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GB 9744-2024 PDF English

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GB 9744-2024English275 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Truck tyres Valid
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GB 9744-1988EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days Radial tyres of truck Obsolete
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GB 9744-2024: PDF in English

GB 9744-2024 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 83.160.10 CCS G 41 Replacing GB 9744-2015 Truck tyres ISSUED ON: APRIL 29, 2024 IMPLEMENTED ON: MAY 01, 2025 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; National Standardization Administration. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 5 4 Requirements ... 6 5 Test method ... 10 6 Judgment rules ... 10 7 Markings ... 11 8 Implementation of the standard ... 12 Appendix A (Normative) Requirements for outer rim dimensions of new tyres ... 13 Appendix B (Normative) Correspondence between tyre speed symbol and maximum speed ... 15 Appendix C (Normative) Correspondence between tyre load index (LI) and load capacity (TLCC) ... 16 Foreword This document was drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents". This document replaces GB 9744-2015 "Truck tyres". Compared with GB 9744-2015, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows: - CHANGE the relevant provisions of the main parameters of tyres (see 4.1; 4.1 of the 2015 edition); - DELETE the corresponding relationship between speed, air pressure and load (see 4.3 of the 2015 edition); - ADD the minimum damage energy values of some tyres (see Table 1 and Table 2; Table 1 and Table 2 of the 2015 edition); - ADD the tyre rolling resistance requirements (see 4.6); - ADD the tyre relative grip performance requirements on wet roads (see 4.7); - DELETE other appearance quality requirements for tyres and fenders (see 4.8.2 of the 2015 edition); - ADD tyre rolling resistance performance test methods and test results rounding requirements (see 5.3); - ADD the requirements for the test methods and test results of tyre relative grip performance on wet roads (see 5.4); - ADD the judgment principles (see Chapter 6); - DELETE the manufacturer's name or place of origin, exit-factory inspection mark (see 6.1 of the 2015 edition); - ADD the requirements for special-purpose tyres, tyres with electronic tags, traction tyres to have corresponding signs (see 7.8, 7.10, 7.11); - ADD the implementation requirements of the standard (see Chapter 8). Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents. This document was proposed by AND shall be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. Truck tyres 1 Scope This document specifies the requirements, judgment principles, markings and implementation requirements for truck tyres; describes the relevant test methods. This document applies to new truck pneumatic tyres. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 521 Test methods for measuring peripheral dimensions of tyres GB/T 2977 Size designation, dimensions, inflation pressure and load capacity for truck tyres GB/T 4501 Laboratory test methods for truck and bus tyres capabilities GB/T 6326 Tyre - Vocabulary GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and judgement of limiting values GB/T 29040 Test methods of rolling resistance for motor vehicle tyres - Single point test and correlation of measurement results GB/T 29042 Thresholds and grading of rolling resistance for motor vehicle tyres GB/T 35163 Method for measuring relative wet grip performance of truck and bus tyres GB/T 39971 Thresholds and grading of relative wet grip index for motor vehicle tyres 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions, which are defined in GB/T 6326 and GB/T 39971, apply to this document. 4 Requirements 4.1 Main parameters of tyres Tyre specifications, load index, ply, measuring rim, load capacity, inflation pressure, minimum twin-tyre spacing, permitted rims shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 2977 or relevant industry technical documents. Note: Complying with relevant industry technical documents refers to any parameter of a truck tyre that is different from GB/T 2977 and is not within the scope of GB/T 2977. 4.2 New tyre outer rim dimensions The total width and outer diameter of the tyre section shall comply with the provisions of Appendix A. 4.3 Correspondence between tyre speed symbol and maximum driving speed The correspondence between tyre speed symbol and maximum driving speed shall comply with the provisions of Appendix B. 4.4 Correspondence between tyre load index and load capacity The correspondence between tyre load index and load capacity shall comply with the provisions of Appendix C. 4.5 Safety performance 4.5.1 Tyre strength performance For the strength performance test of metric series truck tyres, the test destructive energy at each test point shall not be less than the provisions of Table 1. If an inner tube and cushion belt are used, the inner tube and cushion belt shall meet the requirements for matching with the outer tyre. 5 Test method 5.1 The total width and outer diameter of the new tyre after inflation and the height of the tread wear sign shall be measured in accordance with GB/T 521. 5.2 The tyre strength, durability, high-speed performance of mini and light truck tyres shall be tested in accordance with GB/T 4501. 5.3 The rolling resistance coefficient of the tyre shall be measured according to the method specified in GB/T 29040; the result shall be rounded off according to the provisions of GB/T 8170, with one decimal place retained. 5.4 The relative grip index of the tyre on wet road shall be measured according to the test method specified in GB/T 35163; the result shall be rounded off according to the provisions of GB/T 8170, with two decimal places retained. 6 Judgment rules 6.1 Outer edge dimensions, tread wear sign height, wear sign marking, appearance quality According to the provisions of GB/T 521, the total width, measure the outer diameter and tread wear sign height of the test tyre; visually check the wear sign, wear sign marking, appearance quality. If the measured total width and outer diameter of the tyre meet the corresponding provisions of 4.2, it is judged that the outer edge dimensions meet the requirements of this document; if the wear sign height meets the provisions of 4.8.1, it is judged that the wear sign height meets the requirements of this document. If the visually inspected wear signs and wear sign marking meet the provisions of 4.8.1 and 4.8.2 respectively, then the appearance quality meets the provisions of 4.9, it is judged that they meet the requirements of this document. 6.2 Safety performance For mini and light truck tyres, carry out the strength performance tests, high-speed performance tests, durability performance tests in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 4501. For truck tyres, carry out the strength performance tests and durability performance tests in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 4501. If the test results meet the corresponding provisions of 4.5, the performance is judged to meet the requirements of this document. For the strength test, if the tyre is not punctured when touching the rim and the minimum damage energy value is not reached, the test point is also considered to have passed the test. 6.3 Rolling resistance According to the provisions of GB/T 29040, measure the rolling resistance of the test tyre, calculate its rolling resistance coefficient; calculate the judgment value according to the provisions of GB/T 29042. If the judgment value reaches the provisions of 4.6, it is judged that the rolling resistance coefficient meets the limit requirements specified in this document. During the production consistency check, the limit judgment value of the tyre rolling resistance coefficient shall not be greater than the limit plus 0.3 N/kN. 6.4 Relative grip performance on wet road According to the provisions of GB/T 35163, measure the wet road relative grip index of the test tyre. If the test result meets the provisions of 4.7, it is judged that the wet road relative grip index meets the limit requirements. During the production consistency check, the limit judgment value of the tyre wet road relative grip index shall not be lower than the limit requirements. 7 Markings 7.1 Each tyre sidewall shall have the following markings: a) Tyre specification mark; b) Trademark; c) Load index or ply, load capacity, inflation pressure; d) Speed symbol; e) Name (or code) of the frame material used for the tyre crown and sidewall; f) Mark of the location of the tread wear sign; g) Production number. Items a) ~ f) are engraved marks; item g) is a permanent mark. 7.2 Radial tyres shall be engraved with the "RADIAL" mark; tubeless tyres shall be engraved with the "TUBELESS" mark. 7.3 Mini truck tyres shall be engraved with the "ULT" mark; light truck tyres shall be engraved with the "LT" mark. 7.4 Tyres with directional patterns shall be engraved with the driving direction mark. 7.5 Snow-mud tyres shall be engraved with the snow-mud tyre mark. Appendix A (Normative) Requirements for outer rim dimensions of new tyres A.1 Outer rim dimensions of new mini and light truck tyres A.1.1 Maximum and minimum total width of new tyres Maximum total width of new tyres = New tyre design section width × a Bias tyres: a = 1.07 Radial tyres: a=1.05 Minimum total width of new tyres = New tyre design section width × 0.96. A.1.2 Maximum and minimum outer diameters of new tyres Maximum outer diameter of new tyres = 2 × New tyre design section height × b + Rim nominal diameter Bias tyres: b = 1.07 Radial tyres: b = 1.03 Minimum outer diameter of new tyres = 2 × New tyre design section height × 0.97 + Rim nominal diameter. The maximum outer diameter of new tyres for snow tyres, snow-mud tyres, special purpose tyres can be increased by 1%. A.2 Outer rim dimensions of new truck tyres A.2.1 Maximum and minimum total width of new tyres Maximum total width of new tyres = New tyre design section width × a1 Bias tyres: a1 = 1.06 Radial tyres: a1 = 1.04 Minimum total width of new tyres = New tyre design section width × a2 Bias tyres: a2 = 0.97 Radial tyres: a2 = 0.96 ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.