequence number and year number) and the complete standard name; for the cited undated documents in the standard text, it shall not provide the version number or year number. When quoting a standard composed of multiple parts without dates in the standard provisions, it shall indicate “all parts” after the standard’s sequence number as well as the same parts in the standard name, that is, the guiding element (if any) and the main element (see Appendix D). In the document list, if listing international standards and foreign standards, it shall give the Chinese translation of the standard name after the standard number, as well as the original name in parentheses behind it; the method of listing non-standard documents shall be consistent with GB/T 7714. If the cited documents are available online, it should provide detailed access and access paths. It shall give the complete website of the referenced document (see GB/T 7714). In order to ensure traceability, it should give the source URL. Example: It can be obtained from the following website: < http: // www.abc.def / dirty / filename-new.htm>. Any drafting of a Chinese standard that has a degree of consistency with an international document, among the standards listed in its list of normative references, if some standards have a degree of consistency with an international document, they shall follow the provisions of GB/T 20000.2, to mark the consistency of these standards with the corresponding international documents. For specific marking methods, see the provisions of GB/T 20000.2. The order of the documents cited in the list of documents is: national standards (including national standardization guidance technical documents), industry standards, local standards (only applicable to the preparation of local standards), domestic relevant documents, international standards (including ISO standards, ISO/IEC standards, IEC standards), ISO or IEC related documents, other international standards, and other international relevant documents. National standards and international standards are arranged according to standard sequence numbers; industry standards, local standards, other international standards are first arranged in the order of the Latin alphabet and / or Arabic numerals of the standard code, then in the order of the standard sequence number. The list of documents shall not contain: - Documents that are not publicly available; letters with a corner mark are placed before letters with a number corner mark (B, b, C, Cm, C2, c, d, dext, dint, d1 etc.); - The Greek alphabet is placed after the Latin alphabet (Z, z, A, α, B, β, ..., Λ, λ, etc.); - Other special symbols and text. For convenience, this element may be combined with the element "terms and definitions" (see 6.3.2). The terms and definitions, symbols, codes, abbreviations, the units of quantities may be placed under a compound heading. 6.3.4 Requirements The requirement is an optional element and it shall include the following: a) All the characteristics of the products, processes or services involved in the standard are given directly or by reference; b) Limit values required for quantifiable characteristics; c) For each requirement, quote the test method for determining or verifying the characteristic value, or explicitly specify the test method. The required statement shall be clearly different from the statement and the recommended statement. This element shall not include contract requirements (related claims, guarantees, expense settlement, etc.) and legal or regulatory requirements. 6.3.5 Classification, marking and coding Classification, marking and coding are optional elements. It may establish a classification, marking (see Appendix E) and / or coding system for products, processes or services that meet the specified requirements. To facilitate the preparation of the standard, this element can also be incorporated into the requirements (see 6.3.4). If it contains requirements for marking, it shall comply with the provisions of Appendix E. 6.3.6 Normative appendix The normative appendix is an optional element, which gives additional or supplementary provisions of the standard text. The normative nature of the appendix (relative to the informative appendix, see 6.4.1) shall be clarified by the following methods: 7 Expression of elements 7.1 General 7.1.1 Types of provisions The combination of different types of provisions constitutes various elements in the standard. The provisions in the standard can be divided into: - Requirement type provisions (see 3.8.1); - Recommendation type provisions (see 3.8.2); - Statement type provisions (see 3.8.3). 7.1.2 Auxiliary verbs used in the expression of provisions The requirements in the standard shall be easy to identify, so the provisions that contain the requirements shall be distinguished from other types of provisions. Different auxiliary verbs shall be used to express different types of provisions. For auxiliary verbs used in various provisions, see the column I in Tables F.1 to F.4 in Appendix F. Only in special cases where the expression in the first column cannot be used due to wording, it may use the equivalent expression in the second column. 7.1.3 Expression of technical elements If the standard name contains "specifications", the standard shall contain the elements "requirements" and corresponding verification methods; if the standard name contains "procedures", then the standard should be drafted in the form of recommendations and suggestions; if the standard name contains "guidelines", then the standard shall not contain requirement provisions, when appropriate, it may use the recommendation form. When drafting various technical elements of the above standards, it shall use the appropriate auxiliary verbs in Appendix F, to clearly distinguish between different types of provisions. 7.1.4 Chinese characters and punctuation marks Standard shall use standard Chinese characters. The punctuation marks used in the standard shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 15834. the articles are continuous from the "Foreword", i.E.1), 2), 3), etc. After the word or sentence to be annotated in the article, the footnote shall be marked with the superscript numbers 1), 2), 3), etc. that are the same as the footnote number. In some cases, for example, to avoid confusion with superscript numbers, it may use one or more asterisks, i.e., *, **, ***, to replace the number of the footnote of the article. 7.3 Figures 7.3.1 Usage If the use of figures to provide information is more conducive to standard understanding, then it should use figures. Each figure shall be clearly mentioned in the text. 7.3.2 Form A figure in the form of a drawing shall be used; photographs may only be used when a continuous tone picture is really needed. It shall provide an accurate plate-made drawing; it should provide a computer-made drawing. 7.3.3 Number Each figure shall be numbered. The figure number is composed of "figure" and Arabic numerals starting from 1, such as "figure 1", " figure 2" and so on. When there is only one figure, it shall still give the number "Figure 1". The numbering of figures continues from the introduction to the appendix and has nothing to do with the numbering of chapters, articles and tables. See for the number of sub-figures. See 5.2.7 for the numbers in the appendix. 7.3.4 Figure’s title The figure’s title is the name of the figure. Each figure should have a title. The figures in the standard shall be unified with or without titles. 7.3.5 Letter symbols, fonts, serial numbers In general, the letter symbols used to represent the angle or linear quantities in the figure shall comply with the provisions of GB 3102.1. If necessary, use subscripts to distinguish the different uses of specific symbols. The figure shows the use of the symbol series l1, l2, l3, etc. for various lengths, instead of using symbols such as A, B, C or a, b, c, etc. 8 Other rules 8.1 Reference 8.1.1 General When writing standards, it is often necessary to repeat the content of the standard itself or other documents in the provisions, in order to provide users with references or indicate other provisions that users need to meet. At this time, in order to avoid inconsistency between standards, excessive length of standards, transcription errors, etc., it is usually not necessary to copy specific content that needs to be repeated, but to adopt the method of quotation. However, under special circumstances, if it thinks it is necessary to repeat a small amount of content in other documents, it shall accurately indicate the source in square brackets after the copied content. References shall use the methods as shown in 8.1.2 to 8.1.4, instead of using page numbers. For detailed rules of quoting other documents, see GB/T 20000.3. 8.1.2 Reference to the content of standard itself Ref...... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.