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GB 7956.3-2014: PDF in English

GB 7956.3-2014 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.220.10 C 84 Fire fighting vehicles - Part 3: Foam fire-fighting vehicle ISSUED ON: SEPTEMBER 03, 2014 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2015 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative references ... 4 3 Terms and definitions ... 4 4 Technical requirements ... 5 5 Test methods ... 18 6 Inspection rules ... 31 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ... 35 Fire fighting vehicles - Part 3: Foam fire-fighting vehicle 1 Scope This Part of GB 7956 specifies terms and definitions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of foam fire-fighting vehicles. This Part is applicable to foam fire-fighting vehicles. This Part is not applicable to compressed air foam system fire-fighting vehicles and high-expansion foam fire-fighting vehicles. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 3181 Color standard for paint film GB 4351.1-2005 Portable fire extinguishers - Part 1: Performance and construction GB 6245-2006 Fire pumps GB 7956.1-2014 Fire-fighting vehicles - Part 1: General technical specifications GB 19156 General specifications for fire monitors 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB 6245 and GB 7956.1 and the following apply. For the convenience of application, some terms and definitions given in GB 7956.1-2014 are listed below. 3.1 Each automatic control mechanism of foam vehicle shall be provided with manual emergency measures. The junction of fire pump outlet and inlet pressure gauges on operation panel shall be provided with connecting pipe for testing, and external thread with interface specification of M10 × 1.5 mm and with length not less than 15 mm. The interface position shall be convenient for external connection with pressure gauge and be marked. 4.2.2 Operating instructions and identifications Operating instructions and identifications shall cover the following items: - fire pump rated flow, outlet pressure and operating instructions; - type (if applicable) and mixture ratio of the adopted foam; - fire pump outlet pressure display (with precision not less than Grade 2.5); - fire pump inlet pressure display (with precision not less than Grade 2.5); - fire pump rotational speed display and accumulated operating time display; - liquid level display of water tank and concentrated tank; - engine water temperature display; - engine oil temperature display; - panel light and switch; - emergency stop button; - washing mark and switch position; - application instruction plate for instrument and switch on panel. The control and adjustment device of foam proportioning system shall be installed on operation panel so as to be convenient for personnel operation. Operation panel shall be provided with water and foam pipeline system sketch and basic operating instructions. Water tank inlet shall be equipped with "Water Tank Inlet" sign which shall be permanently fixed. Concentrated tank inlet or its adjacent position shall be equipped with "Concentrated Tank Inlet" sign. The type of applicable foam concentrate shall If the fire pump inlet is arranged at side, both sides of vehicle shall be equipped with water inlet. Single-side water inlet shall meet the requirements for rated pressure and flow rate demand of foam vehicle. The inlet pipeline of foam vehicle with rated flow rate not less than 100 L/s shall be equipped with valves. Inlet pipeline shall ensure that the residual water in inlet pipeline shall be totally discharged within 45 s. Corrosion-resistant filter screen shall be installed between each water inlet and suction pipe of fire pump, and the overflow area of which shall not reduce the rated pressure and flow rate of fire pump. The holes on filter screen shall not filter: - particles greater than or equal to 8 mm for fire pump with rated flow rate not greater than 30 L/s; - particles greater than or equal to 13 mm for fire pump with rated flow rate greater than 30 L/s. Inlet pipeline shall be free from pipeline leakage, water seepage or sealing element leakage phenomena under 0.8 MPa hydrostatic pressure. It shall be free from rupture and permanent deformation affecting the normal use under 1.2 MPa hydrostatic pressure. Suction pipe shall be arranged on foam vehicle and the length of which carried on each vehicle shall not be less than 8 m. Outlet pipeline of fire pump The diameter and quantity of outlet pipeline shall ensure the water flow rate of foam vehicle under rated condition. Outlet pipeline shall ensure that the residual water in the lowest point of outlet pipeline shall be totally discharged within 45 s, and the residual water shall be convenient for discharging. When the ground clearance of water outlet center is greater than 1.2 m, the water outlet shall be downslope and the height of it to the upper plane of operating pedal shall not be greater than 1.2 m. Outlet pipeline shall be equipped with check valve which can close the connection between outlet pipeline and fire pump. Outlet pipeline shall be subject to hydrostatic pressure sealing test, and 1.1 times the maximum operating pressure borne by outlet pipeline is The diameter of concentrated tank transmission pipeline shall meet the maximum flow rate requirements of foam proportioner, be able to bear 85 kPa vacuum degree for 5 min under 101 kPa atmospheric pressure and be free from leakage and visible deformation. The inlet of foam concentrate transmission pipeline shall be equipped with filter screen. 4.4.3 Water tank and concentrated tank Tank requirements Where the tank volume of foam vehicle is larger than or equal to 12 m3, the volume error shall not exceed ±2 %. Where the volume is less than 12 m3 but not less than 1 m3, the absolute value of error is increased by 0.1% along with each reduction by 1 m3. Where the volume is less than 1 m3, the volume error shall not exceed 10 %. The tank and valve shall be made of anti-corrosion material or subject to anti-corrosion treatment. The tank shall be equipped with anti-swinging plate where its volume exceeds 2 m3 and shall be equipped with longitudinal anti-swinging plate where its volume exceeds 3 m3. The single-cavity volume separated by the anti- swinging plate shall not be greater than 2 m3. Manhole and manhole cover shall be arranged on the top of tank with volume greater than 1 m3, and the manhole diameter shall not be less than 0.4 m. Where the pressure in tank exceeds 0.1 MPa, the manhole cover of water tank may automatically relieve pressure. Sewage hole shall be arranged at the lowest part of water tank and concentrated tank. The discharged silt shall not contact the vehicle or the parts of chassis. Water tank and concentrated tank shall be equipped with indication devices for liquid level or liquid volume. Water tank and concentrated tank shall be able to withstand 0.1 MPa hydrostatic pressure. After being subject to 0.1 MPa hydrostatic strength test, both sides of the tank shall be free from visible residual deformation and the pipeline and valves which are connected to each other shall be free from leakage. Concentrated tank shall be equipped with breathing hole to ensure normal foam concentrate transmission. Liquid filling device The water filling pipeline from fire pump to water tank shall be equipped with valve, which shall be convenient for operation. The diameter of water filling pipeline shall not be less than 65 mm, and the pipeline shall be free from accumulated water. The diameter of water filling pipeline from the exterior of vehicle to water tank shall not be less than 65 mm. The pipeline shall ensure that the water in tank is free from backflow, and shall be free from accumulated water. The water inlet shall be equipped with protecting cover. The liquid filling pipeline from foam concentrate pump to concentrated tank shall be equipped with stainless valve, which shall be convenient for operation. Stainless steel pipe with wall thickness not less than 1.5 mm and diameter not less than 40 mm shall be adopted for liquid filling pipeline. The inlet of concentrated tank shall be equipped with protecting cover. Overflow device Overflow pipeline open to atmosphere shall be arranged within the water tank and higher than the tank top. The diameter of the overflow pipeline shall not be less than 30 % that of the transmission pipeline between water tank and fire pump. 4.4.4 Foam system General requirements for foam system Material or coating resistant to foam concentrate corrosion shall be adopted for the overflow surface of foam monitor, foam/water dual-purpose monitor, foam concentrate pump and foam proportioner. The foam system shall be equipped with washing device, which shall prevent water from flowing back into the concentrated tank or water tank during washing. The foam system shall have external foam concentrate suction interface and coupling hose, which shall be convenient for disassembling/assembling. Measures preventing water from flowing back into concentrated tank shall be taken for foam system. The foam system, where operating at the maximum operating pressure and maximum flow, shall have favorable sealing performance and be free from leakage. the test pressure is 1.5 times the specified maximum operating pressure. After the test, the proportioner shell and each connecting pipeline shall be free from obvious deformation and structural damage. Negative-pressure foam proportioner Where the atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa and the vacuum degree is 85 kPa, the vacuum degree reduction of negative-pressure foam proportioner within 1min shall not be greater than 0.5 kPa. The pressure difference of the inlet and outlet of negative-pressure foam proportioner shall not be greater than 35 % of the inlet operating pressure. Positive-pressure foam proportioner The foam concentrate pump of positive-pressure foam proportioner shall meet the requirements of Clause 7, GB 6245-2006. The power source and driving device of foam concentrate pump shall be able to ensure the normal operation of foam concentrate pump. The operating pressure and flow rate of foam concentrate pump shall be consistent with the operating pressure and flow rate range of proportioner. Foam concentrate pump shall be equipped with relief valve, which can automatically relieve pressure within 1.1 ~ 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure of foam concentrate pump. Where the residual liquid amount in the concentrated tank reaches 4 % ~ 6 % of the nominal volume, the foam concentrate pump shall automatically stop. Fire monitor The injection performance of foam monitor or foam/water dual- purpose monitor arranged on foam vehicle shall meet the requirements of GB 19156. The depression angle of fire monitor, after being loaded, shall not be less than 7°. Control valve shall be arranged for the inlet pipeline of vehicle top monitor. The vehicle top monitor shall be equipped with locking mechanism and supporting mechanism. The front monitor shall be equipped with locking 20 Portable pump Set 1 Optional 21 Movable smoke ventilator Set 1 Optional 22 Fire suction pipe m ≥ 8 23 Water filter of suction pipe Piece Allocated one on suction hose every 8m NOTE: "Q" in this table represents "rated flow rate of fire pump". 4.7 Alarm lights The performance of alarm lights shall meet the requirements of 5.7.28 ~ 5.7.31, GB 7956.1-2014. 4.8 Accompanied documents, tools and vulnerable parts 4.8.1 During delivery of the foam vehicle to the user, both the information required for vehicle registration and the following English document information shall be delivered to the user complete with the vehicle: - operation manual of chassis; - service manual of chassis and parts catalog; - quality guarantee and after-sale service instructions of chassis; - qualification certificate of chassis; - accompanied tool list of chassis; - electrical schematic diagram of foam vehicle; - operating instructions of foam vehicle; - repair and maintenance manual as well as parts catalog of foam vehicle; - quality certificate of foam vehicle; - quality guarantee and after-sales service promise; - list of accompanied tools and vulnerable parts of foam vehicle; - quality certificate and operating instructions of assembly and accessories. 4.8.2 In addition to the chassis tool, the foam vehicle shall also be equipped with special tools of fire-fighting unit. 4.8.3 The foam vehicle shall be accompanied with circuit fuses for complete set of fire-fighting equipment. and foam pipeline system on operation panel. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in INSPECT water inlet of water tank. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in INSPECT the nameplate and words at or near filling opening of foam concentrate. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in 5.3 Chassis remanufacturing test 5.3.1 CARRY OUT the test according to the methods specified in 6.4, GB 7956.1-2014. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in 4.3.1. 5.3.2 INSPECT the connection mode of tank and chassis. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in 4.3.2. 5.4 Test for fire-fighting hydraulic system 5.4.1 Fire pump test LOOK UP relevant information on the selected fire pump of foam vehicle. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in INSPECT the residual water discharging device of fire pump. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in LOOK UP the matching parameter of fire pump and engine in enterprise design information. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in 5.4.2 Fire pipeline test General test INSPECT the material or anti-corrosion measures of the fire pipelines. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the arrangement of all fire pipelines. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the color of all fire pipelines. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in Tests for inlet pipeline of fire pump Visually INSPECT the position of fire pump water inlet. PARK the fire Visually INSPECT the installation of the check valve for the outlet pipeline. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in FILL the outlet pipeline in the rear of fire pump outlet check valve with water; DISCHARGE residual air and close outlet valve; slowly PRESSURIZE with pressure test pump to specified test pressure, MAINTAIN for 3 min. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in FILL the pressure-bearing part of outlet pipeline in the rear of fire pump outlet check valve with water; DISCHARGE residual air; CLOSE outlet valve; slowly PRESSURIZE with pressure test pump to specified test pressure, MAINTAIN for 3 min. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in For manual opening/closing outlet valve, APPLY an operating force to the top of its operating handle under the maximum operating pressure of outlet pipeline and MEASURE the magnitude of opening/closing force with tension meter. In case of no pressure in outlet pipeline, APPLY an operating force to the top of outlet valve operating handle, MEASURE the opening/closing force with tension meter. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in INSPECT the outlet valves, indicating signs and warning signs for the outlet pipeline of fire pump; MEASURE the time required for full opening of the valves with a stopwatch. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Tests for the transmission pipeline from water tank to fire pump INSPECT the valve of transmission pipeline from water tank to fire pump. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the inlet position of transmission pipeline in water tank. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the inlet filter screen of transmission pipeline. ADOPT the water supply in the tank; CONNECT the outlets with flowmeters; START the fire pump to allow it to operate under rated operating conditions until it operates stably; MEASURE flow rate and pressure of the pump. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Where the vehicle is parked horizontally, FILL the water tank with water; MEASURE the total weight; START the fire pump; SUPPLY water for it from the water tank at rated pressure and flow rate of foam vehicle until the water tank can't supply water any longer; MEASURE the total weight again. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Test for transmission pipelines from concentrated tank to foam proportioner FILL the concentrated tank with foam; START the foam concentrate pump until the concentrated tank can't supply concentrate any longer; MEASURE the weight of extracted foam concentrate. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the inlet filter screen of filling pipeline. CONNECT the outlets of filling pipeline with flowmeters and allow foam proportioner to operate under the maximum rated conditions until it operates stably; MEASURE the flow rate and pressure. CONNECT the filling pipeline inlet with vacuum pump; CLOSE other opening; START vacuum pump and VACUUMIZE to 85 kPa; SHUT DOWN vacuum pump; DETERMINE the decrease in vacuum degree within 5 min. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in 5.4.3 Tests for water tank and concentrated tank Tests required for tank MEASURE the tank capacity of foam vehicle with weight method. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in SELECT 200 mm × 200 mm tank material sample. CARRY OUT salt spray test in accordance with the requirements of 7.7.1, GB 4351.1-2005. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in INSPECT the arrangement of anti-swinging plate in the tank. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the manhole and its cover; MEASURE its diameter with a measuring tape. CLOSE the manhole cover; FILL the water tank with water; SEAL all inlets and outlets; slowly PRESSURIZE the tank to specified test pressure with pressure test pump. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the sewage holes of water tank and concentrated tank. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the indicating device for concentrate level or volume in the water tank and concentrated tank. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in FILL the water tank and concentrated tank with water; SEAL their outlets and inlets respectively; slowly PRESSURIZE the tanks with a pressure test pump to specified test pressure and MAINTAIN it for 3 min. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the breathing hole of concentrated tank. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Filling device tests Visually INSPECT the valves in the water filling pipeline from fire pump to water tank. MEASURE the diameter of the pipeline with a measuring tape. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in MEASURE the diameter of water filling pipeline from the external of the vehicle to the water tank with a measuring tape; FILL the water tank with water; visually INSPECT the pipeline conditions and the protecting cover where the water is filled. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in INSPECT the valves of filling pipelines between the foam concentrate pump and the concentrated tank; MEASURE the wall thickness and diameter of filling pipeline with a vernier caliper; CHECK the report on filling pipeline materials. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the sealing protecting cover of filling opening of concentrated tank. JUDGE whether the inspection result meets those specified in Overflow device test Visually INSPECT the overflow pipeline in water tank. MEASURE the dimension of the pipeline with a measuring tape. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in 5.4.4 Foam system test Tests for foam system with general requirements INSPECT the overflow surfaces of foam system pipeline, foam monitor or foam/water dual-purpose monitor and foam proportioner. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in INSPECT the washing device in foam system. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in INSPECT the external foam concentrate suction interface and coupling hose of foam system. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Visually INSPECT the anti-backflow device in foam system. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in OPERATE the foam system under the maximum operating pressure and maximum flow rate; MAINTAIN the stable operation for 3 min. JUDGE whether the test result meets those specified in Precision test methods for foam system are as follows: TAKE 1 % Type B foam concentrate with dropper; DROP 1 mL, 2 mL and 3 mL into three 100 mL measuring cylinders respectively; then ADD test water into each measuring cylinder to 100 mL so as to prepare 1 %, 2 % and 3 % mixture with standard concentration well; MIX well. READ OUT refraction coefficient with refractometer; PLOT the calibration curve of refraction coefficient and mixture concentration on coordinate paper. After the foam precipitates from the mixture, MEASURE the refraction coefficient of such precipitated mixture with the same refractometer, and DETERMINE the mixture ratio of foam sample after comparison of refraction coefficient and calibration curve, and the result shall meet those specified in If conductivity meter is adopted for testing, the calibration and comparison methods are the same as those of Type A foam concentrate. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.